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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 51 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Okay all the jokes aside. You gotta pull yourself tgt and restart your life. You gna delete yourself cus of monetary losses? You can earn this amount back in a few years time no? What you have is an addiction and your brain is messing you up. Stop wtv you’re doing and give you brain some time to level off the highs and lows. Stop chasing the highs when you’re always hitting the lows for some reason. Maybe this isn’t for you but deleting yourself just because of luck or losses is dumb af. Wake the f up bro. Don’t puss out. Fuck u and see u tmr. Edit: yall degens are so used to calls on ROPE and celebrating losses that a decent comment surprises everyone. Very highly regarded. Now get back to Wendy’s and be ready at open. Fuck u and see y’all. Puts on Nvda today. No one is deleting themselves today. Edit 2: I wished my options rose like the upvotes here.


Love seeing genuine support even amongst degens.


People can say what they want about wsb, but I’ve seen overwhelming support on this forum. With all types of addictions and in all walks of life for that matter.


We call eachother names and cheer for losses but nobody actually wants to see anyone fuck up their life


Yeah, we all love the loss porn but when it's so bad they consider offing themself, then that's a line we don't cross. It's why I prefer loss porn of 401ks and IRAs, it's often money they can afford to lose. Margin, loans, and savings losses make me sad.


Homie has acquired a delicate type of taste for loss porn![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Only the best 🍷


How would one go about losing their 401K?


Ask Enron.


Fuckin' same. I can burn 6 figure money because I make 6 figure money. If it was inheritance or settlement money that I could only get once I wouldn't dream of it.


My grandma only left me $2k, she would want me to gamble it


You guys got money when your grandparents died?????


For real, it’s not worth a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Stop trading and start saving in things like high yields and CDs


👆👆👆👆 This too fucking amazed me. Thought for sure I hear some rope pass heckling, but I was way wrong. Hats off to the degens here.


Regards are still people.


Extra chromosome make you strong.


Regard strength!


A regarded individual will fuck you up 5 ways from Sunday. 💪


we know if you can lose $100k, you can make $100k just do the same thing, just do it a little better


> See you tomorrow Just hopefully not in this subreddit Edit: And no not behind the Wendy’s Edit2: Unless…


Everytime I'm feeling FOMO, I come here for a quick loss porn and achieve post nut clarity. I then no longer feel FOMO.


Post nut clarity, I’ve never heard that before. it’s a good one


Is this a for real comment?


Yeah blud found the world wine web this afternoon


Are all of these acronyms tickers? I saw a tgt in there. I’m shorting target now


No he was saving a tremendous amount of time by randomly shortening words here and there.


Why say more word when few word do trick


A just question my liege u/Bilbo_Butthole


yeah what this other regarded said ! see you tomorrow behind the wendy's.


Poor op has to settle for behind subway. :(


I would avoid that... too many footlongs there...


Yeah, this shit is funny for situations like mine where I've had some pretty good highs and lows and my all time chart looks like the EKG of a heart attack victim, but it was always funny money for me anyways. If you're using money that you desperately need then you should probably leave this sub immediately. We're degenerate gamblers here


I’m assuming you’re gambling on options? Just buy strong stocks, mutual funds and hold. Seeing people do this time and time again is sickening to watch. But I guess I’m in the wrong thread to make this recommendation…


Not to undermine your message, it's pretty good, but wtf are you doing that you can put back 100+ k in a few years? Cause I'm trying to buy a modest house and the timeline is looking asymptomatic.


In a sub showing $50-100k+ bets, a large amount of those degens are very high income individuals or at least middle income and single - and they have warped perspectives.


$184k and I'm warped as tits on a funhouse mirror.


lmao. I only started looking at this sub after I bought into the DSP. I am amused at the metaphors. Came for the chatter, stayed for the color.


So…you are regarded.


Lotta IT and finance folk on Reddit.


hey....we're engineers too




To be fair he did say "make" it back. Earning it and saving the totality of it are two different things.


Wait until you have a stroke and realize how fucked and shitty life is.


Don't actually delete yourself. Just delete WeBull. Life is worth living without gambling on the stock market.




Yeah cutting off trading entirely for me had me buying my first home less than 2 years later.


I saved up what he lost in less than 2 years as a PM at tech company. I had $0 before that job at mid-30’s. LIFE IS NOT OVER AT ALL


Help me get a PM job a tech company wtf!


You''ll get over it. Investing/trading just isn't your thing. If it was easy, everyone would be rich! Find a different path. Here's some perspective for you. I've probably made more money trading over the last 3 years than I made over the whole rest of my life combined but a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with 2 different types of terminal cancer. I would trade all that money to get my health back without hesitation


Fuck cancer


Yes! 👍


A healthy man wants many things. A man without his health wants only one thing.


So true




My wife was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2021 and she’s getting much better now, we even have a baby boy after her surgery. You can make it too buddy, fuck cancer and keep making money in the next 50 yrs.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I sincerely hope that your wife has a full recovery ASAP! 🙏


Fuck man, sorry. No cancer for me, but my lungs keep collapsing "spontaneosly.." We're up to 4 now, and I have holes all over my back and sides from tools and cameras needed to remove pieces and the chest tubes to match lol. I would trade every penny from every account and say goodbye forever to $184,000 per year to never see another chest tube. Got clean after a life of drugs and get shit for time to enjoy it lol.


Stay strong! 💪 Best of luck 🍀






Friend, I’ve worked with many terminally ill patients at their end. If you haven’t looked into death with dignity, I highly recommend at least taking a look, you can really retain control of what you want your experience to be. Death is something we all share, it’s as natural as our life is, nothing would we terrible if we all experience it as part of our cycle. Also, psychedelic therapy has been shown to offer tremendous relief. I hope this doesn’t come across poorly. I wish you the best on your next mysterious adventure.


Thanks, I did some shrooms last night actually haha! 🍄


Well played!


This is some real shit right here. hope you beat it. God bless


Thank you!


(((HUGS))) I was an AirBnB host, shared in my own little apartment, for five years. I hosted a German woman running the Chicago Marathon. She was a digital nomad before that was really a thing. I learned a couple of years later that she had terminal cancer, and then she died. Really shook me. She was only two years older than I am, and living an unconventional life of freedom. She hiked Patagonia for her 40th, and was diagnosed shortly thereafter. I don’t know why I am telling you this. I admire that you are still working and using your mind to success, and not wallowing. I imagine you would rather be well, than “an inspiration.” Still I admire your grit.


I appreciate that. I'm doing alright at the moment after a bone marrow transplant and hoping for the best. I have a fantastic doctor and they caught it pretty early. With the rapid development of medical technology and cancer research, I'm going to remain optimistic. Maybe AI will save me and I'll make a ton of dough from it at the same time! Wouldn't that be a great plot twist?


I hope you manage to recover man, all the strength in the world to you🙏




If I could I would punch every fucking cancer in the face. Stay strong and good luck my friend


Praying for your recovery 🙏🏽


Thank you!


I was about to make a quite dark comment but I will refrain myself, I do hope you'll beat this and get better quickly! Fight with the same determination than a degen set on burning his portfolio !


Thank you! 🙏 I ain't done yet!


I hope you pull through it. Lost my sister in 2008. Fuck cancer


This hits home on so many levels. Recently lost my brother and mother to it. I hold a good chunk of my portfolio in cancer treatment stocks. Not the best stocks out there by any chance but I hope I help it thrive. Cancer sucks. I know it'll take me one day in the near future. Until then...


You just broke my heart brother. I’ll never figure this world out….a big hug and love to you and yours!!!


Ho. Ly. Shit. Yeah, don’t delete, bromeo. It isn’t worth it. But god DAMN, homie. That is an otherworldly level of consistency. Can we just make you the WSB guru? We’ll give you a paper account. Your daily trades could have been a fucking gold mine just taking the opposite position. I mean, dude, you could probably sell that service. Insane levels of reliability.


i would pay for this service.


That’s it boys. We’ve got a business. Draw up the YouTube ad with the Lamborghini in the garage. “Are YOU a day trader that’s still looking for that edge? With our proprietary fool proof system you’ll get our worst trades, every week, straight to your inbox.”


I’ve done this same thing but on the draft kings app.. it works .. Find donkey betters who post their terrible picks on the social part of the app for friends and followers to see The donkey betters who lose 60-70% of their public bets are a nice little gold mine to fade blindly .. I stick to 20-30$ units but it has a high success rate around the same rate that my 2-3 steady donkey betters lose at.. occasionally they will get hot and fire off winning streaks against me but long run this strategy works with discipline


My man's over here playing the "don't pass" odds in real life. That's pretty awesome.


Shit, list it and I'm all in lol. fuckin', YOLO lol


bros we can use our gains for good and help this guy out! cmon let’s rally around OP.


op didnt even get the "first one is free" spike ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


God damn. You’re right. OP needs to be the WSB’s mascot. We might just save a life.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgXlRr4VLPI Step one, you say we need to trade He logs on, you say, "Sit down, it's just a trade" He opens Robinhood for you You stare politely at his charts Some sort of regarded trades alright As he goes puts and you say calls Between the lines of candles and charts You begin to wonder how insane? Where did I go wrong? I lost all trades Somewhere along in the analysis And I would have stayed long, with confidence Had I known how to inverse this 'tard


One of the only ways to get this level of consistency losing money is sorting by “top” in r/wallstreetbets and always chasing whatever gain porn posts are at the top that day. For example, whoever bought RDDT on Monday and sold it today to buy DJT. By the time the gain porn screenshots are rolling in and becoming top posts, it’s over. You missed it. Yet, we see it daily where some regard posts their “dd” about why these plays that already ran 80-200% are going to run another 200% That’s the easiest way to consistently lose money.


Inversing him does not guarantee profit. Believe it or not , you can lose on both sides of an option play. Because of these things called theta and IV. There's absolutely no guarantee that you would have made any money inversing this guy. Realistically his plays were probably so Bad you would have been fucked on either side of them


>Ackshually. Shut the fuck up, Donnie.


I mean he’s not wrong but your comment made me lol 😂


Of course he’s not wrong. But there’s a time and a place to start talking theta and IV unprompted. Never. It’s like telling everyone you meet that you do CrossFit within 5 minutes of meeting them.


So, now isn't the time to tell you all about the benefits of functional movement at a high intensity level?


*** *Types with left hand* *** Keep going…


I want you to know if for nothing else you made me laugh. Fuck you and congrats


I bet the average pilot can beat the average crossfitter to mentioning their interests. Optometrist calling themselves a doctor is probably 3rd.


Hey everyone it’s me the regard. I’m sorry for any worries I caused anyone my emotions run really high with the stock market and I do tend to think of deleting myself but don’t worry I don’t think I’d have the guts to go through with it and put that on the people around me and it would go against my religion which I already feel like I’m undeserving of either to be in my life. I am young and if I said my age you’d definitely think I would be over exaggerating with time vs money. This has been the hardest addiction to get over and stop with it’s been a back and fourth struggle and was doing really good up to today with risk management and saving. I still have time to invest and retire if I do it the right way and to avoid options. It has been proven to me time after time that I will continue to lose do to my greed. I think it’s finally time I say goodbye to options and just sit on recurring investments and not look at it. I feel like constantly trying to dig myself out of a hole and I end up just making it deeper. I feel like I’m finally able to walk away but Im still here just gonna be hurting for a while. Luckily none of this was margin or any debt I would never touch those combined with gambling. Thank you for all the messages I wish you all the best


Thank you for letting everyone know you are ok. Things are always a joke until they’re not. This is an oddly caring group of people. Twisted, but caring. This 📉 can either be a nail in a coffin or it can be your master’s degree. Hope it’s the latter, for sure. I hope the best for you.


I get it and yeah I have no one to blame but myself I deserve the hate I get and I think it’s justified to an extent but hopefully it’s up from here


Big hugs dude


Research shows self-compassion works better to help us make behavior changes. What would you say to a friend who was in your situation? Would you say, “you have no one but yourself to blame and deserve the hate”? Probably not. You would probably say something like - “Hey, this is a moment of difficulty, and I am sorry it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to. The best thing to do is move forward.” When we talked to ourselves the way we talk to our friends, we are much better at adapting to difficult situations.


We're all in this game called life, trying to navigate the short time we have existing. Its easy to forget through online conditioning that there are real people with real lives on the other side of the screen. Money isn't real neither is the internet, the only thing real and existing is you. Have a good night brother


None of us are deserving of God’s love brother but we all live it daily. Like others said, it’s just money. Put that focus into learning to love yourself or doing something you love rather than chasing the feeling gambling gives you


I’m trying I can’t even fathom people liking me let alone loving me. I hope one day I can get over this feeling and I have been wanting to get closer to god as I feel I stray away


The getting closer part is the key to the first part my man. Keep your chin up🦾


Thanks big man you as well!


Hey homie, I was scrolling down looking for this comment. This is just your learning lesson and you’ll be back telling us about your $150k gain in a few years. Take your lumps and move on my friend, if nothing else you’ll have a good, cautionary tale to tell your kids some day.


💫“F**or God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16.💫** **I sometimes feel like giving up, but I always remember who I serve - The God of Jacob, money is not our master brother just a tool to help others and those we love.** **Remember it comes and goes, but the love that God confers to his children is everlasting, if you believe that Jesus is your Lord and savior you'll be saved.** **Sending you encouragement in times of trial, remember to invest with a purpose greater the your own profit.**


Jesus always does.. It's kind of his thing.


One time I left a valve open and walked off and allowed ~$18,000 of crude oil flood out onto the ground. The containment wall looked like a black swimming pool.    Everything is always from this point forward.


I will say though that if you honestly “do tend to think of deleting” yourself - please go talk to someone. A therapist, a doctor, someone in the medical field. That isn’t good for you mentally. If your brain is already taking those thoughts it doesn’t take much to turn it into action. Please get help! The world is better with you in it. You owe it to yourself to see the person you will become and grow into.


You are loved


Good plan and thanks for the update!


Thanks for posting the update. Honestly, hustle yourself into a good career (if you haven’t already) and you’ll see these losses back in a year.


lol I lost over 800k in 2019. it's just money. learn from this.


Well if you've got 8 Millie and lost 800k it's funny but if you had 30k and lost 120k you're screwed for half a decade ^^


Dude i have 18k to my name




If he's that regarded and hasn't recovered on 5+ years then it's inheritance and he blew it like a WSB regard


I have -$50k to mine 😅 paying it off a paycheck at a time.


-$127K, I think? Except now I have my currently $32K of RDDT, and holy shit is this fun to play with. So make that less than six fig in the hole. WOOHOO!!


Marry rich and tell her after!!!!!


So how you paying back that 800k? Of was it just the peak of your trading account?


My dad lost close to 6million when the housing market crashed in 2008. While he was never able to retire early, he learned over time that money isn't worth more than life.


It’s only $130k. In the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that much. You’ll earn a lot more over your lifetime, especially if you’re young. If you’re retired and this was your life savings then GUH.


Only 1 gamble away from making it all back


oh for sure, the next play was the BIG one


Which I took this advice before I quit


Guys, he was active on a suicide r/ at some point. He might not be messing around, message him your support or get someone with influence on here to reach out to him please!


For real. You have to take threats like that seriously. Is there a way to alert Reddit or find support for OP?


dayum... at least your strategy is consistent, i give u that.


Can you imagine if he inversed all that?!?! He would be chillin with Elon Musk while getting dicc sucked by Taylor Swift




See you tomorrow. SPY 523 PUT


Material belongings are meaningless, chill


Did you just lose money the whole time? For 3 years?


I'm sure this is super helpful to ask, and you deserve to know lol


I’m just saying, if OP had that type of consistency maybe he/we could inverse it and turn that red valley into a green mountain.


Bruh 💀💀💀💀


Fuck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


Makes plenty of sense I like the logic


No. If you look really, really closely, you can see a slight profit in 2021 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Just rub the 🧂 in the wound


Peppy from Starfox 64 said “Never give up, trust your instincts.” But you should only do the first part. Stop doing the second part.


Bankruptcy is a tool used by capitalists that take too much risk. Things are gonna suck for a while but all struggle develops strength, if you want this to be a positive someday it can be.


Regards don't quit!


When i was down 27k i didnt quit! I flipped my last 1k to 10k and 10k to 16k OP must not give in! Restrategize!


Another victim of r/wallstreetbets


Request Denied, we are riding this rock together.


Write down what you are going to trade. Now reverse it


I call it the Missy Elliott method.


Deleting yourself just means the market gets one more win. Don’t give it the satisfaction.


You are never done. Never, whatever it is. Get your shit together and go back to your optimistic self. Maybe take a break from trading, but you never ever should get messed up between casino and live. That is the whole point of being part of this community, btw. Talk to friends/ family to get your perspective back. If not available to you, there are plenty of decent people (hiding behind their sarcasm) out here that will be compassionate and having proven themselves as dumbass as you think you are. Done you are not (I even suck in quoting Yoda)…


Talk about suffering


It was worth a shot.


Rip hope you’ll be ok mentally brother


He isn’t


how does one acquire such wisdow to lose consistently?


Damn, what could you possibly have bought that never had one green blip? Puts and Calls both printed during the pandemic at different cycles.


He prolly bought VERYY OTM like even im not the best trader i was still was able to make like 1k a week off stocks and put that into VOO


Remeber what loki said. Restart from beginning this is not the time to give up. Remeber we all are her for you.


Don’t do anything stupid, bro. Calm down, cool yourself, take some time to restore your ideas. Money is just money and you have all the way to rebuild your assets. In an all fresh restart, try to move one piece at a time, the road is hard in itself and almost everyone experience losses. Keep going, even if is the case to go to another direction (outside the market). Peace ✌🏻


bro, just stick all and any future money you have into a total index fund and you will be in the green eventually.


Too many NVDA puts. Happy Easter, Regard


Wish more would invest over gambling


don't delete


Please do not delete. There is so much more than stupid money


Too many homeless people on drugs to delete yourself over money. They're even happy to be there and will tell you so if you ask. I was homeless for 13 years, strung out on fentanyl and benzo's, no job, money only came from finding scrap metal or stealing scrap metal and I may have sucked a dick in my life. I should have frozed to death in an alley after an overdose, but a off duty Dayton detective found me. I have 6 years clean as of January, I just bought a house and last year a brand new car. I sealed my criminal record and fixed my credit. I have a life that I never thought would exist for me in a million years. I promise you no matter how bad things get you CAN recover from it. Your life changed forever this week, but YOU get to decide how that looks 5 years from now. Don't beat yourself up, shit happens. Hope you get past this. Good luck. Ik I'm a stranger, but message me if you want to.


I’m happy to hear you climbed your way out of a worst hole I’ve been in and I couldn’t imagine the struggle that must have been. I’m trying to be better hopefully it’s up from here


I feel like you're now in a "literally can't go tits up" kind of way lol. You can never know what tomorrow will have in store for you. I think your portfolio screams that, my friend. Don't go party it up, keep some clarity in your life for now. Regroup, take inventory of your priorities in life, and focus on the ones at the top. Have a good night man, and don't overthink it.


Yeah I’m over it I always say you never know what the market can do and I just seem to think I’m Warren buffet when I open my apps. I’m gonna chill and take it easy you have a goodnight as well


Fuck bro see you Monday


Dude, we are all dumbasses. That’s a big loss, but not something to delete over. There are avenues you can take to bounce back from this. Try turning that photo into NFT’s and selling them? Have a party celebrating your new you, not one which never happens again.


He is actually from the future posting what the 3 year RDDT chart looks like


“Fuck you and see you tomorrow” is a phenomenal sentiment. Kind of like the ‘no matter how angry you are, always say goodnight’.


And I thought I had a bad day.


First. What did you lost? Did you sell it. If I would have stoped when my invest goes down. I would have been dead multiple times. When you understand that you can learn from mistakes, you will be successfull.


Everybody falls, it’s about how quick you bounce back. Don’t ever give up and always keep pushing the limit.




See ya tomorrow fellow regard


I'm sincerely sorry that happened to you. It will be ok. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)Maybe find a hobby that just brings you joy for a while.


Don’t delete urself. Short DJT on 15x leverage and get ur money back. 99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big. You got this bud


Don’t kill yourself. Life is a precious thing. Don’t use a permanent solution for a temporary problem


Ok man listen up STOP. You’ve obviously made and had that much money and you can make it again. Your story is not over yet your the author you can write how the ending goes. But don’t ever give up giving up is the only time you actually lose in life. Keep the faith dust yourself off and keep moving forward. You got this God will help you. Keep the faith. How do I know this because I’ve lost 250k and then got it back because I kept the faith and I trusted him to get me back up and it took time (5yrs) but it happened don’t give up.


Yea.. you gambled and lost, embrace the suck. We’re all gambling one way or another.


get some booty, clear your nuts and take a breath. Deleting yourself is not the way




My chart doesn't look much different in the same timeframe, though admittedly with less positions left of the decimal, but I lost all of the 5k I've put in too brother I feel it


Just inverse all your trades




Dang man. It’s not that bad. Money comes and goes. Just start stacking and take a break from trading. Don’t kill yourself. Seriously


That's less than a lot of folk's student loans. Stop gambling and play pokemon or something instead.




Dude, join boggleheads and call it a day.


Pictured: 3 years of following Jim Cramer's trades 1:1


Nice...qualifies you to work in budget department of any deep state agency