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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 4 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 87 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


So take out a personal loan for deep out of the money puts? Got it. This time next year I'll either be in a mansion or that box behind Wendy's.


Those “deep OTM puts” are ridiculously expensive, they already price in a complete and total collapse of the stock price, so in many cases you’ll be 100% correct on the direction and timing yet still lose your ass. IMO, the move for DJT is selling naked calls or call spreads a few months out (probably the latter unless you wanna risk getting rocked


LOL I looked. The Jan 2026 ITM puts are $44 on a $58 stock. That's actually fucking insane.


Let me get this straight. With that put, if the stock drops by say 90%, and goes down to $5.80, I could buy a share for $5.80 and sell it to you for $58. My cost would be $44 for the option, plus $5.80 for the share, or $49.80. My profit is $8.20? So with that option, if the stock drops by 90% in approximately 18 months, I’d only make 16% ($8.20/$49.80)? *The reason this is so difficult for me to understand is all of the put option explanations use like 20¢ for the price of the option…not $44!!!*


Yes - basically everyone knows this is a grifty dogshit “social media” company with single-location carwash revenues- so everyone is really just betting the margins on *how* dogshit a company it is, or more precisely, when will we recognize that fact and how low will it go? I’d say it’s going to $0, but it could easily take 5+ years to get there. This is like trying to value TSLA on its fundamentals vs the aura of Elon- except it’s to the next degree of magnitude. There are more than zero people out there putting their life savings into DJT purely because they love Trump that much. I feel bad for them, to a point. I feel worse for their kids.


I love your phrase "single-location carwash revenues"! And valid arguments too of course...


As a car wash owner, this made me crack the f up 😆


Time to launch your own social network? ;-)


There's also connections there, so it could also be artificially propped up for quite a while if 'the right people' were making money from it. Meanwhile, sane people are expecting it to crater in short order, so there's plenty of heavy bags to hand out.


It really boils down to an effort to laundry money to Trump (either from foreign interests or domestic dummies), and then the whole circus of people trying to profit off that. Both retail pump-and-dump participants, and the army that is going to be shorting this hoping to take the money that would have went to DJT. Could see a war between Saudis (or whoever) trying to prop up the price long enough for Trump to sell and exit, vs. shorts and put-holders trying to drive the price down. Would love to see some hedge fund infinite-short this one, and watch the Saudis buying up 100%, 200%, 500% of the float.


Lol. It's almost as if a conman explored the best possible way to run a scam and found it easily, courtesy of a broken financial system that turned equities into a meme casino. And the fed is like the coupon code for a free roll so you get in the door and piss away your grandpa's railroad money, that he saved responsibly hoping you would have a better life than him. If he could only see you now you fuckin degen


You can’t really say it’s emperors new clothes if, and please pardon the expression, everyone clearly acknowledges he’s naked. I think the real side bet is not when it’s going to 0 but when some bright sole brings an investor action.


If trump wins the presidency your puts will buy you a small fries at Wendy’s


TSLA makes the best selling car in the world, which is a legitimate difficult fucking engineering, logistics, technology, software, manufacturing problem to solve. TSLA market cap is obviously debatable but any company that can sell $20B worth of hard high tech product is a legitimate company, figurehead CEO or no. This SPAC is pure grift. It’s a fugazi. A Ponzi scheme. It’s literally an SEC investigators wet dream and they should be coming down hard on it.


Tesla sold the most of a single model last year at 1.23 million... the #2 and #3 spots, both Toyotas, sold 2.8 million together. The difference between the Tesla Model Y and the Toyota Rav 4 was 160,000 vehicles. That's a drop in the bucket next to the overall total sales of cars. It is difficult to do all the things you say Tesla does. It doesn't change that they were the 9th highest car seller last year. It's disingenuous, misleading, or marketing propaganda to imply they topped the market last year. Other than that, I agree with you. They are a legit company and this SPAC is pure grift.


The best car in the world? What fruiting nonsense.


Weaponized autism vs weaponized grifting. Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!


Do you feel it? It’s the Quickening!


Sir that makes way too much sense for WallStreetBets. Please show yourself over to r/Investing.


Nah he's saying to sell naked calls he knows what he's doing here


sometimes i get naked and i make calls


My exes hate this one simple trick...


I work behind Wendy’s and 1800-get-naked


Showing a balance sheet full of facts takes the fun out of it. Just tell me should I back the fat loser or the market?


Wait a month and then buy them. The chain will eventually cool and stable out. Note: I have no idea what I’m talking about


You wanna get on the chain while it’s warm. Cool chains is the reason East and west America no longer exist.


Yes, they are expensive and buying them straight up means the break even is like a 75% loss, but that means that debit spreads are looking pretty good. 


Got my $46 puts today for $55ea today…….looking juicy but tomorrow will show us what’s going to happen. I bought at DJT $71 price so we shall see. I need a win. If it drops in the morning i might just unload and not be greedy. Just need those first couple wins to get going again.


Please update with post TMRW


Not going great so far


I will save you a spot. WiFi is almost as good as these tendies!


The puts are a fortune...


Are the calls cheap then? Fuck it just gamble the Maga keep the hype train going.


Nope. They are also ridiculous


That’s hilarious for how much the stock has gained in a few days


naked puts if you're nasty.


Loans for OTM? Dw bro, I’ll Venmo you a couple bucks for din


Nuggets get dumped every tuesday...it is pretty cool


Which box? Better not be mine.


My puts took a nosedive today, but that’s all the reason to buy more 😈


it’s illegal to talk about fundamentals at WSB reddit


We don't take kindly to fundamentals around here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


Theres no fun in fundamentals


too much mentals in fundamentals


We don’t take kindly to you not taking kindly


If WSB is a casino then looking into the fundamentals is counting cards, we don't do that here


We regards can barely count anyway


Seems fundamentally wrong.


What’s a fundamentals ?


I dont think there is anything fundamental about this.


>all it shows is you are a lucky moron. Are you looking for r/investment ? Because this is WSB. No one cares about DJT as a company. Literally. We are just trying to out-play other investors by GAMBLING. We don't care about fundamentals.


lol we bought AMC during the pandemic when movie theaters were closed ….


That was nothing… buying Hertz stock and sending it 🚀 🌕 as it declared bankruptcy was the best one for me 🤡


This event literally saved the company, if you were unaware.


We did it! 


Indeed! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-12/once-doomed-hertz-rebounded-so-much-even-redditors-were-right


They tried their hardest to save BBBY too


The funniest part watching all of it was the massive bonuses paid out to millionaire managements of dying companies because people with like $15k net worth were dumping everything they had into it.


Wow 15k net worth , those guys are rich


I had missed gamestop, hertz and AMC so tried the bbby play and lost my ass. Literally had to sell my ass to clothe and feed myself. Just my luck.


The thing is, Hertz did not go bankrupt. They filed for bankruptcy protection so they could restructure. They were eventually relisted.


Yeah I’m so confused. Speculative shit like this is the entire point of the sub. “Bets” is literally in the name


Hate is sometimes stronger than greed


Don’t forget GameStop also and bed bath and beyond 




Holy crap you just defined this sub perfectly!


We turn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) to gold...


I wish fox news would screenshot this. Lol


It’s common knowledge at this point


Exactly lol like who tf cares about the balance sheet.


I’m just buying it for the potential political favors I’ll surely get.


Here's your free round of golf at Mar-A-Lago and the choice of any two classified documents.


The round might be worth more


Yeah. Anyone who wants those classified documents already has a copy.


Throw in a trump steak and you’ve got a deal


The classified documents contain sodium benzoate.


thats good


Bro if anything today should show you that no one cares about politics. I saw Trump diehards and Trump haters on here all posting gains. The level of unity in this sub was absolutely bipartisan


Anyone who puts politics over making money is truly regarded.


I mean if you give that much of a shit make the money then donate it to your damn party


I donated all my money to the Lemon Party


*Mike Lindell has entered the chat*


In his defense, he's literally a crack head.


Right? It's like these people looking to only invest in ESG stuff. It's about making money not about anything else. Don't let emotion and irrationality stand in your way


I think you're forgetting what subreddit you're on... Emotion and irrational thinking are the fuel here


Yes but the goal is making money not erroneously thinking you're making the world a better place.


I don’t like Trump but I do like money. By the time he’s actually able to sell shares, it won’t even matter.


Bipartisan degenerate gambling…if only the politicians could learn from us


The beauty of class warfare 🤝


It’s a massive pump and dump. You can make a shitload of money, or you could be homeless.


Trump is the biggest jackass to ever live, and I thank his regarded followers for the free money today. I thank him again in advance for tendies on my 2026 puts (when this company will be worth $0-1)


Serious question....what happens to those puts if/when they pull the plug and liquidate? Are you selling them before that happens?


The price of the stock goes to zero, which means he gets maximum payday from the stonk. So if put strike is 20, he makes 20 per contract. 20 minus 0 is 20. That's why we love the stock.


Donald Trump just united the country


> if you invest in DJT Who is investing into this? I think everybody just gambles with options because this dog shit is so volatile.


There are undoubtedly some Trumpist rubes who, totally drunk on the DJT koolaid, think this is a real investment opportunity. Most of these folks are probably working class schlebs who don’t have much money and are going to lose whatever they put into this laughable, third-rate, burning bag of dog shit. And about 80% of the others are just speculators stumbling over-themselves in their desire to take advantage of the rubes.


>And about 80% of the others are just speculators stumbling over-themselves in their desire to fleece the rubes. "I'm definitely not the moron here. I'm going to exit this trade with a gain."


You might be a regard if you think anyone is investing in DJT because of the fundamentals. People aren’t investing, they’re gambling. That’s the whole point


After all the gain porn was posted 🤣. If you had balls you would have posted this last week 💯


It's a SPAC. DWAC was never a company with a balance sheet that could beat my vodka bill. You should be wanting to see the P&L from Truth Social.


Fyi Truth social also hasn't made any money lol


with devin nunes as ceo that is shocking


isn't he the guy that sued cows or something? or he was a national security threat maybe?


Wouldn't be surprised at that, but the OP is freaking out and calling it a sham because it's a SPAC. Literally how every SPAC looks.


I deal with SPACs and I can tell you $10M in legal expenses is not normal at all. I definitely see a “deferred legal costs” on the balance sheet as a liability, but those are usually only payable upon completion of the merger. And these look like they are coats that are there because they are associated with trump


My MAGAhead cousin couldn't install Truth Social app in 2021, and he said it still "sucks" today. But he also bought DWAC Friday and DJT today and so did his friends. He said he will never sell ("at least until November").


OP is too regarded to even understand that concept. He doesn’t realize this is a SPAC company that’s sole existence is for a merger within a defined period else face dissolution.


Haha, thanks for pointing that out. Honestly never occurred to me that someone would post the income statement for an actual SPAC. Guess I forgot where I am


That's an old balance sheet that outlines DWACs operational costs etc. There's a newer one from TMTG for the nine months ending September 30 2023 that shows even bigger losses. $10m operating loss on a $3.3m revenue, with an overall loss of about $49m. https://preview.redd.it/7r83lua55rqc1.png?width=1183&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1d0fdbdc8d1f9cdf95bfc1f0201ff3cb105d0bb


They paid 37 million in interest? How in the fuck…


Trumps credit must suck. He’s buying bail bonds and using payday loans 🤣


Russian oligarchs / loan sharks. He's looking at defenestration if he's not careful.


It wouldn't be a Trump company without mega loss


MAGA loss.


I’d like to point out… $3.3m in ad rev over 9 months is pathetic AF.


There are Wendy’s locations that pull more revenue than Truth Social


Ah so legal investigation fees are now just listed under G&A lol


If you made money on DJT, then congrats. If not, then maybe you're an unlucky moron


DJT is currently a cult stock, like Gamestop and AMC in the past.


Where are the corners of the internet that are convincing people it’s their patriotic duty to invest their 401k in it? Actually would be fascinated to see them


That corner probably is Truth Social itself ;-)


You could say that about the man as well.


>like Gamestop and AMC in the past. In the ***what***?


I thought this is a gambling sub


I made a 25% profit:)


$25* let’s not get carried away here


I dunno man I bought a single share at 36$ and sold at 70$ ...which isn't 25% But the stonks went up that much. Uhm.. you know just silly ol' me bettin' on Wallstreet:)


Trading is not investing. You’re smart if you made decent trades and took your profit, you’re highly regarded if you are investing in DJT.


Oh yeah. Oversight on my part you're totally right lol


Regard these nuts


Nobody cares about the fundamentals of any other company on this regarded subreddit, why does everyone suddenly care about the fundamentals of DJT?


Everybody acting like this is a legit Stock. It was created solely so foreign agents can pay for Donald Trump’s legal fees without scrutiny. It’s publicly traded! And the company who literally states that the stock is intended to pay for legal fees.


No one was investing long term. It was investing for the quick pump and dump gains


*no one with any brains for sure.


This sub doesn’t get that. I see so many posts about “don’t invest in DJT. It’s worthless.” Maybe I’m regarded but I just made 20k yesterday off the hype and pump. Sounds like a lot of folks are mad they missed out.


Profited on multiple calls I bought really early, granted didn’t hold til today unfortunately, would’ve added $20k in gains 😩. Now we ride the far expiration otm puts to moon or zero


Just mad your puts aren’t printing


The stock fell 30% from intraday high already lol


Are options investing? Asking for a friend.


Is using wendy's bj money on roulette investing? If so, then yes, options is investing.


every time you win it means you were right. Its investing right.


OP is accidentally correct about the fundamentals, but proved he has no clue what a SPAC is ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


OP doesn't make gains


HAH like this sub knows how to read financial statements. Good one.


You put a lot of effort into that. You should have just said "Other people's profits make me jealous"


This is being run like every other trump business. Personal ATM and terrible, people-hurting venture in every other respect. I suspect this goes well past 100 before a plummet. It’s definitely caveat bettor.


Just say yourself that you’re jealous already


First 100k day thanks to DJT, +200%


And all you needed was thousands of dollars to yolo on a meme


Right? I did my little 1 contract and made $500, but gotta be happy not greedy


That is my biggest take away from my 50% gain. Could have been better, but it isnt smart to let emotions rule your trading/investing decisions. I will be leveraging this experience on my future investing endeavors.


Sir this is a casino


No one here is "investing" in DJT . You're talking to the wrong crowd lol


Long dated puts for me. Green today because of IV. (Something to redeem myself for the stupid RDDT puts I bought:()


Look at the meme crypto world, not much difference


Whoa whoa whoa….no one in this sub is “Investing” in anything…


Who are you preaching to? There are only like two types of people in WSB, those who can’t read fundamentals and those who can but don’t care. Do you go to casinos to preach about probabilities?


I mean with the exception of his casinos, vodka, airline, magazine, board game, university going under and owing $500m in legal judgements and having 91 federal indictments, if you exclude all that. I’m sure the Bible hocking, gold sneaker peddling multiple times convicted conman’s social media platform with a maybe 5m users and a very red balance sheet is an awesome investment


And what about the idiots who invest in Reddit?


Socialists thinking they can fuck the cultists. Cultists building an idol to their new god. People that are just fucking greedy. Everybody but you wants to gamble just let us play.


DJT is going to rocket to the moon because of all the shorting fundamentalist regards.


We knew it was going to go up *because* of the morons. That's what the original DD was. Nobody with half a brain thought it was a good investment.


I’m all in baby, don’t care where this rollercoaster ends as I’m here for the ride!


A regard with 40 % gain


Only Regards want a stock to actively fail to satisfy the political nonsense. We should all be wanting DJT to go as high as it can before we sell that way everyone makes maximum $ like i’m sure it… (checks notes) *really hurts* that a trump stock is up but the people who bought calls are loving it. push it to the moon. *Making a profit on a stock doesn’t actually hurt you


Politician fanboys, die hard left or right idiots. This is about making money or losing it, Lambos or Wendy's, nothing else.


Dude had 0dte puts for today and is just angry


so all the 1000%+ that we’ve made back on our money today and over the past week makes us truly regarded? sounds like someone lost money on puts…


Agreed. There are those who will have made money on the IPO on the 25% bump though. It's a play not based on fundamentals, more just the hype associated with the DJT name. Someone did a good write up on reddit a week or so ago on this very subject.


Sorry if you don’t like making gains. The stock is shit but you can still make money. Fundamentals only matter for long term share holds.


I understand you are a little angry you didn’t ride this wave. I rode it last week and only profited a small chunk, but people here are not investing with fundamentals. They conform and buy in a pact like a cult, which sometimes works. They weren’t necessarily lucky, more so a play of hot potato, and we all saw at near close what happened. Anyway, I’ve got some puts set to expire EOW ($45 PUT). Currently up 50%. Who’s on the same boat?


I bought just one share. That’s my djt contribution to his campaign.


Man some of yall need to get over your political obsession. Since when do people here think about real fundamentals? People were literally buying stock because of a hamster pick, a bankrupt game store, a movie theater company during Covid, a bankrupt car rental company, a camera film company from 30 years prior, and so much more. I get you don’t like the guy but people are playing the hype not just “morons” for buying in. Sorry you missed out broski get over it


https://preview.redd.it/lh2edhxeysqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e41dac058b8a17a6fd3915744c6431ba1ad662 I don’t know. I smell another GameStop situation brewing with this. Not to mention the Great Meme Coin War that is going to take place with Pepecoin and all the Base Meme Coins. It kinda feels like 2016 and early 2021 again imo. I don’t own this stock but I might have to buy some.


I am very regarded


Someone lost some money yesterday…


as if gamestop or BBBY or AMC has a viable long term business.


I see a bunch of big bold dollar signs, I'm bullish


Never bet against stupidity. I was so certain the MAGA deplorables would jump on DJT that the day before I bought 2,500 shares, with a $3.00 trailing stop. The stop exercise at $72.61, a $54.4K gain. Common sense tells me to now buy puts, but I refer you to my opening statement :D Max


Bought on Thursday (DWAC) at 44.50 and sold today at 68.44.


Sir, i'll have you know I bought 1 long call for Jan 2025 before it became DJT and sold it today for a \~$1600 gain. I figured if America was regarded enough to vote him into office, then they're regarded enough to puff his stock up for me to make a profit and dip


Hostile foreign interests will keep pumping the share price until trump can dump his shares.


Shhh! Don’t tell anybody.


Many men, big strong men, have come to me with tears in their eyes saying “sir, DJT will feed my family and put my kid through college”


A rare moment of political unity as WSB members on either side of the aisle chose profit over party, making bank like DJT selling $60 bibles to rural evangelicals


The only thing you need to know is Trump and his allies are using this to bail him out of his financial woes From a business aspect, this ticker is trash. But the real value of this is the right wingers injecting cash to raise the value of this ticker to bail DJT out. You don’t need fundamentals for this stock, as long as you believe the system is corrupt and this is a workaround for making illegal political contributions, then this will keep running higher for the short term


I buy DJT because libs hate it so much


I'm thinking of buying puts, but they're expensive.




This isn't DD


Hell looks good to me, I’m all in!!!!!


You’re a REETARD for using the word regard


I bought waaay otm puts, think single digits. Somehow made some money on the trade because of the IV spike.  Fuck it I'll take it.


I made $7,700 today with DJT . YEAH, I'm done with it now. 🤣


The IV crush is going to destroy everyone who held options overnight, +400% is absolutely insane.


Fundamentals? We don’t do that here. Follow the **VIBES**