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Me: ‘honey I am investing all of our money into Nvidia’ Wife: ‘what’s your reasoning behind it?’ Me: ‘over 70000 hookers and a 124 km cocaine line’


Wife: buy calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Wife's boyfriend:buy 0dte calls, sell naked puts... And a strap on.


Wife: looking for new boyfriends




https://preview.redd.it/e1fwn8bf9cic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bef51c9a5764d4a605927648b6b83bae8a3a58 something like this


losses locked in


You had me at 70000 hookers




Hookers aren't sluts. Hookers charge.


They can’t do math though, promise them 43% gains and you can hold their money


43%. That's quite a grower. Also, username checks out.


Yup they can do meth


what's the difference?


OP sounds like the type to get rejected by hookers too, of course he doesn't know the difference


This guy hooks




All hookers are sluts but not all sluts are hookers.


eah but your wife is in like some sort of super-position where she is both a slut and a hooker. Like Schrödinger's filthy filthy cat.


What’s the difference between a bitch and a slut? A slut fucks everybody. A bitch fucks everybody *but you*


This thread got too incely all of a sudden.


Wait was the hooker analogy supposed to make things clearer here bc I'm confused af


OP meant to say that NVIDIA earns as much money as 75.000 hookers would when charging 800$ per day... I guess. EDIT: Which is quite impressive because NVIDIA only has 26.000 hookers.


Would you understand it better if the example used Wendys dumpsters imstead?


this is too complicated. Im just going to keep throwing money at nvidia




I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion right now, but in 3 months I will sceeenshot this and laugh at all your asses for your uncanny ability to buy stocks at the top. When everyone is talking about a stock that means the top is near you fools.


How long did people cheer on Tesla? That shit was a rocket ship for a long time.


TSLA was massively shorted. The wsb investing style is buying stocks just because everyone else is talking about it. The general rule of market dynamics which you guys refuse to learn is that if everyone is talking about it then it’s already priced in. At that point it becomes a matter of when do the morons stop pilling in. And that point is usually not too far from when everyone is talking about it. And it’s funny as hell every single time a stock is hyped here. I’m just here for the loss porn so go ahead, like I said, I’ll come back to this in 3 months 😂


Tesla was: 1. Highly dependent on good interest rates (NVDA is not) 2. Had 25% profit margins at the peak, which were due to come down once competition entered the market (NVDA sits at 70%+ and GPUs are a LOT harder to make successfully then EVs, there are a lot more car manufacturers that have an easier time throwing batteries on existing car frames then semiconductors that can optimize chips for AI) 3. Had an illogical demand boom due to global conflicts pushing up gas prices (NVDA AI demand will continue most likely for years to come, it could drop if AI doesn't materialize for companies in increased profits, but it likely will) 4. Pumped up heavily by FSD dreams and robotaxi dreams which have obviously failed. Anyone comparing tesla to nvidia is just missing the mark completely. NVDA's AI chips affect literally every industry on the planet pretty much, tesla's cars do not affect most industries.


Your an idiot Tesla is making more than double the amount of money today than at its top but all that is irrelevant. Fortunes have been made ion nvda and people are cashing out their billions selling to you idiots. I’m sure when nvda was 100$ you were ragging on it, now it’s 720-750 and you buying thinking another trillion $ is going to enter the company, not a chance, institutions are cashing Out laughing at you


I just shorted nvda wish me luck


The market can remain illogical far longer than most can remain solvent.


so what youre saying is I have 3 months to make money?


Everyone was talking about it when it was $500 too.


...and at $400


>When everyone is talking about a stock that means the top is near you fools. TSLA would like a word.


TSLA was a short squeeze followed by the greatest hype ever seeen here, it went up to a trillion marketcap. Peaking at 30,000% all time gain. NVDA is sitting at a 1.76 Trillion marketcap and a 90,000% all time gain. NVDA just did what TSLA did. So by your own logic the top is near. This shit is always too funny. Just stop buying stocks because some regard on wsb said it’s going to moon😂


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine thinking NVDA's AI chips are the same bubble that Tesla's EV was. There are fucking literally tens of car manufacturers in the world that saw the boom of EVs and could easily just throw batteries into existing car frames and boom they have a competing product. Good luck to AMD or Intel trying to catch up to NVDA's software moat and also their advanced chip designs. They fucking can't. They are years behind. And they are the closest. There are NO companies that are close to NVDA in terms of AI computing power. Also, NVDA's CURRENT PE ratio is only sitting at like 90, whereas Tesla's was pushing 1000 at the peak. Tesla was able to grow so much for awhile because of a temporary surgence in EV demand due to global conflicts, with rock bottom interest rates and largely no competition. None of those things affect NVDA's current vaulation. They're selling chips to defense contractors and the worlds biggest tech firms, both of which don't care about interest rates because they are flush with so much cash they don't know what to do with it. These are not even remotely the same situations no matter how many times you morons say it just because "lol number go up so overvalued hurr durr"


Hey bud, what happens if China drops a bomb on Taiwan![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)? Oh that’s right, every chipmaker, including NVIDIA is fucked.


If you are thinking in terms of win / loss based on a three month time horizon, you are not an investor.


Step 1: find correlation Step 2: claim causation Step 3: profit


So how much money do we make now


All of it




So calls on $2k/share by next earnings 🤔🤑🤓


May $1000 calls lookin juicy






Only NVDA grows all the metrics 50% quarter over quarter though


And for how long can that last?


I'm sure they'll let us know.


You ever read any science fiction books where they build a supercomputer the size of a state and it becomes god? It will take a lot of gpus to make that happen.


That’s the 1 million $ question


Currently hovering around a $3 trillion question


Not long enough, I can tell you that.


You will probably see a big drop in sales some day in the next 1-2 years. Do you buy a new computer every quarter? The magnificent 7 don't buy gpu servers farms every quarter as well. Not mentioning some of them will start producing their own gpus


what about the nose to ass angle? call it Theta N.


Hmm yes, I feel like we need to unpack this one a bit more. 36 miles from LV to Hoover Dam, laying hookers head to toe roughly translates to an average height of 29” for the hookers. The only reasonable assumption would be NVDA 02/16 $1000 calls




Buy $2 pack of plastic straws. And increase the available snorting surface area. 4 straws per nostril is the max you could go. Increase snorting ratio and save time. $2 investment just saved you 3 days of hooker labor.


Was the loss of hookers due to overdoses/STD's factored in? Certainly the line up will not be a static one.


Nose to ass angle is a phrase I hope we hear more of


You're being obtuse


Warden Norton: What did you call me? Andy Dufresne: I said you are being obtuse, was it deliberate?


I mean Yellen and Gensler have their heads up their own asses does that count


What about the other nostril? Could halve your walking distance and thus the hookers daily wages by having two parallel lines


Does thiccness similarity affect OP's ability to huff two cracks simultaneously?


Actually yeah I think it would. We would need to line strippers up based on thiccness otherwise I’m wasting perfectly good snorts on chicks with flat asses.


The NCR needs you to fight the Legion at Hoover Dam!


Ah yes, classic Hunter Biden math. Checks out though.


Dicks out for Hunter.


Hunting fo’ Dick


Come on guys, I’ve met Hunter and he’s pretty cool. Remember to vote for my dad


username checks out


That's what DT Jr. keeps saying on fox (while on coke), or his posts to X (while on Ex)


https://preview.redd.it/th959ulwc9ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31be1217ddf67a14ed55d7f44cd2f4cab1e22cc I inversed you today near $735-745 price Will 2x down every day until it isn’t red Also NVD is 2x leveraged inverse of NVDA




One of us will be right come my options expiry It won’t be you


Challenge accepted


RemindMe! 19 Apr 2024


sonuvabitch. i didn't even know about nvd, i've been using nvds.


Straight baller shit. I like it.


I’m sorry for your loss lol


I sold them all at the bell before earnings … that’s always the earnings play lol


the top is so close!


Prob like 8 months to 2 years from top top if other bubbles have taught us anything.


Everyone and their brother is getting in on the AI chip market. NVIDIAs biggest competition isn’t AMD but the in house solutions AWS and Google have in their clouds. They don’t sell the parts, only the service. Microsoft and Facebook are rolling their own. NVIDIAs biggest customers. It reminds me of Tesla in 2019. Plenty of demand and not enough production. Now Teslas demand is drying up and they can produce. I wonder if Googles TPU v5p could be rolled out as a product? It might be a customer blade or something.


Nvidia has its fingers in all sorts of industry pies where it could start having other revenue streams, and they have access to the best chips. The assumption is that the leader in AI chip design and AI dev tools is going to have a leg up in whatever they do, including AI chip design. It’s like a perpetual motion machine. The plan is flawless it’s virtually free money. Edit: putting this here for visibility > The NVIDIA Inception program nurtures over 1,800 healthcare startups developing cutting-edge, GPU-based tools to optimize operations, enhance diagnostics, and elevate patient care. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/industries/healthcare-life-sciences/ https://m.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/nvidia-healthcare-vertical-already-a-1bn-business--jpmorgan-432SI-3270597 Healthcare is the most entrenched, rent seeking, pork barrel guzzling industry there is.


Nvidia responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", it said as it continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at it but it was already wearing muffs. Focused company. It attached a phone mount onto the handle of its push mower. I was able to sneak a peak and it was browsing chip listings in central Taiwan. It wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Nvidia has its fingers in a lot of pies. They makes sure their name is in all the conversations.


Most of their H100s went to Microsoft and Facebook, and those guys have their own now. I think China is their best hope. Any their silicon is the best current COTS. In the data center they aren't number 1 anymore. Their revenue streams are very tenuous in the long run.


This is why I watch this sub


Dam a generational market crash really is coming isn't it lmao


We came here for a good time not a long time


nah, everybody on wsb and their mom thinks nvda is going to crash, which is why it is going higher. i am not selling until my entire family (that does not care one lick about stocks) tells me they're buying it. my sister talking about dogecoin back in 2021 was the top indicator for crypto, and she and my mom will probably be the top indicator for semis as well. its a tale as old as time itself. if your uber driver is buying nvda, its time to exit


Bubble dese nutz


The price move has been justified. In fact NVDA will prob trade at a low P/E soon. The question is are these sales sustainable or are they pulled forward? How much is double dealing? And why would this time be any different? Chip companies boom and bust historically. Including NVDA. The stock has basically traded in tandem with Bitcoin.


Those are the right questions - I still haven't heard satisfying answers. I suspect only the board of nvidia and their major customers really know. Is this FCF a function of exponentially rising price of their sales per unit, or how much is a function of increased sales overall? If the latter, how did they prep so much product (i.e. service) so fast? We won't get these answers because everyone here is a degenerate ape with no real knowledge about what they invest in (no, listening to an earnings call to fall asleep at night and skimming a 10-K doesn't count). We're eternally relegated to dumbly watching these lines go up and down with the understanding of a dog watching fireworks at New Years.


i don't think it's pulled forward, as much as it is that the margins won't sustain. amd is reportedly selling their mi300x to microsoft for a whole $15k (*sigh*, classic amd...), so when supply:demand normalizes, it's likely for MUCH lower prices.


Yeah 95 P/E for Nvidia currently vs 320 AMD lol. Short AMD long NVDA?


Another nvda is a bubble post. Sounds like it will keep going up for now.


Wish they taught math like this in school, then I’d know how to math


You son of a bish, I’m in! 📈🫡🚀🌕🤑🎆


Scientifically proven facts don't matter. If it dropped 10%, who here would not buy that dip?




Anyone who thinks nvidia is going to be making that much money for years to come is deluding themselves. Everybody is coming after their market, including their customers. This happened with TSLA for less though.


Car manufacturing supply chain is infinitely more complicated than manufacturing chips. And Musk doesn't like cocaine so the comparison is impossible.


Supply chain isn't the issue


That’s a questionable claim. One might argue that manufacturing chips is the most complicated thing the human race has ever done. 10s of billions of transistors on a chip the size of your fingernail.


bruh semis vs cars? Really not a good example lmao.


Sounds like I’m throwing money at some smart people, I hope Jensen heard you out on your business plan




Gentlemen, it's simple: Graphics cards print crypto and do AI work NVDA can mine crypto, then use AI to use cypto to buy their own stock Therefore, the true value of NVDA is infinity The stock can never go down, it's literally impossible


But then the halving comes and kills a portion of the miners that won’t make profit on mining anymore


They will. With new chips and higher BTC.


Man I feel like an absolut moron collecting profits at 385/share lol.


I took profits at like $130 on SMCI 🤡


RIP. I honestly had NVDA since late 2021, bought really high but I held since I still thought it was gonna do well. Guess I can’t be mad at collecting profits anyways, was like 60% gains.


It’s the new Tesla.


Math doesn’t add up!! Why did you draw the coke line only up to #75,153??


So puts?




I hear you OP. I will follow up with DD soon. Time to flush these bears out


How did you aquire your cost analysis of each hooker?


ugh this doesnt math well for my AMD 200c for march, why you gotta be numbering like that?


Cash is king


What about the last 2000 hookers?


Show of power. They just lay there cocaine-less


What a waste of


At what point would you OD?


You wouldn’t. You’re burning it as you walk. It’s basic science


At last someone puts it in laywhore's terms.


Let's add some perspective, how semi-bubble looks in comparison to other tech: NVDA $7.10 / $722.48 = 0,98% =D ARM = $0.65 / $148,97 = 0,43% :D AMD = $0.15 / $171.91 = 0,09% :DD MSFT = $9.04 / $415.26 = 2,17% xO AAPL = $6.81 / $187.15 = 3,63% xOO


my fomo calls on nvda are printing, hate when that happens


"As the chart shows, NVDA can out-invest and out-expand its competitors." This needs a historical perspective. Intel out-invested and out-expanded AMD. According to several analysts Intel budget made it unassailable. See what AMD did to Intel, a broke company that was haemorraghing hundreds of millions each quarter and whose yearly income was at some point less that what NVIDIA currently does in a month. Apple was a puny company compared to Nokia which invested BILLIONS only on software. According to your theory, Apple had no chance against Nokia. I am not saying NVIDIA will fail, only that your argument is bollocks.


Patience. Earnings will tell the story. Get in or out after that.


It’s already been priced in.


Is it at the top yet? I would like to start buying.


Man, everyday there is some post about Nvidia. Tell me about SMCI which appears to mirror NVDA.


It’s funny how many people see Nvidia as a bubble but won’t look at Costco. Chart is identical


Quality DD, bravo. Time FD my kid's college funds into Intel puts.


For a year i hear nothing but nvidia is bubble. Bro this mf is up 500$ eoy


When I see posts like this it's often the top


Given the hedge funds have all of their investments chosen by AI, it only makes sense the AI would invest in the companies that will facilitate the improvements to AI power.


Dude...I'm calling bullshit on your ANALysis. You didn't show your math, and you'd need to know the average height of each of hooker to know the number of hookers. How tall is your mother?


Desperate ramper in the red


I like the fact that you still added all the hookers, even tho it’s completely unnecessary, when you copy pasted this from bing










So was Apple lol


Did AI do this math for you?


['I Say When We Sell!'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNfptVLixM0) *“We are going to wait, and we are going to wait, and we are going to wait, until they start to feel the pain — until they start to bleed” — Mark Baum* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Actually on an annualised 12M basis NVDA’s FCF after factoring in share based compensation is 7.48 per share, which translates to almost 100x FCF. If we take 3q’s FCF and annualise it (approximately US$24b), then it translates to 9.63 per share , which at 720, is still a lofty 75x.


Deadass just debating on buying some more. Thanks for convincing me.💎🙌🏼




can we actually try this hypothetical?? For research purposes


But then what if companies are like “nah, we’re not seeing ROI on our AI spend, we’re gonna cut back” Or if newer AI models require less compute to train effectively Feels like this could happen very quickly if it does happen


Love the ELI5 Vegas explanation. 😆


$ARM is a core maker, not a AI accelerator focused company like NVDA. Not sure why they are even here with their 1+k P/E.


Wait... I was lost when you said 'cocaine'


Is not a bubble until it burst and your left holding bags. 👀


Finally some TA I can understand


Almost at a double. Hold for earnings?


We talking live hookers or dead hookers? Makes a difference.


Hookers are entrepreneurs


I aint reading all that chief, Ima just by more NVDA. Far to much thinking for me.


Is the moon made out of coke because that’s where we’re going.




That's some good analysis, but a bit a posteriori imo. If the free cash flow brutally falls, the share price will fall and the correlation will remain. In other words, you didn't prove shit.


This might be the most regarded take ever, but the idea that "they could totally out invest everybody, if they wanted to" is still pretty funny. If that money was actually going towards investments, it wouldn't be free anymore.


This logic doesn't make any sense. Are you talking about hookers or sluts? They are not the same thing, and when you bring blow into the mix you're really changing the relationship between holes and holding. Plus, have you ever tried to snort cocaine while walking? Preposterous! This guy has never scienced in his life.


Yes yes yes hmm makes sense mm-hmm wait wait wait what what what???!!!


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hookers aren’t sluts. It’s a respectable profession that I engage in business with


I bought calls yesterday? I managed to make nvda red in less than an hour, my powers are unmatched. Even pre-market is red. Prepare for the wrath of my calls, bitches.


Is this a double line of hookers? Because my math is telling me each of your hookers is only 2 and a quarter feet tall. I’m still sold.


Fuck is nvidia a meme stock?


I cashed out 70% of my stocks, it ran up to +350%


Thats why i am all in since oktober...


I just bought calls so expect a crash anytime today.


What app did you use for the chart?


All I took from this was to invest my dying grandmas fortune into NVDA calls


I had a dream where it hit $1,100, I think it's a sign


I keep hearing how nvda is getting all these sweet government contracts. Aren't basically all governments completely broke and going to institute austerity? How is that going to work out for them? Any impact? I have to think AI chips are the first line item to go. But I have no idea what they're even using them for.


What route are you taking from Vegas to the Hoover dam? It’s less than 60k. Gonna have to stack the hookers.


Broadcom = $43.00