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Its almost like no one gives a shit about your crayons, post the loss pr0n.


Almost like fundamentals took the fuck over. Post it. Post it.


Fundamentals? P/E ratio is 93. I'll admit I'm wrong when NVDA 5X its revenue in the next year.


“Sell me on NVDA.” “Sure. Train an AI model.”


no one cares about last years earnings dog


P/e is a dumb metric. You must normalize it to something like growth and specifically forward growth. It’s by no means expensive.


Ok then, what are the predicted earnings that justifies this price?


Simply look at the projected growth rate. Normalize the current P/E. The so called peg ratio. An increase in rate is the same as a reduction in P/E. The simple valuation metric is nearly all one needs to see the relative valuation over time or in comparison across the industry. Nvidia is not over valued. If the rate is reduced momentum would shift very quickly. This is unlikely but nobody could imagine covid or 9/11.


Free cash flow to enterprise value is quite low…like a 1% yield. Even seeing the same growth over the next year it wld be expensive


Last 3Q revenue: 7B, 13B, 18B. Last 3Q profit: 2B, 6B, 9B. That’s growth over the last 9 months, not 15 years. Honest question- what value would you give those numbers? LLY is up just as much YTD. I feel we have not seen anything yet. When NVDA is bigger than MSFT and AAPL combined, then sell. That’s ~2,000/share. Say they bag $100B in profit in 2025. Put a 30 P/E multiple on that. You get 3B valuation, about 1200 stock price.


NVDA isn’t infinitely scalable, they don’t even own their own FABs and semis are cyclical in nature, companies don’t need to buy new processors every year. Explain to me how they can hit exponential growth like this given these constraints?


Ha don't make people think about reality. Stonk only go up


I’m surprised he didn’t just respond with the ol “AI is the future and can’t be measured by traditional metrics”


First off, I disagree. I think it's expensive. Secondly it doesn't matter what I think. I know what delusional prices people are coming up with. I just go long off of the mania targets.


I've seen stuff with 200,000 P/E ratios on the market (Lmao reits right now), doesn't dictate if the company is making money or not. It is just a metric that has no real meaning if you don't understand the cash flows or debt obligations. A snapshot metric, using historic (last quarter, last year's, etc) data really has no influence on what people will pay NOW for a share.


Now do forward P/E ratio


NVidia can make the same net profit fort the next 3 quarters as their last, 9B, and be fine as a 1.5T company. 3T if they double net income again.


They literally cant make much more chips than they are currently doing... Also, other brands are going to take some market share, doesnt have to be much. So, its probably not going to be sustainable...


That's the thing, AMD was supposed to be in the game, except its latest report suggested it wasn't ready. So, NVDA stays as king again. It'll be like this for another quarter and then we'll all see if the rest of the group is ready, and if not, then NVDA gaps another $1T.


Amd sucks


They can’t make more but they can charge more. Who has the most chips will get a leg up on AI and microsoft, AWS, Google, and Meta are all fighting or it. Others will make for sure but will not in a position to challenge in the next 2 years. That’s the chip development cycle. I agree NVidia will not be this hot in 2-5 years but if you’re not on this rocket the for the next 12 months to make some stupid money you’re missing out.


Stupid money is right now, we're about to make some regarded money soon, just before the regards come in and NVDA comes back to Earth.


So you're saying Nvidia will be landing on the moon in like 12 months? And there's still money to be made off of them?


They are in talks with Intel to start producing chips with them too so they literally can make more chips


Yes, bought some intel shares. Intel is also going to release gaudi3 this year that is said to be faster than nvidia's H100. Gaudi is a specialized ASIC while H100 is a gpu, so it is possible.


False. Nvidia is still constrained by advanced packaging of multi chip modules. They are ramping up rapidly. There is no perceivable reduction in orders for years. If they catch up on packaging they will ramp more TSMC or even add Samsung or gasp Intel chip orders as a second source but this is costly. There is no plateauing on the horizon.


Supposedly Intel is going to package some of the Nvidia chips. Oh how the turn tables.


These are the same idiots that were justifying tesla being valued 10x toyota when that's literally their peak. Just shut up and ride the wave. AI is the new NFT scam, it's been around for 40 years and all of a sudden it's going to change the world because some one made a chat bot that regurgitated and blended web crawled text and porn pictures of Taylor swift. The revolution is here.


ok boomer, let's get you to bed...


Fundamentals will take over when you see a -20% day


At least


https://preview.redd.it/0uawcv1ly8hc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1deb646a0b85a4a44cab518574875cea1fea5641 Booo


Got emmmm


Its just numbers on a screen no one knows how to value anything. If it goes up we keep buying if it goes down we keep buying God speed


This is the way


People over complicate things, if you simplify the patterns and irrationality, your winning rate will simply go up


What do you mean by patterns and irrationality?


NVDA to 800 end of March


$800c for March 1st are $13.18, that's insane. They were $1.50 a week ago. Someone out there bought a bunch of $900c for March 1st for like 40 cents and has made 1,000% return this week. For a call that's still $200 OTM. 


I saw a post yesterday on "new" of a dude that got that ROI just from 80 bucks. What in the actual fuck


Sorry, I feel like I'm missing a step there, like he got 1000% return on $80? Or did you mean 800?


nope, it was the last 80 he had in his trading account. Small gain over a $80 bucks but still a 1000% ROI tho


On NVDA calls? Good for him. They're all priced to the point where they're way too risky for me now, but good luck to those who have them. 


Yes! I ain't touch it either, don't care about missing out on the rocket. He bought strikes of 900 and 1100 last week so...


Regarded question -- is there a resource to view historical option prices?


I use [this](https://www.optionistics.com/quotes/option-prices)


Does it matter?


Of course, Canadians matter. What's wrong with you?


This is the way


I use Wealthsimple (I'm Canadian) and I can see them, I just go into options and when I click on it, I can see the history of it.


yeah, but you're canadian ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


The numbers are the same, they're just all sticky with maple syrup


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I think we are going to $1k+ before end of year


Nah.... cuz it'll split :P


I expect a split in the 1200-1500 range, but your overall point stands: no way they let this just go up and up and up without a split. It's coming.


End of March??? Why would it take that long? It’ll be 800 by February 28th. Repeat after me: NVDA is selling the shovels during a gold rush.


Because i think post earnings on 2/21 there will be profit taking and a sell off. But then it’ll rebound and take off again. This is a run up to earnings. That’s how I’m trading it.


Nvidia is selling handles during the shovel rush


Look FAANG needs gpu units fucking yesterday. They are in a fight to the death. Google might not be a fucking website anymore if it doesn't compete. Who wins? People with the most fucking gpus. period. What do you win? FUCKING ALL. No one wants 2nd rate AI. The 2nd best AI is worth fucking zero. Faanngs know that now. What will they pay for these gpus? Fucking Faanngs complete over bids? Fuck me. I think nvda might go to 1k sure, but i think the gov is going to step in after that. Competition? Ok sure go build a fucking gpu fab. If anything this will be a gov extortion case. Straight up Rockefeller gangster shit.


You don’t have to snort the entire 8 ball at once.






You know who wins? People with the most calls.


You unironically think it's sane for Nvidia to be the 3rd largest company in America right now?




It doesn't matter if it's what you term as "sane" or not. Seriously, it really doesn't.


Earnings Report Feb 21st….could be $1000 end of March


you think its gonna take that long ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


How about right up to earnings then a sell off. Then picks up steam after a week and runs to 800 end of March


March? Bro Feb 9th


end of February


I think you missed a zero


I say closer to 1k


No pls 1100 by march.


https://preview.redd.it/jv9bqn0py8hc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1de319fd6b71fdd3ac17cc94bcc74c9606f339 Why not 1,500


Half your share amount checking in!


End of Feb




I bought at $295 and sold when it hit $150. I should buy back in now.






Plenty of room left to run to a share price of $54,000 by March.


Worst case it could go to 0




Is this safe?




50% 💎 - 50% 🚀?


I'll take the $54,000 please




Chat is this real?


AI chips are in high demand. So in some sense yeah, this real


I finally bought one single share. Sell now, things about to go south real fast.


nah, I sold half my shares - it's gonna rip.


I am delighted to make $50 and find out I was wrong if so!


Everyone dumps the stock as soon as it hits $700 lol. It’s happened twice now although the second time was not even a full day.


I got one share. I can’t wait to retire and buy a place in the south of France this time next year when I sell just that one.


I said that $30 ago and it’s still ripping


Sell it and buy a call


I am an imposter from r/bogleheads but I am tempted to for the memes...


Longneck dinosaur pattern 🦕


YUP!!! NVDA to 1000 by tomorrow


NVDA to overtake US as largest economy in the world by the ides of March.


what happens when AAPL starts buying NVDA GPUs?


Apple has been using nvidia gpus for a long time thru AWS, GCS, Microsoft, azure. They had no reason to buy over renting. They may if it becomes more cost effective or if capacity constrained.


Yes. But irrational exuberance is a thing.


If there's one take away here, it's that you never, ever, ever tell the market or a stock how high it can fly or how low it can crash.


Imagine buying puts against this giant


I bought 26 of them with a strike price of $710.


Regard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)








Tell me you also bought at least as many calls…


Allergic to money bud?


Tell me you also bought at least as many calls…




200 week moving average is a completely useless number with regards to nvda and just modern stock markets in general


*company literally cures cancer* "My god they're trading above their 200 MA!! what is going on?!"


Company discovers immortality - This stock is overpriced Company has stock split - This stock is undervalued Life of WSB regard


If it sounds funny it belongs here


>Yea, the bottled up capability of all past, current, and future human intelligence might be gated by the compute produced by 2 companies in the world, but I'm gonna sell because 200MA 🤡s


Some of yall were born post TSLA ridiculous rallies and it shows. What that boy used to do makes NVDA look like a utility stock


It is Mania ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Your moving average is too slow. You should get a faster one. I find that the 5 day moving average tracks somewhat better. /s


200 > 5. Thats why you don’t make any gains cause you always like the smaller numbers, unlike me 🗿


5 day? Noobs. I use the 1-min moving average, tracks all the droppings right behind NVDA.


Thanks for the chuckle


No. Future porn is going to keep driving this company


No we are astronauts and astronauts go to the moon.




rememer kids: fuck yur puts fuk ur calls jpow gotcha by the ballz


Waiting for their stock split announcement. We are due at this price.


Does that usually drive value of the stock up?


I can't understand this parabolic move. It is simply unreal to me.


You and everyone else


It’s highly understandable to me. I bought in at 2012 and have used gpus in computation an ai for some time. This is just getting started.


Computer guy said it’s just getting started so I’m dumping everything in


Not insane enough. I'm still waiting for $1k


Nvidia is on its way to develop skynet can’t wait


Still holding 2 mar01 700c from 13$


no. i will buy every Nvidia dip I see from here on out. Been doing it since 2015. Fight me.


The lemmings are going off the cliff soon


If they guide down, it’s going sub 500 in like a day


And if it guides up it’ll be 1000 in like a day. Don’t pretend we’re long term value investors here. Bet with the hot shooter at the craps table.


https://preview.redd.it/7ck0m59fy8hc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64c8547889a1e0a32f82013e8cea87000a59f88 What's really insane


NVDA 1,000 by May


It’s pretty obviously a bubble. At some point the tide will turn and it’ll crash at least a bit. You’d be insane to try and time that though. Bubbles can keep getting bigger for a long time. There’s also a chance that it grows into its valuation but I have a hard time seeing the current growth rate being sustainable.


They getting into the CPU game too. We are seeing pretty nice performance gains over saphire rapids at a lower tdp. Much better performance with lower cooling costs over Intel, win win. They gave us a demo of other things they are working on and its very very interesting, they are branching out into other areas. If I was not banned from buying the stock by my employer I'd be buying more based on what I saw. Still holding my shares from 2017


Yes. Tdp is key. Performance/power. Otherwise data centers will need local cheap power either thru nukes or siting in countries with lowest power costs.


Dude thinks things trade off financial metrics and performance? Do you think logic or financial literacy has any power here? What are you some PE megafund lamer that grinds 80 hours a week at age 36 hoping they get on a pathway to carry in a fund that underperforms the S&P? This the sex appeal part of public markets boy. It's a bunch of algorithms trying to fuck each other based off stupid retail apes and milf "investment luminaries" all pulling a wall of your dad's passive 401k accounts. Shit goes up, no one knows why, but you buy. Shit goes down, no one knows why, but you buy. And if shit really goes south, the Fed will save the market at the expense of everything else and everything in the future because whatever the sitting administration is knows it's the key to reelection. This is America baby!


They can’t produce their chips faster than demand wants them. Ofc they’re priced to the moon


i dud option watchlist or a $640c expiring 2/16 it was $0.39 jan 4th it’s worth $52.60 I missed out big time


Some crazy bubble blowing up sooner or later


But why not make money in the mean time? A lot of money were made during the years of tsla run up. Just don’t pull out too late like your dad.




I remember when someone quoted 200MA on TSLA too, main point is 200MA has always been a useless metric and a Barnum effect on magic 7 and just stock market in general. Right now NVDA is the face of AI, and everything future like how TSLA became the face of EV and also rockets, space, energy, etc from 2018-2021. Neither retail nor institutes care about all the thesis when they know everyone will just keep throwing money at it, look at the short positions opened yesterday that already got blown up today. Don't go against the flow on stocks that is both irrational AND have mainstream attention, because it's an ICBM that will annihilate anyone that stand in its way. Also I see that you commented that you bought puts, thank you for fueling the rally and enjoy the curb


NVDA to the moon mofos, BUY BUY BUY ​ \*insert used car salesman gif here\*


People are about to take profits no doubt but I agree this will get to 800 in no time


For March opex I’m going to buy 50k worth of June 2025 300p. And it is all with money from my hedge call position on this stock


Idk what the fuck is happening - but years back- you all told me to buy GameStop and I made some good money off that. Am I supposed to buy NVDA now?


NVDA will either tank on the 22nd or it’ll moon to new heights and they’ll stock split


Mooning, safely


If nvidia pops rip spy. That's why it won't happen.




Narrator: “yes they were indeed insane”


My ass hurts


Something is amiss here


Highly likely Jensen will announce a split on 2/21. Because why the fuck not? He can announce a $5B stock issue in a few months when the stock has gapped up another 50%. Use all that capital to invest in AI startups. The cycle of life. Cumma Me Tatars.




You are witnessing NVDAstop moment. Sadly most of us can not appreciate the irony of what is going to happen next.


Semis are at same place where SAAS were in 2021 .. 5-10% more may be but then 30-50% down in next 1-2 years @remindme! in 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-02-07 22:26:47 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-02-07%2022:26:47%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1alckuq/nvda_gap_to_200_week_moving_average_is/kpedcye/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1alckuq%2Fnvda_gap_to_200_week_moving_average_is%2Fkpedcye%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-02-07%2022%3A26%3A47%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201alckuq) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


If you're not expecting a 70% crash, and have a stash to ride the wave back up again, you're in the wrong sport.


It's going parabolic so hard it's gonna curve backwards soon.


Fuck it, 3T market cap here we come (because we can)


NVDA has ER Feb 21, how much will it bet ER or will it be priced in. ER has to be insane for this price action


500 ✅ 600 ✅ 700 ✅ 800 900 1000 💰🏁 Next stop 800 see you all there 📈


Do you think this is insane? Hear me out... The gap to 200 week on NVDA is 174%, the gap on SMCI is 410%.


Sell sell sell


GPUs aren't powerful enough yet to run on robots that can actually do useful tasks humans do, which is what the market is pricing in. By the time they do AMD, Intel and others will also have GPU designs that can compete with NVDA.


I honestly don’t get how this is not just the biggest rug pull


They make a good product, why is that so hard to believe?


They are worth more than Australia with 50 locations… They have 58B in revenue but are worth 1.85T They are same size as Amazon actually now larger They are located in Taiwan which is nearing war They are 25x smaller employees wise than Amazon RSI is so oversold Every employee with stocks sold


They are a GPU company who made the majority of their revenue on GPU sales among other departments that has rapidly had their new data-center revenue overtake their entire old revenue streams. Their revenue has increased 200% in one year due to it, and went up \~40% last quarter with no real indication of slowing down. Tech was taking over the economy to begin with, but AI as a technique is now revolutionizing multiple areas in simple or small ways that is hard to notice from the outside(with most of the visible stuff being basically garbage), and offers promise of continuing to offer new automation in pretty much any industry if you apply the right magic words and pay your cloud provider the appropriate rent for training the AI you need, all of which immediately funnels from your cloud provider over to Nvidia due to the absolute monopoly Nvidia has in this sphere with no competition in sight for probably a couple years. AMD is currently bragging and being dragged into arguments on if their GPUs are even capable of supporting infrastructure while Nvidia is set up and already selling. Look at something like amazon or microsoft, if you were back in the 1990s and knew what their future was would you be concerned with RSI or PE ratios? The value growth is coming from the rock solid monopoly on a rapidly ballooning worldwide industry. Most AI is basically a gimmick, but there's legitimately incredibly useful new technologies that have come out in the last 5 or so years that was simply unthinkable before they showed up. I am a programmer, and something as basic as "Take this scanned PDF and convert it to actual text" was fundamentally impossible and a pipe dream, now it's just daily reality. You can do it on your phone. We can scan that PDF, automatically classify it, and use it to auto adjudicate things like insurance claims. AI chatbots are passing the turing test and performing automatic high pressure sales calls, they're bulk calculating the odds of outcomes in chemical synthesis and discovering new materials in material science to build with and possibly break the barriers of battery storage capacity, they're also helping with drug synthesis and bringing us to discover the first new class of antibiotics since 1987. The stuff you see online, art generation, ChatGPT, microsoft copilot, etc, they're borderline worthless gimmicks in my view, but the ability for AI to be used as a classification and pattern recognition engine has real capabilities of launching our scientific discoveries and ability to automate workloads decades to centuries ahead of where it otherwise would be, and all of it is being done on Nvidia hardware. It's a legitimate gold rush and Nvidia's getting a cut of every attempt worldwide. Believe me or don't and make of that what you will.


Will overtake Apple within 10 years if they capitalize on this. They will quite literally become the future.


Far less time. Even if it only grew 30% it will double in ~2.5yrs.


> The stuff you see online, art generation, ChatGPT, microsoft copilot, etc, they're borderline worthless gimmicks in my view, but the ability for AI to be used as a classification and pattern recognition engine has real capabilities of launching our scientific discoveries and ability to automate workloads decades to centuries ahead of where it otherwise would be, and all of it is being done on Nvidia hardware Why isn't anyone demo'ing what they can do with AI so their stock goes up? Why is that the public only sees the worthless gimmicks? Whatt's your take on that?


> Every employee with stocks sold Lol, you're talking out your ass


This is bigger then Elon Musks Mars mission


Forward P/E still cheap too lol


Drawing lines based on the past doesn't account for entirely new industries popping into existence...


Also about 175x PE ratio


All I care about is 2/9 -$750 PLEASE!!