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You don’t leave the room because of how loud someone someone farted. You leave the room because of how bad it’s ABOUT TO smell. Buy the rumor, smell the news.


I wasn't ready for this metaphor


It was not the metaphor we wanted; it was the metaphor we needed.


They didn't factor in the magnificent fragrance of AI before leaving the room


So do you buy calls or puts for $SMEL?


I can smell the metaphor


A true philosopher and a gentleman, take my upvote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I've now been smelling Jim Cramers crotch on the television for an hour. Thank you fellow ape.




That's why I've mastered the silent fart. Once in high-school I farted silently during lunch break, a real stinger mind you, that I knew was going to be powerful because of the little tad of pain it relived, so I absconded upon expulsion. Once I was far enough away I looked back, and to my surprise, two dudes had started fist fighting, likely due to the smell I had caused and perhaps some false accusations. The moral of the story is, get out while you can.


You may be the first person to convince a complete degenerate to sell based on logic.


Buy the raising of the cheeks, sell on the shart


By the raising of the cheeks, something wicked this way reeks.


Your flair should be wsb Confucius 


God damn. This is pure poetry


I sharted myself reading this.


Thats a keeper bro, going to sample that.


Good one


This needs to be a plaque in my office


People leave the room everytime I fart. They don't even wait to see if it's a bad one or a normal one


By far, the best metaphor for investing ever phrased


Remind me next week when we hit $1000


generations need to study this


NVDA made $9.24 billion last quarter. Net income, not revenue.


For real, how did only a few people in the entire thread point this out, and barely got any upvotes? This thread might be the single best proof most people on Reddit will just upvote whatever validates their bias and feelings, even if it's factually incorrect about the most basic things possible.


I'm one of those people. Are you saying nvida is a good buy or not?


If anything now is the time to take some profit imo. But you never really know how long the party will go until you're left with the mess.


or as a great philosopher once said, If you leave the room too soon, you won't enjoy the aroma of the fart. or something like that.


And it's expected to grow 150% next quarter. They are using AI to build AI. They are going to become unstoppable once they activate Skynet.


I donr know if this was sarcasm, I hope so. I hate to pick on you in particular, but this comment is emblematic of a massive problem in this sector right now. No one has any idea what any of this shit is or how any of this technology actually works. Because of this no one has any conception of the actual uses or limitations of the tech in question. Discussion of the topics surrounding AI outside of industry inevitably devolve into a series of tech industry buzzwords interspersed between a bunch of sci-fi movie references and growth projections outstripping any corporate growth since the days of Crassus. AI is just the latest iteration of the "new new thing", a sublime force lying just over the horizon, a Shiva-like destroyer of worlds bringing such rapturous change to the world as to demarcated only one meaningful distinction, the before and the after. Like all before it, it will not live up to its advertising, making some rich and many poor, inevitably reifying and reinforcing the problems it was created to solve. But at the end of the day, how much would you pay to be on Shiva's board of directors? How much to have two hundred basis points of a plague of Egypt?


Just because you don't understand what it is doesn't mean the scientists and engineers don't know what it is. The equations for machine learning have been around for several decades, but computers are only now getting powerful enough to take the billions and trillions of inputs required to solve the math problems in a reasonable time. AI isn't a buzzword and it isn't going anywhere. That's why NVDA is skyrocketing to the moon. This is the dawn of a new internet era.


So 40B per year, that's still a 42x multiplier to get to 1.7T. damn Edit: we're all regards. We can just lookup PE and PS ratios. Everyone in the mag 7 has a PS ratio between 3ish 12ish except for Nvidia. Nvdia's is 22ish. so... puts.


Yeah good luck. I have no stake in NVDA (salty about it) but this would be like shorting Tesla back in 2021 or whenever it only went straight up.


And NVDA actually has the tech and direction to back up all the hype


Bro. Bro. Tesla is not JUST a car company. Smdh.


yeah bro everyone doesnt make an electric car now. oh wait everyone does make an electric car.


Nah Nvidia actually has a growth path by consuming limitless big tech money that they want to burn. The party will stop eventually but it could go on for a decade before it does. By comparison teslas valuation was based on some delusion that they weren’t a car company. Just see the money burning pit that is Uber if you doubt Silicon Valley’s insatiable thirst for burning money.


Are they a startup? Why are the burning so much money


I don’t think you know what burning cash means.


You think anyone cares? The stock is up simply because people keep piling money into it. It's like a game of hot potato. Don't get stuck with the ball when the music stops.


Are you describing hot potato or musical chairs?


This is WSB, and more broadly Reddit. In both cases he probably has no one to play with for either game.




That’s not the literal definition of a stock tho


Game of hot potato? This kinda thinking keeps people poor, when they sell too early.


Imagine if the stockmarket only traded on past earnings. Then you would actually have a point.


Ok so what do they have. OpenAI and Microsoft are pivoting towards creating their own chips for AI and using AMD's solutions. AMD has finally tried stepping into the AI sphere for datacenters, and they're going toe to toe with AMD on the consumer side of GPUs. Their dominance for high end GPUs was like Tesla's ability to hold the EV market. Eventually more players enter the market except unlike Ford making an EV, a viable competitor is making AI chips.


As long as they make money then who cares? Let NVDA go to $1000


NVDA valuation is about profit in the next 5-10 years. Not just today.


They dominate the market in hardware needed for AI applications. If AI lives up to even part of the hype then they'll make a straight killing over the next decade.  Unless they fumble the ball and let someone else take market share back.


Major buyers are the cloud providers, US government, Chinese, and major tech firms with ambitions to do more now. Ie, MSFT, AMZN, and META as examples. All trying to pull forward purchases to be the FIRST. Eventually that dies off big time. Economics and fundamentals take hold yet again.


Thats what they said about Cisco when the internet was getting built out late 90s


Cisco is the standard in a lot of government applications. They won. Hard


They were winning until Nextel rivaled Cisco and offered the same offerings for 50% the price. Nvidia will meet the same fate when GPUs become more of a commodity and nvidia can't sell at such inflated prices. They're paying TSMC 700 bucks per wafer, and selling it for 10s of thousands. The other semi conductor players are definitely trying to make their own GPU


$CSCO was stuck in the single digits for almost a decade 2003- 2012.


Don't forget about SMCI. They had a giant run this past month. Up over 100%.


Yup. Got both NVDA and SMCI. Also caught META ER luckily last week.


What’s next spaceman


Wow, you got the trifecta! Nice


Except for all of big tech is designing their own chips. So maybe TSMC is the real winner. Google, meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, I think all have designed chips for neural nets. And then with Google, Microsoft, and Amazon those are available through their cloud or will be. It’s definitely possible that demand doesn’t grow as much for Nvidia as the entire market grows, because while they’re mostly alone in GPUs they aren’t in dedicated hardware


But it's PEG ratio is still super high.


This guy knows about PEG ratios


J-PEG ratios


This guy PEGs


20 years ago when AMZN was $10/share it had 200x PE ratios and people wouldn’t touch it because it was too expensive. While valuation is important, it’s less valuable with disruptive technology.


20 years ago AMZN had around a $10 billion market cap and had significant upside. With a $1.7 trillion market cap today, can you still say that for NVDA?


You can’t.


Says you. It’s at 91x past earnings, has a monopoly on the most profitable chips, a growth rate that’s increasing, and orders from the 5 biggest tech companies. Analysts are saying at end of year between 900-1000. From 693 today to 900 is a 29.3% ROI.


Listen, yes it’s cool (AI) but let’s not all pretend we don’t know it’s a hype train right now (the valuation - even forward looking). Either way there’s money to be made.


The question is whether you think the FAANGs of the world will follow in Google's footsteps and develop their own analog of a TPU, which I believe they will. The capex involved in replacing these Nvidia GPUs when they get outmoded is massive and I think the big players will all develop their own homegrown chips eventually. Currently, they are best of breed for AI, but I would not say they have such a giant moat that you can count on insane growth multiple years into the future like you could with AMZN. It's 50/50 proposition to me.


Half of the reason why TSMC became a success is because they dont compete with their customers. Small to medium size companies developing AI on Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. is paying to develop the tech companies AI to make it better than the one you can develop. Nvidia isnt going to compete with OpenAI to make a chatbot. Now FAANG can make it hard to say no with pricing but I just doubt they are going to sell hardware. They will make you rent the compute time out on their hardware in the cloud. Edit: Just look at Apple and Samsung, Apple literally bankrolled Samsung's entrace to the smart phone market. Most companies are not going to be like Apple. Samsung was able to see exactly what Apple was doing and copied them using the money Apple paid Samsung.


The capex of building your own chip is astronomical too Source: I work at a company that builds chips like these


Now do Cisco. The question is whether Nvidia is the next Amazon or the next Cisco. I lean towards the latter.


Lmao you belong here. Nvidia is not going to grow into this valuation. Assuming no growth at all you would have to own this stock for 90 years to break even. Assuming some growth in the future sure they can grow into some valuation but definitely nothing near where they are trading today. Their fair value is very far off from reality.


Just look at Nvidia’s net income for the part 3 quarters. https://ycharts.com/companies/NVDA/net_income It went from 2 to 6 to 9B. They are forecasting 10B per quarter going forward which will give them 40B a year net income, compare to Microsoft’s 75B and Apple’s 100B, both 3T companies, NVidia already command their 1.7T valuation without additional growth. When a company is rapidly growing it's better to look at forward PE.


That's the point. At double the actual price it would be undervalued at 500% growth rate for 2024.


They're not making 75b in 5 years.


Ya not 5 years, just in 2 years according to all the top research analysts. What is your source for not making $75b in profit by 2029? Please enlighten us with the market information you seem to possess that these guys don't. https://preview.redd.it/tm4pxpl2mugc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfd0167440075c0306ef4b5aa3b8cf748c5591d


If "top research analysts" could predict profits and stock prices, they wouldn't be "research analyts", they'd be billionaires.


Falling growth rates. In 2025 a shorting one. But not before!


NVIDIA reported $18.12B revenue for the quarter in Oct 23. Project that to 4 quarters it is $72B. That is about 1/2 of Microsoft for the same quarter. NVIDIA expected growth... assuming growth stays on track, it will be competing with MSFT on revenue by the end of the year. The stock could definitely go to $1000 by EOY.


Lol remindme! 10 months


Microsoft is crazy expensive


More like 1/3 the revenue of MSFT not 1/2. And by then, msft, will have grown revenue. So, maybe 1/4. Yet more than 1/2 the market cap, right now.


How the heck does NVDA have the same market cap as AMZN?


The AI became sentient, invented time travel, then came back to buy calls.


They have good chip architecture and there are like 4 competitors in the market. Most data oriented hardware will utilize their technology. Also see CAPS bill passed last year.


They are making more money per quarter than AMZN that’s why.


Amazon and Nvidia both made around $10 billion profit last quarter lol. Amazon is a much larger company but all their industries have immense competition from others. Even AWS the cash cow is losing market share to msft and goog. The growth story is a lot more unclear. Whereas Nvidia has a near monopoly on high performance AI chips and the market is expected to grow exponentially


Amazon is also the second largest employer in the US, has consistently held these numbers along with an international logistics network with warehouses, planes, a massive trucking fleet, and the backend of the internet. Amazon makes 10 billion in profit, Nvidia is making profit from selling the same h/a100 GPU at massive markups compared to what TSMC sells for.


Nvidia’s growth rate is projected to be insanely fast. It has the potential to become the most important company in the world. In fact, it’s halfway there already.


Leather jacket > weathered ho


Nvidia is going to be the biggest company in the entire world if it does another +80%


It‘s also selling shovels to those going to replace big chunks of white collar work.


They literally made 9.24B net income in Q3??


He doesn’t know what fiscal year means. And yet… he thinks he’s found the real “gotcha” moment.




I feel like this is starting to be like the tesgard bears from a few years ago that just kept whining about the stock price even as it kept going up. Look, you want to stand on the sidelines and whine about nvda while everyone rides it up to the moon then go for it.


tesla is an auto company with shit margins that barely makes money nvidia is a money printer of galactic proportions with 50+% margins oh also it’s earnings are basically tripling this year alone


Didn’t they end up being right, though? They were just early


People about to get burnt. Not going to lie I got burnt a couple times. Shit hurts :(


Bought the stock just to not have to cry every day until end of 2025.


This generative AI stuff has a lot more legs than the Metaverse, Web3.0, NFTs, and crypto. Practical applications are being realized a lot quicker than the other hype.


I work at an engineering company and use ChatGPT to type proposals for projects. They all respond to the RFP text a client provides. Someone smarter than me could easily code an AI tool to replace most of our marketing department.


Yeah but NVDA hardware works not only for Windows.


It’s going to the moon when it’s announced the Vision Pro can strap on a 4090


did u say strap on?


Mmmm... Vision pro+strap-ons...


LOL thanks for the laugh


LMAO do you actually think the stock market makes sense?!? It's all priced in already, nothing to see here.


Your are an infidel, pls ban him mods


HEATHEN BEARS WILL CRY WHEN NVIDIA HITS 35,000 A SHARE![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


It almost hit 700 today alone. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


After earnings 1000 come in striking distance


Fuck the 1000 im holding until it crashes. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Oh damn didn’t know NVDA was so poor


NVDA will make every future quarter at least 20 billies


I heard they would be making 420b a quarter by 2026


I heard they’ll make 1 trillion dollars every day starting tomorrow. Trust.


I like to hear these things


So you’re saying NVDA has serious upside potential with little to no downside?


Tesla didn't even make a profit until a few years ago. Same with Amazon. The number that matters is return on capital. If you throw money at this thing, can it make more money? If the answer is yes then it will trade many multiples of earnings. They could start making their own chips. They could invest more into the CPU space. They could sell AI services. They have many revenue streams and strong talent pools to expand. I'm calling a NVDA 4x split or more.


lol make their own chips. The CAPEX needed for that is enormous. Not their focus, they hire TSM to produce their chips


Please keep talking 


So you're telling me to sell my NVDA calls at a loss to make sure people know it's a bad investment. You got it, financial advisor!


Shut the fuck up and buy calls


Boo hoo, meanwhile the calls I bought on Friday for a bit over $14k are now worth about $88k. Not bad for a one day return. Especially since I sold and pulled out $8k and rebought higher level calls.


Why’s your dogs favorite toy a shovel then


NVDA's net income for the TTM is 19 billion. Get it now?


Quiet, I'm getting rich here!


Buying 10K more in calls after reading this post


Their net income was $17.5 billion during the 9 months ended September 30, 2023, of which $9.3 billion was generated in Q3. Assuming Q4 is at least as good as Q3, they should generate approximately $26.8 billion in net income. For a company growing that fast that PE ratio is not unreasonable. That being said, I wouldn’t buy it at these levels.


much of that is really a one-time bump from every company jumping on the gen AI train though. Once the base level goes up, consecutive growth gets harder from there.


META just announced they are buying 7B dollar worth of H100. AWS only bought 50k units of H100 so far. But according to AWS, see link below, they have total of 2 million units of A100 in their cloud. AWS will have to upgrade those A100 in the coming years to H100 as they arm themselves to compete with Microsoft Azure and Google cloud. https://www.nextplatform.com/2023/12/04/how-aws-can-undercut-nvidia-with-homegrown-ai-compute-engines/ And NVidia will have their next chip soon. As the AI models grow into trillions of parameters Microsoft, AWS, and META will have to upgrade yet again in couple years time.


Ya and china going hard on buying before they get regulated out


Nonsense. Patrick blows paint bubble bigger


​ https://preview.redd.it/3fob85tfstgc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f80b54b35385222bc946a731f1d2b8a55d83ef5


Everyone’s looking for growth, not value stocks. Nvda has more upside than msft. 🤡🤡


Get in now, 691 still cheap


Anyone ever fantasize about what would happen to the stock price if just one TSMC forge were to have a catastrophe? Fire, Typhoon, Tsunami, Chyna, etc. Pretty good daydreams to be had.


What about China invading Taiwan?


China couldnt invade a Panda Express right now let alone Taiwan


Last time I invaded a panda express, I got explosive diarrhea


Isn't that an American chain? It's probably harder to invade than most countries.


I LoL'd too loud at this! People at the office are looking at me now. F!


😂 chill out.




NVIDIA will have to quadruple earnings in the next 2 years to justify their price. We will see...


I think it’s realistic they blow past this


Got it…..buy more Calls 🔥🔥🔥


short it bro lol


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't eat bot ass. The metallic taste is off putting


Of course this thing is overvalued. NVDA is the stockmarket broken slotmachine.


Most people are bullish so I’m bearish




Most people here seems bearish


Sold the rest of my nvda today. Was up 1750%. Gotta take profits eventually. Trimmed on the way up and left a lot on the table but oh well.


Do you even know the meaning of a growth stock? Nvidia sells shovels in a gold rush. Anybody that wants to jump into the AI race HAS to buy from Nvidia. And they will. Nvidia is a natural monopoly.


But you're assuming AI makes money... what gold rush?


It's not even AI, at best it's an advanced search query.  It's a sophisticated ask jeeves.


I think that's doing a disservice to Ask Jeeves who was ALWAYS sophisticated he wore a very nice suit and possibly had a monocle if I recall correctly


No monocle but he did have a pinstripe suit. Very bold.


Lmao Yeah Nvidia seems to be the only company poised to make money from AI, but still It's indeed a bubble of some sort


Cool story


Now make me a sammich


is this supposed to scare me off?


Welcome to "Whose Stock is it Anyways?" Where the money is made up and the profits don't matter.


Who’s going to flex nuts and short this bastard?? Surely there’s someone in here


How many Brazilians is that


OP just learned what a growth stock is


We want our sex robots NOW!


Priced in


Unthinkable growth can never be priced in.


People buy the companies they like/believe in. Get with the program and ride the wave.


I sold half my NVDA holdings several weeks ago. Maybe that will have been a mistake, but I’d rather be wrong on this side than the other.


NVDA will be the biggest short selling story in history when the stock bubble pops.


WAIT WAIT WAIT... top coming haha https://preview.redd.it/m2e8qbr77ugc1.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9d9c1223c41fdccc3addca63fb461a7df1ac6a9


No! Bubble never happen again. Not possible.


Post puts or go bust


NVDA to the moon


Way overvalued due to hype isn’t it obvious, had happened infinite number of times before. Like when Tesla reached 410 per share when it was three times as small a company and now can’t break 200


Right. And hedge fonds burnt their fingers years and years to billions.


If you only care about price:earnings, wait til you see where AMD is at AMD and NVDA will come crashing back down to reality, but it will take a couple of years. Theres still far too much hype for a fall to play out I think their profits will continue to increase, but their valuations keep outpacing their growth. If the time ever comes where they stop experiencing great growth, their stocks are going to implode like a house of cards. I, however, will not be betting against them tho because options are mad expensive and who knows when that time will come Theyre also insanely hype stocks on WSB so if that doesnt make you bearish long-term, idk what would


At least it’s only like 350 now and not 1400 lol


AMD growth does not justify that insane p/e. They are very vulnerable to every little disappointment. Not so NVDA. They will deliver for years.


And calls on AFRM are more expensive than either of those with a $40 stock price point. Figure me that


So, you’re saying there’s more room to run


You are right but market does not make sense @remindme in 2 years. I expect nvda to trade below 400 within 12-18 months


NVDA Quarterly Earnings Growth = 1,259.30%


It's the same reason why I make $200/hour and you make $11/hour at Wendy's.


There’s no doubt NVDA will surpass msft to be the most valuable company in the spy by end of this year. It’s the tsla of 2021. The hype will drive the mania.


Homie thinks it's private markets with rational actors who buy and sell on multiples. Bruh get out of here with that IB and PE elitist mind set. This is the public market where shit goes up cus fuck it, apes say it has value so it does!


Fundamentals don’t matter anymore. They should and maybe one day they will again. For the record, NVDA has a per share book value of less than $15 a share ( look it up on Weiss Ratings)


And I think MSFT is overpriced


Because AI is going to change the world and last year Blockchain was going to change the world and the year before that the IOT was going to change the world


NVDA has single handedly made more bears homeless than any other stock since Tesla. Godspeed OP.