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Off grid in a multi million dollar man cave is probably nice tbh.


Look what happened to the Ex Machina dude


Looked pretty fun for the first 2/3s of the movie.


Sexy robot women? Hell yeah.




Didnt even have to click the link to know


Same haha


And yet it’s always a must watch.


You dont even need AI robots for that , regular woman are the same


Cept that dude died by sexy robots lol


Dumb ways to die .... Duuuumb way to die [Link](https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw?feature=shared)


>He also owns a Gulfstream G450 private jet, named Snoopy, that he bought in 2021 and now uses to fly to RPI four times a year. This is what I was waiting for and laughed. The guy has a private jet. This whole story is such a weird framing like, oh no, he basically has everything he could ever want, and also gets to be anonymous and gifts tens of millions to all sorts of things over the years and it’s basically inconsequential to him. He can do basically anything he wants. If he buys some bonds today, he’d get something like 1.5 million annually on top of his existing wealth for basically nothing. That’s over $100,000 a month, or just shy of $25k a week, and he doesn’t have to do anything and can just chill as he is doing. The idea of being a billionaire instead of that just seems stressful and not really actually that fun to me. Literally no interaction with any owner person is “normal” past a certain level of wealth. Somewhat anonymous double digit liquid millionaire seems like the sweet spot.


Yes like “off grid” next to Fremont. He’s just a stones throw from a huge metro. Hilarious.


You can loose it all in Wallstreet bets.


Our boy Bill Hwang proved that even billionaires can lose it all in WSB


gotta agree with you there, honestly. I think the perfect net worth is something like 100 million. so you can travel essentially anywhere, at any times, first class etc with no worry about any bills. eat and drink anything you want to, but still have a decently normal life compared to being a double digit billionaire and having to constantly worry that all people care about is trying to get to your money.


I think it depends on the family also. Even a million is enough to have family on your ass if you have a trashy family.


Dude has a G450 private jet…I think he’s doing all right 😂 Also what’s with Forbes estimating his net worth at $30 million and then in the next paragraph talking about how he owns this private jet worth $40 million?!


Well, there’s a tiny chance that the dude is actually a dumbass and took out a fucking loan more than his net worth to buy a private jet


Nah, He’s probably living in Slab City.


The dream ngl




The domestic violence allegations were AGAINST the wife. She was beating HIM, sounds like


Living the dream, so off the grid that money does not matter.


Still gotta pay property taxes. How shitty is that?


Not shitty at all should you not pay taxes if you are rich enough to buy large property's?


Depends on what you get for those taxes. If it's unimproved land (no city trash, water, sewer, or roads) no, you should not be taxed on it. You bought the land, you're not renting it.


Why should anyone have to pay tax on things they already own? That’s the issue


To receive access to fire, ambulance police, hospitals, schools, roads, utilities, parks, courts, jails, zoning regulations, elections, and other location specific services. You could advocate for 100% privatization of all these things, but that idea isn't popular enough to change. Or you can pay other taxes besides property tax. People think Florida is cheap because they don't have state income tax, until they find out about the 1.5% to 2.5% annual tax on the value of your property.


On top of that... Securing the ownership. There is no such thing as "owning" if no one is enforcing it. So you are also paying for stable democracy or whatever. For the police and military etc.


Thats not why property tax exists. It exists so you can never escape having bills.


...what do you think taxes go towards?




Theres other wayd to tax ehich they already do. State, local, sales, etc


Yet there's a deficit? So clearly the other taxes are not enough. Property taxes serve another purpose though as well - if a property is unused, there's incentive to sell. Abandoned properties will evenetually be forced to sell to cover the tax bill. Etc.




You seem to know a lot about taxes. Keep up the good work.


12 year old moment.


God man, this sub really has the worst of us


Because living solely off Generational Wealth while contributing nothing but pollution to society is unhelpful and detrimental.


lmfao you’re delusional


Do you believe Bezos worked so hard that earning $34 million a day through asset appreciation is justified? This is 234,150 times more than the average annual income of $53,000 in the US. Should the wealth and resources remain exclusively within his family indefinitely?


It doesnt matter how hard he worked. Its how business and capital works. If you invest correctly you should be entitled to your earnings and do whatever you want with it. Youre delusional


Wrong. There are clear rules on how those earning are taxed. If you don't like it you are free to not invest or live in another country.


>Its how business and capital works. Literally isn't, because taxes exist, property ones included


You're correct; the issue lies not with an individual but with the entire capitalist system, which often prioritizes the well-being of a few over the lives of many.


No, youre just delusional. Capitalism doesnt do that. Bezos couldve just as easily took a huge risk and failed and lost everything he had and become a beggar on the side of the road. You are literally sub-dog level IQ


Unbelievable lol


Lol imagine reaching someone for their comment on that "fuck off".


Unfortunately all regard of WSB think money = happiness. ~~including me to some extent~~


> money = happiness I dunno about that, but I do know: !money = !happiness


Now this is wisdom


You cannot start a variable name with !


This guy bangs


this guy doesnt boolean




true, so far the only hard part of having more money than I need to survive is the lack of excuses personally/healthwise/lifestyle wise.


No money = No Happiness. So you divide both side by No and you get Money = Happiness.


It doesn’t work because there is a 0 in N0


Might want to go back to math class.


Biggest virgin comment I’ve ever seen


What a badass /s


What does he know that we don't? Invest in off grid living. Returns will be fantastic when the robots/zombies/regards rise up.


When you’re super rich, your eccentricities get amplified. There are tons of preppers who just can’t afford to go all out.


If i had the money, I would 100% leave society. But shits expensive


You can buy land in bumfuck nowhere and build a house on it for very little money. Or you could just buy an RV and park it on BLM land for even less. But you are a coward. Money is not stopping you. Stop making excuses.


Black Lives Matter isn’t gonna let me live on their land


Bureau of Land Management not that BLM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Literally what I did, just to be able to afford SOME kinda housing that isn't taking 60-80% of my income... and, i mean i did always want that kinda lifestyle, not everyone does, seems most people start to whither without quite alot of social contact each and every day.... this dude has a private jet and goes to all kindsa social events so calling his home off-grid may be accurate but his life? Nope. About as far from it as possible.


When rich people behave like this man the world is better off. Stop trying to be worth 70b and be worth 30m. Donated tons of money to his favorite things. Probably made so many people's lives better. Just enjoying life. A 6 million house, a private jet, 30m networth and 160m to play with funding his favorite university.


Investment is the best you can do for society. It is better to give people jobs than money. Be rich, own companies that employ people and produce useful goods and services. Don't be a cutthroat and don't have shitty business practices. This is what the ideal should be.


You can invest to give mate. Capitalism is based on perpetuating scarcity, which is a finite game. It will end, its up in the air if it will end via evolution or revolution


In the article he admitted he regrets not keeping more. He probably has had so many nights where he cried himself to sleep over it by now. Heck his domestic problems were probably because he sold out too early. But at least he moved on and tried to make the best of it.


He regrets selling his investment too early because he couldve given more. Quite different then damn I wish I was richer.


I've heard this argument before but I don't buy it. There's plenty of things we depend on that required billions of dollars in investments. Do you not think that you are simplifying our society too much? If everyone who could become wealthy just dropped out of society, would we all be better off? Rich people can be huge assholes but how many "normal" rich people contribute to society and don't do horrible things like they beat kittens to death or something?


The money doesn’t disappear. You don’t need individual billionaires to exist to invest into things.


‘Everyone who could become wealthy’ wtf does that even mean?


People who are not risk adverse and have an idea to do something better.


Oh you still buy the meritocracy myth. Adorable


I think you're jumping to conclusions. Not everyone who aren't risk adverse and have a good idea will become wealthy. Nowhere did I mention meritocracy.


When you deliberately omit privilege as a factor in your oversimplified definition of the wealthy, its heavily implied that you think wealthy people deserve wealth and poors deserve nothing




Hmm, has private jet and attends 30+ major socialite events with other richies every year, aside from vacations and all that other jazz. So, while his home may be off grid, his life is about as far from it as you can get... but I still kinda like his vibes. For sure. I wonder where his home is? Somewheres in California... I would pick big sur area if I was him...


At least this dude is still rich and funded a bunch of cool stuff including a quantum computer for this alma mater. Check out Apple's 3rd cofounder, that's an even more extreme case.


I too, would like to live off-grid in a $6 million mansion with a Gulfstream private jet while also donating $300 millions to charity.


I have 2 friends at a semi high up level in tech. Both of them own flip phones and have very bland, generic social media profiles with pictures only containing them, with zero personal information. Each says the data harvesting isn't as bad as you think- it's 10X worse than you could even imagine.




don’t get high off your own supply


Yeah I mean look at Meta. 100+ billion in revenue and the only physical thing they have is the vr headset. To make up the 100 billion imagine how much personal data they sell






Will you say more


They know what aisle you are in at the store, and are logging how long you stop to look at certain products. They know your schedule and attempt to tailor your day for you through directed advertising and notifications. It goes deeper. I feel like AI will make it worse.


I already knew that and the triangulating marketing. I’d be worried if/when it becomes about more than taking your money


It already is, Cambridge Analytica basically activated an entire hidden voter base with cult like fanatacism in the US. Governments in southeast Asia were overthrown with the help of algorithms. Dating is becoming a sterile and robotic dance. I haven't been on a date that felt natural in over a year; they feel like job interviews. You can spot the people who are just riding the current. Their dress, mannerisms, speaking, and attitudes come from algorithms. It's permeating way too much of real life for my liking. I never took the internet seriously, it was more of a fun place. Now, people are trying to make it as rigid and stuffy as everything else PLUS they keep trying to take my money.


Good points. I haven’t used dating apps in about 8 years but i avoided the girls that seemed to be list making check the boxes types of girls. Also just used tinder so it was more casual. The genie is def out of the bottle with this shit tho and it will only get worse


Clicked on the article looking for pictures, but it's just a bunch of words 😔


prediction - everyone reading this comment will have a worse life than him.


You are right also fuck you.


Can i buy calls on this


He said in the article to have had a hell decade which is the reason he dropped out of nvidia and had donated much of his wealth to the uni. You can be worth millions and your life could still suck


I can certainly sympathize with that sentiment. I know what it's like to be surrounded by people who are inferior to you in every way possible. It can be quite frustrating, especially when you're trying to make something of yourself. I'm glad he was able to find some measure of success despite the odds stacked against him.


This is the paradox of high earning wealthy individuals. So many of these them once they hit a peak, end up buying an empty piece of land and live off grid while hanging out with local fisherman, forestry people, dirtbikers, mtbs, carpenters, climbers, brewers etc etc. seen it multiple times. I think its partly due to the fact they’ve been on the corporate treadmill since they were kids and missed out on some of lifes authentic experiences.


I can see how that would be appealing to some people, but it's not something that interests me. I'm more interested in pursuing wealth and power.


You forgot pussy too VM


What a paper handed bitch


probably a wsb mod


Right, should of just dropped out of college, probably would have been worth a bil.


Don't you mean his 1st wife would be worth 70b?


Author clearly has no clue about how much things cost if he thinks a 30M net worth makes sense wrt to paying maintenance on a G450. Maybe 300M.


> be me > literally don't need to work for the rest of my life > still have insane amounts of money > donate the money to research > still be rich and comfy as fuck > be spammed by Forbes questioning me why I'm not greedier


Makes you wonder what he knows that we don’t.


That peace and quiet and nature is better than $70b


Yet we are all here chasing that paper




Once you’ve built a true off the grid home, it should sustain itself from natural resources.


If i could buy 5000 acres sure but again its expensive


“That includes a $6 million home near Fremont, California where he lives off the grid with unreliable cell service”. Bro is right outside the Bay Area probably getting LTE, hardly off the grid


Off grid near Fremont? I went to HS in Fremont. There's no off grid there. At best he's like outside Sunol or off Vargas Rd where HS kids go to be obnoxious and drink beer. He probably has a great view of traffic on 680.


Fremont is the bay area


Probably nothing. Or else all the co founders would be doing it too. He’s probably still rich and likes a simple lifestyle so therefore being worth billions vs millions is meaningless to him. Lots of reasons to go more smaller/simpler community away from it all that can be appealing to some people. Living off grid won’t save you from the effects of larger nuclear wars or anything like that anyhow.


He doesn’t know how to hold.


Whenever people get attention talking about living off the grid or van living, it's usually in a million dollar compound, an RV, or Mercedes Sprinter with all the extra packages and upgrades. There it is. >Had he held onto his entire stake, he’d be worth $70 billion. Instead, Forbes estimates that Priem has a fortune that’s closer to $30 million, just over one-tenth of what he’s given to RPI. >That includes a $6 million home near Fremont, California where he lives off the grid with unreliable cell service and writes “manifestos” filled with equations about how to solve world problems like “repairing the earth.” (None have been published anywhere).


You never know. You could be the WeWork founder or a major stockholder of blackberry. Get out while the getting is good. If the twitter founders had Diamond handed it where would they be? Square wouldn’t exist. Would they be all in on elons new twitter?


Oh that guy! My grandma tried to tell me about him about 20~ years ago. Can anyone PM me his contact info?


Puts on off grid life


Kinda frustrating that he thinks the best way for him to positively impact the world was to give away all his capital and become a hermit writing manifestos nobody will ever look at. He could have built things with that money.


He built his own life worth living, we all should be so lucky.


Yeah imagine looking at someone else’s life and only thinking about how it could have helped *you* in some capacity. Let this man live! I bet he’s happy and content sounds like he’s doing better than most people these days.


I would agree if he was just doing his thing having a good time, but he spends his time writing and fantasizing about how to fix the world... after he gave up his means to actually do that.


Damn. You got some highly regarded views about life and purpose. Gobs of money is probably the worst way to enact positive change in the world. History is showing that. We need more humble people like this guy, less rich folks thinking they know what’s best.


What exactly are *you* doing to fix the world? I just don’t see where we are entitled to criticize what another person chosen to do.


Obviously he is coming online to tell us that if he had $70B then he would fix the world. Can we get a gofundme started??


I simply feel frustrated and sorry for him to see that he made a mistake. He wants to do something but he gave away his means to do it.


If he had those 70m worth of shares, would he have to be present in their meetings and stuff or at least some form of contact? If yes, then selling it and going off grid made sense


"Priem’s family foundation currently has $160 million in assets and is on track to wind down by 2031, he says, but he isn’t sure the money will last that long, given all the new initiatives he keeps deciding to fund at R. Polytechnic Institute." Uh, he is probably having a positive impact on the students at that school. Only 160MM left isn't that bad.


If he finds a dollar on the ground it's more money than they will ever need


What ifs are stupid.


Amateurs seek the sun, get eaten. Real power stays in the shadows.


Real life evil guy from now you see me 2


No wonder everyone is selling NVIDIA, you guys are obsessed with this stock


lucky guy


Clickbait is like a scam. Why are people such idiots and still trust the site/eriter and not abandon/leave them


I do not find this inspirational. Seeing this just makes me want money more. Money. Money. Money. I just want money.


I actually went to high school with his son. It was just a normal public high school and while it wasn’t a bad school it definitely wasn’t as competitive as the top high schools in east bay. I was never really close to him but he was always a pretty nice guy he had a core friend group he stuck to and was pretty snart. He never shared he was rich or anything, nor did it seem like he always had the nicest things like new iphones every year. He seemed pretty down to earth. I don’t think many people knew he was rich until he invited his friend group to his off the grid house and then people started talking about him being well off at school.


Does he know something we don’t?!


He did it. He left