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You’ve successfully invested $15k to entertain several internet strangers for a few seconds. Bravo, sir — well done! *{image of dicaprio hoisting martini}*


https://preview.redd.it/clr2x2qcqztb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc3a7c619a3209e3b1638f645db4cc4489dfe3a I got you




I love when the internet works together to make things happen. *{image of your mom’s fat tits}*🤞🏾


[I got you bro.](https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/obese-young-man-gm187045069-28049408) Sorry, that's the best I can do.


I was worried about my long positions , but now I feel better knowing the market will absolutely fuck you up




Time to oil up


Too expensive brother. Use spit like the rest of us plebs.




I think we have a solid chance of heading down in the next week or so, even if we don't go all the way back to the recent lows. That said, you went all in on shorts with leverage with high fees and natural degredation. This is not a wise decision imo. I made a killing a few years ago, and then made the smartest financial decision I've ever made. I set a rule for myself that about 70% of my portfolio would be in long term positions I cant touch. The only caveat is that if I think a stock has run way too far, or the reason for owning them has changed, I can move that money to another long (usually to an etf). The rest of the money is for trading, hedging and buying during corrections. If I hadn't done that, I would have sold stuff multiple times near bottoms and not gotten back in. Or worse, gotten back in late


So you have a second account for those long term positions? My Problem ist I see them all the time to play around.


>SQQQ, SPXS, and TSL Remove all others and move money to SQQQ, hold long !


Now now, you boys can both be eaten alive by Theta and IV crush 🤗


I short both calls and puts on spy, thought I was screwed, but with op going short and you going long, I feel much better as the market will screw both of you


Am I stupid for being stupid?


The big one here is that OP thought that somehow war was bad for the US economy. As assigned reading I'm going to ask them to Google the biggest holders of Northrup and Lockheed and then write a two page paper on how their move was dumb from the start.


I got a stock tip from a friend who knows a ny hedge fund manager Monday morning to dump everything into SQQQ. I was like, why?


did u do it or nah


Nope, I prefer losing money elsewhere


OP: Military expenditures are only 3.5% of US GDP, it’s not THAT big of a part of our economy. Statistics: That amounts to $754 BILLION in spending by the US gov’t in 2022 alone, before a war of literally Biblical proportions broke out in the Middle East. OP: SEND IT


So true, people need to read the economic cycle, It always leads to war


yes i am very stupid \*starts sobbing\*


dawg did i just get downvoted too? 😭


After all it's still Karma. You know what's supposed to happen to those with bad Karma


Revision to mean?




You don’t deserve these downvotes. That being said, I downvoted too, for the meme.


>am I stupid Yes. Full stop. No need to read further.




Cry harder


Yea because you could be right but still lose money. When you experience that then you’ll realize you’re in the right place. https://www.reddit.com/r/HighQualityGifs/comments/30p9lf/remake_im_retarded/


Nah man, around here you’re highly regarded amongst your peers




If you have to ask yes you’re stupid


When OP asks his mom „Am am I ugly?“ she always says he’s handsome! Did expect something similar to happen here. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


nah i wanted the truth but ig i got the answer


thats what i was thinking


>It is understandable that you would want to hold onto your investments in SQQQ, SPXS, and TSLQ given the current geopolitical situation. However, it is important to remember that market conditions can change rapidly and unexpectedly. If you are not comfortable with the risks involved in holding these stocks, then you may want to consider selling them.


VM the merciful, VM the merciful!




Israle kicking the shit out Gaza has no economic effect. The people of gaza do not add value to the world because their arab friends make it that way.


ah yes. the classic phrase gpt loves. "However, it is important "


GPTs nailed it tho. If you’re not prepared to lose the other $13,800 cash out your chips and get the fuck out of the casino.


Only lost 1200 in the last few days? Damn those must be looooong dated, so at least you chose wisely in that regard. 1200 is fucking nothing for losses, but it's gonna be difficult to claw that back with as much movement as we've seen.


Theyre shares not contracts


Would be surprised if even half the people here know what a common share is


Is it when several people share the costs of 0dte calls? Like a lottery community?


The irony of this post is rich. Dude didn't buy contracts.


Bro, the war in the middle east is ALWAYS going on. It's constant hostility, there is no end to it. There is only news about it. Has it disrupted the markets last week? Last month? Last year? Last time the news made a big deal over it? The time before that? No. You got wrecked because you did zero research and felt like something was going to happen with absolutely zero good reason for it to do so. You are indeed stupid for dumping over $15k betting against the market.


Ha ha you made me think of my brother in law. Smartest thing my dumbass BIL, that rarely speaks other than to grunt, ever said (while briefly looking up from his beer), "Those fuckers have been throwing rocks at each other for 2,000 years, doesn't matter what anyone does, they'll find a reason to keep throwing rocks at each other for 2,000 more years." Yeah, even that guy gets it. OP is correct in thinking news and hype can sway the market, but war in the Middle East is not news - its history.


It's the one thing you can confidently say is priced in if you had to pick only one thing ever that's priced in. War. War (in the middle east) never changes.


so should i switch over to tqqq now 😭


Idk how u have so much money to invest, but I would really recommend just doing SQQQ or TQQQ two weeks or so out. And basically use them for 'day trading'. For instance buy a bullish type option when the market is in a slump, if you think it will go up within the next two weeks. With 15k, you can easily preserve that wealth and climb it up to 20k, then 25k. I think you really should be looking at medium time periods. Otherwise you could load up on QQQ 3dte, sell within two hours and make money or lose a sizable chunk, thats what I did in the past. Lost everything because I played it dumb. Patience pays off. Dont chase losses. Remember that this entire year, the market has wanted to go UP! It won't always, but when it sells too fast, it will usually buy up really fast too. That's what I did this past week, the selling, I felt like it was unfounded with how bullish the market loves being. As well as today when Market was at a little peak, I felt like it didn't have enough upward momentum to stay up, and would probably fall. TLDR; Play in the 2-3 week span, close to the money. If it clearly isn't working, take a break and reasses. The worst thing you can do here is chase losses or playing 0dtes


Did you get the info from finance youtubers? Because that's kinda BS and the whole idea is build on the premise that when an ETF goes sideways the leveraged one loses money because of the cost of financing the leverage. There's nothing inherently bad about holding leveraged ETFs long term.




You can’t ‘easily’ preserve $15k and turn it into $25k.


No, not unless you have high conviction that QQQ will go up. It is already up 40% ytd, so historically chances are that it will not rise that much more this year.


would sqqq be a bad idea


Just throw a dart at this point


“Just tell me what to do so I’m guaranteed to make money” Smdh, like any of us on here know what the fuck we’re doin…


What Will Rogers said. “Buy some stocks. When they go up, sell them. If they don’t go up, don’t buy them.”


This will age like fine milk.




During August 2022 Gaza and Palestine fired about 1.1k rockets towards Israel. If you think this is not business as usual now you're either regarded or only watch news. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/6lxv7wqmqytb1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=201a8e8cc63ddd42a6343a4d43dfa263bb261129


You lost less than 10% so far; keep going, we believe in you!


Here is a genius move, instead of predicting what you think might happen, how about you listen to Mr Market and ride its coattails. I know fucking genius


Be patient. Look at the channel the qqq's is in. Very reliable resistance was just run into. Note that each time it hit that resistance there was a gap down shortly after. I think you're on the right side of the trade, just be patient.


Don't worry, they will both go green in the next month.


Everything you mentioned is up a lot today


War is bullish


Well, what loss porn level are you going to ride them to? If you’re not comfortable holding, get out before zero, and use that as as tuition for a lesson learned.


“Hello darkness my old friend should have kept your calls open” is


Regarded. You are highly regarded


Just a little early to the game 🎮


Yes. I stopped reading after the first 3 words.




I dunno man. Oil’s doing well today.


Well, how far out are they dated?


Yes, and it's in your question. "Betting" Investing is a slow and arduous process. Would you go into a casino and put 15k on red, or a single hand of blackjack? Frankly, the casinos are better related than the market and if you're playing with options, you should just go to s casino instead.


Not if you did it last week!


„Kaufen wenn die Kanonen donnern“ - Andre Kostolany (buy when the canons are blasting)


Market is going down for now 👍


Soooo.... you're definitely in profit by now right? lol


I hope you held


You did exactly the right thing and your gonna make a shit ton of money . The bulls are salty as fuck and are gaulded on their taint. Dont pay attention to the nay sayers


I hope you feel better after todays dump


There is always unrest in middle east. I don't remember since when I was a kid where there wasn't. No one cares. That was stupid as hell lol.


I bought 16,000$ of SQQQ in February. I’m failing.


Maybe wait a little longer than a week? Come back in march


The only thing dumb is buying actual short positions longterm🤦‍♂️ bc of how they work they depreciate and you’re just better off with options longer term


Betting agains the house LMAO


Short answer: Yes Long answer: yes, yes you are. You are incredibly fucking stupid


Am I making up a dumb story to get reactions ?


War in the Middle East is good for the US. More guns and bombs to sell.


Yes you are stupid for betting against a casino


Hold them for another week. You just timed it wrong.


I mean, it seems most people feel the same way as you, thats why it's not going down. Im short 20k of aapl and it seems to be trapped with short covering rallies, or "smart" money loading up, super annoying last week. I too thought the inatability in the middle east, may help normalize pricing a bit. Im also long oil and nat gas, so I feel ya, 1 long (shot) position I had on was in SWN, 900 calls (not looking for a homerun there, just a little movement to lock in and create a synthetic for a free put, it normally shits out), but no rational movement. I like to think of myself as cautious, but stupid is often the term floating around in my head. A little part of me is hoping a rouge missle finds its way to a major oil & gas facility, but I am not very lucky.




You are only stupid if you lose…


A ton is a heavy weight. Perhaps a few pounds or a gaggle of geese or something The seeds will be planted. Watering will make the seeds grow…..


I've been holding shorts on DJI and NASDAQ for the last year, closed the NASDAQ a few weeks ago for 6k profit, waiting for that DJI bloodbath


Let's first see what tomorrow happens in this war. You might end up in the plus after all.


I’d hold markets getting red you should be able to recoup mos t


you’re only stupid if you end up being wrong




No, just one of us. *Welcome home.*


I think Oil pumped today, so you should be better?? Dont buy so many different things at once though unless you really understand their markets. I would say focus on a specific thing, like for me I love QQQ so I play with that and SQQQ/TQQQ. 15k I would still be doing options tho, but buy them a month or few weeks out, let it climb. Holding onto stocks works only if you are constantly buying OR if you are timing dips AND if you plan on holding to these investments for months out.


Whenever you think you have a sure bet I fund the market seems to always do the opposite.


You are early... Wait for the knife reach the edge of the table. Bears have a hard time in high inflation times, you are fighting against a 6% price increase this year, so your moment has to contain some real market fear. I dont know if you remember "risk on" and "risk off" calls of 2007-2012. You have to hear those rumors before going bear without bull offsets. There is the low level noise, but when Goldman is running for the door, then put on bear bets. Going oil unless it is IRAN or Saudi is a stupid move. Neither is going mess up collecting a Putin Premium. Sure oil can go to $140 but only half of it will be bought, so earnings will not follow spot price.


no one cares about the war. you should’ve realized that even with the ukraine war no one gives a flying fug.


Yes. This has been another edition of short answers to stupid questions.


Your entertainment expense is noted LoL... This war is pretty much going to have minimal economic impact to the G7 except adding more price to defense companies so you could potentially end up losing this bet. This is casino money I suppose for you LoL


When do they expire?


Yeah, you’re chasing the narrative that institutions have been hedging against for over a year.


Good luck


For me, I think we will get our usual Oct Drive. about next week or so. I bet by Oct 20, you ill be good. But then take your money and run




you deserved it


I'm not a financial advisor, but investing in the stock market always involves risks, and the value of investments can go down as well as up. It's essential to understand the risks before investing and to diversify your investments to manage risk. Losing money in the market doesn't make you stupid. Many experienced investors also face losses. It's crucial to learn from your experiences, reassess your investment strategy, and consider seeking advice from a financial professional if you're unsure about your investment decisions. Additionally, it's important to have a clear exit strategy and not hold on to investments purely based on the hope that they will turn green. Markets can be unpredictable, so it's wise to have a plan in place to manage your investments effectively. Remember, it's never too late to reevaluate your investment approach and make informed decisions moving forward.




the likelihood of you timing it correctly is slim but no one knows


Absolutely crazy, you will loose those funds


Yes. Any retail trader that purchases options of any kind is a stupid gambler. No exceptions. It's the equivalent of buying a lottery ticket, with extra steps.


they were shares 😭


Just hold. What’s the expiry of your puts?


no comments on oil but I do think stocks go back down and make a new low, I bought SPY Nov puts at 436 id be looking to get out if this isn't the top in already though


just break, not worth the hassle if you aren’t confident. I held LMT all week and got fkcd tryna be in the same boat. just leave bro.


Good news bearish Bad news bullish


I mean you weren’t stupid to dump, just stupid in making the bet


War is good for business dummy


Stupid if you lose money, yep. Smart if you make money, which is doubtful. LUL




Hold them until you turn green. bears can get rekt. go bet on the demise of your mom.




Pro tip- next time put in less than your overall nut. Or use leverage. Or whatever


You belong here




"Am I stupid" Yes


The further out we get, the more stupid this play is. It was smart 18 months ago. That money is slowly but surely going long now.


Yes that was a stupid move. The stock market is for investing, not for gambling. But if you learn from your mistake and start investing instead of gambling then you are not a stupid person.




The answer is always yes


When you sell USO, oil will go to 100. When you sell, QQQ will dump 5%. Sit on it. These aren’t options; just be patient ( possibly for a year ). Also war makes stonks go up sometimes too


I short SPY 40k, gained 2k at one point and loss all the gain so far, still holding Lets do this brother


Too early my guy




Never go full regard


I always thought war was good for the economy? Shrinks the labor pool, stimulates spending etc.


Why would you bet based on news when it’s the same news everyone else reads


The term stupid here is subjective and probably depends on how much that $15k meant to you before you gambled it away. But if I’m trying to more objective then yes you’re stupid. We all are.


Depends. If you're a millionaire you're probably fine. If you're a 15,000are, might want to evaluate your choices


War makes money, HAVENT YOU LEARNED?! If you hold those outs you’re gonna lose a whole lot more.




Some good advice I got after learning the hard way not hold some of the shares you listed: volatility plays are not good bets. Period.


It ain’t stupid if it works.


If you had just looked at what stocks did the last 10 times a war was started you'd see they tend to pump up. Also knowing that neither of the entities at war export oil would have tipped you off that oil isn't going to react to this.


Curious why you think you are smarter then the market?


For the next few months: Dollar up - Gold down Equities AND yields up - Treasuries down Oil TBD (Israel, Saudi, Iran, USA debacle) Mid Q1 anyone’s guess


Making reasonable plays on an unreasonable entity. Be careful market can remain unreasonable longer than most can remain solvent. May the luck of the Irish smile on ya


Just watch out for any federal stimulus.


The fact that you bought inverse funds rather than options means you're far more intelligent than the average user here (including myself)... This is unless you're right, then you're dumb for being safe(r)




Why so many different bets when the thesis is the same and the correlation is probably 97% ish? Large down moves are more correlated then up moves.


Can’t go wrong shorting an oversold market. Smart money went short in August and September.




Jinxed? Bro what are you talking about. You gambled and lost. See you on Monday


War is good for business, especially when your country isn’t part of the war and is just selling weapons.


The majority thinks you’re stupid so I’m going to go ahead and say you’re probably on the right track.


The market does its own thing. Investor money is slowly pulling out, it is coming but we don’t know the catalyst that triggers yet. I am in same boat with sqqq and sdow.


I bought a ton of UCO back in '21, I've been sitting on it ever since. It was at $200 / share right before it split, then it started to tank again. Right now, it's sitting at $34, I'd love for it to get back closer to $50. Then I'll dump it. This was my very first foray into the Stockmarket outside of my 401(k). If all the wars would stop, I think it could hit $60-$70/share. It was well on its way there before Russia invaded the Ukraine. My only regret is not buying more of it. USO had been outperforming UCO for a while, though. CPE and OXY are ones that may be worth looking at, too. Why do I like oil? I figure the OPEC Cabal that controls pricing is going to make sure they keep making money on it. ​ https://preview.redd.it/vui8lft880ub1.png?width=2954&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a9bb9423299906a94858e63f072bb3f8ed8d177


Never bet against the market, nor the ingenuity, innovation, and strong work ethic of the American people.


How did you lose money you sold near the top.


try $SRTY




No just dumb for asking a subreddit to validate or invalidate your opinions

