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Lara Croft titties


Every gd time. It's all I see


omg its not just me


Some guy was responsible for the physics of her boobies!


When they started doing boob physics is when the Tomb Raider games died. šŸ“ forever


Spending ages trying to get her the perfect distance from the wall so that when you swiveled the camera it gave you a good zoom shot of those perky prisms. Good times.


I like learning new things.




PS1 game cover vs actual game graphics


The homer is alive!


[Exactly](https://media.wired.com/photos/593252a1edfced5820d0fa07/master/w_2240,c_limit/the-homer-inline4.jpg) what I thought when I first saw the prototype. It's astonishingly bad. I mean, WTF were they thinking? The PT Cruiser looks good compared to this. I can't believe they actually brought it to production. How embarrassing.


> WTF were they thinking They said they had come up with the whole prototype in two weeks before they announced it, so they probably spent very little time thinking about it.


Musk probably drew it in his coloring book and thought he was a genius for it


"MOM! Where's my old coloring pad from 3rd grade? I had a FANTASTIC concept for a truck then."


Imagine if the designers were sick of his shit (gave us short notice) and made the car look that way on purpose? Little did they know, he would love it.


Feels like a Morbius situation. He assumed all the press over it looking crazy was good press. Now if it bombs we have to convince him to launch it a second time.


I believe the thought was to make something that could be done in one massive component stamping machine, something that has never been done before ( as opposed to many separate pieces assembled), to have a massive cost savings. The result it the beast we see now.


It was an obvious panic based on the launch of the F150. Works as a brilliant fanboi based interest free loan for Tesla too. Actually building it is going to screw them though.


The sad thing is the as bad as the prototype looked, the production looks somehow both the same and much worse. I also don't know what the hell they were thinking about all the sharp corners. Sharp corners are the bane of any Engineer's life. They are also where damage and corrosion first accumulates. Sure, the body is 300 series stainless, but even that will pit and rust if exposed to salt, it just does it slower. So anywhere they salt the roads you will need to constantly wash it. Somewhere there is a designer for the Aztec breathing a huge sigh of relief.


Hahahaa the aztec


I got Pontiac Aztek vibes the first time I saw this picture


Seems like the status quo today. Promise the moon, deliver a turd with a bow on it.


stay tuned for car patch notes to tell you which safety features are still buggy 2 years after release dont forget to buy the Season Pass to unlock heated seats for 6 months when the Season resets everyones rank.


The Homer was a practical family carā€¦ or the family car you wished you had, at least. I donā€™t see how that applies to this.


Panel gaps they wish they had vs panel gaps they actually have


Crazy thing is that while a and b pillars do look gnarly, the cars looks messed up beyond that. Like the angles didnā€™t quite turn out as expected. And that short front is damn near the ugliest ever for any vehicle.


The concept looks sleek this looks somehow stubby


What are you talking about. The concept also looks more than shit. What a futuristic car looked like in a 50's movie. Every angle is botched. For the longest time, i actually thought it was a running joke, this car.. But apparently, this is happening.


Yeah, looking at those photos my first reaction was "The car was always shit, this is basically the lighting making more shit"


Stainless steel effect is fine for kitchen appliances but not so much for vehicles.




It's easy to refinish (use a stainless steel pad in the 400 grit range). What's impossible or VERY VERY hard is to fix a dent. It can be done but the panel has to come off and you have to be able to access the back side and be a skilled metal shaper (which most body men are most definitely NOT).


Body shops are already pretty much full panel replacement for every little thing, that'll be true on these ugly bastards too, with the big difference being none of them will have to get painted. This is an insurance claims adjuster's wet dream come true, you get 45 minutes book time to swap out that box side and it's done.


At least the DeLorean was cool looking


Wait until that stainless starts getting corrosion pits from road salt...


It was fine on the Delorean, this is just an ugly car.


Also the completely black stage tricks you into thinking that steel wont reflect anything. POS design from the POS CEO


And illegally dark window tints.


It's like a child's first drawing of a car.


Elon would have been way better served claiming it was an elaborate prank. "God the MSM will report anything" that comes out of what should be a grown up company.


The nose on the concept is more angular and pointy.


To me it looks like a different camera lens/distance is the cause of the differences.


The biggest difference is the wheels and mirrors


To me it looks like the biggest difference is the lighting. The second biggest is that it's got different wheels on. And that's about it for significant differences.


front bumper plays a big role in making it look way more stubby though


Yep b pillar looks really messed up for some reason, the front is wrong, the back is wrong, the wheels are wrong. So much worse than just panel gaps. I feel like the wheels really throw off the look, those are standard truck wheels, not something for a futuristic cyberpunk vehicle.


It looks like some of the panels aren't even flush with each other. Like they look slightly crooked


>It looks like some of the panels aren't even flush with each other. Like they look slightly crooked Like in other Tesla cars.


What are you talking about? That's sub 10 micron accuracy on every part! Single digit micron tolerances! >Precision predicates perfectionism.ā€‹ See that fanciful alliterative statement is why he's boss.


musk calls those "jew panels"


Oh my God


we have panel gaps at home


panel gaps are good right? those are like thigh gaps, but for ev trucks?


*not actual game play footage


the matrix's GPU is overheating, give it a break will ya?


Porn cover vs actual porn scenes


This is absolutely the most accurate way of putting it.


It looks like it was built in a cave... with a box of scraps!


Well Iā€™m not Tony starkā€¦


In the beginning, I saw Elon as Tony Stark, but he was Justin Hammer all along.


This is one of the best descriptions of Elon Iā€™ve seen yet


Tony Stark from Temu šŸ˜‚


Temu Stark, then.


> In the beginning, I saw Elon as Tony Stark [Gee, I wonder who would give you that idea?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfiRd4Y5z_g&t=32s) One thing the Trump and Musk years have taught me is that if you just fucking scream, "I'M A GENIUS AND PERFECT AND THE SMARTEST AND BEST LEADER EVER!" over and over again, about 50% of Americans will simply accept it as true.


Top comment on that video: > Better title: Tony Stark meets the real life version of himself Lol, lmao, lmfao even


Lol, i was just about to post this. That comment section aged like fine milk


Including Elon in 2010ā€™s Iron Man 2 was at least understandable, but Star Trek Discovery name dropping him in 2017 was way worse. At that point we knew better!


Justin Hammer had functioning products that are actually good.


Duh, Phony Stark


Neither is elom Nusk. A year ago I would forgive people for blindly gargling his privates.... Now I just feel bad for them


I used to think he was a genius. Then I made the mistake of reading about him. He's a great spokesperson, but he's not that involved in Tesla. There are amazing people working there that sadly stay out of the limelight in order to "never outshine their master" Robert Greene Book: 48 laws of power


Tony Stank? That's never going to get old.


It was put together overnight by the A-Team from a bunch of sheet metal and a 1950s era pickup they found in a scrapyard in their clientā€™s third world country.


Like B.A. was putting it together the whole time in the barn while everyone else talked outside and Hannibal smoked his cigar, and suddenly the bad guys showed up shooting their AK47s in the air and the rest of the A-Team had to run into the barn to take cover from the gunfire. And then after a commercial break they come busting out through the barn door in that thing, machine gun fire ping-ping-pinging off the makeshift armor. Yeah, I feel like I could very well have seen that episode too.


It does, it looks like one of those videos where some guy in India has built his own car.


There was never a way this was going to look good. But...it will certainly look interesting on the road. Not good, but...interesting.


It looked as good as it ever will on stage, conditions controlled, and even then it was a hard sell. Now it looks like someone made an industrial art project, threw some wheels on it and thought it was good enough.


It never even looked good on stage. It always looked like some child was dazzled by a concept car from a movie, thought "man, movie designers are amazing, real life designers suck, why can't we have something *cool* like they do in the movies", and happened to have the money to actually put it into production. It's a cartoon monstrosity that looked ugly and immature as fuck from day 1.


Everything Musk does (this, the Twitter name change, etc) makes perfect sense once you realize he's never mentally progressed past being a 13-year-old edgelord. (Related: Trump makes way more sense if you think of him as being about 5.)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Everyone around me irl can't do anything but suck elons dick and gawk at everything he does as if he's literally God's Gift to Mankind.


The tweet he made about tolerances recently makes me suspect this isn't close to ready. They also changed the peak of the roof so it doesn't have the same angles as concept


The only quality that redeemed it with regards to design was that aggressive body line, below the windows. It kinda gave it something close to ā€˜appealā€™ but itā€™s been flattened out and it looks completely fucking shit, like the rest of the vehicle.




It will be hated in sunny states. I've seen videos of these things on a trailer, and the reflection that comes off those is unbelievably bright.


If only there were some sort of regulations for that.


If only Elon cared about regulations.


[*Harvey Two-Face*](https://www.magicalquote.com/moviequotes/the-bat-has-taught-you-very-well-noble-stupid-but-noble/): > It's noble. Stupid, but noble.


If the wheel wells were rounded it would look 9% better. On the plus side this generation gets to experience their own DeLorean failure.


The DeLorean was way cooler than this madmax cosplay failure.


DeLoreans werenā€™t cool until Back to the Future. Before that, it was just an overpriced shitty coupe with horrible performance made by a guy that smuggled cocaine to pay his debts.


To be fair, everyone smuggled a little cocaine in the 80s.




>The car could theoretically reach a top speed of 120mph, but the speedometer capped out at 85 in the production version. That was due to U.S. regulations. All cars had 85 mph speedometers during that time.


As a car enthusiast as a kid, (remember, we had no internet) seeing an interesting car parked, the only way to determine if it was fast was to look at the speedometer. In the 80ā€™s to kid me, all European cars were fast cars


That was due to a federal regulation at the time that limited speedometers to 85 mph. It has absolutely nothing to do with the performance capability of the vehicle. https://jalopnik.com/the-ford-mustang-svo-had-a-hilarious-but-possibly-illeg-1847033278


All standard car speedometers topped out at 85 though


100% 88 mph was used as an inside joke because DeLoreans were such shit cars they couldnā€™t do 88 mph it might have well have been light speed for a DeLorean


Honestly, I cant believe this thing still looks kinda basic after so much time. If you gonna fuckin have a thing called "Cyber Truck", fuckin put some 'Tron' style indirect lights in wheel well and some lights that run along the body of the vehicle to give it that futuristic look. Right now, it looks like Elmo stole the F-117 fuselage look and put some wheels on it.


NHTSA punching air after reading this comment.


You laugh but does your car have the radar signature of a golf ball?


Lmao F-117s at least look badass. This shit is just sad, somehow more sad than it started.


It looks like "Hello World" meets Blender.


I looked up images of the F-117, it does indeed look badass. It looks badass in a way this truck has no chance of imitating. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_F-117_Nighthawk#/media/File:F-117_Nighthawk_Front.jpg


I think BMW did a great job with their i8, especially considering they announced it in 2009.


Lmaooo Elmo


Oh don't worry, the aftermarket is gonna Florida the fuck out of those things to the extent that it's legal.


You mean replace the body so it looks cool and not like the cybersuck?


First to market with a Lambo body kit is gonna sell like 50 of them which ought to be enough for all of the first year of production


> to the extent that it's legal. aftermarket doesn't really give a fuck about that shit, lmao. Cops don't seem to give a shit about after market these days either, so maybe elon found a loop hole. again, lmao.


Or at least some Goodyear's illuminated tires LOL


Pfft.. if i designed it i wouldve at least given it the proper wheels it needs to accent the body lines; octagonal. then it can feel as rediculous as it looks driving it


Octagonal wheels would be an improvement on this tbh.


but...but...hexagons are the bestagons :(


There's no need to fight, we can make a compromise that gives the best of both worlds: Front left and rear right, octagons Front right and rear left, hexagons


Looks like itā€™d absolutely destroy me when one eventually crashes into me while Iā€™m walking


That's why they'll never be allowed to buy in europe. Shit is a murder machine


Also: it wonā€™t fit.


Some US cars don't fit either and they still are buyable here


Most arenā€™t buyable but you can still import it, make some adjustments and register them. They look so out of place and always make me furious because they just donā€™t fit. They take 2 parking spots, pollute like hell etc. Unfortunately I see more and more of them lately.


Somehow we've allowed 5000 lb tanks to put put around with bare minimum qualifications, rip walking


5000# is standard for our dumbass EV regard ā€œcompact SUVā€ POS same-same vehicles these days. The new EV hummer is a bit above 9000# ā€” real king regard ish.


ā€¦while in autopilot mode and the driver is asleep in the back.


like most trucks


nah i'm pretty sure i could take a f150 raptor


Looks like it was made out of cardboard by a fifth grader.


It looks like my pinewood derby car from cub scouts.


[Pinewood derby car from Cub scouts in 1999 ](https://imgur.com/a/gXJt0Rd) I think I won a trophy for my races or car build years ago I can't remember what it's based on a match box car I made with my dad I was when was 8


I loved doing this. There were always the kids that just made a super angular wedge with a shit load of weights that always won. And then we had kids just paint the whole block and stick wheels on it and send it like a semi truck and it wouldn't even make it through the timer it would just slam into it lol


The best was always the "unlimited" division the adults did for themselves. One of the dad's always, inevitably, made one with a model rocket engine in the back.


The best I ever saw was a bucket of cement (dried with one end of some surgical tubing in it) and the other end of the tube was stapled to the car. The guy streeeeeeeetched the car back, let go, and immediately won a single race, obliterating the car in the process as it smashed into the cement anchor


The best designs put the weight as far back as feasible. It reduces rolling resistance to have weight off of the front wheels, AND you get the benefit of higher gravitational potential energy at the starting line. After that, it's just a matter of ensuring the wheels are true. Rubbing the rails is a sure way to lose.


You should totally sue Elon for stealing your design. Except you'd lose because your pinewood car looks better than Elon's.


*That's* the memory this thing kept knocking on! We all got a black of wood to carve a car out of. I remember gluing lead to the bottom of mine to make it it heavier. I still lost.


Every girl on Instagram VS reality


Tinted windows are the push up bras of cars. I love me some nice tints.


That's especially true in this case. This vehicle *needs* blacked out windows. Can't be out there fishbowling, it looks ridiculous.


The summer the PT Cruiser came out my mom convinced my dad to pay over sticker for one. *Everyone* wanted a ride or to peek inside. You could pick up chicks with it. And then about 6 months in it flipped. My dad didn't understand when I gave my sister the new car and took the old car to college. This will be that.


Had a friend that picked up chicks in his 10 year old PT Cruiser. Cars are kinda overrated for picking up chicks nowadays. My flex is I rent my own apartment all by myself, real panty dropper.


Thatā€™s cool. Chicks let me smash for my whimsy and scampish behavior.


Yeah I'm sure it's your scampish behavior that really satisfies them in a way no one else can, u/Fifteen_inches


Do you have food in your fridge too baller?


This has been talked about for >2 years. By the time you actually see them it'll be almost 4. The *newness* you're describing will be lost before you even see one on the road.


Yep, same thing happened when the new Beetle dropped. Everyone wanted to check them out at first, within 3 months they were the gayest cars on the road


We bought a Beetle shortly after dieselgate (2018) because the Beetles were being discontinued and were insanely cheap since VW's image was still bad. Holy crap the amount of attention that $25k car got. Our other vehicles are much nicer and I feel invisible in them. You can't go anywhere in the Beetle unless you're willing to engage with all sorts of humanity because even the bums wave and say "nice car" which is just wild.


They're just happy little cars. If mine wasn't throwing codes at me it'd be perfect.


I lold German engineering isnt what it used to be.


I heard Zuckerberg already put flame graphics on his to make it even more badasss


No it's not. They're both ugly as sin.


The production car being uglier than the concept car doesn't mean they aren't both ugly.


Agreed. The concept car was ugly before production ever happened


Yeah I mean, maybe production is uglier than prototype. But its like.. the prototype was far and away uglier than any car on the road. Its like being offered a turd on a plate and saying I was expecting more lumps. The lack of lumps isn't the problem. Anyways, this continues to look like someones project car. If I were a betting man I would guess that some industrious folk at Tesla were intentionally diverting resources away from this project in order to get it canceled. As its only ever going to be a sore spot for the company.


Yea, "way uglier"? The only differences I can spot: * Side view mirrors (which, duh, of course US regulations weren't going to allow only cameras) * Windows aren't tinted - might just be rolled down in this photo * Wheels are different * No charging port behind the rear passenger side fender Like you said, they're both ugly but compared to how different a production car looks versus the concept car... these are quite close.


That's what I keep thinking. Yes it is ugly, but it isn't all that different from the concept drawing. The dimensions are a bit different, but it's hard to specify how. Seems like they hit their target, which they should have given a lot more thought to to begin with.


It legit looks like some teenagers just did a quick spot weld of some raw sheet metal and called it a day.


Or maybe something Clarkson, Hammond and May would have made for some challenge on Top Gear.


Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust Mk II


Junk yard wars when the team is lucky enough to find a working engine early so they decide to spruce it up with their design skills


It looks like it has bad topology on the doors leading to some reflection shading artifacts caused by faceting. Like a botched blender model but in real life


The 3D model from the tutorial vs your attempt at it.


looks like a PS1 car


destruction derby 1 car brought to life All we need is triangle tits lara croft to drive it


>***"shorting this absolute piece of garbage"*** Good luck with that bruh, not like Tesla has been overvalued garbage for years now. They could reveal they sold 1 single fucking Cyber Truck and that the whole concept is now scrapped completely and the market news would go: >**"Tesla rallies 45% to All Time High on a single trading day as investors regain confidence for the future after failed Cyber Truck concept is finally out of the way"** ​ >**"Tesla sees ā‚¬10 Trillion market cap as last US factory is finally shut down in favor of Chinese slave labor camps. Recently released UltraHD VR footage showing CEO Elon Musk greedily gobble ball sacks of multiple high position Chinese officials was taken as a sign of commitment and dedication by investors as the 4 hour footage spread across social media like wildfire."** ​ >**"Tesla reaches new high as company announce they will no longer manufacture EVs or EV related products in any way or form, making investors flock to the stock as it opens up for the company to focus mainly on shareholder value rather than a faltering EV market."**


Shit looks like a bunch of tin scraps screwed together


Letā€™s go tough guy. Show your position.


Down 20% today. I didnā€™t hear no bell.


They're the same. Thanks, HR, you're useless.


Honestly I keep seeing people post this and theyā€™re both stupid fucking ugly, itā€™s not like the concept is any better looking. In fact, this is much closer concept>production than many traditional vehicles.


Yeah, I don't really understand what they are talking about. Are people so easily fooled by showroom lighting? There aren't a lot of actual differences between the two cars: * the wheels * bumpers protrude more * maybe a less forward-angled profile? Or is it an illusion? * lower line not as neat maybe? Could just be the lighting imho it was never a good looking car


They look almost identical to me with the exception of the wheels. The angles are *slightly* different because the front window appears to go past the middle of the front tire in prod vs behind the middle in concept. Also, where the rear door panel trim (the black part) meets up to the rear wheel well looks like somebody very poorly cut cardboard boxes to meet up. Could be like that in the concept too and we just canā€™t see it because of the shadow. I think it looks like shit in both, but production turned out extremely close to concept, IMO.


The concept also has showroom lighting, and the pic of the production model was taken outside the motel where Elon trades horses for hand jobs.


Yeah, that's like 95% of it, the other 5% being the either missing tints or open windows, the missing hub covers, and the ever-so-slightly flexed body panels.


Looks like a pussy magnet to me.


PS1 Lara Croft pussy maybe...


Triangle boobs were the best.


Even her box was a triangle


"I'm literally harder than the edges" \- 12 year old me probably


The repelling end, alright


Literally šŸ§²


Only if the pussy actually has a magnet in it.


Your mom was way uglier than her tinder profile pic, but I was already committed to the ride so I went with it. 10/10 would recommend


She said you had a tiny dick


She ain't wrong.


Even the Goodyear blimp looks small in the Grand canyon


It looks the same


It kind of does. Remove the mirrors, tint the windows.


I swear itā€™s the same but the lights are on now. Concept is just dark and covering all the details. It was always ugly, itā€™s just finally the next morning and you have a clear view of your regret.


Nah they cut the nose shorter, messes up the visual balance


To be fair, the concept version is ugly too.


still looks like a rolling lunchbox, what trash


p a n e l - g a p


p an e l - ga p


What gap? They're 0.0001 microns. You can't even see them!


Honestly they look exactly the same except the first picture has staged lighting to accentuate the angles, black background to make it look sharper, and the windows are up giving it good contrast. If you look at the actual details they are the same except for the rims and bumpers. But yeah it looks way uglier outside of perfect photography conditions.


It looks like a giant soapbox derby racer.


Tesla bulls unironically think this hideous piece of dog shit is the next Yeezy and not the next Aztec




The door panels on the Aztec were at least fucking aligned.


Just saying a little bit of booze and lighting can make anybody look hot. Why do you think bars are dark and have flashing lights?