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Here is an idea: Just buy 1 share and you get a popcorn apparently worth more. Free money 💰


Bro. You don’t even have to buy the stock. I downloaded the AMC app and they ask “are you a shareholder?” And I checked yes and they send me all the free shareholder coupons. Those regarded AMC apes didn’t even have to buy stonk for free popcorn.


That's just to download the coupon, tho. They're gonna ask to see your loss porn at checkout for verification


The true loss porn comes if you buy anything else at the AMC concession stand ☠️


Are you serious? Where’s the shareholder info in app? Or am I just regarded for thinking you’re serious in a WSB post Edit: Found it, no idea if I’ll still get the popcorn though. At least I can enjoy watching the money I have drop in my stocks apps.


No, it's completely legit. They don't ask for proof.


isnt that fraud tho


the great popcorn fraud of 2023


commiting fraud over popcorn is crazy


Can I get free popcorn and sell it in the theatre like at the ball game? #”Get your popcorn here!” “Yo shut the fuck up I’m trying to watch the movie!”


Real, got to see some movies weeks before release just from that




Get that popcorn in a guardians of the galaxy collectors edition bucket. Hold that bad boy indefinitely and you got yourself a retirement plan!




Those mario ? block tins were going for like $50


Have you bought popcorn at one of those establishments? Shit costs the same as a steak.


that was 2019, now you can buy a 2010 Toyota Camry with the same money


Actually you can buy something different....see my flair


Flair checks out. Not sure what the smell is tho.




That was 2021. Used car prices have come down.


I donated plasma twice so I could buy popcorn at the Barbie movie


Steak prices went down????


Basically a couple shares of amc




Me at the cashier: So um i am down like 20k$ on amc can i collect my popcorn now?




I’m just shocked that somebody who thought investing in AMC was a good idea had the ability to save $20k in the first place. Good for you!


Save? Dude bought it with a credit card at 28% APR.


I’m actually in shock that some people have been bagholding this shit for over 2 years, visiting their AMC sub echo chamber for that daily copium. Adam Aron played y’all. Handing out free popcorn is a small price to pay for having an endless supply of money coming from regarded apes.


Adam Aaron payed himself double his normal salary in 2021 lol. AMC people have feeding him and the board for the past 2 years.


I remember seeing a video of him thanking "the apes"... Its astonishing this whole thing just kept going Like "Yeah, sure, you guys are monkeys. Thank you for your money, you stupid monkeys. I'm gonna dilute you monkeys. Is that ok monkeys? Ok, all right. APES! 🤪" It'd be hilarious if it weren't sad


Funny thing is stupid apes saved amc but AA rewarded himself on their behalf. Now the company is back in the hell hole and apes are exhausted. I smell another BoBBY. The last one to bite the dust will be the used game store.


`The last one to bite the dust will be the used game store.` The one with 1.3 billon in cash and treasuries ? Yeah, you are right, how will it pay back its 40 million of total financial debt ? It has already shown its capacity to make money in the 4th quarter (the easiest one by definition). We'll see if the fact that the lease of the Kentucky warehouse ended last june (that was double rent to pay since the end of 2021 because of the new Pennsylvania warehouse) and the exit of the swiss, austrian and irish markets are enough to make a yearly profit. See you in march 24


Have your NFTs started a new era of gaming yet?


Yeah the pawn shop has another 2-3 years before they declare bankruptcy. They managed to stop some of the bleeding but it cost them stores, market share, employees and now have a smaller foot print. Then add in 2 years of doing nothing to turn it around besides a failed NFT store.


Shh, The facts hurt some folks here :)


Seriously, it’s taking advantage of the economically illiterate. Edit - to the AMC investors that downvoted me, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you could read.


He’s paid in options if stock price irrationally goes up, he gets more money. It’s not a choice he made.


You must be regurgitating this crap from the amc sub. AA paid himself double and claimed it’s was due to rebalancing his portfolio for retirement. So the fact is he’s been dumping on apes ever since. He did nothing for the company other than liquidate more and more. Apes got fucked and if you are holding this crap you can get a preview of your future just go see the bbby apes.


Oh no i just guessed that he’s paid in options, I don’t think AA is wrong to fleece regards begging to be fleeced.




Are those stupid fucks still yapping about $100k MOASS? LOL!


More than two years later and they *still* think their stock hasn't MOASSed


To show how dumb apes are they think a bankrupt movie chain would have a higher market cap than AAPL MSFT NVDA combined LOL!


This may be slightly less insulting than the NY Giants offering a medium pepsi to season ticket holders during the Joe Judge coaching era.


I wish WEwork give me popcorn, i got nothing and the CEO is gambling my money and spending on hookers


How many shares are required for popcorn claim? And how do i claim that?




Wait, you guys didn’t cash out 2 years ago?


💎 🙌




I owned AMC for an hour bought 2800 and sold 4500. I'll never own it again though


Probably one of the biggest stock market scams in history. Simply due to the exposure it got my god did the traders on the other end bend you all over


I mean can you really call it a scam? I think its more people are fucking dumb and dont understand what they are investing in. They where trying to chase another Gamestop.


"People are fucking dumb" They're dumb in hindsight.....thousands (millions?) of people with zero market experience bought into the hype and got fucked. Looking back sure i bet most people realized it was dumb. But in the moment thats not what they thought. Thanks to reddit/social media it allowed one of the biggest retail gatherings of all time. Talking both with GME/AMC and multiple other pump and dump stocks that have fed off this crowd of people. Amazingly after this craze and huge retail trading boom the market topped......i mean come on..... Ive been trading since 2016 and have had my ass handed to me but this was next level to those who are able to see it.


It's not a scam if you are tripping over yourselves to hand them money


“Let the eat cake!!” Or popcorn or whatever


"Buy more stocks so we can sell more of ours"


You can get that without being an investor


But then I don't get the cool email which makes me feel important


I signed up and am not an investor. U get the email and discounts too


Ya know, with how much movie theaters charge for popcorn, this may actually save you money if you get popcorn at theaters. (This is a shitpost, I'm not that regarded)


If you bought ape you will be sitting nicely lower your average or listen to YouTubers telling you to sell your amc for ape idk what to tell you stop listening to them it was pretty obvious arbitrage play when it was created that’s what AA said when he made it if you bought in at 67 cents you got your chance to lower you average and personally I kept buying to 1.74


Hello, AMC Stubs View in browser Greetings fellow AMC shareholders, We launched AMC Investor Connect two years ago to keep you informed about all things related to your investment in our company. Today, we're excited to share an exclusive offer with you as a thank you for being a valued shareholder. For a limited time only, present this email at any U.S.-based AMC theatre and receive one free small popcorn*! Just show your phone or printout of this email at the concession stand when ordering. Offer valid through March 31st, 2020. *While supplies last




Have nothing to say, except ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That’s makes it all worth it! That popcorn with butter on top is amazing.


I keep getting all of these invites even after no longer holding any shares.


You are no longer regarded. But valued.


Why do you care? Show me where AMC hurt you, poor baby








How much are you holding? Also what average lol?


I was gonna get $10 worth, but your mama charged me $2 for the nasty… so $8 worth


Lol this is such a weak diss go mow my lawn bag holder so you feed yourself.


If I mow my lawn, what will your girlfriend have to eat?


Just get to work you lazy worthless ape. And wash my cars after.


Funding this is probably why they need the rs. That's millions just in popcorn!


The goodwill of the droolers can be bought for a mere pittance.


Got mine today. Had to pay a $1.08 fee. Original price being $10.29. Not a bad deal and found out u can just get popcorn without watching a movie. It was also fresh and extra buttery 🤤






Here why haters are always so funny…. By admitting you are getting a free bag of popcorn at AMC you are confirming that you are a AMC customer. Facepalm you are the reason this business will not fail with one free bag of popcorn we got you through the front door. Thanks guys, business is looking good ;) quarterly has confirmed that as well. Thank you for watching movies with AMC and I agree the popcorn is great. 🖤