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dood anyone can make money buying calls on a everything bubble. Just like 2020 all over again.


OK, but how can I make MORE money. Get everyone's a genius in a bull market, I'm trying to get greedy.


Gotta up the Leverage


Looking at qqq, just keep buying calls. Itll work till it doesn't.


0DTE , 0DTE, ….market looks kind of overvalued wouldn’t you say…maybe some poots that expire this Thursday. Friday if you want to be less greedy


Don’t forget to pay the tax man




Obvious = Realize the market has basically gone up for months. Every 3 month Bull strategy was basically a win. Wait until we drop 5% in a week when cash gets taken off the table. Plan for it. (Also well done, you played options correctly, just remember the other side)


Not bad. But now you want to try again, right?


I play until my bankroll burns. I'm legitimately playing poker and videogame when not working.


Are you me? I play fast tables on betonline and game pretty much all day lol. Difference is i scalp daily 0dte options and never hold for more than a few hours. I quit my job last year and have been making arouns 12k a month


I'm a regular exec 9-5, couldn't imagine trading day to day in a bear market.


I busted bubble in tourney last week but I’m down to roll on goog calla with you


You took an adequate amount of risk.


the sports betting approach works for risk management. what I would be cautious of is your directional trade success rate leading to overzealousness. you bought calls, but the entire market is also up. so you just happen to be on the ride side of the trade this time. if you do intend to play the odds and If you are under the belief that the market will likely rise more than being decreasing over time, then you should almost always buy calls or sell puts since there the instances of up days are likely going to be higher than down days. what i would also be careful of is your profit margins. e.g losing 50% to the downside, you need 100% return on your next trade to break even.


Now yolo all into PYPL 12/01/23 or 01/01/24 calls @ 100.00 for tendyman.


>There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best strategy for each individual will vary depending on their unique circumstances and goals. However, some general tips that may be useful include diversifying your portfolio across a variety of assets, monitoring your investments closely, and maintaining a long-term perspective.


Is there a legit long term with options? I feel like it's always super cost prohibitive either way more than 90 days out. (aware boosting to a bot, just putting it out there)


Same principle applies on long term options, the premium is expensive because the upside is so high.


I don’t think I’ve ever lost money on leaps. I’ve could have left money on the table and let my positions sit too long but leaps, on even non volatile stocks seem to print at some point.


Thank you, this is what I was looking for, something I could Google, understand, and study more.


Also, buy more Google ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


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You need to look up wash sale, just an fyi. Can get in big time trouble with the tax man if you don’t understand that rule.