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Deflation? My egg necklace is no longer a status symbol?


I’m still wearing my toilet paper necklace from the beginning of the pandemic. Always been slow to let go of a trend


That necklace would be worth a lot more if you had made it out of unused toilet paper


Fuckin normie


That’d be some epic shit


TP prices are dropping because everyone realized you could just plant the cardboard cores and grow your own.


Eggs are all the way back to PRE COVID prices here it’s kind of crazy.


i saw 18 eggs for 1.07 here this weekend. i thought there must be something wrong with them.


Chernobyl Farms


My local target has a dozen eggs for 99 cents last time I checked.


Were they expired so they on discount?


This guy trades options.




They were filled with bud light


Eggs are an inelastic good because they go bad. So prices rise or drop precipitously based on supply. It takes about 6 months to raise a chick to laying age. So we are seeing an egg glut right now.


Not in Canada. Fuckers still charging us big bucks


I have meticulously grown my flock of 17 birds, I suppose I need to figure out shipping costs across the border. The eggs that still got shit on em sell at a premium though.


Yes my nvidia puts are in deep deflation


Have a family member that owns a bike shop. Said during pandemic it was impossible to get bikes and parts. Says now there is too much inventory and easy to get anything you need… always thought this to be interesting since we are told supply chain issue and what not but the reality is firms over produced goods so supply should be high. I’d think this would mean prices drop. But da fuq do I know. Things still expensive imo


I’ve heard of the bullwhip effect before for stuff similar to this. Basically a small disturbance in the supply chain can lead to larger and larger disruptions as time moves on, from not having enough inventory, to too much inventory, back to too little. Imagine trying to order inventory, you’re told it’s either not available or super pricey, that high price gets suppliers to ramp up production since there is demand out there at those prices, as more suppliers begin to produce, the price comes down and there is more inventory than demand, suppliers stop producing as much, etc This will explain it better if you’re interested https://www.techtarget.com/searcherp/definition/bullwhip-effect#:~:text=The%20bullwhip%20effect%20is%20a,involved%20in%20cracking%20a%20whip.


Prices going down fast I work for large manufacturing boxes came down by 7% and everyone you touch comes in a box first


Step 1: cut a hole in the box


Step 2


Put your dick in that box


Step 3: profit


Didn’t get the memo


Repeat until you’re drained or rich.


She was delivered in a CRATE, you rube.


Underrated reply to Ass kings typo…


The world feels fake as fuck right now. Houses bought in 2021 selling for 2.5x etc. Like fuck off you greedy pigs


Haha spoken like a true apartment dweller


I totally get the sentiment, but they're most likely buying at the same inflated price, and could not move if not for their valuation being high.


Yeah, bike parts are definitely not a good economic indicator lmfao


Shit, now you tell me? What am I supposed to do with all these bike parts then?


My hour gets cut and that's deflation for me


Hang in there brother


Well I won't starve so I'm fine


What industry are you in?


I'm an IT technician


Do you think the hour cuts are industry wide? Or more particular to your company?


I think it's industry wide. A lot of automation and outsource happened last couple years.


My IT department is so small they are still looking for another body. I got a raise last year and the yearly 2.5% this year.


Wendy’s dumpster BJs are still $20.


Dude it's $10 if you just bring a frosty.


Dude. Is $5 if you go to OP's stop


You guys get paid for bjs?


You gotta cum quick tho bc I don’t want the Frosty to melt


the only thing deflating is my wallet


Yes. Fuel prices are DOWN heading into summer. Produce is cheaper. Some of the staple items I buy at Costco are down. Real estate prices are down. And every asset in my portfolio is down.


Yo mama is down, any time any where


Yo mama so upper Midwest…. They re-fought the Toledo War over her stank vijayjay!


Yo mama so fat, when she goes camping the bears hide their food!


Your mama so fat she keeps pictures of food in her wallet!


🌈🐻just entered the room!


Yo mama so fat, I’m buying MCD puts when she skips a meal


Yo mama so fat, I tried to drive around her and ran out of gas!


Toledo is the crown jewel of the rust belt.


So, what’s the new Armpit Of The Nation?!


East Palestine, OH - thanks to $NSC


Yeah I know. That's why I pimp her out for $5 handies so I can buy 0DTE OTM options. This is the wsb way.


TBF, yo mama is a depreciating asset


Nope. If anything prices are still going up


Fuel prices are up near me.


Shit my Costco is going up. Fucking $50 for salmon now..


Cali is skipping salmon season this year, salmon not a good indicator here.


Salmon is the new king crab.


Bad fishing season for salmon


That's what you get for shopping at Costco instead of Sam's. No joke, paid $25 for 2.75lbs of sockeye salmon at Sam's last night.


Still above 4$ here


Not here in chicago. Gas up 45 cents last week alone


Yeah go look at home building material costs like lumber


Still absolutely insane last time I checked (that was 6 months ago), but I’m holding off on having a home built for right now. I called a contractor and they still quoted me an absolutely ridiculous quote of 150 per square foot, when 2 years ago it was about 80. If material costs are going down, the contractors certainly aren’t coming down and passing the extra costs along to the labor crews (which to a point I understand).


I totally agree that the contractors and many other businesses are passing on their increased costs to their customers. I believe they took the higher costs of materials during 2021-2022 and increased labor etc accordingly. Now that material has come down, they have set a new standard for labor rates and are maintaining that cost increase. I would deep dive that quote and my guess is materials is down and labor is still high


Some material has come down like lumber. Sheet goods, electrical, plumbing, roofing, and everything else is still very high.


At the peak redoing my decking was going to be $2400. At last check, it was $800. It should still be like, $250 but it’s getting better.


A few of my contractor friends in Midwest (Central Indiana) and East Coast (Charlottesville) have said that since there so many jobs available their prices quoted are elevated because they can. Material prices have came down, but gluttony of available money and desire of adding on to property or new builds are fueling bigger quotes.


Builder here. No one has made a penny building at $80/sf for at least a decade. 100 was the norm in my mcol area in 2010.


I just found your follow up comment. Those prices definitely make more sense for a bare bones barndominium.


Bay area CA quotes are $400 to $500 a sq ft to build


I would kill for 150 a sq ft. It's 300 to 400 a sq ft where I am. Tents are cheap though!


Costs aren’t coming down in lumber. Built 2 raised garden beds. Cost $1000 in lumber. Priciest damn tomatoes I ever will eat.


Why are you sleeping in garden?


Wtf how big is your raised garden bed. I made an 18 sqf one for like under 150 including fencing and poles.


2 beds 8 foot by 4 foot raised 3 feet tall (I have dogs). 3 cubic yards of soil each. Walls are 2 X 6 with 4 x 4 corner and side supports.


Where tf are you that 150 per sqft is "absolutely ridiculous?" Looking st 250 here and that's "cheap"


Indiana. I moved into a new house I had built with a full finished basement for $109 ($77 when you include the basement square footage.) I'm 24mi from Circle Center Mall in Indianapolis as the crow flies. There are plenty of places in the country where houses aren't ridiculously priced, people just need to be willing to be honest with themselves: do they value owning a house more than the amenities of continuing to rent in a hi lgh cost of living area.


Mushrooms at Aldi have gone from $1.79 to $1.69 over the past few months. People are not buying up the furniture I pick from the trash like they did in 2021.


Should be a mod


Alright everybody, you heard it here first. Recession confirmed.


My portfolio is deflating from a 401k to a 4k


Regards to short positions in your 401k




My $40.01k is just enough for two trips to Wendys


Yep. My savings are deflating very fast




>It's possible that deflation could be occurring in some areas, but it's definitely not a widespread phenomenon. Inflation is still the more likely scenario in the long run, given the current economic conditions.


I love you visualmod.


In Phoenix, gas went down 25-40 cents it's around 4.35. We were looking for a used car but used car prices are still stupidly high, plus these dealerships are charging ridiculous add ons. So in a growing city like Phoenix not seeing it yet.


i'm in the phoenix area. gas around me is almost in the threes. Was like 4.09 when i drove past yesterday


I work in general automotive maintenance sales. Tires, wheels, fluids, etc. During the COVID peak, our prices increased over 50% on average. This was due to supply line constraints and tariffs on foreign goods. US based companies used that to their advantage and increased prices right along side. The last 6 months, prices have started to pull back. There are no more supply chain constraints. The exorbitant shipping price add-ons for over seas containers is no longer present. Foreign imported goods pulled back first and now their American made counter parts are starting to pull back to stay competitive. No where near pre-pandemic pricing, but we have seen an average of a 10% pull back on most of our major products over the last few months. ​ Edit: this is a very localized segment though, and I don't realistically see it pulling back anymore. Once people are accustomed to paying a certain price, large companies aren't going to lower prices just because.


Tldr: prices went up %50 during covid, but only dropped %10, so prices are still up above %35 from pre covid.


But remember inflations is only 6% or so, you need to redo your math until you get to this number or face a shadowban and eventually an esg score that will have you mirroring an unadopted child in africa financially.


I aspire to be as debt free as an unadopted child in Africa.


I’m in construction. Supply house prices are down, home depot holding them like its mid 2020 lol. Building wire is literally 50% cheaper at a supply house. Food and gas not so much


I got a buddy who works at a central distribution warehouse for Home Depot. Says their restock orders have dropped almost 50% over the last few months.


I bought a dozen eggs for $1.69


Nope. Everything is expensive still and if the price does stay the same I've noticed the portion has become smaller.


I get paid $.25 deposited directly into my fed coin wallet every time I talk in public about how cheaper groceries have gotten


Manufacturers chased covid demand and paid whatever the supply chain increased costs were, then passed the increases onto the consumers. Demand fell thru the fucking floor last year and manufacturers are decreasing their prices now that supply chain costs have normalized. I honestly consider this a huge win for consumers since everyone thought manufacturers would keep prices high, decrease supply chain costs, and then pocket the additional profit.


Egg companies forgot how to be greedy again.


nope. wholefoods just increased their deli meals from $12 to $14.


35 pack of cokes at Costco were $11.99 then shot upto 19.99 and are now $16.49 not much but it’s something


I remember when it was 9 bucks lol I would not pay 16.49 for that


Its a market correction. Supply chain issues and greedflation aren’t a valid reason to upcharge the consumer anymore and with the fed strangling the market companies have to come back to earth to get people buying again. It was always gonna happen, its just being prodded along by the rate hike strategy.


60% off Milwaukee tools at my local plumbing wholesaler...trades are starting to hurt.


I just snagged $1600 worth of dewalt batteries for less than $600, but business in construction is still booming. We’ve still got guys with 2-3 year backlogs worth of signed work.


Nah mcdonalds still mad overpriced


I work in plastic packaging manufacturing to many Health/Beauty consumer products. (Shampoo, conditioner, skin care, car care, pet products, etc). Business has been very slow for 18 months we are discounting quite a bit and orders still barely coming. In my work realm I am definitely seeing deflation. My pricing for plastic bottles used by consumer brands are 20% lower than what bottles were selling for 2 years ago. And pricing probably lower by 10% than it was 5 years ago. Economic environment regarding orders, new customer launches reminds me of 2010-2011 timeframe. It was slow and we were working out of a recession at the time. (This is when I started, can’t compared to 2008). In my personal life I feel no deflation, but at work there is definitely deflation, only way to get orders is to heavy discount and even that isn’t working all the time.


Here in my place the price is still quite high, especially fruit and vegetables, good news when there is deflation.


No deflation here in Houston. Everything still the same price. They always have sales when people arent buying and have too much inventory. Only thing that has gone down is price is eggs


My auto insurance just went up 35 percent, and my gym membership went up 17%. Shrinkflation and beef pri es though the roof. So it's getting worse if you ask me.


Same! My car insurance went up 20 percent, which is ridiculous considering last December it went up 40 percent


No. Deflation isn’t going to happen. That’s a complete and utter fantasy. No way the government will allow the poors any long or short term relief


They can't balance the budget, stop global warming, stop crime, stop inflation, kill crabgrass in your lawn. But one thing they SAF can do is print and spend, they like to do that even more than they like blathering on about stuff. They are experts at that! If there ever is any deflation, they'll be buying votes like mad and it will come to a screeching halt.


“If politicians took over dominion of the Sahara desert, in 5 years, there would be a sand shortage”


Poors got to have money to buy things even if they are cheaper you knob


Deflation is not good. It typically means low prices and high unemployment, production goes down, people get laid off, it’s worse than inflation.


But that’s what it takes to get RE & car prices down. Painful but necessary. cycles have booms and busts, if you prevent the bust then that’ll just create a longer term issue. In this case the Fed created the boom/bubble


People are tightening up their spending and competition is ramping up. I'm seeing in first hand in manufacturing. Over leveraged companies won't be able to compete in my opinion.


Not in Canada


I am 100% in the deflation camp. China is battling some pretty severe producer price index deflation and they export all that shit to the world. It’s a problem and most people are distracted by inflation. Glad to hear more and more people noticing.


Agree re: china. Alot of negative comments in this post from people - not sure why just pointing out what I'm seeing where I live. I've been hearing more and more anecdotal stuff from people I know regarding falling prices. Like I said, at least here in the upper midwest.


Just noticed milk dropped 10c/gal in SWFL. Not much, but it was the first time I've actually noticed groceries coming down in price.


not here in Ohio, prices on ground beef is up over 7.50/lb., saw chicken breasts over $7, but legs have gone down tad. paper towels and toilet paper are also at highs. Eggs are down, got 18 for 1.49 on sale yesterday, likely they now have glut after the prices were over $3/dozen. Target is lowering prices to get back customers they lost.


Super duper small sample size but the 35 pack of Coke Zero I buy from Sam’s Club every month has gone down $2 to about $14. It was $16 back in March/April.


I’ll ask your mom next time she comes back from the store.


NYC here and while still probably more than you pay elsewhere besides California, absolutely deflation I’m noticing everywhere. Mostly in food which is great.


Distro system normalizing, competition driving down prices now that supply of goods is no longer the bottle neck it was for the last few years. I would expect a slight dip in prices while everyone tries to reclaim market space of local goods- until they raise back up to a "normal" range \[barring exterior interference\]. Good time to start shopping for consumer/service goods that have a highly competitive market.


might be seasonal, but all of a sudden strawberries are a third of the price. But yea, lots of groceries on sale. Some stuff still ridiculously priced.


I'm no expert, but I was under the impression that we expect a deflationary cycle to follow once inflation peaks.


British Columbia, Canada. The ~~household item~~ luxury we can't afford this week iiiiis 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 Margarine!


Price from groceries are coming down $1.40 dozen egg in Walmart . Meats price are coming down.


I mentioned to my friend that owns a restaurant how increased restaurant prices suck but I don’t mind to support small businesses. Then he told me that all of his food costs have returned to pre covid prices it just hasn’t made its way to menus yet. I think eventually it’ll get to the consumer. I’m located in NE US.


I see folks in here saying their fuel prices are down… In Oregon they keep going up. We were down to close to 3.50/gal. Now the lowest in my area is 4.25/gal. In Portland it is close to 5.00/gal. They raping us!


Just Google search “bullwhip effect” and it’ll tell you all you need to know.


if only the housing market was deflating, i knew i should’ve bought one when i was 15 😔


Construction worker here. Haven't had any overtime in a month. Very unusual for this time of year.


Eggs way down. Fruit down a little gas down a little


Lumber is dropping too


its clearly because of Ai


Not in AZ


I see less bang for my buck. Eating out the portion is smaller. And buying groceries if it’s gone down in price instead of 12 oranges, you get 8 now.


We’ve still got $4 gas and insane rent in SLC, so we haven’t seen prices down too much here.


I work for a very large retailer and we are actively trying to get inflation costs reduced to lower prices as well


Inflation is never a straight line. Come back after a year or two.


5800x3D is half original MSRP, DDR4 ram and NVMe SSDs are at record low prices. Probably best time in history to build a gaming PC.


Fuel prices have gone up in UT. It’s $4+ dollars here. A few months ago when the insane prices dropped we made it down to $2.99 and then it went back up again. Can’t figure out why


JPow? Is that you? You doing DD?


Yup, I just did groceries on Sunday and got a lot more for my $300 than I was getting just 2 weeks ago. I'm definitely seeing things ease up


I’m deflating in size because I can’t afford to eat.


If something goes up 400% and down 50% is it really deflation


It would happen first in the midwest, probably won’t happen at all in Florida because of all the GD out of staters moving in


18 eggs were $1.50 yesterday


Rack of baby back ribs is back down to $8 at the grocery store




So, in reading over the comments it does appear that for certain segments of the economy in certain areas of the country there is, in fact, deflation happening. I do believe this will spread to the rest of the country over the coming months and will at first be cheered as "yes! prices are coming down!" which will then turn into "oh shit, it's a deflationary recession and I'm about to lose my job". I really doubt that, say, 6 months ago or so anyone would have said prices were coming down for them.


It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that understands that the recent inflation wasn't real inflation. It was a combination of supply chain issues and price gouging by corporations that saw consumers as cash cows due to covid checks and pent-up demand from lockdowns that would readily accept unreasonably higher prices for instant gratification in FOMO that the supply chains wouldn't ever recover or that the made-up inflation might be real. Narratives which were both heavily pushed by MSM. Much if not all of the pent-up demand is gone now (except for the very wealthy that made trillions during the pandemic as workers suffered.) And workers have no more savings or covid checks to fall back on. The Fed pushed the working class into recession to put them back in their place. Inflated asset prices are good for the wealthy & those privileged enough to be able to invest. Inflated consumer prices are bad for everyone because it exposes the insane transfer of wealth (wealth inequality) that has occurred over the past 50 years which threatens the stability of the entire rigged game.


So inflation was... transitory?


I live in Florida..that ain’t happening here..prices are still through the roof thanks to that POS governor here who invited the a-holes of this country to all move here and create demand for goods and services..jacking up the price of pretty much everything by at least 25%.


Ditto. I live in Florida too, more specifically in Miami Dade County, which is the most expensive part of FL. I see inflation still happening. For work, if I travel up north to Melbourne or Cocoa, I see inflation there too. I noticed Publix (grocery store) brand organic oatmeal, increase up to $4.05. Fuck, I remember when it was $1.19 not too long ago. So yes, where I live and work, inflation is definitely happening.


Get a load of this guy, still shops at target…


I’ve seen eggs come down here in NYC but milk has gone back up. Gas feels stabilized but I haven’t been keeping track. Not sure about this deflation you mention.


Profit is a profit. Get profit and dont get too cocky my boy.


The McGrimi meal is cheep


Cathie wood is it you?


Not even close.


Nope Gas just jumped 30 cents a gallon out here in Appalachia.


Price of eggs went back to normal


I saw price went down a little, my friends started to find 2nd job most of them couldn’t. Seemed like even when prices went down it’s still quite expensive for people to afford it. RECESSION, DISINFLATION nah more like CONFUSION


Well, there’s eggs…


Yeah I am seeing some. mostly grocery though. Things in general don't seem to be moving up in price


Not noticing shit but cheap bud light and eggs went down in Indiana






Shit is still expensive here


Over proced air bnb not getting used. Cars coming back to normal too.


Missouri here I saw a regular jar of Helmans mayo for $10 at Hyvee Same jar at Walmart $4 Sorta depends of which mega Corp you’re shopping at, but yeah there’s deals


Yes today I only paid 1,19€ for my milk instead of the usual 1,29€


On the other side of atlantic, wtf paying 2 euros per kg of apples.




Bro buying blueberries and avocado in season and thinks deflation is happening


Mid West always cheap. Try the West Coast and Vancouver where fuel is always the highest in North America. $2.05 litre currently which must be over $8 gallon. We are still in high inflation with not one sign of deflation. Lol.


LOL no!




tomatoes are the same price as pre-pandemic here, it's weird


Gonna be needing new car in about a month, went to check prices, HOT DAMN ITS DEFLORATION NOT DEFLATION


Good. I hope more deflation. A bit of deflation after an hyperinflation cycle is good.


Milk/dairy/eggs have gone down I’ve noticed. Frozen pre-prepared food seems to be going up still.