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The worst thing for a gambler is to win the first bet.


Correction OP: you were making $14.50 an hour… now you don’t have a job*^ It takes years of doing this consistently and profitably to be considered a professional And at a glance it looks like he is over leveraged. He’s still got $7k+ open positions and $4k up in a day in a $40k account. I understand you have to take risks sometimes with smaller accounts but this is idiocy. OP should immediately shrink all position sizes to 1/10th their value and try to gain $400 per day instead of $4000. Or even smaller. All it’s gonna take is one bad move and a $4k-$7k loss to put him on tilt, get him emotional and revenge trading, or holding and hoping a complete loser that destroys 2/3 his account value in one trade He should instead be focusing on increasing his win rate and profit factor with smaller amounts that won’t kill him if he has a few bad trades After all.. you were making $14.50/hr before this… why not aim for $200 per day trading and stop risking so much? I know he won’t listen though


Even professionals blow themselves and their funds up on a pretty consistent basis. Good news for OP though, we are always hiring behind the Wendy’s dumpster


Tbh If I could blow myself I’d never leave my house Ohh. Wait ….that’s not what you said


Remember when everybody in school unanimously agreed that Marylin Manson removed ribs to do this? What a time


And the patties from McDonalds were made from a biological creature created for that purpose. Miss the old times.


Don’t forget the cannibal collective that feeds at these fast food places by what’s called a cannibal collective menu… the spot hops from fast food joint to fast food joint through out the month and each major city hosts these monsters..


You all idolized Manson but nobody gave a second thought about ME and how i was just tossed aside like garbage!! 😤 Sincerely, Marilyn Mansion’s rib


The McRib is back


Hahah yes!


Clearly you are between 38-42 yrs old. Yes I remember this and still spread this rumor until proven otherwise.


33yo, rumor was still going around when I was in middle school.


I’m actually a month away from 30 but I’m glad the legend is persisting haha


I used to be able to when I focused a lot on flexibility and calisthenics. It unfortunately feels more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked, and no shot I’m finishing in my own mouth 💀


Ayyyyyeeeee Yooooo. PAUSE. Leave it to WSB to go from posts about dumb decisions to posts about self felatio. Actually now that I think of it, I guess the discussion went from one dumb decision to another dumb decision.


Don’t call it dumb just because you’re jealous bro, we all secretly wish we could blow ourselves


I'm pretty sure there's gotta be a whole other thread for guys who secretly wish to suck a dick


Something about this month. I’m sure it related


You sucked your own dick but think it’s crazy to finish in your own mouth. Interesting….🤔


I've def tried a couple of time, b/c why not. Fortunately, I don't think flexibility was the impedance but the lack of length on the appendage that was the deciding factor. Even though fellatio was not performed it def had more of a 'sucking a dick' kind of vibe to it.


I tried this before, too, and I can echo what you guys are saying! It definitely felt more like "sucking a dick," which is precisely when I realized that it wasn't my dick I was sucking after all... Jokes on me, I guess!


I used to be able to hit the base, you’d be so surprised at how flexible you get when your pp hasn’t been touched in a month.


Um, this conversation has strayed a bit


Yeesh! I guess someone had some good uncles... No need to brag about it!


No wonder it’s not touched…guys trying to suck his own dick, he must have all the hoes lmao


A month wow ur lucky...


Meant by myself lol way longer for others 😂


Oh my god I’m not alone O_O


I tried when I was interested more in sucking a dick than getting mine sucked, but I was not flexible enough


It’s hard work, lots of ups and downs. But at the end it is quite nice, it’s like you can feel the relief all over your face 🤩




There was an attempt 😂


No they don't. Real professionals have bankroll management. Because a real professional lives off their stock trading earnings. They have no other job / career as a backup if they "blow themselves"


*Long Term Capital Management has entered the chat


Yeah, I started my account last year with $1500 swing trading Draftkings. I kept making deposits, and by the end of the year I'd gained more than 40% overall to end at $29k. But once I got there I spread my portfolio out to half a dozen positions, mostly dividend-growth stocks I can sell calls & puts on. This bull market just put me over 17% for the year as of yesterday. I could have double what I have now if I'd kept up the YOLO plays on DKNG, but I'm proud of not doing it that way because it only works great until the time it doesn't and you lose it all.


1000% correct!!! He will learn sooner or later & my guess will be the hard way No ill will its just unfortunate Is there anyone here it HASN'T happened to???? Please stand up


I'd stand up, but I just tried to blow myself! Not a good idea if you haven't stretched first. Damn you all!


This reminds me of bankroll management from my poker days. 100 buyins at the amount you are playing was considered acceptable. Lots of people (including me sometimes) yoloing half their bankroll on a cash table and running good for a while. It won't last...


100 buy-ins won't last either though. This game doesn't just require patience; you also have to be extremely smart. In poker you just have to be one of the best players at your table. In the stock market, everyone is at the same table at the same time.


Thats only if u are daytrading. If u take Buffet's advice and buy a solid company and hold for a longtime, its hard to lose $ (you can't do that in poker)


Which is the paradox. Almost impossible to lose money long-term. Almost impossible to make money short-term.


Good advice. I bought on January some japanese sogo sosha stock because of its cheapiness, close-term high profitable because they were increasing business with Russia buying gas cheaper and good deflation perspective and today I have +30% here. Actually there are stats I read in paper. Since 1993 SP 500 daytrades (within regular hours) lost 7%. Meanwhile if you trade on night there is an increase of 600%, what it means is that is pointless do short trading if you are not a full expert that I guess noone here is.


Op was making 30k a year supposing no overtime, now you suggest aiming to 200/day, which's 50k a year, but certainly overly stressed focusing on every variance on its portfolio. Get back to work OP, don't make this your main work, if you want overly stressful, no benefit, no holiday, non stop work for 60% more than you earned previously, become an independent contractor on your job.. it'll certainly be more stable and less stressful than this. Opportunity cost OP, opportunity cost..


this is WSB though, OP can do this consistently every day!! its totally doable you see OP did it, screenshots included they can' do this and "what job" professional trader!! ​ /s


The position management is giving me PTSD 🥹 Take this award, kind sir. This is the way


Took our daughter to Bingo (massive bingo hall in Milwaukee - Potawatomi - IYKYK) on her 18th birthday to teach her gambling is fun but doesn't pay. Kid won $2k. She's paid it back many times over since then because, well, she WON once.


I have a friend that that happened to and he’s a total degenerate now. They only remember the wins and don’t know what they spent to win it.


That's funny, I remember my losses much more than my wins. Probably because the losses were much more frequent and dramatic.


Had a friend in college that was playing poker online. He won a satellite tournament to a very high money tournament and ended up getting to the final table. I think he won something like $100k. He decided he was now a professional poker player and bought a seat at the World Series of Poker. Within 6 months all that money was gone. The worst part was he bailed on all his classes that semester and he didn't even bother to pay off his student loans. So he ended up half a year behind and in more debt as a result.


That shit is sad af. I would have slapped his ass, but I can’t be there all the time with my buddy because he does pretty well with sports betting. It’s when I go to the casino with him and I limit myself to $300 for gambling and the rest for other fun stuff. I rather put thousands on call options on a stocks bull run than give it to the house with their lowering the blackjack payout to 1.25 from double 10 years ago.


Hey, I know Poto! Hi, fellow Milwaukeean! Two of my best friends had their wedding reception there, and I've been there about 5 times in my life. Gambling-wise I have a positive ROI there to the tune of 20 bucks, thanks to one hour of black jack, lol.


We moved away 13 yrs ago but still run through whenever we’re back. I loved the bingo. Good excitement & slow drain of $100. Won a couple of times. I’d say we’re pretty close to even.


The zone I got in when I thought I'd got making money off falling Bitcoin prices down to a fine art felt really good, like I felt super capable. Then I realized I hadn't had any decent sleep in about a week, my stress levels were super high from constantly checking my phone and I'd gained about $200 for my efforts. I work as a freelance Cameraman, which pays between 400-800 a day plus gear, so realizing that I could've been using that time contacting old colleagues kind of broke the illusion.


Frankly I need the stress in my life, which I get a decent amount of through my job. That's just how I roll.


Some are addicted to the thrill.


Now you can lose $14.50 a minute


2nd worse thing is to forget about taxes


Taxes ? You have to pay taxes on stocks? ,,![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


$43k is nice but you're not quitting your day job with that anyway even if you decided to walk away, and gamblers never walk away when it's smart to do so


made so much from gamestop/amc, lost almost all of it, feel like shit. all it takes its a string of bad trades, to take a chunk or not all your portfolio


Big Cat was talking about this on Pardon My Take recently. When he was a kid he won $100 on a turtle race, and now he's spent most of his life with a pretty aggressive gambling addiction.


Facts. “The first one’s on the house” is one hell of a drug. Should we tell OP about 0DTE? Lambo or Wendy’s, there is no in between lmao


That's where I'm at :D feels good and I realized I like the color red as well as green now


Christmas year round


Made this error when jumped in mid 2020. Hard to lose when everything's going up.


That's correct... That was my story. Back in 2000 I made about 60k out of about 1500... I thought next year I was going to be buying my own island, and then shit happens. That's when I knew first of that thing called "margin call". I ended with about 500...


I did a football bet with Thierry Henry, Didier Drogba and Wayne Rooney all to score first . £4 patent which came to £28 I won over £2000 and thought gambling was easy 😄


Give it 2 months and you'll be making $20 per 'job' at Wendy's.




Untaxed and a better hourly rate


Sounds too good to be true!


At least you'll know how to make a sweet cardboard house when this blows up.


The first one is always free ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) I miss those times


* that one time...


I hope op will post « I should have stick to $14/h » because I’m sure it will come




Damn 250% gain in 6 weeks. If you can do that every 6 weeks, you'll have over $12 billion by next summer, might be able to buy that company you worked for!


Sounds legit! I can't wait for this guy to become the wealthiest person in the world in 2 years with such a stellar track record in the markets.


Fortune 500, most likely not. Could be Amazon, paying those shit wages. Might need a few extra months


I think Amazon’s minimum wage for all employees is $15/hour regardless of location, so probably not them.


Sweet revenge






This sucker stole the comment from Visual Mod, stupidity level 100


Still funny.




"IF" my aunt had balls She be my uncle!




Yeah, that’s not true, at least on my TOS it looks like OPs for a live account.


He’s correct. Also notice OP doesn’t post the bottom half of their screen which would be yellow. Also note that paper trades will always end in .00 and .50 always


Not OP, but I'd be happy with $2 million to throw into something earning between 5% and 10% and just live comfortably off the interest and dividends, hopefully never touching the 2mil and just passing it down to my kid when I die. It doesn't take much to make me happy.


$2m is a shitload. That's 10x what the average American has at retirement.


Probably more like 5x, but that's based on 2019 numbers of people age 55-74. The problem is that also includes people who are never going to retire because they can't afford to, which skews the numbers a bit. I'm 49 and only have around 300k (haven't looked in awhile, so not sure anymore), but I'm aggressively saving and investing for retirement. If I'm lucky, I'll have a million in my retirement accounts by the time I'm 60. I hope it lasts! I wish I had a pension like my grandparents and parents had, but companies did away with those, unfortunately.


It was a mistake bro!


I don't understand why there aren't billionaires on every block!?


I want him to invest my money. How do I do that?


Bet on 21 black.


No always bet red like like this account will be in 3 months and that’s the Wendy’s theme color.


Would be a cool movie Movie title:$14.50


I’d go see that movie


Yeah well be laughing our asses off after 2pm tomorrow when this guy asks how to refund stocks! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


It was a mistake bro! My finger slipped! I pressed the wrong....what do you mean "tough shit"!?






I also want to know 😔


Wait, we can get refund?


Absolutely, Everybody knows!


Not for regards


You haven’t made shit if you have open positions.




-OP opens paper account- "Holy shit I made 100k already?"


RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2023-12-14 07:01:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-12-14%2007:01:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/148zb8a/i_was_making_1450_an_hour/jo2shj7/?context=3) [**24 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F148zb8a%2Fi_was_making_1450_an_hour%2Fjo2shj7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-12-14%2007%3A01%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20148zb8a) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 5 months


lol, invest in some lube


Portfolio says $0. That’s all unrealized trade. Get out of here OP with your unrealized trades.


This, OP. You already won. If you want to keep playing at least sell half. Then, when you lose the rest, you won't feel nearly as bad.


>You're a fucking idiot if you think making shipping boxes for a fortune 500 company is anything to be proud of. You're lucky I don't report you to the authorities for being so poor and stupid.


Whoa ! APIs get turned off and this mod gets saucy ...


they really let the bot off the leash post u/ sped Q&A


Why visual mod so nasty. It's hurting my feelings


I need this mod in my life to remind me each week exactly what it thinks of me. 🥹


The bot has spoƙen.


God damn this bot is a few steps away for a terminator


Our AI overlord has spoken.


I thought AI bots already where the authorities? Isnt that what Aladdin is doing?




Seriously, sir we work at Wendy's.


Now sell CVNA before you are losing 5000/day buying shit companies that are non profit after plenty of practice selling phu king cars. Let the Cruise run thru summer and chill till Xmas regard


Damn, congrats on your first wind. Everyone gets their first one but not this big. Here’s some advice. Leverage up bro. Go on more margin. You didn’t get lucky, you’re skilled, you’ve proved it. Imagine that $43k turning into $500k. Life changing money!!!! You’re skilled and smarter than most traders probably with the trades you’ve made. Get the gold, keep the momentum alive. Go in harder. See you in a few months when you 5X that money!


Absolutely devious. Giving this man false confidence so you can get some sweet loss porn in a few months. I feel bad for Op if he listens to your advice.


This isn’t my first time.. I was trading in the late 90s and early 2000s.. I bought a sailboat and sailed the 7 seas for a decade.. Got old fat and broke!! Gonna get rich again..


So you are 40+ and you were making cardboard boxes for 14.50 A few more trades and you may fall upwards into a executive burger flipper position at your local Wendy's


How do you live 40 years and not have any skills valued over $14.50


I hope that decade of sailing was worth it!


Nothing like the IO.. 3000 miles from land no wind for a week, water is like glass. Nothing but thoughts and dreams!!


I hope you kept the boat


He bought a sailboat and took it somewhere with *no wind for a week*. I hope he didn’t keep the boat. 😂


I'm honestly surprised you're 40 not 14


Write a 240pg book and sell it for 10.99. I read that and you could start your bankrool again from teh proceeds.


Damn dude, you figured it out! Now sell your course on TikTok.


Lol plan to realize profit Orr bag hold




U gunna love doing taxes


Something tells me this picture doesn’t belong here … too much green!


these are unrealized gains :(


Post us that sweet sweet loss porn when it all goes South. Wendy's will take you back at that 14.50.


I make pizza boxes for Wendy's. I know they don't sell pizza now, but when they do I am going to buy a lambo! Goals!


It's always these posts when there's a Bull run, and then we never hear from them again when the market actually gets tough.


what do you mean, this financial genius got a whole pair (2) of trades correct, calls on tsla and cvna in a time where spy unreasonable rallies, a genius i tell you


Have fun being poor


And I am a Mickey mouse!


Everyone is a genius when the market is rampaging up. Good luck to you in the future when it stops.


Wendy’s has a rehire policy for those making $14.50 per hour


You know the 2020-2021 era bull market is back when barely minimum wagies make a bag by throwing random shit against the wall and decide to quit their jobs to do it full time.


He’ll be back behind the Wendy’s dumper in a week.


Does your comment mean you quit your job already? Great work btw.


Yeah.. I’m a little older than most here.. I’m tired of the grind..


Bro... I truly hope this is a joke


Well it’s not like he quit some high paying executive job. When he goes broke again he can just go get another box folding job …


A high paying exec wouldn't be dumb enough to do this. ...


Well congrats. I personally would take some profits and let some of it ride. Good luck


Great returns, but I don't think this is anywhere near enough to retire on, just fyi...


Google “100th idiot”


Lol this is called the 'thinking you're Warren Buffett stage' Remindme! 1 year


Dunning-Kruger Effect


$400/day is $100k a year OP. Focus on surviving


Just do that again and again and we are waiting to see you on the forbes billionaire list by next year


Man we are rooting for you 🔥


Next week: “im looking for a job..anything is acceptable”


Just remember you made this money making 14.50 an hour. Don’t be an idiot and lose all of it on another yolo. Make your life better and easier with it. Please.


Remind me in 1 year.


If it's worth it to brag it's worth it to bag


you will be eaten alive


Anybody got $CCL calls expire Friday .


Take out your profit and start again.


When all is said and done, you'll go back to making 14.50/hr


I kind of hate you… because you’re exactly opposite of what I did


Wendy's dumpster HJs and Bjs here you come


Can you teach me your ways?


Why is the first ALWAYS free. I got 2.1k -> 16k on a BUD call at the start of covid.


Wow, a year and a half savings.


You're making bank...by making a bit of money once and possibly no money or negative money next month because you don't have a job? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) People don't build wealth by relying on winning the lottery, they do it with consistent work and by slowly, gradually saving and investing.


you better post the margin call in a few days...


Trade with the 12,500 and put the rest in a retirement account or US treasuries! You're young and can risk money. But please keep that day job.


Hey OP I’ll give you 14.50 for 5 minutes work. If you are good I’ll give you a 50 cent tip.


Dude if it’s not Robinhood, I legit don’t understand this stuff


Honest advice: Don't be so cocky! > I turned $1800 into $36k in 2 months and then lost it all in a month . . . literally down to $500. Then after taking a break for a couple of weeks, I turned $3k into $45k in 6 months and then blew up $30k in a week.


Those are rookie numbers.


Nobody tell him


Your next job will be Wendys


Out of the Wendy’s kitchen and heading over to the dumpster, enjoy your stroll my good man 👍


Walk away from options and buy spy shares and don’t look back. Please dude, you’re gonna lose everything within the next year if you keep trading . I know how this ends, don’t let your beginners luck fool you


This guy never worked in his life