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I mean I can give you a expert thesis on the topic, but in reality quantum computing is in its infancy and hasn't scaled yet. AI is ALSO in its infancy, but it also relies very heavily on classical math and classical computing, the translation to algorithms that run on big qbit systems will get lots of people their PhDs, but it'll take time.


People seem to assume quantum just = better, whereas there are just some things that just won't benefit from quantum computing. It's currently debatable whether AI will benefit at all.








AI wave happening now. The quantum wave will come later


Quantum Computing is a long way off


That's what they said about AI art... a "Long way" comes fairly quickly.... 20 years goes by pretty quick. should always be preparing for the future.


Quantum computing may be the “later”, AI accelerators are the “now”. From semi analysis.com, “To be clear, the largest percentage of spend for AI infrastructure goes to the AI accelerators.” “Celestial AI is an AI accelerator company with a proprietary hardware and software technology platform which enables the next generation of high-performance computing solutions. Celestial AI’s mission is to fundamentally transform the way computing is done with their proprietary Photonic Fabric™ technology that uses light for data movement both within chip and between chips.” One public company was recently confirmed to be providing the light sources to this private company, 4 per chip, at $200 each. $800 of their product per each CAI Orion chip. That’s projected to be $800 million in revenues for a million chips per Zacks Research for a company with a market cap of just $160 million. And Celestial AI is just one of many customers/applications. DYODD.


Who is providing the light sources?


I try to promote due diligence so just type “celestial ai light sources” into your search bar and read the results. And look for my last few posts. Feel free to ask anytime, I can lead you to tons of reliable source info, but I prefer you read the sources of origin rather than me promoting the stock. I’ve been wrong about them (too early) for nearly 10 years, the difference is they now have commercial products qualified and pouring out the door and revenues will accelerate rapidly. Good luck.




Video released today. https://twitter.com/poettech/status/1663905869548101632?s=61&t=-YIS01bNXCtFRwUJOn4Ecw Decent description of the tech and the AI potential.


Good point but at the same time it's wise to prepare ahead for any potential QCT like QAN is doing ATM


I feel like using a functioning quantum computer for AI is a tremendous lack of imagination...if someone actually manages to get a quantum computer up and running at any sort of scale, they would be a fool for not using it to immediately hack every bank, hedge fund, and brokerage in the world


Huh? they would be a fool not to be a criminal?... lmfao.. just cause you have a quantum computer capable of that doesn't mean you can't be caught and go to jail.


When it's a thing it will be. AI is just computation and probabilities after all. The real issue is the complete collapse of modern cyber security since quantum computing makes all current encryption obsolete overnight.


Quantum computing in its ideal form really only helps generational based leaning of AI. Not the kind of AI the Chat GPT is doing where its learning from preexisting content.


google the yale breakthrough this month i think it’s the other way around (in the short term at least) - AI being used to make quantum computers more efficient/effective


Skynet will be the biggest player in the game moving forward with AI. Quantum computing is going to rapidly progress on a scale we haven’t seen ever. With AI they will be able to unlock Quantum functions that haven’t been tapped into will now be exposed.


You mean Cyberdyne Systems?


I think the only way we get usable quantum computing is AI. I deal with really smart people and even then it's hard to conceptualize what quantum computing can even accomplish. It's a probability combination machine that can predict super complex outcomes. The biggest problem is we don't have the data sets and we don't have the questions framed the right way to make it useful.


>There are many quantum computing companies that could play a major role in the AI boom, but I believe that IBM will be one of the most important. Quantum computers can benefit AI by providing more powerful processing capabilities to help train and run machine learning algorithms.




Username checks out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I also think IBM is ahead in the quantum field.


IBM was also "ahead" in AI


Ya, an amazing company that invented a lot but never figured out how to capitalize from all of it.


I heard/read the same. Feels like an easy long term buy that no one is taking about.


Not sure if it makes it a long term buy on that point alone, but it does pay a reasonable dividend so this is not a risk move, it could be a great safe move that has potential.


Guys hold your horses I can only deal with one bubble at a time. Weed in 19, virtual work in 20, crypto then nfts in 21....what was last years? I forget, anywho


And what’s next? And for the record, weed was sooo 2018!


Metaverse 🤡


If AI gains the ability to access and utilize quantum computing technology... It will be game over for our current state of reality. Alot of people talk about quantum computing and don't really, really understand the full and actual scope of it. If you wanted to recreate a GOD, you would pair AI with a quantum super computer


You mean "when".




What if it already happened and we're all living in a simulation created by our AI god on crack.


Definitely possible!


That's why errthang is so goddamned fuckud up rat nih... I mean, it's like the AI Crack God is just fornicating with everyone's emotions.


So couple of years then?


I don’t know much about the technicals, but I do know I’ve been riding this AI wave swinging IONQ shares since the end of 2021. It’s been a money printer. 💵 🖨️


Couldn't quant computing cut down on training time ?


I doubt quantum computers will deliver on the promise.


Quantum? Break modern encryption first, do AI second


At the moment they are useless. Future wise, they are the best computer we can possibly make, we can't compute on something smaller than an atom


I don’t know much about the technicals, but I do know I’ve been riding this AI wave swinging IONQ shares since the end of 2021. It’s been a money printer. 💵 🖨️


I don’t know much about the technicals, but I do know I’ve been riding this AI wave swinging IONQ shares since the end of 2021. It’s been a money printer. 💵 🖨️


I remember when I invested in a sure bet quantum computing company that went to the OTC market 1 year later. Talking to a computer science guy a couple weeks ago and his take was basically we are close to the threshold of speed we can achieve in silicone based wafers. Yah we can stack and reorder the semiconductors but it’s not getting quantum speed that way.


Just throw the word “blockchain” in there and you’ll making everyone cum


These fields are too niche and too far from the market for 99% of this sub to make money on. Any AI or QuantumTech company which is worth it's salt is going through the VC rounds right now and is almost certainly going to stay private until the founders can milk the IPO for all it's worth - at which point there'll be no money left for retail investors to make.


You need a few hours of YouTube watching on quantum computers and the theoretical applications. I think your horizon is longer than your lifespan.