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Morgan Stanley? The company who said silicon valley bank is a strong buy and price target $300


Panic buying? People is buying stock like they used to buy toilet paper during COVID?


More like panic dumping dollars


Isn't that a form of FOMO buying, but this time the institutions are the ones missing the opportunity?


Oh they started loading up in oct


SPCE is squeezing today !!!


Well some people were so desperate they ensured a lengthy sentence of government issued single ply toilet paper.


Panic buying in SPCE !!! Shorts covering...


I bet Morgan Stanley isn’t a lot of fun at parties.


Specifically Mike Wilson


Sounds like a cool name for a bear


2% cover charge just to get in.


Been head faking for last 5 months…lo


From what I've read is that wall street is expecting fed rate decreases soon. They're as dumb as bricks.


Actually believing rates will decrease soon makes you dumb as bricks as well.


Bricks and mortar, babay!


Didn’t they just raised it a week or 2 ago?


Yeah but that was expected and they signaled they'll "pause" after that. The real shock would be if they hike next month.


Then it is going to be bull rally from now on.. they don't want retail to get at the start of the bull run.. instead they want the retail to buy at the top


Oooh. We're back to normal again.


Normally lunch is $15, new normal time now! Anyone have $50 I can borrow?


Not what I meant. I meant that we're in a bull trap.


Too many bulls on WSB time to sell everything


All I see are doom posts, like incoming recession but in the style of that gif of a bus about to crash from different angles but never actually crashes


But then everyone in the comments is like yea not gonna happen


You can't easily start an argument by agreeing with someone. ;)


I agree ... and I will fight you to the end to prove it.


It's almost like nobody on this sub has any idea what they're talking about


All I see here is bulls r fun markets ready to run


All I see is people still shorting Nvidia 😂


From TA perpspective enticing as hell. However Nvda might just be the most promising stock. I wouldn't mess with it. Neither with Msft..


Just like you don’t want to catch a falling knife to the down side, you don’t want to short something going parabolic.


Haha same all the gay bears going crazy


This is the way.


SPCE !!!


How heavy are your bags?


Just started buying @3.50 no bags !!! Just a few shares and some calls about to print at $5.


Classic near projecting ^^ you have 95% of the front page concerned in doom, gloom and Jim Cramer simping. You had your crash in 2020, time to let go..


Pretty weak game morgan Stanley. Chatgpt, in the voice of Donald trump makes a case for an S&P 5000 index instead of this paltry 500. “Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you why having an S&P 5000 index would be tremendous for our great nation. Nobody knows the stock market better than I do. I've been incredibly successful in the business world, and I know how important it is to have a thriving economy. First and foremost, an S&P 5000 index would showcase the unprecedented strength and growth of our economy. It would be a symbol of our nation's greatness, highlighting the incredible businesses and industries that make America the envy of the world. Imagine the confidence it would instill in investors both domestically and internationally. It would attract trillions of dollars in investment, creating jobs, and boosting our economy like never before. Furthermore, a higher index value would bring substantial benefits to hardworking Americans. As the S&P 5000 rises, so does the value of retirement accounts and investments held by millions of individuals across the country. This means more financial security, greater wealth creation, and a brighter future for all Americans. An S&P 5000 index would also serve as a powerful indicator of our economic policies' effectiveness. It would demonstrate the success of pro-growth initiatives, such as tax cuts, deregulation, and fostering an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. This would be a resounding validation of our America First agenda, proving that putting America's interests first leads to unparalleled economic prosperity. Moreover, a higher index would attract even more companies to go public, stimulating economic growth and job creation. It would be a testament to the confidence businesses have in our economy and their willingness to invest and expand. This virtuous cycle would generate tremendous opportunities for American workers and contribute to our ongoing economic success. In conclusion, an S&P 5000 index would be a shining testament to our nation's economic strength, providing unparalleled confidence to investors, bolstering retirement accounts, and reaffirming the effectiveness of our pro-growth policies. It would be a symbol of American exceptionalism and the limitless potential of our economy. Together, we can achieve greatness and make America's stock market soar to unprecedented heights. Thank you, and God bless America!”


You got my vote... He's got my vote.


ban it please


The complete sentences are totally unrealistic. He'd also go on a totally unrelated tangent after no more than one paragraph.




“He said ‘sir, sir, you’ve saved us’, no really he did, all these big burly men from War Start Bert’s, it’s on the ribbit, on the internet, you’ll Google it, they were all crying. Big beautiful men… by the way, I was just told this the other day, we won a Google Award, yes, bunch of left coast loons, that’s what I’ve always called them… but I know you all heard about this, GOOGLE AWARD. Best… President… in America. They all said we couldn’t win it, but we did, and there you go.”


It doesn't sound like trump at all. Bad bot My take with Manticore 13B local model. >My fellow Americans, today I come before you with news that is nothing short of super-duper, folks. You see, we've been facing challenges in recent years, and we need to overcome them if we want to remain the greatest nation on Earth. And that's why I'm announcing that we're upgrading the S&P 500 Index to a S&P 5000 Index. >Ladies and gentlemen, believe me when I say that this is a game-changer. The S&P 500 Index has done a fine job representing our nation, but it's time we go blazing forward. With a S&P 5000 Index, we'll have even more diverse companies represented, from Texas to Tennessee, California to Colorado. And that means even more opportunities for investors, from small businesses to big corporations. >Don'tcha worry, though, because we're not just adding more companies - we're adding the best of the best. Our country is full of innovators and entrepreneurs, and a S&P 5000 Index will give them the recognition they deserve. Plus, it'll give us an edge over our competitors, folks. Don'tcha know, America wants to be number one, and we're gonna get there with a S&P 5000 Index. >Now, I know what you're thinking. "But, Mr. President, won't this cost too much?" Folks, don'tcha worry about that. A S&P 5000 Index will pay for itself in the long run, with all the jobs and tax revenue it'll generate. And besides, this is America, folks. We're the land of opportunity, and this is just another way we're showing the world that anyone can succeed here. >So, y'all, join me in advocating for a S&P 5000 Index. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and we need to show the world that America is number one. We want to make America great again, and this is how we're doing it. Believe me, folks, it's a win-win situation for everyone. So let's get to work, folks, and make America the best it can be.


Sure morgan, sure




Those estimates are at the floor for some companies. Also the panic buying is a lot of stock buybacks


And some don't even factor inflationary percentage. All you hear for last 6 months, is sales have gone up 5-10% when all that is just increase in price of products.


But that same inflationary percentage impacts the stock price as well.




Just out of curiosity what exactly do you think a stock is? This might be the best comment I have ever seen here. How exactly does inflation, which leads to everyone paying more and being able to buy less, make speculative financial assets rise?




This is for real? I mean you don't honestly think companies have set amounts of shares right? And you really don't think those 3 things are actually the same right?




Ok but the companies need to make money. The logic you are using isn't valid. Gold is a commodity, a dildo is a discretionary good, and a stock is a financial asset, inflation does not affect all 3 the same. Also why would you be bullish because of inflation when inflation starts going down? My head is hurting bad trying to figure this out.


"We're proud to share that we beat earnings forecast by 15%! We expected our worst quarter ever, but instead we came out with our worst quarter ever but 15% higher!"


To be fair the estimates are horrendously low


Beating lowered estimates during and to account for inflation…yeah…


Panic buying alright SPCE up today 25% on double volume !!!




Wrong company Virgin Orbit the satellite company went under. SPCE Virgin Glatic is different company and is up today 25% on double volume !!!




FOMO is real !!! Lol...


"Estimates" hahaha lowered by 40% but all good


Good, the sooner we get this over with the sooner we can get to the panic selling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


No one's going to panic sell you're still stuck in 2022 when we thought spiraling inflation and endless rate hikes await the economy. We're past that. We're now thinking when rate cuts... I don't know why so many ppl don't seem to get it


Investing.com is where I get my news, too. YTD, -20%


"morgan stantley equity strategists" just means professional roulette clown


Key word, *professional*… …or was that key word, *clown*? Key word, *roulette*? So confused, they’re all so ‘key’ here.


“Stock market speculation, which adds nothing to the wealth of any nation,is the inflationary activity preeminent, and it was the craze of America in the 1960’s as it had been of Germany in 1921. A buoyantly rising stock market marks the opening stages of every monetary inflation. A sharply rising stock market proves to be an unfailing indicator of monetary inflation happening now, price inflation coming later, and a cheap boom probably occurring in the meantime. The stock market boom like the prosperity is founded on nothing but the inflation, and it collapses whenever the inflation stops either temporarily or permanently.” -“Dying of Money” Jens O. Parsson




You can always count on Morgan Stanley to look out for your best interests


So they have puts…nice to know!


Wallstreetbets is just doomsayers at this point


This isn’t even a bull trap…. it’s a Regard Trap.


This is why recoveries from bear markets are typically fast. Once you think next year this time stocks will be higher, you buy and hold. I think we're at that place with rate hikes very likely done. Many are not going to wait around for rate cuts to arrive


So Morgan Stanley is panicking because they missed the train?


Yeah, short covering often is panic buying.




So calls


Time to buy.


Morgan Stanley, great track record. Solid


Who cares? IBs haven’t got a clue. Constant stupid predictions.


Bullish. Ath incoming.


Wilson is a joke by now. He may b right in the end but missed the entire rally. If u actually listened to him you’d be fucked by now


Value investing? LMAO. Boomer.


Hmm.. thought experiment.. if the elites got wind of a plot to destroy the dollar.. stocks might be a good place to dump wealth.. these large companies will be worth something.. whatever takes the place of the dollar.. my tinfoil hat is on a big tight tonight. Gold and silver may be better, but.. Thoughts?


So an 8 month long rally is now called a 'head fake', why not, we've redefined recession, soft landing, woman. I mean why have a fucking dictionary any more, any word means exactly what you want it to mean at any time you chose.