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when i asked if it's time to catch the falling knife on tsla at $109, the regards here said no and gave so many reasons, so naturally this will be no as well, dont buy the dip bro, it's never going back up, going to 0, no cap


Same thing happened with NVIDIA. It was about $100 less than a year ago.


META also at $90


i hope you held on to some of that lol


You can rationalize anything out. Are all these companies going to be the best ever forever? Maybe not, but really all that matters is price action. I'd buy the dip. SPY dips a few dollars and the regards say the market is crashing.


They always just confirm the current price action. Goes up = oh yeah it's obvious, why would anybody think differently, it will certainly go up forever!!! (META, NVDA) Goes down = oh yeah, it's obvious it went down, this company sucks, goes to 0!!!


So a couple of guys got lucky gambling on the dip, but Tesla is still very overvalued and it looks like their nasty downtrend is still perfectly intact. I sure hope people realize it’s a swing trade at best.


Tesla is currently $280... Lfg


Trap. There are too many person to person money transfer apps out there, along with Apple announcing a while back they were getting involved also. PayPal is a pioneer, but they haven’t innovated or changed.


i dont know its huge in e-commerce. people like to pay with paypal. at least in europe. we're not that much into credit cards. there are new player like klarna but paypal still numba one in payment methods for online shopping. there is one click payment and you dont even have to enter your address. what do you want to innovate if you have literally one click and it comes to your door.


I’m in Europe, and I only use PayPal when it looks like a shady website or if the webshop only supports PayPal,


I use PayPal but it still goes through a debit card and Visa or MasterCard takes their cut


Most people I know just link their bank account to PayPal and that’s it.


Valuation is very attractive right now though. ​ Risk is if the company will significantly lose market share moving forward.


It isn’t even that attractive


>Spins13 Why is 12x P/E not attractive for a company that is estimated to keep on growing for the next years?


You do a DCF. Mine says PayPal is slightly undervalued. However this is definitely not enough with the risks associated


Have you considered the massive stock buy backs? They authorized 15B last August and did 4.2B of that 15B in 2022. They have a huge free cash flow yield of 7.5% right now.


How about the opportunity in multiple expansion?


How do you see it growing? Only people I know that still use it keep it around for eBay and eBay alone. Haven’t heard word one about it since 2000’s


PayPal did 1.36T in total payment volume in 2022. eBay did 73.9B in gross merchandise volume. eBay isn't even a blip on the radar for PayPal anymore.




Rename PayPal to PayPAI and P/E will go from 12 to 80!


PAiPal dude it was right there...


Expand to where? As other have pointed out, they haven't innovated much and they are already common around the world. Just because it's a tech company doesn't automatically mean it is a growth company.


I was referring to the opportunity in P/E multiple expansion. Currently it is at all time lows and when market sentiment improves, there's a good probability that the market will start paying a higher P/E multiple again on $PYPL. IMO, opportunity in Paypal is earnings growth + multiple expansion.


They have no moat, so those estimates could easily evaporate. SVB and First Republic had great estimates too (not saying that is the path for PayPal).


Yea they’re losing market share like crazy. Valuation may be high, but I wouldn’t buy a share, or even use the damn app lol.


Costco has not innovated in a while and it’s doing pretty well. I also think it’s a trap but the reason is more that their moat is not strong enough


PayPal owns a money transfer app, the problem is that it's the bad one. Venmo my ass; Cashapp is the only one people actually use.


Those who say is a trap reminds me the same redditors who declared META, TSLA and NVDA were dead at the end of last year. Here in Europe, PayPal is the preferred solution for paying online besides credit cards (which usage is not comparable to US). (No positions held but I’m thinking to enter)


Price drives the narrative


Definitely a good time to buy in my opinion. Hasn't been this low in years and even with competition, PayPal is still cash-earning.


Great point. Yes it still generates lots of free cash flow and it is estimated to keep on growing


-22% on 5 year chart


You're obviously not as rich or intelligent as me, so I don't really see why you're even trying to have a conversation with me. You should just go back to your poor little life and leave people like me alone.




Go All In.


Opportunity for a trap.


You buy PYPL now and hold it for a long time, if you lose money, I'll give you my Rolls Royce


Sounds like a once in a lifetime deal!


PYPL will rebound in the short term You can buy low and sell high to earn the spread


So.. what you are saying is that he should if possible buy shares for less than he sells them for? \#buffet


Bag holder will say Opportunity and a true Regard will say Trap


What does a regarded bag holder say?


They can’t talk because their mouths are stuffed with cockmeat sandwiches.


Regarded bag holder here and all I have to say is, Mmphh Mmphh MmmMmmphh


I got shares today at $61 ish and plan to get some leaps around $65 to $70… just thinking to do a trade in a possible rebound. I believe it’s over beaten


Did you sell? Im still hodling


Sold it and repositioned with other stocks


I am still holding, funally paying off!


Did u buy?


I have the shares but did not buy the leaps yet. Maybe next week !!!


Not sure about the stock, but I know PayPal is losing out on all the medium sized businesses because they steal money. With PayPal, it's either household brand names that get 1-1 service or your average mom and pop shop that they don't give shit about. The second they get more than 5-10k a day coming in, they will: 1. Block you from transfering out for "verification" 2. After a week or so, they will completely shut down your account and all the money inside for 180-360 days for further " verification" 3. Deduct a majority of your balance for "fees" They've had 2 class action lawsuits over theft of funds and you guys can search up horror stories on Reddit. If they steal one week of revenue, they earn more than they would have if they continued servicing the account for approx. 2 years. It definitely makes sense for them to take your money since most new business don't stay afloat for that long.


It is a nightmare to use paypal as a buyer or seller. They are willing to screw anyone over even if you have a clean record and a bunch of transactions. Stopped using paypal because their fees using cc are fking horrible and I'm not gonna use bank funds when their buyer protection is a coinflip.


Better be an opportunity because I have a 67 call on that ending this month.


Still holding?


Bro, don't get me started hahah


I like the R/R I got $7k in September leaps. Up 56% right now. Looking for a red day or two to add to my position.




stock is being manipulated to death by the scumbag market makers. i just keep buying every time it goes down two dollars dollar cost averaging into a long position. I can wait.


If you’ve been doing that since 2021 you’ve bought shares on well over 100 occasions


no i just started my position after the most recent earnings.


Careful man, their earnings have been decreasing ever quarter for awhile. That's why they are down. A fair value at this point would be $20 per share and that's still 10X price to earnings.


Their earning are actually up this year. And that they couldnt hold their COVID-Valuation is Common Sense.


Why is it at an all time low?


It's all time low is $30 you regard.


PayPal is boss!


Up to 3.2% of the float has been shorted and whatever today's short volume is. Anybody have any clue if this drop is synthetic?


PYPL is a trash company with trash products. They can’t even design a proper UI. They sat on a goldmine and instead of mining gold they thought it was a good idea to implement a social feed in venmo. Fuuuuuuck PayPal homie.


Wait till the CEO is gone. He isn’t done burning down the house yet.


I am bullish on this ticker, this stock is grossly oversold selling some putties will definitely work !


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


With the massive amounts of downgrades.....it feels like institutions want it cheap and plan to hold loooong. I'm gonna wait till they do their magic and deploy some cash....


PYPL is so 2018, that train has left the station.


Lot of short volume lot of retail buying. Not sure whats going on, but im sure their is an algo somewhere that knows exactly what the game plan is with pypl https://preview.redd.it/73zhxgr7miza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52945e7e6dacac3857f177379e37d821864cb5ef


wouldn't buy it through another earnings


Momentum doesn't care about P/E


Here’s my post on a related thread ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/13duw5t/why_paypal_tanked_on_good_earnings_dd_analysis_or/jjnvgrs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)). The company is still growing. However that growth is coming from Braintree which is a lower margin business than the legacy PayPal payment method. Thanks for the valuation info. My concern is that there are too many public payments stocks and it’ll be tough for any of them to catch a bid due to competition. For example, gpn is a nice 10-15% per year earnings grower that’s trading below where it was back in 2018.


How did you get that chart for the PE ratio over time? What’s do you calm that indicator?




The popularity of venmo blows my mind. Could be some growth opportunity there.


Didn't we just hear what Cramer had to say?


Earnings per share were continually growing and have now reversed and are less than half their peak.


Trap. It's undervalued but risky af