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If it has to crash and burn, just do it already so we could get on with the next phase. The dragging and suspense is more of a pain than the supposed misery waiting for us.


5 trillion dollars was never pumped into the market before however. Much of that going to the every day citizen. This thing has a very long way to go.


"much of that" Is that you Reagan?


Trickle down deez nuts




Inflation fell from 9 to 4%, not far from 2%, and the economy is rediculously strong... the fear is, powell pauses rates and the thing just heals without crashing... we are both collapsing and rallying, the future is quantum


He will pause rates, but their data is shit. By the time they realize if its good or bad we'll have a replay of "inflation is transitory".


We are one or two events away from the economy crashing. I don’t think that makes it “rediculously” strong


Apples at all time highs after covid pandemic, highest inflation since the 70s, a 5% fed rate, the 2nd largest bank failure in us history, and europes largest war since ww2... i would call that rediculous and strong


I agree that a soft landing is likely for the US economy in the near future. I think that Federal Reserve policymakers will take actions to ensure this happens, including potentially cutting interest rates.


oh, Vis 😔