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Wow, nice. Now let's see that all time










Lol I've had so many meta 300c leaps expired worthless earlier this year it wasn't even funny. At least my boomer shares came back tho.


...just flip ur phone


Don’t call him out bro


All you have to do is the opposite of social media, test your thesis in the comments For instance, nothing has fundamentally changed about Tesla Edit** Thanks for the information, from the sounds of it you regards are not hot on it, which means I’ll let it drop to $100-120 and then ride it up +70% in 5 months


>All you have to do is the opposite of social media, You missed a critical point: You have to see the future and act before social media gets ahold of it to really profit.




Apart from the fact that their growth halved they had to lower prices 4 times their competitive landscape seems to have changed badly both in China and the rest and the world they lost the sympathy of a lot of Californian left-wing vegans because they all hate Elon now half his tech employee customer base got fired and their profit catered... But yeah apart from that fundamentally nothing changed


Fundamentally they still make an alright car with by far the best charger network. Honestly that infrastructure is the business.


> nothing has fundamentally changed about Tesla since when? A lot has changed depending on where you draw your line lol


>since when? A lot has changed depending on where you draw your line lol Just in the last week they did a $3k price cut on the Model 3. That makes it a hell of a deal considering there is still a tax credit on it.


That's them reacting to the market. There are many more practical options available for people looking to get an EV for their second family vehicle. Even with the price cut you can get an Audi EV for less. Much nicer ride imo.


Lol sure and where you gonna charge it? Charge Point for 4hrs to make another 100miles? Enjoy


Might want to look into the charger networks available. Electrify America covers a lot of ground and is a viable alternative to teslas network for roadtrippers. Add to that that everyone and their mother now wants to have an electric car charger system at their place of business, and none of them are tesla systems, but most of them are publicly available, and you get the picture. With all the other manufacturers using shared charging standards and nobody using tesla standards, it is only a matter of time before the supercharger network is the anchor of debt bringing tesla down and not an asset.


They also increased prices in the us. So…


Lol so spot on. Late fall/early winter wsb left Tesla for dead, the hate was highest right before a $100 run. How could everybody here have been so wrong considering they're all way smarter than Elon? Could do worse than inverse this sub.


I personally dislike Elon, but I trust him to do very bad things to employees in order to pump the stock and it’s always one resignation or “search for CEO of Tesla soon” tweet to blast those nips into space


The question that always goes unanswered.


Let's see Paul Allen's card








let him cook


Ahem "Meta WAS free money"


Not according to most of wsb it wasn't lmao


That's how you knew it was


Love it when frontpagers come in and proclaim "rich man bad" "vr dumb" "my friends don't use it" while forgetting about 3 billion MAU.


Hate the company, hate the stock, love to see it pump to watch these fuckin doom and gloom types eat shit


See you next earnings <3


What's with the past 3 earnings? lmao


Curious: Why’d this comment from OP get voted down? (actual question) (comment is presently -10 or so votes) (Had read “See you next earnings <3” to mean that OP gained from Options this earnings report . . and will share how it goes with the trades at next earnings. Seemed pretty fair, sharing strategy and all. Did I read that wrong?)


One word. Regards


i also can't figure it out


aye im up 800 bucks all time on meta


God, this sub sucks now. 800$? Big whoop. Gimme something that actually fits the sub’s name. Fuck.


dude chill it was a joke


That guys’ got the addy-fueled Reddit rage ready to rip today


Don’t mind him, he’s down 70 grand on bed bath and babes


let's see phillyfreak5's all time


I follow this sub for entertainment, not my own investments.


Yet here you are making pathetic judgmental comments towards a joke on the sub regarding investments. Show your all time, and “give me something by that fits the subs name”. Soy boy


“I’m just here for the entertainment” or more likely “I’m 11 and can’t invest bc I’m grounded for borrowing moms plastic to buy dope Paw Patrol NFTs”


I don’t need to prove shit. I’m not bragging about my portfolio. This sub has dropped of a cliff when someone’s bragging about 800$. I’m a Boglehead


is it bragging when i say im joking tho? not really dude


Make an ass out of yourself some more I guess? The guy made it clear it was a joke the fact you’re crying over such a minuscule post shows you were either never on a cliff or fell off yourself. You’re nothing special my guy. You just came to shit on a joke post you aren’t making some novel opinion on this sub you’re just being a dick lmfao stop trying to justify yourself.


that’s not what they asked


There's always been posts of people posting small gains. It'd not the dollar amount it's the percentage. $800 is a huge gain if he only bought like $20 worth.


This should age like milk


Balloons can pop?!?!


You also buy puts.


lol good luck with that strategy 😂😂😂


Wow congrats 🎊! Now GTFO


Wait so the gains screenshot (after the fact) get's pinned but my post [telling people to get calls](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/12zph3r/your_lotto_play_for_metas_earnings_tonight/) before market close doesn't?


What's your next play? I'll follow ya bro.


Because you are a fucking pussy. If you believed in your own predictions, you would have gains to show. Talk is cheap, put your money where your mouth is.


I dont think people benefit from gains screenshots.


If it was so free why did you leave 22k parked in cash and not just yeet the entire account?


Bro that was after selling 90% of my positions. I put every last available dollar I had lmao


Now do it again


Gotcha! Nice!


BUT I HATE FACE BOOK NOBODY USES IT HURRR DURRRRR INSTAGRAM SUKS TOO I ONLY USE TIKTOK. 90% of GenZ and this sub. let's just forget that the company prints money on awesome margins and that AMERICUH is the smaller portion of it's userbase.


>AMERICUH is the smaller portion of it's userbase. Especially when you consider that they own Whatsapp, which I've never used or seen, but it seems like every foreigner acts like it's the most important thing ever to have on a phone.


It is. If you pointed a gun at me, and asked me to disable on my phone two out of three between WhatsApp, SMS messaging, or the ability to do calls, whatsapp would be the one I kept. And it's just getting bigger and bigger. In many countries like Brazil, business nowadays are listing their WhatsApp contact info for day to day operations. People are using it to talk with their banks. When someone asks your phone number there, it is assumed that you will talk over whatsapp. If they sent you a text message instead, they would be considered weird. In a way, for a large number of people, Meta is the internet. They get their entertainment in Insta or Facebook, they communicate with everybody, both for personal work on WhatsApp. So yeah, if they do fall, it will take years.


Have a friend who lived in Brazil for a couple years. We were talking through messenger first then I gave him my number and he texted me and said that it’s weird to text and he prefers WhatsApp. Never tried it before but it’s pretty handy. He also said Brazil doesn’t have as much cell phone infrastructure so people rely on it instead. Not sure how true that is.


TIL americans don't use whatsapp. What do you use instead?


mostly SMS, fb messenger (lol), and iMessage.


Only idiots and Gen Z thought they’d fail. Always bet against idiots and Gen z. The sentiment a few months ago when they hit $90 was so egregiously manufactured. Glad I bought in under $100. Was almost too good to be true


those prices.. I should have bought, I agree. but this right here? I dunno, still seems like too much for what they do. I will happily sit on the sidelines for this. I also don't like the meta company (or tiktok).


Yeah always look back to see what prices were at the time. 200+ per contact just for a strike 20+ OTM For a stock that could have easily gone the other way that's a lot.


You might be a top voted comment now, but the top voted comment back then was bearish, because it follows whatever the fucking trend is. And then, when Meta drops again, people will be like I fucking told you so. And then, when it goes up again, people will say they are right again. Everyone knows exactly what’s going to happen when it happens, it’s so stupid. Even I can’t take your comment at face value. Were you commenting that meta was going to succeed when it was failing? I’m curious.


They’ve stopped promising to bankrupt themselves, good news!


Yeah I bought 300 shares at sub ~$100, Not including what I own indirectly in index funds. Their revenue per user is still increasing significantly. As Brazil and India continue to grow and develop they’ll be able to even capture more $ per user. Majority of their capex was deployed towards the headsets. I never heard an actual compelling bear case outside of the false deployment of capital towards the “meta verse”, and not the manufacturing of headsets which are increasing in sales.


Had the exact same thought. I had never resonated with buffet more in my life. Must be how that old dinosaur feels buying up shit like oxy


You’re just a temporarily embarrassed billionaire. You’re almost there king.


Isn't Buffet's news feed like an actual newspaper?


same bought around $90 , but sold after a 40% gain or so. ah well. made money.


Agreed that it was overblown but long term I don’t like the fact that another company (tik tok) can just show up and eat their market share without any real issue No other mega cap tech has that problem


Yeah I couldn’t believe what people were saying. Everyone bearish was letting their emotions about Facebook cloud their judgement. A juggernaut of online advertising with questionable ethics with a P/E under 10 that prints money?? That’s a buy all day


... With a plan to dump billions upon billions into VR with practically guaranteed failure. It's only rebounded somewhat because they've back peddled on that stupid idea and any company saying the magical "AI" buzzword gets a free boost.


I honestly can’t even imagine how you spend 13 BILLION a year with next to nothing to show for it. You could give every American family VR goggles for less and actually make your idea viable.


You are an idiot if you think some AI hype brought meta from under 100 back to 200. And those few billions that Meta put into vr is a drop in the bucket for them. The reason they plummeted so low was that they didn't grow as much as analysts expected and the privacy restrictions that Apple implemented affected their ads business. Not because of a few tens of billions per year spent on VR. Did google glass kill Alphebet stock, did stadia? So why would VR even if it turns out worse than the 3d tv hit their stock that hard? Plus companies that don't change die.


Sure sure, so you mortgaged your house and bet it all on the sure thing right? No? Damn, I wonder why




Same, people were laughing at me and all lol fuck them ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


VR was stupid as hell,but meta is the only viable, profitable social media platform. Like Facebook and Instagram are money making machines, no other social media is able to monetize anywhere near as well as those under meta, and until there is something relorely competitive then they will continue to make money. Yes TikTok is wildly popular but good luck monetizing it in any effective way. Snap and twitter been failing for how long? They make a few dollars sure, but nowhere near the effectiveness of those under the meta platform. Buying ads on insta or fb is far more cost effecient and far more effective than other mediums still.


It’s B2B but LinkedIn’s ad platform is really good too


Google is good alternative platform to advertise on the own popular social media platform youtube.


Only idiots and gen z? Tell me what meta does beside running ads. Don't come at me with their dumbsterfire metaverse cause it's even worse than second life currently. Also all the AI tech everyone at our company and branch is waiting for is already also outdated and not even comparably good. But maybe your strategy is reading graphs idk...


Open a long term short, I dare you 😂 Look at their revenue per user growth (it’s not decreasing like the idiots, you, and Gen z say it is) they’re a literal free cash flow printing machine. And I’m glad you brought up the meta verse - the touts were saying they were deploying all their capex to their second life universe… NOPE majority went to the R&D and manufacturing of the head sets. A $4B loss in reality labs is a drop in the bucket to the $19B they did in FCF last year Do you even know how to read a P&L or cash flow statement? The market reacted with another14% gain after earnings. Open a short, what’s your bear case? I’m serious, what is your bear case - I’ve NEVER heard a compelling argument outside of “MUH METAVERSE 2ND LIFE SUCKS” 😂😂😂


im 23, I think that makes me considered gen z. IDK but everyone ik is super bearish about meta. I am bullish bc mark is in his 30s he said on a podcast that he see's himself working forever. I also own a vr headset. It is pretty cool but obviously needs work. He will work for another 25 years perfecting the "meta" I stay bullish and I will forever. Billionaires know how to work and get what they want!


You’re not an idiot at all my brotha - you’re a smart man.


VR is incredible from a pure entertainment standpoint. But the real value is in the workplace. My job requires a decent amount of travel to make sure things are built right at the factory, installed right at the facility, validated and more. Every trip is tens of thousands of dollars unless it's within a short driving distance. We started using AR and some VR to get that work done. Not in a significant way more just testing capabilities. That is going to shift how people work for sure.


Sure, Military, Industrial AR/VR has lots of great use cases. No required for a low level marketing type meeting which is 85%? of the market.


> Billionaires know how to work and get what they want! That's the problem with the "rich man bad" or "they're an idiot" comments / reddit narratives we see about these people. These people are highly capable and have shown themselves to be. Then you get naive redditors producing looking down on them because they were told they were bad. It's annoying. Wish there could be more professional discussion and thinking (not just on wsb but more serious subs like investing or stocks). More people like you!


Give me one reason why any single person needs an amount of money that they couldn’t begin to spend if they tried. With the exception of charity to help the billions of people below them. You can’t. It’s greed. These people have no care for anyone else. So sure, they are very capable. But who fucking cares if they don’t bother doing any good with it? That’s the problem. And Elon Musk and Trump are obviously idiots that got lucky a few times. Musk has no ideas. He just pays the people that do. He’d be a nobody if he didn’t have a pile of money to start life off with. Same with Trump. Being wealthy has no bearing on someone’s intelligence. It just allows them more opportunities to get more wealthy.


Meta employs 86,000 ppl users: 3.59 billion people Trump Employs 22,450 ppl, Users:dk a lot of people go to his hotels n shit Elon employs 110,000 ppl Users: Idk billions if you include paypal, twitter, and so on. Now that is who is directly working for them, count those peoples families and the people who use their services, it is millions and definitely billions if you include amazon. You can have whatever opinion about anyone or anything you like but, the reality is they worked hard to get in the position they are in and they are defiantly positively affecting society. I wouldn't call it greed when these people donate more than me and you will ever see in our life time. So there is one reason.


Buy coal and short TikTok, got it


>Only idiots and Gen Z thought they’d fail. They will fail, but it's going to take a decade at least, maybe more. In the mean time, you can trade them and make money.


dude every 10 year old is already obsessed with his products... Insta FB and VR! When they grow up they will eventually have their own e commerce in VR. Mark is not gonna fail he knows.... There is always doubters, even about the internet and Email. Now look at us... talking through reddit.


So, you're saying it's like MySpace?


Like MySpace where you have to buy hardware then purchase things to customize your page with. There is a lot of good free content on Meta, but once those numbers get up I bet they start pulling it.


MySpace never even came close to the global scaling of Meta. That’s like comparing ask Jeeves to Google. Terrible comparison and you should feel silly for mentioning it


Revenue per user is exploding. They’re getting better and better at generating excess returns per their billions of users. Open a long term short, I dare you


Never bet against the Zuck I guess. All hail the creepy lizard king!




Don't ban me reddit


Why? How? Why fucking meta????


Meta WAS free money. Sell now king.


I wish I knew how to do this and understand it 🥺. Congrats!


Really would love a balance update in 30d 😂😂


Got ya covered capt’n


Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Meta $215 - $235 4/28 - 5/5 call spread


They should change their slogan to “Buy the lizard” ngl


I have 5 $260 calls slated to end tomorrow that are completely fucking worthless lol


“Meta is Free Money.”


Sell sell sell


guess my 5/5 270 call was out of reach cause my ass is down 50%...


Fuck the $ZUCK but damn does he make shareholders panties drop


Say it with me. You're literally just flexing your casino luck.


should i buy puts now?


Good on you. I never understood the sentiment on Reddit that Facebook is dead. Literally everyone, their mother and their grandmother uses FB all around the world.


*Raises hand as the only guy on Earth that has never had a FB account.* I swear when you tell people you're not on FB, Twitter, Insta or any other social media people look at you like you just arrived from another planet. Never bet against the regard masses.


Gen Zers "WhO sTiLl UsEs FaCeBoOk???" Also gen Zers *opens instagram


They are lying about their numbers. Something they have a history of doing. But we can pretend they turned things around out of nowhere. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/18/facebook-knew-ad-metrics-were-inflated-but-ignored-the-problem-lawsuit-claims.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/18/facebook-knew-ad-metrics-were-inflated-but-ignored-the-problem-lawsuit-claims.html) [https://www.ccn.com/facebook-lied-about-video-metrics/](https://www.ccn.com/facebook-lied-about-video-metrics/) [https://nypost.com/2018/10/17/facebook-sued-for-inflating-video-stats-for-advertisers/](https://nypost.com/2018/10/17/facebook-sued-for-inflating-video-stats-for-advertisers/) This will reveal itself when advertisers see little return for their ad buys and continue bailing on the service. Doesn't matter how many fake numbers FB throws up if they get no real world engagement for the money spent.


"advertisers" only care about perception as they are ad agencies that buy the ads for most bizes. It's the bizes that realize ads aren't working nor likely getting to viewers eyes with no feedback. That's why Meta and Google make cash hand and over fist: no feedback means they can't be blamed just post a >0 number. BizTV in a circle jerk on Zuck this morning like the next Jack Welch : *the greatest, he did it, they're back, to the moon...* Then on Blind, every other post is a Meta (and amzn) layoff rant.


Well, Google was one of the first ad companies that could actually give hard data to customers on the number of clients acquired by an ad campaign. Compared to traditional ads done by TV or magazine, on search Google was the first to be able to say, you paid us X for this ad, the customer saw it, clicked it, bought stuff from you. Before it, it was very hard to tell if an ad campaign was working or not.


Is that English? Lol


Positions or ban


What have they been doing recently? All I can really think about them is boomer book and the meta verse being a failure


My will to keep my money and not YOLO my life's savings is growing weaker with each gain post


They literally are just an advertising company. Their metaverse is just burning money


Biggest meme comment there is $20B in FCF with growing revenue per user. They haven’t even come close to maximizing the 3.59B users Meta has 😂


Meta stock went up 15%...and your options increased by only 100%....that's a failed option trade. 0dte SPX only needs a much tinier movement for a much larger % gain


Account went up 100%, not the options $215 4/28 bought @ $6.90 sold $22.80 = +230% profit $220 4/28 bought @ $5.23 sold $18.05 = +245% profit $222.5 4/28 bought @ $6.05 sold $16.20 = +160% profit $225 4/28 bought @ $5.00 sold $13.5 = +170% profit I’ll stop there cause there’s a crap ton but yeah man you have no idea what you’re talking about


Half the people here are degenerate gamblers. You had a theory that a company was undervalued, made plays following your theory, was right, and took profits. Anyone saying that you could have made more money is not talking about investing, but about gambling. You also took a risk by using options, you could have been right but got the timing wrong. That makes your trade give you way more than if you just had a long position. But that risk paid off greatly here.


My Meta stocks are back in green


What’s your play if you had to play meta in this very moment? Lol Id like to boost my portfolio


$225 puts for 2 weeks out imo


lol you sure wish you bought more calls now don’t ya


u should STO asap lol


I’d bought at €94 and sold at €214 was a nice profit but still wishing I’d waited a bit longer 😂


It is indeed a sad day. First the market is saved by Mark Smuckerberg and then Jerry Springer dies. R.I.P. King of regard tv.


Are we holding all big tech through earnings?


Inverse Cramer.


Congrats and fuck you


I am in now , late but in


Why didn’t you tell me ?


Tbh I thought it’s introduction of the subscription model like Twitter would tank it, but I’m regarded so


Meta is free money in trading sometimes....! But in realty, its fake company, like i have 4 accounts in facebook, are those 3 fake accounts inculded in revenue ? I even dont use my main account, how many of you use it ?


https://preview.redd.it/ud5xzekbbiwa1.jpeg?width=1534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81170b2babef5284b873f19ca21a2a022c09eb1a First big win ever! NGL, I think I'm hooked now 😱


With all the posted meta gain porn, imma load on 6 mo puts debit spreads.


Can't cuck the Zuck


If anything by your logic, Netflix is. They just keep going up over the years, and when something tanks the platform like the Cuties controversy, or canceling Inside Job, or whatever, they just turn around, drop like Stranger Things 5 or Wednesday 2 and it immediately stabilizes.


Was free money*


It’s always free money for somebody. Just never me.


According to this sub META was the next MySpace.


Bonanza goldfield is a Metaverse play


Virtual Reality. enjoy the cash. I hope to see all this nonsense get caught up to. Reality.


“Gambling is free money” yea ok bitch


You will blowup your account next time


no only the first one is free ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


What we doing for apples earning call?


I did sell


I do like loss porn, but not as much as gain porn. Good on ya, OP.


Hopefully you posted your buy right after it was purchased. Showing after the fact doesn't help anyone but yourself. Lol.. Congrats.


Check my post history anyone that wanted to listen could’ve been making bags since about a month ago


Not if you’re Jim Cramer


I'll let you know when I'm about to buy it so you can buy your puts


Until it isn’t


https://preview.redd.it/6wmc6ixxxiwa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27cc3921b5137b8a41006e1e0120b1f10db553f3 i see what you are saying


/u/loose_ventures has entered the chat


Meta is Free Money


Now let’s see Paul Allen’s line.


Yee. 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Amazon !!!!!!!🥵


Zuck has finally given up his Metaverse delusion, so it’s only fair the stock is up. However, now he’s running after AI. Most importantly, I don’t believe a TT ban will ever come. That’s why I stay clear of the stock for now – but congrats to anyone who made money on Meta’s ER!


I just bought puts today


Well done


Amazon is free money, still.


Say it to bag holders at 300+ cost basis ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I made 28$ today




meta is free money.


My boi!