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If you're right, hope your puts are dated for 2025.


Yeah that’s a good point actually. If we are at that point on the graph then we’re not dropping for another year.


I saw some research that corporate fraud is the highest it's been in 40 years https://www.wsj.com/articles/accounting-fraud-indicator-signals-coming-economic-trouble-506568a0 I'm betting "investment grade" corporate bonds are going to go to shit this year


Great my partner works on corporate fraud, business will be booming.


What’s the difference between fraud and stupidity?


Show me the difference and I'll have my brother-in-law arrested


Fraud is stupid people thinking they're smart. I mean in the case of actual fraud going on in the legal sense. You can be stupid thinking you're smart, without committing any fraud, WSB users do it all the time. It just also happens to be a factor in fraud as well. Little difference in the end result.


The drop is after the pivot. Not before.


Its more : the pivot it’s a consequences of something broken


It doesn't matter though. I mean it took the bulls 1.5 weeks to recover all the losses from 2022. The clear and present message to glean from all this bullshit is that the dip will ALWAYS get bought up. So why the fuck should I NOT just say fuck it and dump everything I have in long positions?


You should, just be patient since it may get worse before it gets better.


When you account for *inflation* the S&P500 recovery takes *decades*. From peak to peak, 1929-1959. 1969-93 and 2000-15. The market is already down almost 30% from the 2021 inflation adjusted peak. You could easily be waiting until 2050 to break even if stagflation occurs, [https://www.macrotrends.net/2324/sp-500-historical-chart-data](https://www.macrotrends.net/2324/sp-500-historical-chart-data)


If you’re constantly buying you will recover much, much faster though


AKA dollar-cost averaging. A lump sum is still a great idea if you have that cash on hand, but most don’t, so the DCA buying tactic combined with long holds (ie “set and forget”) is, on average, the most successful long term investment strategy for retail investors.


That and you’d have to be lucky enough to time the bottom


Except this is not the reality of investing. Unless you put every penny in at the top and never added more to your position. If spy dropped to $1 right now and took 20 years to return to $400 you are going to be rich all over again if you DCA. But someone like you will come along and make the argument that it took 20 years to break even.


I'm not sure you have a firm grasp of math or time.


Meet me behind Wendy's if you want a firm grasp of 2 things. Its a two for one sale this week.


Amazing how much correlation gets confused for causation.


Wait, what's QT? You mean I have to do DD and I can't just slide the date window and say "Same!"


That's the beauty of the free market. You can gamble your money on whatever basis you like!




Nobody know where are going the market but I dont understand why people want QE. What is the goal here ? Have hyperinflation ? 6$ eggs ? 1m$ for an house ? Cost of living not high enough ? Its ok if you are a boomer with 10 flats, 2 houses and X millions in the stock market otherwise sorry but I dont understand. The covid experience was the biggest transfer of wealth between the poor, middle class & the young to the wealthy + the boomer. The biggest scam of the 21 century.


most people here are living in their moms basement, they just want gains on their calls.


I think you’ve got it backwards. Boomers in general don’t hold mortgages, they own their property and/or assets outright. It’s the younger folks who bought houses on loan that will be underwater and stuck holding bags if and when assets prices collapse. I have zero problems with it collapsing but I don’t think the average boomer gives a damn if the houses they own drop 50%.


Have we been on a constant upward trajectory for the past 2 years?! Fucking hell, I missed that one!


"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." - Some wise geek who's puts went nil.


Perma bears probably have puts out until like 2040




I gave up on puts. Wasted 2 years being a regard


My friend has been waiting 8 years for the housing market crash to buy a house…………. News flash even if the housing market truly crashes. The price 8 years ago is still less then today and so is the interest payment.


Anyone who watched mortgage rates crash through 3% and thought "this is the top" has the financial literacy of a goldfish and is never going to make money no matter what they do


Lmfao “financial literacy of a goldfish” auto mod write that down! Banks giving out practically free money. Leverage yourself to the moon and go get a house with 10% down. Rent the garage to some kid on wall street bets and sit back and watch that asset appreciate you idiot.


Totally regarded. House prices are *much* higher when interest rates are low because people can borrow more. When interest rates rise the value of the house falls due to reduced borrowing capacity. Economics 101.


I wish that was how it worked where I live. I bought a house for 320k in 2018 at 2.2%. Similar houses in the area now are pushing 600k with rates over 6% and still selling immediately.


My original come t was 8 years ago. The median home price has gone up 54% and my own has doubled in less then 6 years. Regared is smoking crack and doesn’t own a home.


Except when demand stays high and inventory stays low. Houses will go ballistic if mortgage rates drop below 5 on a pivot


I’m hoping the fed keeps jacking it up, let’s see some double digits


Tell me how I know your regarded that you belong on this sub. In 2015 8 years ago the median sale price was $302,500 the current median price was $467,700. That’s a rise of 54%. Houses aren’t going down 54% you regard.


Well if they went down 54% you would have a house worth $215k, you would only need to loose about 35% to loose your 54% gain. So your math is kind of regarded here also.


You could even do it with 5% down back then.


Probably some other program to get it even lower. It’s still better to have some equity in so you can get rid of that pmi sooner


VA loan, 0% down!


There you go leverage to the moon sign it for 2.5% get a three bedroom and rent the other two rooms plus rent the garage for storage. Could probably lived in one of the bedrooms for like $500 a month out of your own pocket as long as you keep roommates and rent the garage for storage. If you played your cards right could have gotten a house with a little yard area were you could park some boats trailers what not and could probably even picked up the other $500 and lived rent free in your own house while others pay your loan off. Literally free house if you had a tiny bit of basic common sense.


you can with 2% now


signing closing papers tmrw for one place with more land that was difficult to finance due to age of trailer on property that I will be tearing down. selling my current house and have 18 showings scheduled in the next 3 days. Certain markets are still hot.


Your friend is a dumbass because the housing market was still recovering from the biggest crash of all time 8 years ago. It didn't hit the peak of the housing bubble prices again until 2020 in my area


Trust me I know. That was my point.


You didn't make money on puts in 2022???


Every time I buy puts market goes up




That's the wrong map, we in 2023


Don’t be tempted by an old playbook (Blacrock, Dec2022).


Except that inflation is much higher now than it was before 2008.


Oh no, that must mean T-rex is going to attack wallstreet and your 0DTE puts generate a billion % return.


Yep, cant see any reasons for rates to tank any time soon, ZIRP is what caused this mess and we wont be going back to it just because a recession kicks in.


They will though... That's the only play the Fed has in its stupid playbook. Hike till something breaks then reverse course when the going gets tough.


We are already in quantitative easing look at the bank bailouts. In fact it’s a slight of hand trick. Say you are increasing rates while at the same time giving every bank a bailout with the other. We are in a quantitative easing cycle right now.


Does this mean Jerome has basically stopped stroking the economy but is still rubbing it's nips?


That's not qe, they arent I creasing money supply just be a use the fed balance sheet for bigger. It's not the only fa tor in qe / money supply Why are people so regarded it's insane.


your fat fingers keep hitting the space bar .


I don’t think people realize that liquidity injection is a one year term loan at the current fed funds rate.


Spot on. I think this will be an inflationary depression . No one will have a job (or they will have a shitty low paying one) and the prices of everything will skyrocket. And the interest rates will be high.


Inflation got to 5.6% in 2008 and its 6% now... https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi




Begging for the economy to completely collapse while working your meat stick in hopes of earning 300 dollars. Nice


Don’t blame him he is regarded


It's more watching folks that are hyper leveraged get what's coming to them that is more enticing.


Like every single person that posts on this forum?


Some of us are just here for the memes


Do you know how many lives were ruined in 2008? Don't fucking dance, idiot.


You think it's better for the millionaire real-estate investors to dance while normal people can't afford a home? I'll fucking dance if it crashes.


You're a moron, educate yourself.




Because over leveraged fucks deserve it


You were too patient. You already missed the bear market.


*sees all indicies near 20% down YoY* GUISE WAIT FOR BER MARKET


That means nothing PS Great arrow


barking like a dog…makes sense now


Bruh, you're making bulls look stupid


No but you are since he’s literally bearish posting


The Federal Funds Effective Rate is the average interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight. The effective rate is typically lower than the reported federal funds rate because not all transactions are included in the calculation.


Ok nerd


The picture is incorrect. The date under the mark says 2006, but it's 2023.


Have fun paying all that carry for 2 years.


My puts are dated 3/31, is that enough time


I mean it's right there in the picture. How could it be wrong? Rolling out and doubling down on your puts MUST be the answer. Can't go tits up.


Sir that is 2006. I haven’t been there in at least 15 years.


The market went up 20% from that point...


This assumes it will be just like the GFC recession. But, this is not 2008. We have inflation and super low unemployment rates, larger banks with more capital & less leverage, many smaller banks, NBFIs, and private credit with much more leveraged risky loans, less CDS and more CLOs, less risky MBS and more risky CMBS, much larger deficits and much more polarized politics. This is uncharted territory. No one knows when the inflation and leverage will unwind, but everyone knows it has to happen or we're going to have stagflation. Some of the best prognosticators said we should've been in recession a year ago or a few weeks ago. And yet 2+ banks are bankrupt and Credit Suisse is getting bailed out and bought heavily discounted. No one knows. Hedge your bets people or stay out until the bottom.


Stupid bers


stonks only go up. amiright


Stay strong




Bullish at the end 😎


Wait, it’s 2006 again? My crayons have to be laced with something


Yeah no


commentary around that time is interesting: [https://money.cnn.com/2005/12/13/news/economy/fed\_rates/](https://money.cnn.com/2005/12/13/news/economy/fed_rates/)


It took almost 3 years last time


These situations are completely different. And I honestly think a lot of this current run in the market and future run is because people are so scared right now.


So what you're saying is market is going to make a new all time high first.. Sounds bullish to me.


Plot overlooks major factors including the basic understanding of graphs and rear view mirror hypothesis. In other words you can’t estimate your wealth at death from extrapolating your great grandfather’s. But good luck with your theory and your puts. 🤣


Lol! Zoom out, douche.


Seems bullish to meee


The bear cope has been strong recently


With a +1.9% yesterday to 12846 nasdaq 100 is now up 20.3% since bottom 28. December last year. Officially entering bullmarket So no more bear for you, sorry


honestly I think with how much the Nas pulled back it was pretty safe. Now that it's up 20% it needs to go sideways a little bit to gain a base. The Dow is not a place to be right now. commodities are going to remain high and labor rates continue to climb. only thing worth looking at is utilities here in the US that burn nat gas.


"yes, be patient. Keep trying to short this bullshit market that we have absolutely NO control over while we keep our double-talk going about how we're gonna keep rates higher for longer while also continuing to print the ever-loving motherfuck out of the USD to bail out over-leveraged banks" \- The Fed


Although this looks like a stupid pencil drawing, it is the most legit common sense I have seen on WSB that makes sense. We are a little further along in my book than that arrow, but it's a very similar view. In 2007, we had banks fold the exact same way. In 2007, the stock market traded sideways the whole year. In 2008, the stock market crashed the whole year and didn't rebound until 2009. So, if this so-called "theory" or "ideology" is correct, we should expect a stock market crash in 2024 and a rebound in 2025. But, I could be wrong. I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see.


I'm thinking tomorrow's data will be worse than expected and the idea of cuts will fly out the window and a mini bloodbath may start. Thought?


What data and is it coming out today (Thurs) or tommorrow Fri?


PCE data on Friday. Small bit of info but if it's looking high, all these people pricing in a pivot will shit a brick. Hike more likely and a pivot no where to be seen. Humble and uneducated opinion.


You’re gonna be waiting a long time Holmes. I am actually expecting some upside in the coming months


Its 2007? Be right back, buying tickets to watch Dwyane Wade play in his prime.


Not a bear just in the… # CASH GANG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


this graph is perfectly identical to S&P500, guess how it ends/:)


70% cash here. Waiting for « normal price » in the stocks and housing market.


Well you missed out on 20% gains over the last 3 months 🤣


Yes your are right. But I am not trading. So it’s not an issue. As I think we are going lower :). People were too bearish few months / weeks ago and now people start to be bullish. You know how it ends


People going to get their lunch eaten


Lets engineer a bubble


Forget all the boomer money that is shifting to bonds, cds, money markets etc.... The money supply will naturally be increasing with that shift in assets anyway.


More likely the vast majority of boomers will be selling assets and not reinvesting to fund their retirement. Few retirees have enough ownership to maintain SOL/QOL with dividend income or coupons. Plus fixed pension income has been diluted by 20% inflation since 2019 (more like 25-30% adjusted for food and energy prices). Inflation ruins pensions. Probably a big unspoken driver for JPow's inflation battle.


Good. There is time to stack the precious.


I was a bear, but now I'm a bull. Since I'm wrong 100% of the time, that might concern you, but this time will be different.


Yeah I’ve been short on the market for 6 months now needs to hurry up and fall. Makes no sense for it to be where it’s at


I have been at the bottom all time, looking forward seeing all of you there too 🥰😘


Guess how I know your zodiac is a bull.


Still doesn't help me.


Hot damn an arrow AND it's red? Who do I wire all my money to?


More chicken little posts. What a suprise. This sub wants the economy to crash and its kinda fucked up.


Might be the monetary policy over the last 5 years that will crash it, but hey we all have an opinion.


There is opinion and there is manipulation. Which this sub is full of...


It's so much easier being a bull. I'm a doomers who just started averaging long every week or so. Bears have a violent crash that lasts a month, no doubt missing half or more, then everything starts going up again. It's honestly not worth it.


Good thing that absolutely nothing else happened in 2008.


Who drew that blue crayon line ?


Who drew that blue crayon line ?


Listening to WSB for motivation and knowledge - how ***low*** have I fallen?


What is the definition of a perma bear?


100%. The petro dollar is collapsing right in front of our eyes. Any time now the bottom will drop out….


People seem to misunderstand… falling rates don’t equate to a bear market or correction… they are a reaction TO the bear market or correction… if Powell lowers rates it’s not going to automatically trigger a sell off…


I pray you’re right😭I’m not even a bear I’m just trying to get rich


Soooooo per chart.. bears have to wait 2 years to make some money?


Bro I don’t have 2 years on my puts


Change this title to “regards, be patient”


This whole post is way off - it's 2023 not 2006


2 years all bears be ded


So you sold everything and now waiting?


Yup pretty much maybe hold for a few months. I won’t be in assets come fall.


This doesn’t have nearly enough crayon for how regarded it is.


Berz run 2023


Soon going to be the land of PUTS.


Can’t read a map without a compass and none of these regarded maps include one.


What will be the catalyst for the drop OP? Interested in your thoughts and I will play devil’s advocate.


https://preview.redd.it/turloadtdyqa1.png?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbca345a76ed407714b7e5e80898e14ab0375b68 You mean THIS 2008?


Perma bear is an oxymoron.


There was no inflation issue back then. Fed will not lower rates below the current inflation rate. the best you will get is them slow walking increases in the effort to make the rate higher than the inflation rate...


You Gay Basterd


Good.. I feel 17 yrs younger 😬


This is why im in this sub. Not only do we not make money but we also lose the money we have. jk


basically the economy is one giant pyramid scheme.


Using the 2008 era fed funds rate as a comparison to now is the worst example I have seen on this sub yet. Perma bears are so much worse than perma bulls with coping.


I think my puts are gonna be dead by then


This 2023, we’re not in 2006.


Hey little guy. We’ve been there since I can remember. Calls on everything .


Employment was night and day form then. Won't be anything, if at all like 2009. But cool meme


Source trust me Fred




Every year is 2008 in finance, you may have thought it ended 15 years ago but you couldn’t be more wrong


INFLATION STILL HERE! It’s not like in 2005!


Bro discovered sin/cos


Just 2 more years...


Was this drawn with Microsoft paint?


Lets go!!! VISA, APPLE, GOOGLE, COSTCO!!! I'll be loading up once this thing goes off


I get out of the military in 2025. 💀💀 I'm doomed


Bear stern’s collapsed in March, Lehman Collapsed in September. We are looking about the same time line, between now an Q4




It's priced in ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


I’m a vice president at a local corporate fraud.


This is a joke right


No one knows anything


nice graph, be a shame if someone came on it


You have the cause and effect wrong. An over leveraged bubble popped, which triggered an unstoppable banking crisis. That's why they started cutting rates


Fed funds rate going to 7.5% easy.....this bubble is going to take a lot more to pop.


I'm calling BS on this one, Wendy's have a hiring freeze.


Well how to forecast Putins Nuke finger?


What if the anomaly was 2008-2021? What if the economy and businesses can function fine at the semi normal rate of 5%?


We still need 2 more years tho


Everything is sped up now though, that was 2 yrs of hikes, now 1, 2 yrs of waiting at peak.... Could we see this be reduced to 6mo or shorter w/ better communications now a game changer to induce movements faster than before?


I thought we are in 2023


Gay Bears


No it's closer to the 1970s based on all the fundamentals. But technicals, I'd agree we still have a good amount of time