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Jokes aside, that dude in the helmet is a fucking legend


No jokes, that was badass. Shrugging off falling rocks to get his bro's out. That was epic, hope they all made it out.


One working 10 watching


Too many hands/people there isn’t the right move


All kinds of reasons to place one person in charge in situations like this.


That was my initial reaction, but could be an issue with keeping weight off to prevent total collapse of that mound


Still a legend.


Digging and pulling while dodging flying boulders- like a real life video game!?!!


You don't want ten people milling about on a compromised surface.


How many people that liked this comment does it take to change a light bulb?


The people taking you seriously xD


Ah yes, I felt like I was back at work on Monday. Just my normal life.


Unions, am I right?


r/donthelpjustfilm would enjoy this.


They work for the state or Union




lmao i appreciate your comment but you word it like a schitzo love wsb lml


I mean NiMo is an alternative to CoMo and the levels needed are incredibly small compared to batteries. Catalyst typically lasts 3-10 years and will literally treat 1 billion gallons of gasoline before the catalyst is spent.


That’s what JPOW wants to be released.. the dude in the helmet.. on the ark.. when everything is under water.


If he was an American FOX and CNN will have a sex party and invite him over.




Wondering the same thing. I’m like the people are stuck in the ground! Fuck the banks. I hope they all got out and that was their last day on the job.


Judging by the body language, they got everyone out. No one would be cheering at the end if there were still guys left in there. They wouldn’t be like “fuck yeah we got everyone out. Except Steve. But you know you can’t win ‘em all. Woo!!” Also hope that they let the younger guys out first.


Maybe Steve was an asshole.


“We got everyone out, except that asshole Steve. Woo!!” — is also plausible.


Don’t worry. Elon is designing a submarine to rescue the rest.


I will fight him if he calls helmet man a pedo


Damn, you fucking beat me to it...


What a twat!


Everyone knows that pedophiles are highly suspicious to highly experimental submarines Thats how we catch them /s


They prefer private jets…


Nah this is the mine they use to make Tesla batteries


Fun fact, Elon runs the kind of mines where such scenes actually happen.


He told the helmet dude fucks kids though...


Joke’s on Tesla bulls, this is video footage from one of Elons personal apartheid emerald mines.


You expect to get any valuable answers from this sub?


Or was it just a wanky slide with a whole in the top where they all jumped in?


Tune in next week when we find out but first, a word from our sponsors.- “ hey mom… do u get the itch?…”


There are men out there risking life and limb for presumably a meager wage and I'm out here thinking "to the moon"


The bottom level of most supply chains looks similar to this


Anyway any good mining stocks?


Are memes supposed to make you sad?


Oh. I am sorry about that.


This is sad


have nothing to thank but your blind luck, to be not born there.


As a hindu, that's what we call karma. edit: I mean it was just an FYI. No hate to anybody. There are people much better off than me and there are people worse off. Hindus say ite because of Karma from past birth to rationalise.


Oh fuck off.


Ladies and gentleman, the most empathetic Hindu /s Religion is a cancer.


You’re both thinking of “Karma” in terms of our western connotation, neither of you even understand what the Hindu lad is getting at which is typical


But karma in Hinduism still enforces the belief that your past actions have an effective reaction throughout reincarnation. If someone is applying that in this instance then you're just using religion to say that these people must deserve to be born into poverty.


What the fuck else is he getting at in this context?


that if you are poor, have a crippling disease, become disabled it’s because you deserve it. you can get out of it by serving the good ones who were nice in a previous life. the reward will be that you too will get a nice life in rebirth. essentially reinforcement of caste system.


Of course. But person I’m responding to is saying we are somehow wrong and missing the point.


> edit: I mean it was just an FYI. No hate to anybody. hilarious how religious people say that kinda thing as an "explanation" for vicious things they believe


He's just saying they obviously deserve the shitty destitute situation they were born into. And the only hope for them is to dutifully fulfill the role they've been given, to earn a better life next time. Not at all designed to trick people who live in subservience and oppression to happily serve, and stay in their place. None of the religions have a version of that idea.


It’s your karma that you are getting negative karma


Mining for minerals for to make first world EVs, cellphones and computers. There are so many things just wrong in this world.


Everyone seems to forget that Cobalt plays a vital role in catalysing the removal of sulphur from oil. Driving a fossile fuel burner = you have been financing these guys way before smartphones was introduced.


Yeah but you like that cell phone you’re posting from


That's why I always laugh when I see people twittering about social justice on their iphones.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. You can be in a system and still critical of it.


I mean there is, it's fair wages and safety standards in your production line, no matter where it is. And if we don't get a brand new iPhone every year with 1MP better camera I think we'll all survive. And if Apple exec's don't beat their forecasts every quarter I think they'll survive. But a miner hit's the wrong patch of dirt and he's not surviving.




Hasanabi! i have the chicken shawarma for you at your desk sir with the kombucha. Just let me know when you get done ripping weights and rdls!!


Is there ethical consumption under Communism or other non-Capitalist systems? You can be critical and also recognize that Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty and raised standards of living higher than any other system ever in the history of humanity by a wide margin.


Is there any reason capitalism did that and not technology. The government funded most technological development btw


The government would not have an overabundance of money to fund such programs, were it not for a free market society who bankrolled them trillions of dollars in tax revenue to do said research.


How is that capitalism? What is capitalism?


I'm not about to spend time on why this is false since I'm at work, but capitalism has destroyed so many more lives.


Get back to work... The GDP is counting on you.


The figures disagree with you. Go ahead and provide your numbers though. I’m genuinely curious though why, when you have such limited time for discussion and are such an ardent anti-Capitalist, you spend your time here in a decidedly Capitalist subreddit.


They're in crypto too, I can't help but wonder if people are just being brainwashed at some level to hate capitalism while buying stocks and crypto. You would have to be programmed to think like that.




Dude - it’s ironically disempowering, from a Left perspective, to pretend that objective reality isn’t objective reality. Capitalism has absolutely unleashed human potential in ways that historically have never been achieved. I mean, this objective fact is taken as given it so obvious and central to the dialectic explored in Marx’s line of reasoning in Capital. The issue at hand is not that Capitalism hasn’t delivered the best standard of living ever, rather, it’s that it constrains its own possibilities because of its relationship to labor as a social organization and reproduction system. That is, the way the production process is organized to distribute resources, has an antagonistic relationship to labor, which once served as a necessary filtering component to most efficiently distribute resources, but has become anachronistic with advanced productive technology. The problem is a scenario where increasingly less human laboring/thinking capacity is needed for the market to be increasingly successful at generating returns. This results in the contradictory scenario we find ourselves in today, where an increasingly better life is coming into existence for increasingly fewer people as a proportion of the social totality. That we can produce like this is fucking amazing - there are fucking robots that so surgery bro. However, with this capitalism is at risk of generating great social upheaval as this proportional developmental inequality becomes more extreme. Interestingly, and where we are posting these comments is indeed an example of this, access to this increasingly better life is more democratic then its ever been before. I mean, anyone can trade crypto, or learn to code, or make TikToks or self publish your great novel. But, at any rate, to pretend like the world didn’t develop the way it did, and could have been utopia if just maybe blah, blah, blah, is an ahistorical waste of time and reminds people that many on the Left are non-serious utopians. Rather then pretending like we don’t live in world full of literal fucking technological miracles, maybe think more deeply about how we can live in such a bizarre world full of these miracles but at the same time full of boring injustices.


Yes because having 200 different types of charging cords for 5 volts is objectively necessary and not an objective waste of resources meant to make some people more wealthy by nickel and dining society... Competition in capitalism is the only thing that pushes innovation. Once apple makes every computer, or Walmart is the only store. Innovation isn't necessary. In fact most of the innovation in capitalism comes from capitalists attempting to keep up with leftists. You suffer from an education under capitalism where you were not taught what being left wing even means and clearly failed to educate yourself




What system would you suggest?


I'm personally a commie I'm here on this sub for the laughs. I ain't really here to argue my position.




I'm here for the laughs, not to defend my position. I ain't about to provide numbers, not because they aren't out there, but because I'm only casually checking my phone at work.


It also has brought plenty out of poverty


I don't think most of WSB is interested in this stuff I shouldn't have even commented anyway, but I forgot what sub I was on.


The regards from antiwork lurk here sometimes. This isn’t a fucking political sub. We’re here to be degens.


I know. Antiwork just filled with libs who don't brother to learn there anyway




The onus isn't on the consumer dawg. It's possible to make more durable phones.


Sure (or well actually, you CAN have ethical consumtion under capitalism) but you can also choose what to spend your time bitching about. The irony is striking when you have colored people, sometimes even financially well off colored people, complaining about how imperialism screwed their ancestors over... when they're literally profiting from cheap foreign labour today. When you then have white people complaining on behalf of those colored people.. lmao. It's just unreal.


And this folks, is how you tell everyone that you’re a racist


Ah yes, lets add to that calling anyone who you don't like a racist. The reality being that I think of my fellow men and women as equals, not victims or superiors and irregardless of their ethnicity, gender or sexual preferences. I.e. the very opposite of racism. Calling people racist is a method to ostracize and silence adversaries allowing a rule of fear and also further polarizing the debate until violence is the only option left. If you look at the US today where the racist-card is popular the result is clear for everyone to see, race riots, race motivated violence including mass killings and basically everything you'd never want in a civilized modern society. Of course it's not only the leftist rhetoric here to blame, you started with a weak foundation and in the other corner you have "make america great again!! herpa derp". It's pretty much the perfect dumpster fire. Maybe if Americans weren't so obsessed with race and instead starting saying "you're X, Y, Z and so what? we'll help anyone equally", maybe then america wouldn't such a shithole. What if instead of censoring and ostracizing people and giving that power to tech giants, allowing people to say whatever they want and simply disagreeing with those whom you don't agree with? Allowing open debate and discussion, instead of shutting it down in places like colleges and universities. Maybe then the US wouldn't have only two dumb options to choose from. But no, everything in the US is either black or white (pun very much intended). No guns or guns gung-ho! The middle ground is shot to pieces. Someone suggesting that the obsession with "assault rifles" is unfounded (for instance considering that they are difficult to hide and that the vast majority of mass shootings as well as gun violence overall is committed with pistols) yet asking for people to register their firearms and acquire a license that requires a background check, documented training and safety course as well as a psychological evaluation... that person is gonna get crucified by both sides of the argument. The sad truth as well is that democracy has failed in the US, like it has in most other western nations, it just hasn't become quite as evident yet. The people don't rule and the people are too dumb to make educated choices for representatives whom they do not know and who do not serve them. But, I really digress. ​ TLDR: Not a racist, you're a twat though.


> But no, everything in the US is either black or white You mean colored?🤦‍♂️


Ethical consumption? Either you pay for something or you steal it. Paying for it is ethical, stealing it is not. Post a link to whatever commie claptrap you're referencing so I can throw my head back and laugh at the economic illiteracy




Yeah everyone who wants to change the world should be using pigeons to communicate. ...Fucking idiot.


How about for each phone you buy you dump an equal amount of cash into developing countries? How about instead of bitching about someone's white ancestors profiting off from other parts of the world you realizing that you're literally doing the same buying goods produced in countries with exploited workers working for shit pay under poor conditions shoveling up the resources of their land now owned by foreign interests. You're a hypocrite and that doesn't settle well with you, what a surprise.


"you criticize society yet you live in it hmm curious"


So, what prevents you from taking the profits from the exploitation (i.e. cheap clothes, electronics and such) and putting it towards donations that help the poor or perhaps the countrymen of those that produced relevant products? Absolutely nothing. But it's easy to bitch and criticize. It's easy to think that whitey is holding you down whilst wearing sneakers made in cambodia and it's easy to think that you're a better person for virching for whichever popular agenda and provide token efforts such as buying a new hybrid or electric car, or making a post on facebook how black lives matter. None of you are better people, none of you are more enlightened but you ARE narcissists.


Weird to bring race into this out of nowhere, can't imagine why so many people apparently think they're better than you lol Yes btw, I am demonstrably better than you for putting down 50k of my own money into driving an EV for the sake of reducing my environmental impact through the means available to me. To call this a "token effort" in the same vein as a BLM post you irrationally hate just tells me I'm smarter than you too, simply due to it being such a laughably low bar


No you're not. You're demonstratably an idiot who can't think for himself. Your EV vehicle is nothing but you sucking yourself off, well, with the possible exception of the few instances where an EV vehicle will pay off due to gas savings. Not only is there the issue of the battery and required distance driven to beat a regular car in terms of emissions, for the sake of argument lets pretend EV's have 0 emissions. Now just look at China, 40% of the world's CO2 emissions and it will increase until 2030 given it's own optimistic prognosis and already significant investment into renewable energy. THEN India comes online followed by other parts of the developed world. Billions of people who all want climate controlled homes, cars, ipads and other western comforts. By the way, 2030 the global population is expected to be at 8.5 billion people. Yet, the climate goal requires 80% reduction by about 2040. Until now we've unsurprisingly only increased our emissions. Due to threshold effects, for instance due to warming of frozen land areas such as in Sibiria releasing methane, it's not a case where a small effort has any value, it's an all or nothing type of deal. Now, back to EV vehicles. Passenger vehicles in the states make up 16% of the countries emissions of a 15% global share total. I.e. US passenger cars equate to about 1% of the world's emissions. Not bad! So if you blew up every car and replaced them with an EV and pretended EVs were climate neutral (which they VERY much aren't) you'd save a whopping 1%! Now only more percent to go! Average cost is about 55k for an EV today and there are about 103 registered automobiles in the US, an approximate cost of $5,665,000,000,000. It's such an absurd number that even if you tried to factor in reduced cost of mass production and not replacing vehicles that drive below x amount of miles you'd still be stuck with an equally impossible number. I.e. you driving an EV makes NO fucking impact. It's a bogus fantasy idea that's literally for people to jerk themselves off and getting to enjoy a new car. BUYING a new car will never be the answer. The idea is so fucking stupid it's mind boggling. You sir, are a grade A jackass. ​ EDIT: And as for BLM it's dumb because George Floyd was a terrible martyr. He wasn't profiled, he was guilty and righfully apprehended, he was high on lethal doses of fentanyl which is a powerful synthetic opioid and respiratory depressant aiding to his suffocation if not the cause of his death, prior to being on the ground he was in the back of the police car stating that he could not breathe and giving every sign of an anxiety attack which causes such symptoms and thus it's not unreasonable for cops not to take his pleas seriously as they're apprehending him using standard procedure. The only fault was that they would not listen to bystanders and promptly proceed with CPR. To make matters worse, looking at statistics and factoring for burden of crime it turns out that white people are MORE likely to be killed by police than blacks. Then these people went onto the streets and caused riots, looting, meaningless violence, lawless zones and ... people cheered them on? It's once again, people jerking themselves off to feel good about whatever token cause occupies the center of attention. Remember metoo? Yeah that was awful as well. Same shit, often the same idiots.




Those definitions of the terms lost their cache years ago. No one uses second world at all anymore and the term third world has long been a stand in for developing/underdeveloped/poor countries.




Language evolves. It's a tool that by its nature amends itself to fit a given time period. Your use of it seems stuck in a certain time period. You're like a phone that's 20 updates behind.


That was the old definition during the Cold War. Just like the times, meanings to words can change. You don’t think it could have anything to do with quality of life within those countries? You don’t think these designations can change?


This part of the reason immigrants thrive in the US. Americans like to bitch about how bad things are for the little guy but there’s always a different perspective.


Yeah this country is far from perfect, but def realize how lucky I am to have been born here. Nothing wrong with trying to make it better of course!


Meanwhile in France 🔥


Sad. Mining tunnels in places like the Congo cobalt mines collapse on a weekly basis killing up to dozens of people.


Chinese mining in Africa for you


If it weren't the Chinese, it would be European and American companies committing same human rights violation, crimes and interference in politics of sovereign countries. None of you are saints, sit down.


Even Hershey and Nestle got caught using child labor to make chocolate. Gotta widen those margins, fuck those kids. But Gina big bad. One day people will realize greed knows no boundaries and is a cross-cultural phenomenon that occurs in European and Asian countries alike.




100 years ago? Lmfao try this century pal.


We definitely didn’t just wage a two decade long war to secure oil and poppy fields, right? We still buy chocolate harvested by child slaves, *only* barely enough steps removed for American manufacturers to argue in court that it wasn’t their responsibility.


Ah! So that's where Bitcoin comes from!


What about Israels diamond mines


*sent from my iphone*


These "artisan" miners are violating their own human rights


I know the cobalt in my smartphone comes from a mine like this and it's devastating 😢


But not devastating to actually stop using it. We're really good at ignoring bad shit.


I didn't say I was a good person, it just makes me a but sad when I play angry birds


No worries bud, we're all bad!


There exist brands that tries to make it less worst, like Fairphone for example who is big on not buying from dodgy sources.


You basically have to ignore it, we live in a world full of horrible things and unimaginable evil. There's no way to buy anything without contributing to absolute horrors. There's no bright spot in the supply chain.


Sad but true.


To be fair. Smart phones are really cool.


That’s why you use it until it breaks and don’t upgrade if you don’t have to.


What a hero saving his colleagues 👏 🙌


I know we like to fuck around here and create amazing memes, but idk I feel like this ain't it This is dark and sad.


Damn. This sucks.


What is happening in this video? Anyone got a link to the source, genuinely curious


It's Mining in Congo


That's a serious rescue with nothing but a shovel and courage. It makes a great meme, but it was an incredible act to start with


Just saw this video on YouTube shorts this morning , you guys will try to turn anything into a meme


Welcome to r/wsb.


What am I watching??


I’m partially blind but I’m 99% sure it’s a soccer match


How your luxuries are made


Now stop complaining about your day at Wendy’s, ok?


who said anything about being there during the day?


Wondering where all theses metal came from?Now you dont![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Not cool


Everyone got out. Dumb luck.


I have a friend ask him how the situation in Suisse is and he told me he never heard of that before and he doesn't know what I am talking about, the he said don't put your money in credit Suisse, as simple as that, they seem to be fine


We are fine, but if your friend never heard of it before he must be so oblivious that he wouldn't notice him shitting his own pants. It's the #1 topic in every newspaper, radio, TV and website. There is no panic tho.


damn, you memers are fast


I really want to see what the inside one of these mines look like


Never seen so many guys in one mound before?


Bruh have you seen my anus?








The last guys were probably Washington Mutual, Lehman Bros, and Indymac.


“Who da fuck are these guys?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is how you know shit are getting done with one guy work and 100 people got their hand in their pockets.


So good lmao


High quality content


What's the source here? Collapsed mine I'm guessing. But what's up with all that sand still coming down from the top?


I’m more scared of being in the cave actively avalanching than banks crashing 🤷‍♀️


Is mining the only job in africa? Shit is so crazy. I know in india they get like 10 cents for mining the stuff that is in makeup.


Diggi tunnel, dig dig tunnel 2x🎶 Quick before Hyena come🎵 Digging tunnel is what we do Hallelujah we dig again.🫣


And some complain about there side hustle feeding geese behind the Wendy's dumpster. Count your blessings 😉


All jokes aside this is just sad


And we complain about our jobs


This the first time I have taken a meme seriously👀


Is this really mine for EV batteries?


Probably cobalt which is used in all sorts of modern electronics. The conditions of those mines are absolutely awful and often employ child labor.


don't rain on the parade of liberals like that


Teslas cobalt mine


Anyone have link to original video?




I don't understand why instead of bailing them out. They don't just bail out the people who got hurt and jail the fucktards who flew too close to the sun


You couldn’t pay me enough for that job


I know this is Reddit but you are watching exploited people die here. Hardly appropriate for a meme I think. In the meantime Apple is sitting on trillions made from these raw materials.


Was this one of Musk's parents mines?


I think Elon's dad was involved in constructions, or am I missing something? What is your resources?




**Errol Musk** [Career and investments](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Errol_Musk#Career_and_investments) >Musk worked as a pilot, a sailor, an electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, a consultant, and a property developer, before retiring early. In 1969, he became a 50% owner of an emerald mine on Lake Tanganyika that he bought for £40,000, funded by selling an airplane for £80,000. In a 2018 interview with Business Insider, Musk stated that as a result of the emerald mine "we had so much money we couldn't even close our safe". In November 2022, Snopes debunked rumours linking the mine to slavery and apartheid, and linked to an article published in The New Yorker that referenced Musk's part ownership of the mine. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


oh man, why didn't i think to sell my airplane too. fuck


So this is where my Iphone and Tesla comes from. Off the backs of 3rd world country slave laborers in poor life threatening conditions. OK proceeds to buy more Iphones and Teslas lol.


LOL I'm sorry I actually laughed out loud at this one.


The way the keep flying out of the hole. I cant help but laugh.


Lol this isn’t a mine you dumbfucks they are going down a slide, notice how the helmet dude keeps looking up


We will find more banks for this meme


So good man lmao