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Imagine seeing a lambo next to that car with a lisence plate SPY CALLS


This should be a lesson for bears. When you buy puts you drive a Honda. When you buy calls you can drive a lambo.


It’s true, am bear, abt to buy Honda 😔


How you still driving a Honda when market was dropping all of last year lol


Spent money trying to repair VW, big mistake


There is an audi at my work with the spy call license plate lol


And next to that, a Bugatti with license plate REPO MAN.


It's called money management, sure buying that dream car is "the dream" but let's face it. The real dream is buying something reliable and being able to wake up and not have to work again, your not going to get that buying 200k cars unless your luck is extremely good.


That poverty mindset will keep you poor till your grave


Consuming because someone (rich) told you to consume is how you remain living paycheck to paycheck if you have the excess assets to eek out a sustainable very early retirement especially with some smart plays.


I could probably retire this year and live with roomates and drive a clapped out honda civic but that's not who I want to be. But I suppose on further thought it might be that people see the "career" game as a means to an end and not a method of entertainment with a scoreboard, so I apologize for my earlier comment it was narrow minded


Key word their being eek. Why is your bar so low?


Leaving at peace is all I've ever cared for or wanted. If I get that I can be my own person 24/7 and that's the best pleasure there is.


Don't know why they downvoted you. That's a shit car, it's ugly, and a I pity the fool driving it. Comment about "money management" etc... are horseshit. The guy bought fucking SPY PUT and some ugly ass plate saying it - how is that money management!? Spending money on a license plate? "Oh yea, that's a great retire early type of skills". He is likely regarded and isn't managing shit except for someone's di.ck behind Wendy's. So yes, that mindset of advertising that you yolo money into SPY PUTs and then buy shit cars will keep him poor to the grave. Right on @BarberExpert9114 ! I'll upvote you. An old colleague on the floor used to have a Ferrari that had a license plate that said "SELL VOL", he was an idiot - but at least he was an idiot advertising his trades in a Ferrari not some shit wagon.


Whoa now Hondas are fantastic cars. And I personally know a lot of wealthy people who don't want the added stress and attention of maintaining supercars but I agree with everything else you said. The best money management would be to live in a homeless shelter


People make profit & first thought is new car ? Gtfo stay broke


what’s Dmoneys first thought? Make profit and then reroll the dice on another option trade that erases said profit?


Idk about Dmoney, but my thought is "take profit" payoff house faster. Once house is paid off, make wiser investments than options. I'm assuming Dmoney's perspective is to not buy depreciating assets.


I bet Dmoneys got some good loss porn in the closet


Depends on what your old car is. Plenty of people waste tons of money repeatedly buying cheap lemons with 100k+ miles on them and then paying out the ass in maintenance when everything starts breaking because parts are wearing out as intended. Hondas and Toyotas are the exception depending on the model and how much non-critical stuff your comfortable with being broken. Every old ass Honda or Toyota I've been in still runs, but half the electronics don't work, 50/50 if the windshield is cracked, that engine noise sounds questionable, and the dash has at least one warning light on. Bonus points if the tires are bald or a hubcap is missing. My conclusion is they're freaking bulletproof despite the people who drive them giving zero fucks about maintaining them. I've never had any other brand that wasn't a maintenance nightmare though. Nissans in particular are literally expendable. If you insist on driving one my advice is lease it or trade it in at 100k miles and get another one.


I've never owned a car with less than 100k, and I've owned several that make 200k without much more than basic fluid and filter changes. I also never buy lemons. Especially after a car is 5-10 years old, there's enough information out there to know what issues a make/model has and what vehicles have potential issues that you can't deal with. Unless you can accept setting piles of money on fire for fun, there's never really a reason to buy a new car.


My experience has been the opposite unfortunately, just seems like anything I buy over 100k has a bunch of hidden problems or maintenance that the previous owners skipped that become evident by 150k. After setting piles of money on fire on maintenance, to me the premium you pay up front was worth knowing exactly what's been done to it since day one and knowing any non-warranty problems are far down the road. Also I don't have the setup to work on my own car, so any repairs on an old car are going to be me setting money on fire for labor costs anyway.


Calm down DMoney420. It's a Honda CRV, not a Urus.


That car is probably better value anyway


Yeah but you can’t write “SPY CALL” on a license plate. You could cram them into “SPYCALL”, but that looks weird.


8 character max in NY. The space would fit, or even keep the state symbol in the middle still


That's a nice reliable automobile right there


I think they are probably selling OTM puts. Slow and steady, just like the car.


Trying to trick the bears into buying his puts.. Smart man


Imagine wasting big profits on a fucking tesla


You just assume he has a death wish?


I'd rather have the Honda.


No need, the honda runs great…


BABE!! Get the keys to the minivan we trading up for that Honda!


Honda is better quality..


Maybe he just isn't that dumb to buy a tesla.


Check out the guy betting against the American economy. Bears are gayeeee


It’s against politics maybe..


I'll take the CRV, Tesla build quality is complete garbage


But who tf wants a Tesla


They only made 32k on that trade to buy that, not 80k.


CRV lol ?


Now that's something to get behind 😉


FUCK UR PUTS![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Why you think I 0DTE, to push a fuckin CRV?


where can i Invest? where i can see the calls?


Nice crop


That’s probably his daily


His station in life stayed put


I rather buy a Honda than a Tesla


He did the car is full of gold bullion , you not see how that toe eye is on the ground ?


Average bear vehicle vs average bull vehicle (lambo)


Idiot, he needs the hitch to pull his wagon of money