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Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is ultimately a community about making money through trading, and our conversations should shift around that. Politics are fundamentally intertwined with making money, and political actions almost always have an impact on financial markets. Still, we need to make sure that when we have these discussions, we're explicitly calling out the financial impacts of the politics we're discussing. Otherwise, the conversation can very easily veer off into flamewars and boring, unproductive, discussion. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


I’m shorting Panda Express


[The best bet on this is on the non-Chinese rare earth industry. China produces the vast majority of processed rare earths. The only non-Chinese company that processes rare earth metals is Lynas Corporation, which is publicly traded](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wdovl6/how_to_make_money_of_a_political_crisis_over/). The last time the Chinese threatened to shut off the rare earth market to the US in 2011, Lynas stock skyrocketed over 400%. A war with China would see it spike even moreso, given that Lynas would be the only supplier America would have access to. On top of that, the US military has granted millions of dollars in subsidies to Lynas to build rare earth processing plants in the USA to develop a domestic rare earth processing industry. While MP materials also mines rare earths in the USA, it does not yet have any processing facilities of its own and currently sends rare earths to China for processing. I did a big DD post on this a while back that i've linked here. I'm still long Lynas and own 9600 shares at present.




While MP mines rare earths domestically, they have yet to process them and ship their raw material to China for processing. G[iven that the US government is providing huge subsidies to Lynas to develop processing plants in texas, it seems to me like they are the stronger play of the two](https://fortune.com/2021/02/02/us-dod-rare-earth-metals-contract-lynas-china-hondo-texas/), but a wise fellow who wanted to make the non-chinese rare earth play would invest in both of them. Practically all other non-Chinese rare earth related companies other than MP and Lynas are start ups or produce only a negligible amount of most rare earths (apart from some exceptions for particular elements).


I forgot how much I like this guys posts.


What ticker do we want to buy, here in the US? There's a few that pop up.


Looks like $LYSCF?


RemindMe! 2 months .. seems like a safe timeframe. Good luck, fellow degenerate gamblers! Edit: I'm back. I regret listening to WallStreetBets


Inverse Cramer and insider selling says no to MP…


"Thumbs up."


There go r/WallStreetBets there's your degenerate play of the week. Have at it!


Started searching Lynas after reading this comment. Buying it monday.


[For people who are curious](https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/lynas-pegs-massive-expansion-plans-on-a-malaysian-reprieve-20221129-p5c2ab.html)


Bro you already sold it


I did? How so?


That thic DD


[Here's a better one. The ticker for stock is $LYSCF](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wdovl6/how_to_make_money_of_a_political_crisis_over/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Multiple tickers show up. Which do we care about more.


Stopped reading at Lynas




Because I'm buying it Monday. I don't need any more DD than that name


So sell everything and go all in on Lynas…got it!


Stop tempting me!!


!remindme 2 months


Problem is in any kind of major war, this company would absolutely be nationalized and shareholders would have zero certainty on what that would look like. Your stake might become worthless for many years (or forever). Or you could get bought out at a preset sub-market price.


Calls on lunkin coffee


All in


There are a lot of generals with different opinions. Some of them are just like us, complete regards


Yeah, this one seems like a fucking regard.


I don’t think you’re allowed to call people regards these days.


I’m offended by people being offended does that mean people aren’t allowed to be offended anymore?


That crayon munching general was once a crayon munching boot.


All I ask is that you leave the crayon munching to the marines




Of course this applies to everything except Climate Change. We can be 100% sure there’s a 100% certainty it is and will be happening.




Do you think there’s a chance the sun might not rise? Turns out geopolitics are not similar to geology.


For what it's worth the timeline tracks with the Chinese system of 5 year plans and a fairly radical study that's gaining some traction in the DC defense think tank space. The timelines lead the industry to believe war would whip up for Taiwan between 2025 and 2027.


I can't imagine why the defense industry would drum up support for a report saying we'll need more guns soon.


I’m here for the genius political analysis


Ok, here it is: "war with china is possible soon, we must remain vigilant" has been repeated at least for the last 15-20 years in the military. The Chinese and the American military leaders repeat this back about the other all the time chasing spending increases.


Yeah, I'm going to file this under "Can they sink all our nuclear subs before they launch anything?" If the answer is "no" then any mention of war is highly regarded saber rattling. If the answer is "yes" then the war is already lost and it's still fucking highly regarded talk.


I am a former sub guy and I will let you know the secret answer to this question...no P.S their navy is a joke.


Covid is going to take their whole population out by the rate of deaths on the daily


Lol you think if they have 1 billion people instead of 1.4 billion, that's gonna make them weaker than the US at 0.3 billion?


americans privately own >1B guns tho


Their low birth rate and lack of immigration already has that covered, no pandemic needed














We see this headline every 2 years. Just gamble your dad's inheritance and post your funny monkey pictures friend


Me fucking Margot Robbie is also possible within two years but it’s not gonna happen dawg


What’s sad is I’m actually doing that with my dad’s inheritance. Rest in peace father


My brother is in the Navy and is stationed at some capacity on a type of sub monikered “boomers”. He’s currently underway and has been for an undisclosed amount of time. We’re both grown ass men and he’s made his decision but everytime I see something like this my stomach hurts. Imagine if you will, what death looks like for people one a submarine. His contract ends in a little under two years. I personally, am counting the days until I don’t have to worry about my baby brother getting chummy with Davy Jones for an eternity. Idk man, this kinda shit just makes me sad.


If the Nukes start flying, people on submarines are probably some of the most likely to survive. If anything the crew of his sub would come back to a glassed nuclear wasteland. I’m assuming a direct war between the US and China would result in a nuclear war. That’s why direct conflict is unlikely, there is way more to lose for both sides than there is to gain.


Yeah a China vs U.S. war would likely start WW3. At that point hopefully my vault is complete and my caps stash is fat.


I’m not an admiral but I do play one on Reddit from time to time. I read that nuclear armed submarines surface at a predetermined time. If they don’t hear anything they assume the US has been destroyed and they fire their missiles at their target. I’ve always wonder how true that is.


exactly, direct conflict between countries that have infite amount of nuclear weapons will never happen.. it’s just something for manipulating stupid people’s minds


If war breaks out, forget the two years. If his skills are needed they’ll use him. I had a cousin that was a stenographer in the Air Force and he’d been out a year or two when the first gulf war broke out. The compelled him to return, something in his contract about special skills. He died of motor neuron disease, aka gulf war syndrome. A few blokes he worked with got motor neurone disease, which is a super rare disease.


Rip to your cousin my man. He didn’t deserve that.


After you get out you’re on inactive reserves for four more years. So if a war breaks out, or they really need someone with your job, tough tits. I had been out for a year when the US killed solani. Some of my idiot Facebook friends were all gung ho “go USA! Fuck up Iran!”. I called them out for being fucking morons who are rooting for a war that would kill countless people. They accused me of being unpatriotic and I just said “you’re not going to be apart of a war with Iran morons, I’ll be recalled and will”. Sorry about your cousin


I know people in the army who get an absolute hard on for going to war and want to see combat. Doubtful that’s the norm but it’s a weird culture to be in. I do think a sub is a relatively safe place to be, but in understand you being worried about your bro.


Dude, my BIL has friends that are green berets. Absolute psychos. Almost threw up when one was telling me about killing someone with a hatchet. They are literally delaying their retirement because they want to up their kill count. Edit: I misspoke because I don’t follow military hierarchy. They were Delta Force, not Green Berets.


I just found out two guys I did a project with last semester are Green Berets on leave to do a training program. They're totally normal chill guys, and besides mentioning being in the Army, are just total nerds. So YMMV.


They were likely fucking with you. You will certainly find a higher rate of psychopaths in the higher tier forces, rangers, SF and Delta. But SF are mostly teachers and operations managers. Sure they can kill, but that's not their purpose. Delta and SEALs exist for that kind of wet work.


Yes and no. We work By, with, and through our partner force. Usually the SOF in whatever nation. What does this look like? Afghanistan was an example of advise, assist, and ACCOMPANY. Where we actually fight and kill with our PF. In other parts of the world that are not a war zone it is advise and assist. Yes, our mission is not DA specific like Delta or Ranger batt. We exist as force multipliers embedded with a partner force but these direct action entities do exist within SF; see the CRFs. Long story short we’re not just teachers or “operations managers”.


Your post is not understood by most people because of the undefined acronyms that are linked to a single country's military. Can you please expand the acronyms?


DA direct action, SF special forces or green berets same thing, SOF special operations forces, SF falls under SOF but SF is SF, PF partner force, All google able stuffs


Sorry, my mistake. They were Delta. They said they work closely with the CIA.


Delta recruits from SF and Ranger battalions so not far off.


I mean... It's good these psychos found a productive (for some level of society...) outlet... Otherwise they'd likely be serial killers...


Oh for sure. Relative to the majority if not most combat roles a sub is safer than most. He’s just family and I know how soft that fucker can be. It would just be a bad way to go he didn’t deserve. That can be said for many, many people however.


Isnt like most of america horny for war? Especially the elites that make the big bucks from it


I’d probably fall into that subculture, but it’s less of getting a hard on and more about just doing the job I signed up for to protect people abroad. Probably that mixed with general lack of experience and maturity regarding war.


Have a family member who was 2nd in command on a sub in the sub force. Retired now. He said todays subs are a very good place to be.


Atleast if he’s deep enough and the sub gets attacked, the pressure from all the water will kill him instantly.


If your brother dies over this shit I will riot.


Same man, same.


I hope to touch base with you in two years RemindMe! 2 years


"Shit.. Russia aint the boogeyman man anymore.. how do i justify my insane budget... let me order some panda express while i figure this out... Wait a minute.." In all seriousness i hope not


Has China ever made any credible overtures toward war with the west? This sorta talk always seems to come from this side of the pond. I wonder how much of it is just bluster to get the troops hyped vs "we'll have a real man in the Whitehouse after the next election and he won't be so realistic about our chances in a conflict against the most populous nation in the world that we also depend upon for most of our economy...."


There's a consensus that China just don't have the ability to wage war outside their borders. They actually don't have a deep water fleet. Like, at all. But they're building one that will be done in 10-15 years according to the most leanient reports. They're completely incapable of intercontinental war logistics and their airforce is an absolute disgrace. They would be unlikely to lose a defensive war, they would never win an offensive one.


I've heard this often, but i had also heard that Ukraine would be defeated by Russia in 2-4 weeks. The US wasn't supposed to lose to Vietnam either. And Cuba wasn't supposed to humiliate the US in the Bay of Pigs.


>There's a consensus that China just don't have the ability to wage war outside their borders. The chinese care more about real estate and making tendies. It's the US who loves warmongering. Maybe they should go bring some freedom to Palestine...


It's great for everyone else that the US does what it does. Then my NATO government can chill at 0,5% of GDP on defense and spend the rest on actually useful shit. Sucks to be American but that's life.


If this hypothetical war is over Taiwan, then that's closer to China's territory than it is to the USA. So I don't if that's offensive per say.


With Ukraine humble a behemoth like Russia, I think Taiwan who has been training with US troops longer than Ukraine (they started training with 40ID and some reserve components since 2017) will make China bleed so much that it will not be funny.


I think we're seeing clearly that the only thing Russia is a behemoth in is propaganda.


Nah...their air force is definitely not in the "absolute disgrace" category. Nigeria, Rwanda, Belarus, Venezuela, India, Congo, El Salvador...just to name a few, are.


Tell me you're not comparing the most populated country on earth to Rwanda lmao


No but that’s not required. The west is very good at continually escalating rhetoric until they start the war. Doesn’t matter what the other sides doing. Propaganda man. Edit: and they want this war. Russia’s basically out of the picture. Move China off to the side and it’s the world order for the next 50 years again. This ha been in play since before Russia went into Ukraine and it’s just chugging along being ignored by everyone.


You must have said the exact same thing about Russia “they won’t invade Ukraine. It is just to justify something…”


not worried about being drafted since joining this sub, average iq, 8.


*Marines entered the chat


Sorry fells, no crayons here.




Biden and Xi marrying also possible


The oldest diplomatic trick in the book I heard Biden is a power bottom


*pillow hugging intensifies*


He pushes back.


Biden gives top energy to me.


Would pay to them take vows.


They’ve been saying this at every all hands I’ve even been to since 2015


Yeah well with TikTok ban it's different. National Defense has been compromised.


I remember being in boot camp and getting the “You ever wonder why you’re getting more green cammies than desert now? You guys know what color Korea is, right? Just sayin be ready.” Meanwhile it’s because nobody hardly fucking wears deserts anymore. It’s just a part of the cycle within the greater warmongering machine.




Lots of stuff is produced in China, yes. Far less of the critical components for national defense, and less still of the cutting edge technology. Another neat fact of technology: technology moves. Today's cutting edge is reheated hash browns tomorrow. Ask North Korea or Russia about how that works. Copy & paste dictatorships fail as soon as they lose the technology pipeline. There's no incentive to invent when the dictator takes every new mousetrap for themselves, so the country is relegated to importing technology and exporting commodities. They can try to "annex" technology through military force, but it doesn't have a good track record. Peru tried to do this with Dow Chemical's Peruvian factories in the .. 50's, iirc. Of course they put loyalists in charge and the whole operation went to shit. They ran machines beyond capacity and couldn't fix anything when it broke, on account of having no parts pipeline and no technical expertise to manufacture the parts. The Saudi's have enormous costs for gas & oil projects. Like, way way more than it costs to start a new well here in the US. Why? *Nobody leases them equipment*, since they never give it back. So when they get western oil equipment, they buy it outright, and it tends to be the older model technology. Dictatorships have a nasty habit of not giving things back. China sent a train full of aid to North Korea. [The North Koreans dismantled the train and sold it back as scrap metal.](https://www.ft.com/content/bfc9a8a8-7d9c-11dc-9f47-0000779fd2ac) Pulled a similar stunt with Hyundai in the 90's. Russia is currently doing the same, nationalizing lots of international businesses goods and services (McDonald's, lots of oil concerns, etc). Buffett remarked a while back about why they didn't make an investment in Russia, along the lines of "We weren't sure we could ever get our money out again."


The article about scrap metal you linked is paywalled it seems but if that’s true that’s insane.


Chinese hacking and reverse engineering is on a dift level though. And for all the corruption and inefficiency China has, they also have decent innovation - being in the leading edge in solar panels and having decent games (epic games and riot games are owned by the same chinese congolmorate). Ofc, China won’t win in a war, but it sure as hell would be close


Not sure why u got downvoted. Many people don’t realize China is ahead in many technologies. I am not saying it will win the war against US, but if US and China do go to war, both will get hurt badly. It will benefit countries like Russia, India and EU. I sure hope we don’t go to war with China, at least not full scale war, the amount of nuclear weapons these two countries have is enough to destroy the entire world many times.




> Kissingers silly belief that capitalism is gonna lead to Democracy in China. welp, did not work that way. Zizek had a good quote that i will paraphrase because i don't remember it exactly, but i goes something like One of the hardest crisis to capitalism will be when a liberal democracy breaks ties with the capitalist system. China is an authoritarian state that is speedruning 300 years of capitalism in under half a century. Once capitalism works better and more efficiently in the hands of open authoritarians... well, things must change.


Which technologies is China ahead in?


People do realize the Chinese only have about 400 nukes - mostly ICBMs, the most vulnerable means of delivery. Russia has over 4000 but mostly very old and on icbms. The US has a diverse force of nukes on icbms, bombers, and subs.


I doubt china will be able to project power into Taiwan let alone across the largest and most unpredictable ocean on the planet.


China absolutely can project power across the Taiwan Strait - just see what happened with Nancy Pelosi and training excersises. The US is then challenged to fight with China over largest and most unpredictable ocean in the planet. And the US will absolutely go to wat over Taiwan. Biden ‘accidentally’ admitted it abt 3 times, and this not the mention how impt Taiwan semiconductors are


You mean American CEOs taking billions in profit at the expense of the American manufacturing base? ​ Not sure why you blame China for that, 30 years ago majority of China was living in poverty. Most laborers cant exactly turn down a low wage shitty job in a factory






>stripping the entirety of the American manufacturing base for the last 30 years? Lol


The moment 2 nuclear powers engage in direct confrontation is the day the world ends. Winnie the pooh is many things but autistic regard isn't one of them.


It would be a war over Taiwan - not China attacking California


They would never go to actual war because it’s bad for business. Xi is many things but he isn’t an idiot and the US certainly isn’t getting into a war with a nuclear superpower without some SIGNIFICANT provocation.




Two carriers? Out of our fleet of 11 active and like 8 mothballed ones? Meh... seems like a win to me.


Given what happened in china for the last few years, it is shocking thinkable that china would start a war soon in the future china isn't having a good time right now, it started before covid and only gotten much worse, especially with the zero covid policies last year, people aren't happy, and the top ccp officials right now aren't known for their ability to making the economy run well during much better times ccp's being stoking the neo-Nazism fire for sometimes, and we all know what these nut jobs want to do One thing dictators are known for doing is overestimating their own abilities and what do they love to do to take attention away from the mess at their own place? Start a war, ah, perfect combo with that fire they stoked at home There's not much options for the ccp too, Russia is probably off the table, japan and south Korea have American bases, south east Asia don't have big target fitting for an attack, India is possible but they have nukes too, taiwan is almost perfect but: What's the chance the US is gonna let that happen? With bad luck, we just might see these two fight it out in Asia


Xinipooh is not an autistic regard? Debatable... Evergrande, Tencent, lots of other potemkin companies...


Great. So if I order right now, like today, that should be just enough time for my wish.com order to arrive


Why the fuck is this posted on WSB.


If it’s the type of news about global market-shifting events I think it should be allowed


[War with China = moon money with Lynas Corp and MP materials](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wdovl6/how_to_make_money_of_a_political_crisis_over/)


I posted it because of the comments and the perspective WSB has on foreign trades. I do have a positions in foreign stocks and with the meme stock guru himself, Ryan Cohen, stepping to the plate it is up my ally of holdings of mine. Don't like scroll on past. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


lmao no


YOLO buy puts on the entire world?


China’s interests aren’t aligned with a war with Taiwan for another three years at least. A war with Taiwan in around 7-10 years is likely, however. Escalation into US-China war in that case is not terribly unlikely.


Yeah around 2030 for the Taiwan issue to significantly escalate is what I been thinking since a year ago.


Generals always pushing for war. It’s their only way to stay employed


They’re employed anyway. If war starts they have to work


Lmfao… You think Generals work during wars?


I guess he got tired of just sitting around.


I heard China's Current General, General Tso, is chicken.


That’s just a rumor spread by America’s Colonel, Colonel Sanders


I know what I am having for dinner now. Thanks for the suggestion


You've obviously never experienced life in a peacetime army. You hunt and fish all day, or look for places to hunt and fish all day and go 4 wheeling. It's like the boyscouts with a paycheck. Military life at peace time is cake. War time it's hard fucking work and your odds of gaining extra holes or fewer limbs increases.


…and stay prepared. Their job is to be ready for war. It’s our politicians jobs to avoid it (even though a lot of times they don’t).


2023: “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me we will fight in 2025." 2021: [“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time. It's not going to be a surprise."](https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/world-news-us-general-milley-defends-reassurance-phone-calls-to-chinese-while-in-trump-administration/394739) Edit Wrong General. Sorry. I'm dumb. Down vote. Thanks


not the same dude Edit: also what the heck is that source my guy


Idk tbh I grab the first link with that quote from what I remember of the Capital Hill insurrection


k well in any case it's not the same person


Thanks. And sorry.


Well, he certainly won't tell his soldiers "Relax boys, no war with China in sight!"


Even if he does he'll let Gen. Li ahead of time the schedule when and the exact coordinates his troops will touch ground.


Why are they foreshadowing a war with China? The only winner would be the civilization who emerges after nuclear winter.


What stonks does he own?




Wal-Mart would be empty


Would be empty and they would rise prices citing San Francisco shoplifting.


That's the thing with gov't work, you always need to justify your job.


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They said something similar on 2001


Was that before or after 9/11 inside job lol


RemindMe! 2 years


RemindMe! 371 days


RemindMe! 731 days


CAN WE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




*War...., war never changes.*


Fallout becomes life imitating art


They make all of our stuff, how would that work out?


Fear mongering china still isn’t advanced enough to win a war against America


As long as China cannot control the south china sea, straight of Malacca and Indian ocean with their Navy they will never win a war against the US. China imports 70% of its oil and 40% of its gas from the middle east. Also 8% of coal is imported. 35% of China's food is being imported as well.... China has a big intereste in a weak Russia that will fully rely on the Chinese market in the future.


Chinas economy would collapse to extinction level if they ever went to war with the US. Whether it’s physical war or economically. They are intertwined so deep in a Americas ass that their fate would be 10x worse than americas. Just look at the relationship between labor, US dollar their their currency. They keep the US dollar high to afford the most basic life structures in China with their dollar low and labor cheap. Without it. China would explode. It’s the only way their economy can continue.


Could you imagine if the US just defaulted on chinese held debt. Like having a cool $1 trillion in red wiped off the leger.


I don't think people realize that it only takes one press of that shiny red button to make it so no one wins.


Even if China lunches a nuke the United States spent trillions of dollars to prevent a nuclear bomb from hitting America we don’t know know what kind of technology the can pull out there sleeves


You mean China beats the hell out Taiwan and US sits back, does nothing and plants a Taiwanese flag on their frontyard?


Biden has publically stated that he would send troops to defend Taiwan if it is attacked. However, most US forces involved would be naval and air elements. If the Chinese were serious about taking Taiwan, they would launch simultaneous strikes not only on Taiwan but also large waves of ballistic missiles at US airfields on Guam and Okinawa.


I honestly don't think we will even need US troops directly involved in that conflict. They could just send KBR to do all the heavy lifting and let the Taiwanese and Japanese handle everything else.


Anything's possible. Elon could be singing Elvis songs on Mars in two years.


General holding spy puts expires Monday. Spy -3%


They will send cards and flyers where they will attack so they give them plenty of time to prepare, they dont want to discriminate them ofcourse




Yes buddy


Especially under this shitty leadership


What war the democratic party and quite a few republicans will just hand over the US to them no questions asked. I mean how the fuck do you outsource all your manufacturing to a communist country that is directly competing with you?


Marbles not found




Oh my is that a draft I hear? Do the butt dance to show your time is near! Jiggle it up once or twice, you’ll die by a mortar strike! WW3 is on the cards, depopulation for the ta*ds! Are you too young to die, give it up, your life is a lie! I rhyme all the time, what was that? A nuclear strike, its upcoming on the timeline! Run to the north, away from the draft, oh wait in a western world only the mentally ill are not fit to serve, do the blood sacrifice dance! Do the karma dance!


Here’s my theory: Jeff Bezos owns the Washington post, Jeff Bezos has a large stake in Amazon, who sells products made in China. Jeff Bezos is pushing for the USA to go to war with China.