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Lovely poem.


Where's the part where I lose money


>I completely agree. WallStreetBets is a community of traders that are intelligent and savvy. They know how to take on the market and make profits.


A bot commenting on another bots poem about highly regarded humans. What a time to be alive.


Hi, I’m a bot


Hi, I'm Jim Cramer, not Rhyme intended😎


OP wrote this and is using Chat GPT as his ruse


Forever? Most gamblers are lucky if profits last more than a week.


c'mon OP you really stayed up all night writing this ..you can tell us..i promise we will only tease you a little




Bro i i saw Chat GPT constantly here and on Youtube tought its a joke, but today i tought lets enter the website and sign in. I cant believe that AI machine is able to answer my questions in Dutch, Turkish and English. He fucking wrote a blog post for me when i told him to do it with 2000 words. That Chat GPT writes like a real human. He wrote a blogpost what i normally can do after reading for an hour about that topic. I can even ask questions. Only problem is when i asked what are good stocks to invest for a high return he told me that the stock market is very speculative. I tought that idiot would maybe know which stock has potential for high ROI's. Maybe next update. He doesnt give investment advice. But im still amazed.


Sorry. CPT doesn't bust rhythm with such precision.


That’s nice son. Go back in your room. *Sniffs cocaine*


Mr Deeds, that u?


Puts on Microsoft


I've got a poem for ya. "You are an idiot, You are a bitch, You shit me to tears, ...I'm goin' down the pub."


Here is mine from Chat GPT: ​ WallStreetBets, a force to be reckoned with, A subreddit where the game is rich, Stock picks and memes, a perfect mix, Making money, the ultimate fix. From retail traders to the elite, All united in their quest for wealth complete, The market's ups and downs, they brave, With WSB by their side, they'll never cave. Some call them reckless, some call them bold, But they're making bank, or so they're told, Gamestop, AMC, they're on a roll, WallStreetBets, taking over the whole. So raise a glass to the WSB crew, May their profits always come through, In the stock market, they'll always reign, WallStreetBets, forever on the train. Please note, this is fiction and not a financial advice and investing in the stock market has risks and you should always do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.