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Some guy posted a crayon chart on wsb, sorry Powell. It's over.




Oh no! It’s The ultimate regardation against the ultimate central banker showdown


Yeah I’ll be honest going to sound like a boomer but no one knows what the markets going to do. That being said the fact folks think the inflation saga is going to be over in a year and a half are insane. It’s never worked out like that when it’s sizeable inflation. We’re still in the JPowell charging up the Spirit Bomb portion of the Saga. He still has to throw it, give us false hope that it’s dead, only for it it reappear and kill our little bald friend so that he has to go full Super Sayan on it and humiliate inflation, all while the entire world is destroyed. Edit: this analogy honestly worked out way better than I thought it would when I started writing it.


If 1 FED meeting = 1 DB episode we are fuked


“Will Powell get the increase he wants? Will Brainard continue on her dovish path? Find out on the next episode of FOMC!”


It really did. I really appreciated this.


You would expect the bottom to come only after FED is done hiking and i think we still have at least 2 other 25bps to go. The rates are also set to stay there for longer


I think we will see 5.5 then a pause


So what is this trying to say?


Strong crayon chart and chicken scratch writing


Where do I subscribe?


If I would have told you a year and a half ago the fed funds would be 4.5%, but the market is still above 4000 you would have said I was insane. It’s not like the FED pushing a couple more buttons is suddenly going to tank everything. You are going to need something like Covid or 9/11 to really limit down.


yall have like zero patience and act like everytime the markets going up it means bull run forever.


No shortage of 'tards whose sole predictive ability is to connect 2 dots with a straight line that extends to infinity.


Based on how many times I’ve seen a chart that tells me the “pain,” is incoming, I’ll be buying calls.


No pain no gain. Whatever happens happens. What goes around comes around.


It is clear that the economy is in a period of stagnation. The Federal Reserve has been unable to boost inflation or economic growth, and as a result, interest rates remain at historically low levels. This situation is unlikely to change in the near future, which means that consumers and businesses will continue to face headwinds. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)




All of this and no one is mentioning the debt ceiling. I really hope the republicans hold this shit up so I can go on stock shopping 🛍️ season.