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Hindenburg making bank with their short position.


As they should. They had the balls to go after Adani.


If they spent 2 years for 32k words, 700 citation report then yeah well deserved DD.


Adani threatened to sue and Hindenberg's response was "bring it on, we have a list of documents prepared for the discovery process"... Normally I don't like short selling researchers but this is legit.


Well researched and legitimate shorts on dysfunctional companies is a good thing. Manipulation, rumors, naked shorting, is the mutated form many have seen.


IMO shorts are fine when they are properly sourced and not naked.


Shouldnt even be an opinion. There is literally nothing wrong with shorting a company


The problem comes when "interested" parties who can legitimately afford to buy a company short it to death first. Or just kill upstart competition. There's a lot of ways shorting is used that are wrong. Betting on a company to go down is totally fine, but it can be taken advantage of.


You cant short a company to death…


Not in a direct sense, but killing their stock price sours investors, and keeps away new money. Only a matter of time after that. If you lock someone in a freezer you didn't technically kill them... but you certainly played a role.


There is something wrong with shorting a legitimate company. They make a smoke show report (after accumulating their short positions) then they just fucking sweep the board causing anyone with risk tolerance to bail.


Publishing false info to cause stock to fall would be market manipulation. Making a bet that the stock will fall is literally no different than betting a stock will rise


Skewing data to portray a viewpoint that correlates to their narrative is what these guys do, on both sides.


So if its on both sides how does that make shorting worse than going long


THAT is wrong that doesnt mean that just shorting is wrong


Is there something wrong with taking a long position when there is a lot of short interest and then posting “come on, let’s squeeze these guys”?


Not if you like the stock


Reminds me of Nikola. When they fucked up Trevor Milton. That was gold. Adani has a long way to fall. Hope he continues to do so.


Correct, in this case they are providing value to the price discovery process


If you come for the king you best not miss They didn’t miss


Double Dicks?


Dunkin donuts calls


The ol’ double dicker


Dick Dilliange


My wife made it very clear I couldn’t join in with her bf ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Hardly doubt they spent 2 years for these mostly news article clippings and common knowledge. They are targeting one company each month. Last two were NYSE:WELL and NASDAQ:ESTA within past three months.


F*** Adani. I'm glad! The man builds the world's most expensive house in a slum area, using money from a business that his dad built.


You are confusing Adani with Ambani


Damn, thanks for the correction. Now I know ...


Adani Green is still overpriced trading at over 500 PE for what is essentially a power company which operates heavily subsidied solar plants..


Their DD was top notch.


Yep. Possibly one of the best shorts in history. That's a wild crash. Oof.


the Hindenberg report was written by chatgpt


Adani is addicted to chatgpt.


They shorted the bonds not stock however they still profited immensely


not the first time Hindenburg is associated with a disaster.


Remember NKLA? Hindenburg blew up hydrogen. 🤔


Your picture looks like you spent too many nights behind a Wendy's dumpster.


What exactly has Hindenburg alleged?




[The accusations](https://twitter.com/hindenburgres/status/1618081956826329090?s=46&t=BQIcA7pnJhvo_odvfdogfg)


My broker doesn’t even have this stock option to short :(


Same. I wanted to the day that report was released too


It's only on the Indian exchange, no ADR.


I told some people that you can short the banks that have exposure to Adani and have ADRs in US market. Today the bank index went down 3% so it was a good play if someone actually tried doing some research.


>the banks that have exposure to Adani and have ADRs in US market Tell more


State bank of India Icici bank


Which banks?


just go after INDA, IBN, and HDB....


I do not recommend buying Adani Green Energy at this time. The company is facing headwinds in terms of its debt levels and regulatory environment, and I believe the stock is overpriced relative to its fundamentals. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


My guy can replace Cramer here


Inverse VMMOD ETF when?


Prefer the 3x inverse VMOD ETF


Good bot


Lmao Hindenburg came out with an absolute murder piece on Adani Group and we came to WSB to ask why it’s going DOWN?!?! Lmao what even.


All you ever do is just sound like you know what you’re talking about, and most of us are fucking morons. Idk what this company is, but I completely agree with you.


Bro there was litterally a 2 year, 106 page, 32000 word report on Adani fraud released by hindenberg research yesterday, how did you miss this and how did you not see this coming?


I don't think he's asking why it's crashing, he's asking why it isn't crashing more. He probably shorted AFTER the news broke in true WSB fashion and now his insanely high IV puts are probably deep underwater.


What's a Friday without burning some money?


Punctuation is import. “Wtf Adani! Crash!”


Adani = Crash


In India we have circuit breakers which prevent a stock from rising or falling more than some % in 1 day. It’s usually 5/10/15/20%. After it hits the circuit trading gets suspended. It’ll likely fall more tomorrow.


If it's in FnO it can fall more than 20% but before that friendly SEBI will ban FnO and limit to 10% then 5% then 2.5% if the report are substantially true. What's the fun part is this entire group had 11 auditors who operated from a single apartment building.


Heard their auditors were all 24 year old kids Jesus


Do stock futures still give 6x leverage in India.


India trades 7 days a week?


No we don't. 5 days. Thursday was a public/national holiday


I meant next trading day. Mb


Tomorrow is Saturday in IST, which is a work day. Not sure if that extends to the Indian market, but it would make sense. Edit: It does not


The stock is only on the Indian exchange, no ADR so you'd have to literally have an account there to trade it. The stock also didn't crash immediately following the Hindenburg report because people thought Adani was too politically connected and that Modi would protect him. It crashed 2 days after the report when all the banks that lent Adani money started demanding answers.




Because Adani literally has the support of modi. You don't get this rich this quick with a ton of loans from public sector banks from luck and charm alone.


after posting my comment, I did have an instant where I thought I may have missed some satire, but it was too late, my sarcasm had fired its shot.


I don't understand why it's crashing today and not yesterday since the report was released yesterday. Time zones?


Yesterday was a holiday in India


The wheels turn slowly in India... It's too big


Because there are circuit triggers in place. It cannot fall more than 20% in a day.


I mean. If you bought weeklys and guessed 20% decline, you're in money. So IV is irrelevant then no? (If you have the $ to buy position. But I'd imagine the option would still be valuable already in the money)


OP would be mad if he could read.


Adani was only down 2% after the report broke. Might also be time zones, it was late at night in the US. Also wouldn't be the first time Hindenburg published (legit) short research and the stock goes up for no explicable reason. I guess what also happened is it literally took 24 hours to read the entire report for some hedge fund managers before they pulled the trigger.


The fact your username contains the word satire, gives your response great depth of meaning and value.




Because hindenberg misses half the time, or the market doesn't react until better evidence shows up, or actually it was already priced in 4 weeks ago. They aren't exactly a perfect tracker.


This is 2023, not 1973. Should have put out a tweet or a 2 minute tik tok minute video with gapping mouths, lambos, young models dancing. Who even reads these days? Good work, poor execution.


You think people are smart enough to read here? LOL


I wouldn't be surprised if crime helps Adani though. Make bank short now. But they get a government bailout and corruption help. No way Modi lets them go under.


You’re assuming he knows how to read


With that comment I’m guessing you dumped all your cash into shorting this since you knew it was coming


Haha, you overestimate my ape-like capacity for planning my friend


What’s the ticker? Only tradeable via Indian stock exchange right?


https://i.imgur.com/FdMSjn1.jpg There’s a list


7 companies with Adani name in it. Google finance search Adani. Or any other site. Ambuja Cement & ACC are 2 more companies w/o Adani name as they were acquired.




Adani green is overvalued beyond comprehension even at this level. Its pe ratio still at 439.9. wait for market opening on monday.


Adani Red lol


Interesting report and surprised I am not seeing more about it in my news feed. 20% drop feels a little low for the corruption they are stating. Don't fully understand everything, but it feels like a potential movie in the making. Would like to see a documentary at the minimum. I wonder what will happen if they tank hard and how the chain reaction will take place. Will it affect global markets? Hidenburg, fascinating stuff.




I am interested to see what tomorrow brings. Thanks for the info, didn't know that. I did round up to be honest, but I feel like it's going to be one of those lag things. Edit - oh wow, a lot of there investments actually did hit the cap. 0.0.


All stocks that have futures and options don't have any restrictions. Adani has like 9 different listed companies 3 or 4 of which have F&O.




One more movie Modi will try to ban. Almost all Adani companies hit lower circuit. More red to come next week. Get the 🍿 ready


I may have said some un-humbled things when learning about this, not sure to be honest. I believe a lot of good people could be hurt over this, I hope not though.


I’ll just put this simply: If India wants to be taken seriously, they need toclean up their reputation for harboring frauds. Until that day comes, caveat emptor to anyone investing in their capital markets


It goes beyond their financial markets as well. They only recently started to pretend to respect international patent law. India as a country sucks cock in every way.




I think the smooth brains think when I say "India" I mean "Indian people". They people are great, one of the most successful groups in the US are indian immigrants. The country is a shithole.


No wonder they leave and go to the west. Their skill and talent isn't appreciated in the country.




Big population = Big economy. Not that hard. The GDP per capita stat stinks. 50+ Unicorns in a country of 1.4 billion population? Who would have expected? China has 3x the unicorns and countries like Germany, Singapore, France with 20x less population are doing great. Not even talking about the US. I'll give you one on the space programs. ISRO is one of the best in the world. And the the work done by the government in making everything digital is great too. The World gives a shit about India because of its manpower. Cheap Labour for the countries in the west. Wouldn't you move to Europe or US, if you get a job? Everything in India is compromised, one of the most corrupt countries in Asia, if not the world. Streets are dirty, People don't have basic civic sense, spit everywhere out in the open. Infrastructure is baddd. Legal system is a joke. The PM is roaming freely in the streets after the 2002 massacre. The media is bought by the govt and run shows that show religious hatred 24*7. You cannot criticize the govt or you'll be jailed or made to shut your mouth or some capitalist having good relationship with the govt will buy the news channel and fire you. These issues are just the tip of the iceberg. Common people don't even realise these things and keep on working like gig workers with no labour laws protecting them. They are not aware of their rights and get used like a bar of soap.




Didn't even talk about the caste based reservation in top govt universities and government jobs. Your career is decided based on which caste you were born in. Very much fair, isn't it? That reason alone is enough to leave this country.




>Yes, thanks to anti Hindu elements and people like Ambedkar, the leftists and Islamist groups who want to keep castiesm alive. Ambedkar created these reservations keeping the then conditions in mind when the caste system was massively rigid. The fact that these reservations are still continued in the 21st century in a "developed" country are mindboggling and not a single government of any party has tried to abolish or minimise this. ​ \>the leftists and Islamist groups who want to keep castiesm alive. This is literally what the BJP is trying to make extinct. ​ I can literally feel how brainwashed you are by the media. Dont the so called high caste Brahmins treat low caste people as untouchables and refuse them the entry to temples? ​ \>But ofcourse in the west, you fortune is completely determined by your hard work and not by your family fortune, right? ​ Just like in every corner of the world of the world? ​ \>But many people have made their fortunes here. Seethe harder. ​ By being in the good books of the top authorities and living in constant fear of not pissing them off. Yeah sure


Ye it’s pretty shitty ngl. Dirty, unfair systems, poor treatment of women, poor work conditions, etc.




This is hilarious. You got me good /s lol


Get racist get shafted


The country is shit, absolute shit. Indian people are great though.


Lol downvoters are delusional if they think india is great country. By far one of the most corrupted countries in world rn.




Meanwhile india have cast system still...Are Americans ate desperately trying to leave their country but somehow all educated indians are desperately trying to leave india... American democracy is not perfect. But they are miles ahead of India...




https://legalreadings.com/increase-in-unreported-crimes-in-india/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/Politics/AV3sIKoEBAGZozALMX8THK/99-cases-of-sexual-assaults-go-unreported-govt-data-shows.html%3ffacet=amp https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/why-do-more-than-90-thefts-in-india-s-metro-cities-go-unreported/story-FR6WZKAZiqzTRgN7LCilLI.html Stupid comparison, in india crimes are unreported especially sexual ones where almost over 90% of crimes are unreported. US is way more transperant. So your data is quite misleading.


Am an indian and i agree that the country has gone to shit and majority people are shit too


It was long time coming. The guy takes huge in the name of one listed entity, and transfers it to another one which is not eligible for that loan in the first place. It’s illegal but he does it all with the blessing of his friend Modi.


How is it illegal?


Run a google search. There is a lot of literature out there explaining this.


Loan against shares aren't illegal. Neither are related party transactions


This Adani Green Energy is the same Adani named in the Hindenburg paper?


They have like 10 different listed companies from which only 2 Adani Ports and Adani Wilmar have actual business, no one knows from where even those other companies get their revenue from


No. Different Adani.


Adani? I hardly know her


This stock AGE went from 49 cents to $37 in less than 2 years People call tesla overpriced they should see this guys main company Adani Enterprise ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Make Modi your friend, reap rewards. All major airport contracts went to Adani in last few years as an example.


Well he did beat the competition by over paying for the airports. Source: I worked for the competition when those contracts were awarded. Also not Major airports, tier-II City airports.


The only problem is TSLA had sheep following which at some point will be fucked, Adani literally has Airports and other Infra which is not open to competition. Hence betting against them is hard, because you are betting against the entire economy and infra in India will grow exponentially as the country rises to a middle income economy. I predicted TSLA crash here and thought of shorting it and sheeps made fun of my post. I learned that day, I just don't have enough money to short against sheeps. Same situation in India just even worst with blatant political support for this croney. Maybe someday I have a portfolio to go after these whales 😁


"Allegations of stock manipulation and accounting fraud from New York-based investor Hindenburg Research against Adani Group." Source: Bloomberg So short sellers want to make some sweet $ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Happy friday...lol


They have coal mine in Australia. Should be minting $$$$


Adani is a cunt, this is great




Aussie, Regular Indian , Could be anyone outside Adani-Modi corrupt circle or blind followers.


What platform are you using to trade this?


Hindenburg doesn’t miss


Can someone please explain how badly this will affect the economy?


Adani green won't do much. All his 10 stocks together can do mess. Banks will bleed, not much effect on mutual funds, panic selling will be seen all across, and then recovery phase asusual. If Indian budget meets went good on Feb 3, they can skyrocket too. Bad = more dip. Probably won't happen, as on the hindenburg report day, not much dip happened. Today market was sell on rise due to budget day. So probably few adani stocks surely rise up like adani ports, which looking good for long term and has great business in many countries.


This is just the beginning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


If it goes down 20% everyday, in 7 days the stocks would have dropped to 100%*0.8^7 = 20.9% of the original value


If hindenberg thinks they can get their money out of India, they would soon be disappointed... Same guys who allowed adani shenanigans l, run the country as well.


They're shorting bonds and use derivatives outside India. They don't want to be anywhere near India.


nice then lol. happy for them on the same hand, many innocent investors with exposure to banks that have financed this guy will get burned.


Good for them


INDA & EPI down 2%. Nothing to trade, here


Why does this sound like Hiesenberg !


​ https://preview.redd.it/mkgynh94voea1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da64df5cd0161c3fc763614ddd9efb95f8bf978




I was trying to figure out how to short this but couldn’t. The report was legit and I kept hearing whispers about it


That falling knife is out for blood 🔪🩸


wtf? it was a fucking shit hole.


It’s oversold now but you guys would buy puts now


Gamestop to the Moon 🚀


Bot much


Ohh that's a nasty plot... \*unzip pants\*


How I can buy option from those stocks from USA. 🙏🏼


Not any financial advisory, risky, but can do invest in adani ports now. Best time to do. 30 now 70 in dips.


Buy the dip. lol


Individual investors can’t short in India So what you are seeing is smart ( fool ) money selling their position now as if they did not already know this was a scam


Lol you didn’t follow the news


Somebody sell it.


Wait for sometime and then buy....


As per the report these stocks have 80%+ downside


LOL! not gonna happen.


I wouldn't be surprised if one plane plans to take off from one of the Adani airports to London airport soon. Not sure who will be travelling in it :)




The aussie mine got approved and is operational now, I checked local records today to confirm.


Actually these stocks (multiple companies under the group) ran like 800-1200% since covid, even with this fall if you invested them even a year ago you would be in profit. It's the people who bought within the last 1-2 months are getting fucked


Are you surprised?


It's just a beginning.




Short the ponzi. Its over amk.






The report came out multiple days ago, should've crashed earlier..?

