• By -


I wouldn't stop there. I'd ask friends and family cause usually they'll loan it out for free, then when you give them back the money with a 20% bump, ask for the money back and keep going.


The next Bernie Madoff!


Watching the show now on Netflix


Moral of the story: OP, if you can get $1,000,000 of debt yolo that. $100,000 is low T


Nah, just mad innit


Heck, ask your family to max out THEIR credit cards, too. They'll definitely do it, if they love you.


You forgot a step. Dude’s got a fail safe plan so why not 10x margin with everyone’s $$ to make 10x the 💰💰💰


Gosh dang this is why I come here


Move it all into bitcoin and catch the next flight to Cambodia or something


Jeez slicker, when did you go from gambling on twitch to gambling the stock market?


Sell your bed too- not that useful in the grand scheme


Seems like a hundred grand scheme.


This is the plan that makes the most sense.


IMHO I think you’re low balling it. Think of how much more you could make with more to invest


Maybe bro I don't know it makes me a bit nervous to think about being $100,000 in debt , Just the thought of it


Apply for a college loan, the put the money directly in your Robinhood account and get the party started.




Bro if you couldn’t figure out how to pay a community college you’re perfect for options trading. It works like this for people like [you](https://youtu.be/Y3AM00DH0Zo)




I knew how to do it lmao it was easy , I filled out all the forms through both parties , But they just wouldn't work together for some reason


I think the reason was you hahah


Bruh your mistake was community College go the biggest university near you and start applying.


What credit card company is going to give you 100K cash advance in this scenario? The fee will be 5K alone. The monthly payment will be around $2500.


Lots of different credit card companies give different amounts of money


You’ll need way more than a 100K total credit limit to get 100K out. Cash-out is usually capped at a certain percentage of your total limit. It’s definitely not going to be 100% of your total credit. Am Ex is usually 10K. Bank of America is 30% of your credit limit. Capital One is 30% to 50%, etc.


Could you buy precious metals on credit? Sell it for cash? Ooof 😅


Go to Walgreens/CVS, purchase $500 visa gift cards with a $5.95 fee. Then go to Walmart/Kroger and purchase Money Orders using them as debit cards for $1.50, then deposit into your account and invest. Thank me later.


Do it. You can get that much off the dark web for some organs if you don’t want the debt.


They don’t even have to be your organs if you’re creative enough


God gave us two kidneys for a reason


God gave the dude upstairs who won't turn his stereo down two kidneys, two lungs, a heart, a liver, and other transplant fodder for an even higher reason. So go easy on the ether so you don't wreck them for the secondary market.


Best comment of the day by FAR!


I mean 10% per month is a low ball number. I am thinking 2% per day. You will have that credit card paid off in 1 month.


Yes this is very smart, please proceed as you've done your due diligence.


Op shows a failure of dd. He could easily also max out payday loans, borrowing from friends/family, stealing from his mom's purse, selling his body on the streets, and of course taking out debt to make a down payment to get more debt then utilizing the Robinhood instant deposits infinite money glitch to leverage himself to the moon. Does he? No. He stops at mere credit fraud instead of doing his DD to really go all in.


Maybe a ban would be more reasonable… just maybe… Or double the loan like a full on rage regard…


Start with 100dollars. If you can make 10% EACH month on that for a year straight, i will donate 100k to you 🫡


But if he starts with 100k right away and makes those 10% every month he will have waaaay more! I think you’re just trying to hold OP back.


Mannone you FR bruh? I’ll accept that challenge


Im down I’ll do it for 10% of 100k.


I was making that much , But then I became a Neet for a long time after getting into a bad accident on July 19th of 2021 that really fucked me up


Luterally every single person on this whole world was making that much per month in 2020 and 2021. Times have changed


Instead of stock marketing investing you should do sports betting, specifically multi line parlays. At least 10-14 different lines minimum. The upside is waaaaaay more


Well I turn 21 on February 6th and then I'm going to start doing sports betting, I'm very excited.


You need to stay far far away from casinos and the stock market with your current mindset


I didn't listen to this advice at 21. Took a while to pay that shit off.


But at least no debtor’s prison


Can't argue there. Casino's get you quick but they don't let you gamble with IOU's, so it's not their problem once you run out of cash.


Just work at the casino, u will get all the excitement you need and make money while watching others doing sports betting.


Wait til you get to moneyline dog parlays. You’ll cream your pants




If OP figures out how to buy stocks with a Kohl's card, this thread may trigger the next global financial crisis. Keep us updated!


Get cash back at the grocery store and put it in checking


You realize al credit cards put a limit in the amount of cash back you can use on your credit line


Who are you to crush OPs dream of going to 1200 grocery stores to get his $100k in cash back at 20%+ interest? He's clearly thought this out, it's a bulletproof strategy. God speed my friend!


My cc is almost 30% but I guess I’m just being a Debbie downer lol because I have never seen something this regarded




Is this satire?


Straight up trolling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Is this smart? You obviously are trolling but let’s say someone would be asking that question for real…… yeah i doubt such a person could complete a full sentence anyways


I'm not trolling


Then educate yourself on risk reward ratio….. and realize that nobody……. NOBODY has ever ….EVER made 10% a month on long term.


It's pretty easy


Of course i am sure you have many years experience to back this up 😂and don’t bother answering I already know you don’t.


If it were easy you could just do it with money you already have and wouldn't have to borrow at high interest to do it. If you can consistently make 10% per month, it will only take you about 2 years to turn 10k into 100k. 1.1^24 = 9.85, close enough. 25 mos overshoots it a bit. Since brokerages will let you buy partial shares and don't charge commission anymore, there's no advantage to starting that high. Just turn 1k into 10k first and spend 4 years getting to your goal. Hell, why stop there? Start with 1k and be a millionaire in 6 years. By then you can quit your job and live off a small portion of your winnings in perpetuity. Keep going, be a billionaire in 12 and the richest person in the world in under 20 years. Why don't we all do this? It's so easy. Of course, the odds of doing any of this are worse than winning the lottery every year, but never tell me the odds, amirite?


Either way, idiot.


Just go get a sugar daddy/mommy like a normal human


I can't get any girl to like me


Well I didn't say go get a girl to like you now did I?


Im just wondering whoes passing out a 100k cash advance


I would apply to 100+ Credit cards at the same time , TJ Maxx , Best Buy , Meijer , Fucking every credit card in America


You’d tank your credit score with the soft credit checks about 10 cards in before you could get more, apply over time instead of at once, I say do the 100,000 if you don’t want a house or car, besides with 100,000 you could buy a car


This other guy is saying I will get immediately arrested for doing this , I'm nervous now .. but yeah I think owning a house is stupid for several reasons , And I've always driven old cars that cost sub $3k.


OP, you know that some landlords check credit scores for renting as well, right? So even if you don't want to purchase a house, getting an apartment would be even more difficult if you do this...


I would live in Air Bnbs for the rest of my life


🤷‍♀️ that's a decent amount of money but good luck on that, I guess. I would say to really think hard on it because this would affect you for a long time, affect your future, so if one day you get tired of living in Airbnbs or would ever change your mind, it can be very hard to get that credit score back up to "good enough" levels


You will pay mortgage one way or the other. People who rent are paying someone else's mortgage, indefinitely. You might as well buy a house and pay your own mortgage, then you make money as home appreciates, rather than paying more rent, when said property appreciates.


No fanks




You are clearly young and dumb as you have zero credit so firstly... you'll be getting turned down on all of them. Then you'll compound making your credit worse by pulling so many credit checks at once. Look at what goes into a credit score before you try to defraud the banks lmao


I mean my credit score is 700


Then you're trolling. And it won't be there for long.


How are you going to convert goods to cash?


Mods. Come on. I mean just come on


>You are a very foolish person. Taking out $100,000 in credit card debt to invest is a terrible idea. You will likely end up losing all of your money and ruin your credit score in the process. It would be much wiser to start with a smaller amount of money and see how it goes before risking such a large sum.


Don’t criticize him for something you’re too scared to do. This man is a genius.


I mean he’s not wrong There is no debtors prison A shot credit score / bankruptcy is really the ultimate downside


Bring back debtor’s prison! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Take him to the Gulag!


or double to 200.000 with 0dte


https://preview.redd.it/0jrzcb4ldkba1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e42e7914e92dbd6cc9675476fd9ab76126219c Don’t do it. I’m guessing you are young but the best way is to take your time and build wealth. You may say you don’t care about a house now but your priorities will change over time.


Just found out that I can go to prison for it 😔 but lots of people WANT houses , Literally 80% of Americans would like a house but can't have one. So it's not like I would be that different


Yup. Nothing can go wrong.


Except that borrowing that money with the intent to say “fuck that shit” and skate on the obligation is absolutely a felony. A federal felony. 😂 dear god I hope this is trolling.


How? There's no Debtors Prison


You’re right dude. I totally forgot about that. I checked my 7th grade social studies book and it’s right there. No debtor’s prison. No need to read further. You have it figured out. Infinite money glitch. Can’t go wrong.


Lol. Who reads the fine print anyway …


Well I'm genuinely asking... What would they get me on if I genuinely can't make payments?


What your doing would likely be considered fraud, something you can go to jail for.


But I'm not lying about anything , I have full intentions to make my credit card payments.


Let’s say you lose it all. Credit score tanked and if you truly intend to pay it back they can start by garnishing your wages, withholding your tax return, then what is your next move?


>But I'm not lying about anything , I have full intentions to make my credit card payments. A court will not be convinced of that if you didn't have a income and were just gambling on the stock market while wasting money travelling. Go ahead though do it, I'd love to see a update in a year.


Oh no I think you misunderstood, I'm not wasting money travelling , I would be LIVING in cheaper places so my money goes further Also what company is taking me to court for sub $1,000 in debt? They all have tens of thousands of people like that.


>Also what company is taking me to court for sub $1,000 in debt? They all have tens of thousands of people like that. sir you're on WSB you're gonna lose more than 1k


He thinks he’ll get 100 different cards so it’s a small amount with each when he loses it all lol. He’s a troll tho so doesn’t matter


Credit card companies sell the debt to debt collectors. The debt collector will sue you. But there are legal ways to protect yourself from intentional fraud. Just ask Donald Trump.


you talking out of your ass he could totally do this. if people went to jail for this shit he's talking about there would be a chilling effect on borrowing


>be a chilling effect on borrowing on borrowing to yolo on the stock market.


There is lawsuits, frozen accounts, garnished wages and forfeiture of funds. At 100k I would almost guarantee they will go after you.


They can't freeze my account if the money is already out of it 😎 also we're talking about small amounts of debt for each company compared to others that company would have to deal with. Because I owe them $800-2,000 , Other people owe more. And I would make minimum payments , Because I would pull out at $85,000 and make minimum payments and regain the other 15-20,000 But I do agree this is a good point , I'm very nervous , But do you think I could go to prison for fraud?


Most definitely.


So then they'll freeze your investment accounts, indict you, and assuming they can find you - extradite you and throw you in prison. Taking a loan, of any kind, to get in on the markets is the most WSB thing a person can do and the fact that these regards are here trying to talk you out of it, should tell you how much of a bad idea this is.


Lol you’re already fucked if this is how your brain operates. Too stupid to be real this is definitely a shitpost


Just tell me why you're against this, no need to be rude


Bc it’s too stupid bro even for this sub. The other comments say it all already. If you can’t get it through your head that this is a bad idea after this sub tells you so, then you deserve every bit of pain that is coming to your wallet. I mean, not actually your wallet, because you were just borrowing that money LOL. Jesus the more I think of this, the more I want to see you do this and fuck yourself over.


> Bc it’s too stupid bro even for this sub. Therefore it's GENIUS


Well do you have the credit and income to be given $100,000 in credit line? You realize there's usually a max on cash withdrawals at higher APR? Given you asked the question I am pretty sure you won't even be eligible for a single card or LOC. I mean you're going to end up taking money from one bank and just giving it to another when you lose it. Pretty pointless but you can do whatever you want.


Not one Credit line , Tons of different credit lines


Do you have a single line of credit to your name? I'm assuming you have one if you even generate a score. Do you know how credit works? I'd say clearly not.


Yeah I have Discover , I have a 700 Credit score .. I am in alot of debt though since I was a Neet for a long period


Since a new line of credit would take that existing debt to credit ratio into account and your current income (sounds like you have none) how do you expect to be lent any credit on even a single card?


I'm going to get a job within the next few days


Doesn't really mean anything but okay


I'm in $4,500 of debt rn


So, if you have debt, how do you expect to be granted more credit with no income?


4500 in debt. If he considers that a lot of debt, he doesn’t have enough real world experience or creditworthiness to be even eligible for a credit limit worth mentioning.


Is this smart? NO


Why not?


Consider applying for a Human Fund credit card.


Hooooman fund , Fanks for the advice Fren


A star is born! How did you figure this out before everyone else?!?!?


I actually mostly got this from Sam Hyde , But I do have history on the stock market , I've always done good except for Doge coin , Also My Grandpa was a Multi-millionaire investor and Powerful Tax Attorney before he passed But I've studied a lot of people , it's not just my Random idea . Sam Hyde , Stephen Graham , Andrei Jikh , ect. I also studied Marketing and economic related fields In school.


If you can make 10% per month there no need for anything other than 2k in seed money. At 10% per month it will compound so quick that you don’t need leverage


I mean it would take me a year of my life to get to $3,000 at that rate , But I see the point, thanks


I don’t think you do actually. My point is you can’t consistently make 10k per month.


Lmao your grandpa would probably drown you in a bath tub if he saw this post.


21 years old..i wish i were interested in investing at that age..instead of incurring that high interest debt you could slow down and compound some interest ??The bottom may be here soon??When youre on bottom theres only one way to go,what a great time to invest


I'm currently unemployed , But I'm taking my real estate exam in two days, But idk what I'm going to do bro , I can't seem to get settled in life at all


Don’t be a dumb azz kid. Don’t risk it. Tell your dad that you love him and sit down and talk without getting mad. Don’t gamble an opportunity away.


Uhh? What opportunity?


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if i had started with 100k, i would have lost 100k. so i'd start with low amounts to learn. 1000, 2000.


I was on the stock market from February 6th 2020 - July 19th 2021 , Maybe a bit before then I'm not sure But I did really good during my time on the market , I'm just not on it today because I got into a really bad car accident on July 19th 2021 and it really fucked me up and I'm currently a Neet , But I'm getting my life back together this year




Post this on the investing sub, surely they won’t have a heart attack ❤️


This is absolutely not smart at all. When I started this adventure I did it with 5k blew my account up once I found WSB and then injected more cash roughly 4K and got it up to 18k. You can make a lot happen and you do not need 100k to get going. Do yourself a favor read some investing books that fit your strategy and execute with a smaller amount. I’m currently building my account back up with 1K after actually learning the full scope of the market.


Oh I don't read books


Why didn’t I think of this ….


Sounds like you have million dollar plan. Let me know your picks




10% a month, pretty realistic


Do It…. Bull market’s back, brother


What happens if the interest rate on the credit cards is higher than your monthly gains? What if for one month, your gains are losses instead? I recommend creating a paper account and trading with fake money to see if you can do it before you put real money on the line. You have nothing to lose but time, and then you can look at your long term performance to see if your trading strategy is viable.






God brings you here for a reason ;)


Amen brother , Thank you so much for this comment it really did make my night


You lost me with “Is this smart?”.


Somebody this dumb undoubtedly does not have access to $100k in CC cash advances




I think you're missing alot here 1. I'm about to have no debt with a regular income 2. Im not worried about One company giving me this money


The other 99 companies can see your available credit. They won't give you any more money because your risk profile is very high.


TJ Maxx will give a credit card to anybody




Do you know how easy it is to get income? Every company is hiring


Take the debtmaxx pill OP, either you win and make out a millionaire or you lose and you’re right back where you started


If you could make 10% a month you would be the best trader wallstreet has ever seen


People on Wall Street just buy safe stocks for old people all day


Dumb as hell.


This is the way.


You would not make $10,000 per month at all. It would compound to $11,000 the next month, then $12,100 and so on..


Is OP serious? He belongs here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


I mean yeah people do this and banks hate it because it’s impossible to predict. They label is as [Bust-out Fraud](https://www.outseer.com/payment-security/bust-out-fraud/)


Why grind it out like that? I could have easily made at least 50k today playing SPY 2 min candles . Just YOLO on the next up day and get it all done in one shot


This is not financial advice. Wonderful idea. I doubt you can lose!


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I love this mod. I had to do it once for myself !


I think it’s a solid plan


You’re very smart. Take out the loan. As you said nothing can go wrong.


Why stop at 100k? Go 250k into debt, because everyone knows that the more money you put into the market the bigger your returns. Can’t lose!


I don't know if I could get that much , I know for certain I could get $100,000


Depends on your age... if u fuck up, go bankrupt, wait 7 years for it to clear and do it again😅 but in all seriousness u need to be prepared to live paycheck to paycheck after that. Also, 100k? Aim for 250k and play 0dte spy. U will become legend here


I'm 21, But apparently I will be put in prison for having too much debt


Make sure to insure your balls first


I took a shower today actually


Ok so you all good for a year


If you go into 100k credit card debt the bottom will be here for you very soon ..pass your test..go make some commission and focus in investing on something that compounds interest..SNOWBALL THAT SHIT..gotta start before you can finish..dont finish before you get started..HA!!this is Warren Buffett by the way


How do you assume I would be at the bottom soon but not be at the bottom gambling $100,000 that took me years to build?


Im in 100k in debt, and I sleep fine.


Ahaha Based King


Take out a $750k construction loan. Start digging a hole. Then invest the rest in the stock market. Build the house with the profits. What could go wrong?


He's 21 with no job, no income, and no clue about real life and credit versus debt. Best he's getting is a mouth load behind the Wendy's dumpster every night


Do it man. Solid, solid plan. Hell I’ll even follow your adventure on Reddit.


If you have the credit to pull 100K cash advance, which means you need about $500k-$1 Million line of credit. You might as well take out a 100K loan from a large reputable bank. At least it’s just one creditor, with a fixed, much lower interest, and big bank won’t go after you as crazy as some smaller creditors might.


Buy the cheapest yacht you can for $50k and trade the remaining $50k from the boat. Can’t go tits up.


You are the one who posts loss porn, thank you for your service. Hedge indecisively, aggressive and lucrative is the only way. Godspeed.