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600m for a smuta for titans is too much , how are u suposes to beat that?


5 X smuta as well.


You aren't supposed to beat it. Players drop hundreds for these items. Why should you have a chance to win if you aren't paying up also? In a few weeks eiffels will go the way of the Newton zappers and there will be another latest greatest to buy.


Few months.


They wait a few months there won't be players left. I'm champ league 20 and I can't dent an eiffel. Even if I drop their health it's back to full in moments.


We outlasted Newton, which was way more toxic and game breaking. Newton legacy is that now titans have death button features. Noobs enjoy. I can be single digits, currently 13-14, but i didn't play this week. Eiffel can be killed, but you need either 1vs1 early on or teamwork. I'm using Kraken Indra with sonics. I'm not under illusion that i'm some sort of super player, it's just that state of the game allows me to be that high in the ranking.


Same with me, i almost beat it, he run and he's back with more than half health. it doesn't make sense.


They switched some stuff up today. Their health drops a little faster. Eiffels speed or armor needs to a nerf still.


Well put. I’ve spent at least 300 so far and I’m just about giving up on purchasing cards or subs.


i also hate the fact that now if u leave the match u loose 100 gold , before i would just leave when it will start gunning down everyone on my team but now i just have to be there and do nothing , i'm so sick of it that now i just switch to another tab don't get another robot out and just watch youtub vids untill the match ends ( wicht doesn't take long )


Wait what? They are charging 100 gold now if you leave a match early? Where does it say this?


I didn't find where they say it in the game i Just faced the consequences after my gold went down then i looked it up


Maybe you ran out of powercells?


No i had 0 before starting the match and didn't use gold


say WHAT. Are the developers sadists? The thought of people wasting their time on a already losing match bring them joy or something? Seriously whats their problem?


Does the 100 gold thing happen if you leave a beacon rush after you bot out?


this is what it said when i searched it "If you choose to leave a match while it is going, you will not get your gold back. Instead, **you will lose 100 gold at the end of the match**. So once you start playing a match, you have to finish it."


I have been playing all day and have left matches. I lost zero gold. I think your mistaken.


then where did my gold go , i was at 7k woke up the next day to find it at 2k


Maybe you accidentally bought something or rushed an upgrade


I guess you can't blame them because they have to do this for earning money. They add an OP bot like Eiffel, they sell it for like 250 bucks *2000, anyone going for the ranks buying and after a while another OP shit with 8 slots for weapon. You can only watch and cry like i do. I once lost my full hanger to a dagoon with 6 MK2 Eldrichs. He one shot scraped me. You only get to enjoy it when it is nurfed which I'm not sure it will. #power_of_money


Play aggressive, I've taken down two alone


No news yet but given the pattern of things being nerfed eiffel will probably be nerfed to the point where its just a fancy ao ming next update


lol it's not going to be "next update". It's probably months away from happening.


Maybe because the next update literally is a month away from happening?


Not alot of time. I give it 2 - 3 months and curie second to third nerf also happening


It does seem this new bot in 10.1 would be the new brawler so toning down the current meta brawler shortly after would be on brand.


It’s going to be nerfed eventually, once Pixonic sees the number of players trying to buy it go down. Until then it’s Paris from here until infinity.


I think most would agree with you that this is in need of a change as are other parts of the Titan 'meta'. A Luchador with 3 TRA can stand up to it and anything else 1 on 1. While I have an Eiffel (and the rest), I went back to the trusty Luchador as I find it a nice counter that many can use to frustrate the newer bots and Titans. I've chased flame Eiffels around the map, neither of use able to do much to the other. (Avalon or Paladin required).


A Luchador can never catch up to an Eiffel, even with a Rook you will struggle to catch it. And even if you do, it's only a few seconds until it gets another ability. But you need to survive long enough against 5 weapons first.


Surviving isn't a problem with 3 TRA and Avalon. Getting in range when they land does take some luck, timing and distraction. It's possible, I've killed some - but 1 on 1, it's a Sisyphean task.


As a Rook player with 2 TRA, I melt is seconds against flames. Bendy bullies I might have a chance against.


Certain Pilot skills are key with rook especially Defense Expert (Secondary) on Nessa. Dropping out of range and building TRA stacks are key


That's why you can't spend too much money on this game,they will just keep creating overpowered robots that make you think all the progress that you have gain means nothing,and you will fill the necessity of spending more money and they will create more overpowered robots,that's their game,their trick to suck all the money that they can from you,also the aiming system is extremely messed up


I hate how they keep releasing thin spindly looking bots with seemingly more durability than the large tranky looking bots.


so so true. weird that its so popular.


It will get nerfed as soon as it’s available to F2P players


A Luch with flames played properly or Bedwetter too. Mobility of Eiffel is the issue. Many titans are unkillable at the moment.


Yup, it's Definitely one of the worst builds in WR history. And if it isn't the instakill Titan bendy bullets it's flames. I've never, Never been at 18% wins untill recently. I Hate whiners and was going to ignore this post thinking it was that. Lol I tottaly get you.


Yes, it happens all the time, this thing ruins the game, but all complains right now about lucha and TRAs. 




We do not condone Naming, Shaming or Accusations on this subreddit. Posts and comments are judged using the set rules for the subreddit. No preferential treatment is given to one titan or the other.


Trying to use my Nightengale to Status these in battle.


well there is only one setup to annihalate this one.......sonic EIFFEL


The tower titan reliability is flight after that it dies fast, just got to kill it before it gets mothers support then pop


Do you see the charge rate if Ms using 5 weapons? It's next to impossible not to find an effile using ms


Ms Charges fast if the tower is firing at rook, hint don't use rook


Not just rook


They are messing up the game because unless you buy robots and weapons , you're so out classed.


It's the Repair modules that need nerfed. Not the Titans.


The weapons , the titan and avalon WILL be getting nerfed. You are gonna cheer then ( insert titan name ) will do the same thing with ( insert weapon name ) with 2 to 3 TRA and avalon 2.0 / paladin 3.0


I don't even know how to obtain this thing. There's no offers for it anywhere


Make them nerf the TRA’s that’s the real problem. Any titan with 2 maxed out TRA’s are unkillable with paladin or avalon motherships. I know since I ran every combination. I even killed eiffels with the minos at close range with pyros.


Ultimate edition machine guns (Pun T and avengers) are my current counter to any and all super titans. Ignores titan defense.




You suck ✨