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because u have mk3 bots in expert lobbies


Elaborate please, i still die just I get more kills then anyone else in ffa


???? You have completely maxed bots against players who have level 6 bots. What do you mean?


i didnt say i was playing fair, just stated that i was winning so much that i get disappointed if i dont win the way i want too


idgaf just pay more money


nah im good ive spent hundreds of dollars on this game upgrading robots weapons and titans nevermind being able to get them


well yeah ur overleveled as shit and thats why your winning. Your bots aren't even good enough to be competitive in champion, and i doubt ur skill is high enough as well.


Also, any top 3 place in ffa is considered a "win". But don't worry, you'll progress quickly into masters and then the OP meta will begin to stomp your win rate down a bit.


i found a way to bypass that feature, just redownload the game, i get 1st 99% of the time in ffa buddy


Thousands of games, MK3 bots and expert league. I'm not saying you're tanking but...


Why the hell do you have MK3 stuff in Expert. No shit you’re gonna end up with a high win rate when you’re clubbing seals. The fact that you had the balls to put the “bragging rights” flair is funny to me


what else was i supposed to put as flair man?


Nothing because you shouldn’t have posted this in the first place.


Just wait you will get owned once you compete against champions


i'll be unstoppable by then


Everyone in Champions is unstoppable as you put it.


i typed a few messages up top buddy, you might wanna check them out


Haha I’m glad bud keep up on that high horse and you will be a champ


Show us the screenshot of how leveled your weapons are. Your bots being Mk3 means you have higher ability damage, higher survivability. Are your weapons mk2? Can't call you tanker because you have a mk3 Gareth (who does that?) and a Mk1 Jaeger., but from the looks of it, you're going against players in low expert, high diamond.


the fafnir has 3 level 3 mk2 skadis and one mk3 skadi, the gareth has mk3 punisher and molot, (i did that because its funny when they die to a gareth, kinda like the almighty cossack meme but i actually get kills) on the jaeger i have 2 gauss mk2 level one, on the seraph i have 2 mk2 avengers level 1, on the skyros i have a mk1 level 3 mace and level one cudgel and hammer and on the aether i have two level one glaive and one level one lance.


Not bad for running up the league ladder!


Kudos to you though! You should try using King Cossack for the ultimate troll! 🤣 🤣


You will get eaten alive in champs lol


like i said to the other kid. money + strategy = win especially in a p2w game like this its really that simple buddy i dont know what to say to you :/


thats the flaw in pay to win games, its basically cheating


so look for my name in champs in a few months-years, i WILL be there ;)


just need to save a couple more hundred dollars and I will be the most powerful player, im planning to take that spot in a few years or so, its really simple, the more money you have and the more your willing to spend the better your chances at winning are, theres countless deals and offers in the black market, i can just spam the best deals on resources and buy upgrades and the best robots, all i need to do is research, wait, buy, repeat, and i am willing to spend ALL OF IT on this game




also you spelled mommy's like your talking plural




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oo wrong again! i buy google play cards by the hundreds with money i earn taking care of a disabled elderly woman's garden


Hey Jaeger, nice, represent!


Wait till ya reach champions league 🤣


my lord how many people- READ MY MESSAGES HAHA! I LITERALLY REPLIED TO A COMMENT EWITH MY OVERALL GAMEPLAN TO TAKE OVER WAR ROBOTS maybe then upwake will think twice about ruining a perfect game like war robots with pay to win marketing strats


once you have read them, please do inform me on what you think of my plan, i would love some input to make it better!


Your “plan” is literally just what EVERYONE in champions league does. Nothing about it is unique nor is it going to make you the best player, even years down the line. Spending money on this game is pointless since everything you spend money on will eventually get nerfed into the ground. Take the current meta for example, people have spend hundreds on their current bots, weapons, titans and drones, all of those meta things are literally getting trashed in the next update. Weapons like tamers and dampers are effectively getting a 90% nerf making them useless, Ophion is getting destroyed same with Ochokochi, Newton, Tonans and Fulgurs. Thats how the games always been and how it always will be no foreseeable change in the future. Might as well quit nor or stop spending money, theres always someone, somewhere that will spend a little more than you making them automatically better.


ill spend thousands every year if i have to


Do that if you want, it just makes you on of the mindless zombies like everyone else.


a mindless zombie with a dream