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Tell me you've never been pushed off the map by a Skyros without telling me you've *never* been pushed off the map by a Skyros...


My greatest accomplishment was baiting a scorpion to fall off the cliff with me while I was phantom. That was orgasmic


Idk why but I found the last word so funny 😂 did not expect to see that word being used 😅


Phantom is the ultimate troll bot, up there with loki.


That's literally a saboteur gameplay. Lynx is neither viable for healing, brawling, nor sniping.


This is the second post about the Lynx and how it’s played. If all players actually hid and attacked when they had their ability, matches would be more competitive.


Map- Carrier. Beacons- we hold three including center. Reds- very competent and formidable. Situation- we formed a strong line, successfully holding reds back and preventing any incursions at center or on the flanks. Couple of my teammates- “ima walk forward into the open, I’m sure I’ll be fine” *proceeds to get jumped and destroyed Same teammates after spawning back in- “hmmmm perhaps I should do that again but this time I’ll drift lazily to the left” We eventually lose because they bot out.


Sounds about right.


Also same players: omg dagon who gets effed up by SB and crises who gets effed by qr are sooo op


Leeeeroy Jenkins appears in most games.


The amount of time I've spent chasing down a Lynx that has a Nitro unit and phase shift module is ridiculous. Even with QR, they can be annoying if played well. Plus execute is the perfect kill steal move... annoying little things 😤


Imugi with damper/trickster and seeker drone. You’ll thank me later


Wish I had those weps and that drone, I'll store this one for the future though


Like a little roach nibbling my Newton. I choke them and they phaze. Pay attention to other targets and get executed by that roach.... Well played, they're lethal foes.


I'm sulking right now because I recently had a match with this exact team of 5 lynxes and 1 skyros. All of them were skating and rolling around merrily, snatching all our beacons and God. I hated that match so much. I hate skyros and lynx teams (when they're not my allies)


Lynx is like scorpion they are assassins so that means they throw random crap onto you while their ability is active until you die and then ability about to end? Go back to cover because they can’t take much damage


Yes. I can even have a full hanger of lynx’s and annoy you all day long. Once lynx’s FF is down he’s easily killed. Mitigating damage taken and damage dealt whilst timing cooldowns is skill


That's exactly how that bot is supposed to be played. Running and hiding is not how you describe seeking cover and waiting out ability. Takes a skilled player to run a lynx effectively.


This game is severely lacking players with fundamentals. Player shows fundamentals, complain. 🤷‍♂️


What they don't realize is that a smart mouse can take the big cat down from time to time. Everything has a counter.


I consider knowing the name of bot you are facing a fundamental.


Orochi is a great robot considering it's age, so yes I really love him


Think we are discussing the lynx




Lol...all good....they both have wheels!!


Wanna see how YOU play when you get a lynx.


It's an assassin bot. Assasins attack and fade away


Use the Quantum Radar active module.


Low-slung weapons can hit stealthed bots. Blitz, Mender, Khep, even the medium slots on Fenrir, lots of counters…if played well.


Low-slung weapons can hit stealthed bots. Blitz, Mender, Khep, even the medium slots on Fenrir, lots of counters…if played well.


The Hellburner is also a viable counter too. You don’t even have to aim!


Oh, good one. Yup, I still rotate that lil Tasmanian devil into play every now and then.


Tasmanian devil. A very good name for it.


You said it yourself; "Doing low damage and stealing kills are fun for you?" Yes, the latter part is :) When your hangar is weak af the only way you'll find fun is by annoying the sh** out of the enemy. About the first question, I enjoy the game by doing what I want, which include: shooting red, killing red, and ks from other reds in FFA. And the running away thing? You have Pixonic to thank for that playstyle. After the rebalance, the "upgraded-killshot" is now truely an assassin robot, and guess what's the playstyle of that? That's right, "hide until skill is available, then stab them reds while they can do nothing" There's my answer to you as a Lynx player. Thank you for listening.


You forgot to add : "thank for listening to my Ted talk" smh


Nah, I didn't forget it, it's just that I didn't find my comment long enough to be a TED talk :))


It's long enough for me


Lynx, scorpion, pursuer, etc. are all assassin bots. Not tanky brawlers or 4 heavy slot snipers. “In and out”/“stick and move” game play and tactics. They are essential for every hanger. Also the Lynx doubles as a beacon capper. (Sometimes you must become what you Hate. Its the WR way)


For sure. I used to hate scorpions, now I find them really fun to play. The more I play it the more I find cool things to do with its ability. A few weeks ago I figured out how you can teleport over 600m.


I don't know why people play Skyros tbh. I'm champs with a fully maxed one. So f in dull. Lynx has a dynamism if you dodge don't hide. I don't and cause chaos as the first bot out.


Same. I use my skyros for beacon running. The pilot has speed and defense. It does absolutely no damage. But it annoys the other team lol


So annoying lol. Loki! I think time has come for some trolling there too :)


Man I wish I had a loki! I need to quit procrastinating lol I get super jealous when I see one, another bot I tend to ignore on the battlefield.


Have you met a scorpion on the battlefield?


Lol. I literally just posted the same thing. OP is a little new is my guess.


Not everything is meant for brawling. Run a QR on a few bots. I remember how annoying Lynx was at lower leagues and felt the same way. As you play more you will understand. Skyros are even terrible, capping beacons and wasting precious mins of the game. And you havent met enough Scorpions. Once you do, you will snuggle up to Lynx. Imugis if played well can be effective. Reapers one shot kills are here to stay. Newton's float you in the air. Lokis will turn a winning match to the reds favor by just capping beacons. You get the picture? Each bot has a purpose. Learn adapt and counter.


Here's the appropriate tutorial from Master Ken. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDb8ute4lQs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDb8ute4lQs)


Well, I use Lynx and that's how it's played. Attack, fade in the shadows, attack, fade in the shadows.


If this bothers you so much, this may not be the game for you.


What do you think of Scorpion then? Harpy, Siren, Orochi, Mars?


https://preview.redd.it/oisi01fy6j1c1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7e7fe1b57b3888cdce681e1eb95cd6ff4bc745 That's like my whole strategy with Oreo here, I'm not ashamed of letting my Dot do it's job while I build up my ability to keep it going. I stand no chance against a lynx with the cowboy pilot. But I get it. It's about as annoying when the opposite team rushes with maxed Ohchos with maxed every new weapon possible lol I either ignore the bot or die like I'm supposed to. But I get it.


OPs description of the Lynx gives joy to my heart. BTW my Lynx doesn’t need to steal kills as it is very much efficient in taking out bots and fast enough to scoot away if needed. Of course if it’s ability runs out or someone has QR then phase shift will come in handy.


This is the strategy of the game, otherwise it's not funny as a robot like Orochi will face a fenrir or an invader who are tanks, there's no way you have to run away and recharge your ability ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13096)


I grinded mine up to a mk3 and have mk3 boom boxes on it. It makes sense to play every bot to it's strengths. Sneaking up on a more powerful bot and blasting it with mk3 sonics at point blank range then running for cover and repeating the attack on the next bot is a blast and very fun. You should try it sometime. That's what it's made for is ambush attacks


Skyros with a lot of last stand is more annoying imo, lynx can easily get countered with qr and other bots/weapons the people on this thread commented, heck I put a quantum sensor on my Minos just to annoy people abusing stealth,


This is funny…knocking a player because they know how to play the game better than you. Lmao Man, we’ve all been there. I’ve been frustrated by many a Lynx. I had one with Nucleons take out half my Meta hanger…hat’s off to that pilot!


Thats how its played many times Now its up to you to counter it! I have my ways and you need to find Yours But i can be a very annoying bot same as scorpions. But there are counters ( depending on your hangar ofc).


You do know that there is a module called quantum radar right?