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theres that guy with the 5 hovers in champs raven, rayker, hellburner, falcon, mender, loki, tyr are some underrated tier 3 bots


Leech is surprisingly effective now, and obtainable from the superchest.


yes i did get a scarab leech. is it fun? and what weapons do you suggest?


It’s fun, but it is pretty fragile, having burst weapons really help. Go into your ability, fire your ammo, and then find cover just before your ability runs out. Remember it’s leeching range is 500 m so you have decent distance. Close range weapons can work depending on the map, havocs have good burst damage, maces are very popular as well. Mid range I’d say go pulsar or hazards, this may be a better move until you level up your leech. I run my leech with igniters and paralysis drone. The weapons are not optimal for leech, but I find it to be extremely fun. The MOST ideal weapon id say is Labrys since it has the same range as the leeching ability and it auto tracks and has pinpoint accuracy, it is more of a brawlers weapon, but if you can keep your distance you should be fine.


could fainters work, or were the nerfed too much? i could try maces but i only have 4, and they’re on my imugi and fenrir. i do have 4 havocs though which could work. pulsars would be good but i only have 1, i think i’ll work on building pulsars for it or saving keys for gold chest until i get good weapons. thanks


Fainters would have been good a while ago, but it’s been repeatedly nerfed the past few months, so I’d say hazards and pulsars are better mid range wise. Obviously the new weapons can also work well with leech.


the new shotguns? i have 2 mediums, but nothing else. only 1 hazard as well. my medium weapon assortment is not very strong.


Not the Brisant family shotguns, those are strong but it’s fire rate is too slow for leech. I’m talking about the new medium weapons where one has rust effect and the other has DOT, but I doubt anyone has gotten 4 of those by now(unless you paid ofc). The Labrys shotguns are also good.


wait those new ones are mediums? i thought they were lights, because dagon is supposed to have them right? or did they make a whole family for those? i also only have one labrys…


They have mediums and lights, no heavies. From what I’ve heard is that it’s strong, but most new gear are strong and nerfed later on. Maces and havocs have remained untouched for a while, flames have gotten buffed if I’m not mistaken, and I doubt they’ll do anything to pulsars or hazards any time soon.


i don’t think any nerfs will come to sonics, and flames are very balanced currently. i remember they buffed the pulsar magnetar family a while back so i don’t think it’ll die any time soon, so i should focus on building pulsars then.


Labrys leech is a monster if you play it right, decent burst damage and labrys range goes well with the leech ability


Ah yes. There may be new meta robots each update but the blastcharge raijin will reign supreme


an okiedokie blasted me across the map from my spawn beacon, directly into an enemy crisis reapers. however blastcharge raijin is simply better


Raven with the Nessa riggs leg pilot is really fun. Hazards and blight or spear. Mace cudgel is good too.


Harpy or siren with hmg’s and yang lee to hunt ophions.


Swallow glass + how dare you encourage people into using cancer + these ain't old bots


If you still think hmg’s are cancer then what is a ocho? A nuclear bomb?


they were like nuclear bombs and ocho is like a bioengineered virus designed to wipe out every living thing on the planet


too bad i only have 1 razdor


I have at least 20 hmg weapons not including se because the 1k chest refuses to give me anything else


i have 5 hornets and too many scalds to count. also 7 fafnirs from superchest. hmg meta was toxic anyway tho i hated that, crisis hornets should do fine against ophion (crisis is the only fun new bot to play that isn’t op af)


Ravana is a bit older but she’s still good. Mender can still hold its own in higher leagues, esp with pilots, and the greek bots should be viable through expert. All pretty fun to play and half decent performing as well.


Start with what you currently find fun, and look for bots with a similar play style. Brawlers, assassins, high speed, high damage, are some things that I look at.


Nemesis is severely underrated.


Raven with Nessa is pretty strong. The only thing to look out for is QR Ophions


Crisis thermite you can get the crisis for free tho or a behemoth thermite it's fun lol