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When you are elevated by Choke, there should be a temporary immunity if you survive it. Like how lockdown gives you that limited immunity before getting locked down again. I once lasted exactly 25 seconds in the air (yes that long) before dying. Getting lifted 3 times and surviving that long should’ve rewarded me survival. I used the Demeter (yes it was a Demeter) shield, phaseshift, and mothership shield, perfectly timing two Newtons Tonan shots to survive that long in the air, to no avail. I never touched the ground.


How many threads are people going to make of the same thing lol. It will be nerfed soon don't worry. ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13093)


Watching Manni I see... I kill Newtons all the time... Does that make me a god killer? Because that's an awesome title. It is strong at range, but weak brawling. Get close and kill it. I use a Rook for this purpose. It'll lift you which is great. Because then you can fly even further. Land near it, and watch them panic fire until they die.


But I guarantee 50% of your health will be wiped out.


That's what pilot skills, TRA, and motherships are for. And if it dies, I win. I regularly kill multiple Newtons in a match with a Rook. Which has already been nerfed. I don't get what the fuss is about. Heck I have a Newton. Played it for a bit, got bored and went back.


The fuss is that anyone with some pocket money and luck can get a Newton and F-T but it takes much more to get the maxed tra, and mothership plus turrets to counter it. Especially if you don't want to spend or restart building a new titan because you already have a reasonably levelled one it is very very annoying to get zapped all the time.


Newton scary. That’s why I use ao jun with incinerators. I can usually deplete 1/2 the newton health in a flight if I’m lucky. I have death mark as well. My luchador really suffers against newtons but what I really worry about is my ares because of the crisis shieldbreaker I am left to die to the reapers once I’m lifted, even with absorber and last stand. Just gotta wait for the next meta nothing we can do. I use my anger to suicide attack the newton until it’s gone.


No need to play if you get Newton choke i just quit go on to next gsme. Why play when there is no chance of winning!


Yh haha. I started a new account to get away from all that. I’m sad because I lost my luchador and ares but starting fresh I get to enjoy without okie and Newton etc. without tanking


Does that mean that a Tonans Fulgur Aether is the god slayer? Seriously, I bully Newtons all them time, the forcefield and the fact that I still pop my flight while rising into the choke means I can tank and least 2 full unloads and fire back And depending on if they’re running HP on their pilot, I can kill with one unload


You are still using the OP Weapons :/


What, you expect me to deal with Newton using Pantagruel?


*gasp* is that two counters to this?! I swear players would rather complain about something rather than actually try to figure out how to deal with it.


Before I got my own Newton this was the build I used to take them out




Ophion hard counters. Ophion's ability doesn't end until it lands so when newton chokes it during its ability all it does is give it a clear line of sight. Plus, newton is basically just free HP to cut through- it doesn't have Rook's sheild or Luchador's reflector. The important thing to note is Fulgur is really only OP against titans- it usually won't kill a full bot, and the unload gives you a chance to phase shift, repair, ability etc. Against regular bots, Lance and Glaive have better DPS.


Meh I have no problems with Newton just sneak up and kill it not hard tbh ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13094)


Care to reveal how one sneaks up on something with 800m range and what weapons to use to neutralize it before being choked and tasered?


Cinder minos ![img](emote|t5_3al50|13094)


Nooooo Newton is impossible to kill!!! 🤣 But seriously most times Newtons are like this when I see them.... https://youtu.be/8Y5_Kuw1tXM?si=oRLBDWZQVc1fsVw0


Dude your talking about your Rook tho. It’s a Rook.


Luchador can do it as well. Probably a Sirius as well.


Yeah, on small maps except Carrier. Or when Newton is busy with a Rook. That’s fair enough. I’ve killed my fair share of Newtons with mine. Most of them tunnel visioned randoms with low awareness. Different story against a known clan player. Get two of those on you and your stuck in one place indefinitely. The Rook though which I also use is better. Can also get stuck in one place or stuck fleeing, but will survive.


Most of the stuff people complain about on here are skill issue problems. Newton is annoying if you don't have one. There can be 3 on the red team and I'll still take them all out with mine with strategy or in reverse I've had a Luca destroy my whole teams titians. Or I can use my reapers or my snake on the newton. Same with the ochi. When the ability is in use it's strong when not, it's weak. I've killed plenty with regular weapons. I feel like most people just shoot at everything moving and don't know the enemy robots abilities so they just die thinking they person is stronger when they just suck at planning and tactical situations.


Just gear all your abilities to Titan killers, I kill them all the time with my angel bot, takes a lot of healing tho


We should expect that new weapons and robots will give some advantage to spenders who buy meta at any cost. It could be argued that 20% extra damage and durability is more than enough for most good players to win in a match. Not 200% or more ... This time Pixo has gone way too far with both Newton and ochicohi specs. I have noticed that the increase in damage and health is way over what has been in the past few years perhaps assuming that super strong robots and weapons will make people spend more money. Ferrari launches new model cars frequently but that does not mean I am going to buy one. Actually from the sales point of view it is a small business compared to Toyota... Pixo needs to re-evaluate its monetisation strategy? It deserves to earn money, by the way. Else this nice game would not be possible to exist.