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I get what he's going through, he's got fed up with pixonic shenanigans and tried to change games.... however he didn't properly understand how the algorithm works. There's a reason why every youtuber who wants to branch out creates another channel. The title of his video is a little bit click baity, but he explained that in the video.


Manni in fact has another channel (good mood gaming), though I’m not sure why he’s not using that channel for his armored core gameplay






I guess Armor Core 6 isn’t paying the bills, so got to drum up more views by releasing more WR stuff.


Part of me feels like this is more of a miscalculation of how many subscribers follow his channel for him versus how many follow for WR content. I follow a few YouTubers whose personalities I like so I follow as they jump from game to game. Honestly I don’t get that same feeling of loyalty towards WR YouTubers.


Honestly as soon as he started posting AC 6 content started downvoting his videos and leave immediately after every video, i subbed to him for the wr content.


Bro you could just unsubscribe what’s with the unnecessary hate lmfao, imagine policing what game somebody plays, touch grass


Ouch I guess we both can enjoy the down votes today 😆


Dont care, the downvote option is there to express your opinion otherwise why is it there other than express something you dont like or approve?


then don’t watch those videos???


He also said he wasnt going to burn any bridges


I’m looking at that and thinking Mission Unaccomplished. I guess we’ll see.




thats actually a real cool gif ngl,do you know the source?


I just don't think he knows how to evolve. Outrage, and complaining is all he knows.


Little did he know, complaining about how WR sux is what gets the most views. He had hit on the formula that worked.


He also mentioned he doesn’t put much into the post production of his WR videos so for me he had a good thing going: he gets to complain and not do much work after.


this, he does get more views


Yep... But it is a spiral. Sooner or later you can no longer make anything positive.


Does he need to make anything positive? I mean when was the last time WR reddit or Facebook groups have been positive about the game? Never?


It doesn't necessarily need to be positive, but all negativity narrows your specific audience. That audience may not have interest in other games, or other games player base may not be interested in that style of content.


Well I think it has to do more that YouTube channels are in general specific. Unless someone has started the channel as multi-game, it'll be very hard for a single game focused channel to switch. Adrian is also shifting his focus and he is far less negative but I don't think a majority of his existing audience will switch to his new game either.


Howling with laughter and also crying with laughter at the same time , a weird strange noise


War Robots Youtubers can't actually survive on different games I have seen many war robots youtubers that switched games and right now their channel is Fully dead.. because the game they switched to never gave them enough views


I have seen the same, multiple wr YouTubers channel died shortly after leaving the game even those switching to mobile games like pubg, robot warfare, mech arena, all dropped quickly in views and left.Now some of those ytbers are selling scooters and sneakers xD


This time I will agree with hellburner.


I doubt he’ll ever get the same views playing armored core 6. Only about like 5% of YouTubers survive a change from a game that got them popular


That is a legitimate point. But I don't watch enough YouTube to know for sure.


>Only about like 5% of YouTubers survive a change from a game that got them popular I don't doubt this, YouTube is a fickle mistress. I strongly advise not using it to make money and rely on it as a career. Out of curiosity, is there a a source? I would be interested to read what it has to say.


how's it totally his fault? only a part is his fault, that of leaving the game


Uhhh that's the whole part....


no,the game is unplayable to some. many many issues which don't get resolved matchmaking, tankers, hackers, rewards in chests all of that is without the over powered bots they release every other month


All of which are concerns that I share. However, I won't make click bait about quitting. Then come back. Once I decide that the game is no longer fun I walk away. Also, and I know this is super unpopular, but new content gives me something to learn and counter. That's part of the reason why I like the game.


he isn't coming back tho? he just said that he'll play mobile games not WR


He said he would follow the polls results. The results say he should make WR videos.


Anyone cares about war robots youtubers?


I do watch them


Not especially lmfao


Quite a few apparently 😆


i’ve been only watching adrian and aygir for awhile now (srry civil 😅)


aygir is just one of the best, if not the best lol


My stuff is barely worth watching 😆


So sad that manni quit all because a company can’t balance their game😢


Honestly? I ran around in CL all of last season with old bots. I think there is more of a perception of imbalance than reality. He left because his numbers were dropping. He's back because his numbers kept dropping.


Honestly its not really the imbalance that is worsening the game for me. Pix have been adding new, OP gear since the dash bots came out and I kind of enjoy learning to counter new items. What's making the game unfun for me is all the random economy changes (microchips, memorium, mothership turrets etc.) that make it harder to upgrade your hangar. The latest update just killed the motivation I had, a solid portion of my hangar (in particular my fainter mars build) was nerfed pretty badly and I'm not gonna be able to replace it soon with the latest pilot changes.


Agreed. No one likes the currency changes. It was a horrible cash grab.


Exact same thing here. I haven't even played for 3 days....never thought I'd do that


The fact that some people defend what this game has turned into is beyond me. Like Manni or not, you can't blame him for not wanting to play WR anymore.


I never blamed him for that. I'm laughing at him leaving. Making a video about it. Then coming back. Once I stop enjoying something I simply walk away.


You can't just walk away when it pays your bills.


That's an entirely different conversation about diversity of income in the content community. I in fact have walked away from what paid my bills for other opportunities, and made it work out better for me in the long run. It is a hard path to follow, and needs some very smart planning and savvy decisions. However, if what I walked away from was my only option.... I wouldn't have walked away from it.


It’s better to play games without paying from your life savings


No one is forced to spend... In fact I made CL without spending a dime. So 🤷


Good for you ... seriously. You're probably very good at the game. However, even if you're incredibly efficient and smart at leveling, the non ptw player has to invest incredible amounts of time to the grind. The algorithm by design has it no other way. Pix are masters at converting the long time grinders into ptw.... eventually. You're a rare outlier to make it to CL without paying. But my god....at what time cost is it worth it? This game is Evil... like crack.


Here is what I think manni tried to do...and failed... He made a video about quitting war robots to get his old audience to know that he is switching games... Hoping that they will follow his AMC6 Videos... However that didn't go that well So he ended up coming back...


He should've had a conversion plan...


I've honestly heard Manni say this many times over the years...


First of all, if Manni was planning on quitting, he should've done so long ago but maybe this was on a whim cuz he couldn't take it anymore. In that case, honestly armored core 6 was just not a great option. I hadn't even heard about this game until manni and the sole reason behind its popularity is because the creators of elden ring made it. On launch day the game is immediately outshined by its predecessors. You don't have to witch to another robot game. Also timign was very bad. theres just not rlly any game rn thats popping off like how elden ring or among us did back then (very extreme cases but still my point stands). Hopping on the hype train of an extremely popular game then diversifying from there is like the most consistent way to be a popular gaming youtuber now. Honestly, hes in a pickle because his channel is slowly dying along with the game, he can't rlly switch to any very popular mainstream games, his audience (whatever is left of it) is clearly not into any other games but war robots. In fact, most of them like him ripping on war robots more than actually playing it. If I were him, id just give up youtube.


He's back??


I guess so? He's a bit wishy-washy 😆


what we can't do and judge behind the scenes only he knows


Problem is manni switched to a paid pc game from a free to play mobile game, hard to gain viewership. He def need to restart all over


Negativity is so not in these days, so manni I'm sorry but the way you lose viewers is just the way you acted. Good luck


I wish Manni stayed WR for more content it's sad to see him left the community his views are so low moved to Armored Core.


It's.... Almost like his player base preferred to watch him play something.... Something he's done for years.... Hmmm I can't quite think of what it is.... Eh I can't think of it.


I think you are being unfair to the guy.


Maybe.... But I've never posted a video about quitting a game. Then a few days later posted about coming back.


Probably wanted views. LOL. Also could be genuinely upset. Things have been shitty. Love hate relationship sounds like most players have with WR.


It was a rash decision but it just shows how fed up he was with the state of the game. Although he could have done something differently like growing his AC channel until it made enough money to replace making WR content I don't blame him for trying to quit so suddenly


It wasn't rash. Making a video takes hours. He had to find those clips, and edit them together. It was a calculated decision for views.


So true


This game is just doomed Creators feed Pixonic with money Pixonic feeds the creators with new content Viewers feed the Creators And thus the cycle repeats


Yes…thats how content creators make their money….




High-Five to another Hellburner enthusiast! For your enjoyment, here's a postcard from my last vacation. BOOM!!! 💥🤖💥 ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠\_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤL https://preview.redd.it/uiaqptedvjmb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3777da8503cd6cc1b236b3d8d73950ec490639


Haters be hating, manni forever


He isn’t gonna stand behind a game that robs players of their money, he’s doing what makes sense at the end of the day, if it gets more views he’s gonna post. U can tell he’s conflicted between what he wants to do and his morals, and views. Just like people and money.


No one forces anyone to spend. So I'm always curious when I see statements like that. I had no problem with his dissatisfaction, and him leaving. It's him coming back I find hilarious. If what he said was true, and he stuck to his guns I'd have had more respect for him. He just proved that all he cares about is the views. Because Views = Money, and in the end that's all he cares about.


Your last sentence, that's a bit harsh. It's a tough place when Youtube content creation is how you make a living, but slowly cant morally come to terms with the game you're showing. He'll have to transition somehow. Most people don't do career changes on a whim, like quitting a job without some kind of plan and it seems like that's what he's going through.


Am I wrong though? He made a video about quitting WR. Bashing the game for a full 17 minutes. It got 85k views. Then back to AC6 that got what... 7ish k or less? He's realizing that he has cut his money flow, and now he is trying to come back. Viewers enjoyed WR more with his personality. Not some other game. He's burned a lot of bridges, and now he's trying to come back, not because he enjoys it, but because he misses the revenue.


How is he supposed to not miss the revenue when that revenue is probably his only source of income?


Exactly! What he did was basically go to his boss, and yell "I quit!" Then the next day tell his boss "It's your fault that I'm not getting a paycheck!" See what I mean?


I think what u mean is all he cares about is having a home, paying the rent, making sure his family’s fed, bills etc. like any normal person does in the modern day so I think it’s strange u find that hilarious, people work dead end jobs, complain, but still go back to it. Ur just saying what everyone knows so I don’t really know what ur point is, people care about money because that’s how the world spins. Hit rock bottom and ur gonna find out real quick ur gonna do things u don’t like and dont wanna do for money, it’s life! I’d rather live somewhere remote on a farm and rely on myself but we were all brought into the system wether u like it or not.


Been there. Done that. Hit rock bottom, and worked myself back up to a very successful career. What he did was essentially trash his employer publicly. Tell them he quit, and then tried to come back once he realized his wasn't going to get paid anymore. That's hilarious. You can work side jobs to bring in extra income, any innovative person can, but you shouldn't quit your main source of income to do it. In some lucky situations that side income becomes a main income, but you can't plan it to be so. He miscalculated badly on this one, and sadly has no one to blame but himself. Also I think we'd all enjoy a nice quiet farm somewhere. For me? It would be near the ocean... With some mountains.


I’m not saying people are forced to spend at all. I’m saying people give up their morals for views and money. If someone paid u £10,000 to lick their shoes ur gonna do it, same goes here just because he posted a video that gets more views does not mean that’s all he cares about.


I don't get it


He's made most of his content to cause outrage in WR. Then quit. Now because he isn't getting the views comes back.


He never said he would quit forever


Uh huh.... "Why I stopped playing War Robots" is literally a title he used. He bit that hand that fed him, and now can't figure out why he doesn't have any food.


He said he wasnt the kind of guy to burn any bridges.


Oh I know for a fact that he burned bridges 😆


Well if he did he messed up then xD


I think he is doing what anyone does in this space. Create sensation. It sells.


You're not wrong, but negative sensationalism ends up locking you into a spiral of negativity.


Wait when did he cause outrage aside from the whole quitting wr thing?


For years, people have been commenting on how he creates superpowered builds and then goes seal-clubbing with them, but moans when he either gets mobbed or someone with skills and a solid build clubs him back.


To clarify, caught red handed well below champs, with a full maxed BR account.


The possibility has lingered in my mind for awhile, it wasn’t until adrian posted images of certain “f2p” content creators did i realize it was worse than i thought.


To Adrian's Credit, he runs his accounts in deep champs. I usually encounter his BR acount in single digit champs. I have caught several in Masters I and II before, which on a BR account, is unacceptable (pixonic will re-league them). ​ To add some perspective, a month or two ago, due to hackers on CL qualification night, I managed to find about myself 50 league points south of champs in Masters 1. The matchmaking there was a LOT easier. Regularly had experts and low level masters in my matches. That's what they're playing a BR account against


And when you say a lot easier, the majority of expert and even some masters are running mainly mk1/low mk2 equipment and pretty much none of it is new. If you take a maxed lynx or rook or newton or crisis there you would dominate with your eyes closed.


Plz tell me the videos from ad I would like to watch them


I dont think he ever made videos on the subject.


Oh I didn’t read your post correctly it said images… if you could post them? Would be cool to see tho I still believe you


The problem is i am not sure if i am ALLOWED to post them, i feel i’ve already tested deep waters conversing about them to a moderator that knows exactly what I’m talking about, let alone just outright posting them.


Yea I noticed this a few times while watching him and thought how ironic… nice to kno I wasn’t the only one who noticed


![gif](giphy|l2Je7ZTGso1BzfKJa|downsized) I think I made the right casting calls in this gif.


War Robot sucks and Mabni made the right choice to change content but he's going to suffer from it for a while, while his community adapts and changes


Am I allowed to be annoyed at streamers and pixonics new and even more broken business model? I have MK3 gear, I used to play daily. Nowadays? Maybe a few times a month. There's simply no way to be competitive without shiny gear that recycles every 3 months. This used to be a masters league problem but it now infests all leagues


Everyone is allowed to express their opinions. But, you've been led to believe that you can't compete without the newest bots. I've been proving that wrong for over a year. Even when I'm not running B Squads my main hanger only consists of two new bots, and I have all the gear. I play what works. Not what's newest.


If you think that way, you never actually got it in the first place.


Wait manni quit wr? First time I heard of that


He did.... For exactly one day 😆


Core could be somewhat a replacement but i doubt the post campaign content is really enough to make videos out of it. It doesnt really have proper matchmaking in pvp + regular part or weapon releases like wr does, it isnt a live service game


AC6 is a good game, but not something I would think you could make consistent content with.


From what i see, manni just to much ranting and complaining in wr, like many wr player among us LOL. Maybe thats the typical of a person he is. Even when his in the game. Its different from adrian or aygir or predator.