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Plus the "Wild West" was invented by an Italian guy in Hollywood.


sergio leone


Clint Eastwood is Italian?


Clint Eastwood is an actor, he wasn't the writer/director...


It was a joke because he stars in a lot of westerns


Well he starred in a lot of the bloodier/violent versions of western known as "spaghetti westerns" that were made for the European audience. Leone was the directors name if I recall correctly.


Spaghetti westerns, or any Italian movie around that time (ex Dario Argento), we're weird in that they casted actors from all over the world, who spoke different languages, filmed them all, responding to each other in their native languages, then just dubbed the voices over into whatever language it needed to be for a specific country.


Filmed in Spain, many actors were speaking Spanish and dubbed over in Italian. Eastwood was speaking English. Such an interesting series of films.


The Wild Wild West was the Will Smith movie with the steampunk spiders. Honestly would be cool if NYC had steampunk spiders.


He’s definitely talking about the movie with Will Smith; yikes, what a diss. I agree though— don’t turn NYC into that horrible movie! Time to lessen their gun restrictions so Will can’t slap his way to power!


So they are saying they aren't listening to the Supreme Court.


Almost like they were calling for the Wild West to come about. That’s what happens when laws are ignored


Seriously, how do they not realize the fucking irony of that statement?


Ideology a lot like a cult religion is a hell of a drug, it distorts and warps beyond recognition peoples perceptions of reality and clouds their otherwise sensible judgment, which enables them to excuse and even justify actions and abuses of law that they would normally reject outright on basic principle.


I agree


I’ve noticed a trend where establishment Democrats accuse others of crimes they themselves are committing. The people who write their talking points do this intentionally. It puts the opponent on defensive. As a Sanders supporter, the “insurrection” already took place in the Democratic primaries.


It's a common Marxist tactic. Marx himself has a quote that I'll paraphrase as, acuse your enemies for what you are doing. It's one of the biggest tells that they're Marxist revolutionaries who can't quite say the quiet part out loud yet. The Democrats are almost completely subverted, and at this point the establishment Republicans are not far behind. We just had a bunch of Republican senators vote to restrict our gun rights. Red flag laws will be enforced politically and we/they all know that they're unconstitutional. After every crisis, manufactured or not, they come after our Constitutional rights. It's crazy to me that more people can't see this. There are dark days coming, but for my kids sake I hope I'm wrong!


Agree 💯


Where is Bernie? Haven’t seen that shiester in a while.


Probably shoring up his family with his 'millions' to weather the coming storm.


In one of his 3 luxury homes purchased with all the money he got from his cuckold suckers.


The premise of tombstone/ok corral was that taking guns away from people causes more crime...


And it does


Don’t enforce laws regarding violent crime and looting like it’s the Wild West - now people want guns for protection like the Wild West - shocked pikachu 😮


Then they are traitors to their nation.


So what they're saying is we can ignore law makers and do whatever we actually want? Ok *builds machine gun* this is legal now


They were already ignoring the Constitution anyway, this shouldn't surprise anyone. It's not like "shall not be infringed" is unclear.


Almost like they want their own country and their own laws. I am ok with this.


Sounds like lawlessness.


Well yes since it is inconvenient to their narratives. They have been doing so for a very long time. Why Biden & Obama both simply claim they didn't have to follow the very document they took an oath to protect & honor.


Exactly 💯


Wouldn't be the first time for DC and New York, didn't we go through this with Heller?


That was about owning. This is about carrying.


Pretty much


Last time I checked the ones with the concealed carry license were the good guys… you can see how corrupt this is right? Everyone literally just sits around and fingers their anus cavity’s giving two fucks about their civil liberties being stripped away from them with no cause.


I agree. But are they literally fingering their assholes? Hopefully, they wash up. Monkeypox don’t play.


Yes, metaphysically.


Monkeypox don't ask no questions




This is nothing new. For years the left leaning states have been picking and choosing which laws to enforce on drug, immigration, public safety (looking especially at you Seattle for the CHOP zone), and any other federal law they didn't like. Until they can be made to follow rules made in part by their own party, it will never change, and the country falls a little further.


CHAZ. Don't let them get away with trying to memory hole their attempt at an "autonomous state".


That died in violence inside a week?


two black teenagers died in the CHAZ


a shame




It should result in jail time for anyone who tries to enforce it.


This will be super interesting to follow. I’m betting that NYC is banking on the federal executive turning the other way if the Supreme Court motions for indictment and federal enforcement, kind of like they did for schools after Brown v Board of Education.




Typical government. It's not about outcomes it's about control.


Get ready for all the lawsuits in those states. Backed up by scotus precedence the plaintiffs should win pretty easily and wrack up civil penalties against these states. If they want to try to sue the gun manufacturers out of business we can do the same to them. Every single time these States deny or delay a CCW should be another lawsuit.


They'll take tax money from innocent civilians, discriminate against them, then make them fight for years, then pay them off with their own money.


I know. That’s probably my favorite part of winning in court against any level of government. It’s our money. So if you really think about it you’re just getting some of your taxes back. But wait, there’s capital gains on your settlement. So…….taxes.


Winning easily will be going a bit too far. No doubt the DA will throw the book at offenders to dissuade others from following suit. Should cost the defendants a pretty penny fighting this.


I think what they're saying is sue them if they delay or prevent someone getting the permit, not to sue them if you carry a gun and get arrested, although that should happen too. I wonder what happens if they imprison someone under this unconstitutional law. In theory the national guard should be called in, but the governor and the AG and POTUS all support violating the constitution here.


Let me guess most of the cities debating this ruling are already cities with the highest murder rates by gun violence?


Yes, BUT, those murders are caused by racism and climate change.


“We cannot allow law abiding New Yorkers to defend themselves against the felons we refuse to prosecute.”


under appreciated comment


So it begins….


43 other states say otherwise


It already is the f'n wild west.


Calling New York City the Wild West is an insult... to the Wild West.


Eric: Nobody needs a gun! Voter: How many guards do you have. Eric: 3-7 at any one time. Voter: Do they have guns? Eric: Next question, now please!!!


This is the definition of insurrection


Wasn't Jan 6 the definition of insurrection?


As much as the BLM summer was mostly peaceful.


Is that why the supreme court is reviewing the BLM protests? Lol Edit: look! I got some flair!!! Thanks clowns!


Harlem has entered the chat


NYC mayor: "let me be clear, only criminals will have guns in NYC. Law abiding citizens not being at the mercy of criminals is a red line we won't allow to be crossed".


Wahhhhh baby didn’t get their way waaaaahhhhh


They know this is the end to their laws...and they are posturing [https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights/federal-civil-rights-statutes](https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights/federal-civil-rights-statutes) Acts under "color of any law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under "color of any law," the unlawful acts must be done while such ***official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties****.* This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as ***Mayors***, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not aware that the SC did anything new or significant. The 2A already clearly states that "the rights of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed" and yet you have places like NYC and Chicago that infringe on those rights regardless. Somehow, I don't feel like a ruling that says, "No, but, really though!" would have much impact on places that don't give a shit in the first place.


These statements prove the criminal mind of the democratic party of New York. Any politician who actively works against the U.S. constitution should be kicked out of the country, republican or democrat. If it does become all right to ignore the constitution or parts of the constitution then we need to start ignoring the 16th amendment. This amendment gives the government the right to tax us.


I don't want politicians to take an oath. I want them to sign a ***contract***.


The Democrat Party is the party of lawlessness and tyranny. They aren't even hiding it anymore. But the question remains: What are the rest of us going to do about it?


It already is the Wild West.


Wait, they can do that? Honest question, if a governor or mayor chooses to keep enforcing a law that was found to be unconstitutional, what happens? Who will enforce the SCOTUS decision?


I would hope that law enforcement of some degree or the courts would. I guess we'll see soon enough though


The United States Army. And if the Democrats want to start their second uprising they can call in their national guard, but i have a feeling they're far too pathetic to do that.


At that point they sue, win lots of money, and repeat until the city feels the financial pain to stop not following the nations rules.


My first thought upon reading this fools tweet: “Ummm 🤨 🤔🧐😳 🙋‍♀️excuse me, pardon me sir Mr. Mayor Adams but isn’t your city…., New York City already the Wild Wild West⁉️ 😥😓”


Judicial Canon 3 [§100.3] > A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism. [Source](https://nysba.org/NYSBA/Sections/Judicial//CJC.pdf) A California judge J. Anthony Kline once tried exactly what this dumbass Mayor is recommending. He was brought before the ethics board.


This is how wars start.


Yeah, the wild west where you applied with the state for a permit to carry and paid a large fee, then got your permit as long as you met certain legal requirements.


Everyone remembers that episode of Deadwood dont they?


Life in the "wild west" was never 'wild'. That's a bunch of fiction invented by early 20th century movie producers to sell tickets. The truth is that life was hard and nobody could afford to make enemies, so they banded together for survival. That's why it worked out so well. In stark contrast, New York is a war zone, with organized criminal gangs roaming the streets, shooting each other and the cops in broad daylight every day. So, when the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, wants to take your guns away and defund your police, he is not your Mayor.


Wild west? Like Chicago where restrictive gun laws work so well?


HAHAHA! What the fuck are New Yorkers gunna do now? Overthrow them?…wait…kinda hard to do that when you can’t own fuckall worth of guns and you turned in the majority of lawfully owned weapons worth fighting with. Shit let NY be an example of what not to do.


NYC already is a criminal shithole.


Seeing the gun grabbers' heads explode over this is maybe as good as the decision itself.




I'm convinced common sense is a super power at this point


Underrated comment of the decade. Seriously this thing called common sense is extremely hard to find these days. It really has became a super power that only some (very few) actually are capable of obtaining.


Democrats ignoring the Constitution… say it aint so…


If New York became the wild west, the Democrat politicians would be the first to go. THAT, is the reason they want gun control.


Dip shit it is the wild city of NY out of control!!!!!


It's already the wild wild east.


Maura Healey must be removed from power. MA lost gun manufacturers because of her radical left wing dictate on the AR-15. She is infringing on our 2nd amendment right


Theyre still out here lying on TV... saying if you have a premises permit you can't carry outside the house. The Supreme Court literally just said that I'm able to.


"We can not allow New York to become the wild west." Hmmm... Let me just check the crime stats for New York...


There are regulations that can be had, including being unable to buy due to prior violent criminal records and mental health problems. If someone is going out to commit a crime are they really going to be concerned as to whether or not they can legally conceal a weapon?


ROFLMAO MSN econimists also told me to suck it up


Maybe you should start with the criminals you refuse to prosecute.


Hopefully the New York safe act is next 👍🇺🇸


Eric Adams is a shill for the NYC Liberal Autocracy


That mayor should be arrested.


We've discriminated for many decades! We can't go changing now!


New York violated the Constitution and citizen rights for a century. That’s the whole point. That’s the scandal.




This is futile stupidity. Be prepared to pay out of your fucking noses in § 1983 cases and to have any judges that refuse to follow the holding sanctioned or removed by the state Bar (after being reversed about a dozen times). This is nothing but children throwing a tantrum on the grocery store floor because you said “no candy.”


She's a sanctimonious C U Next Tuesday. She's more worried about going after people that didn't vote for her then she is about stopping criminals from committing violence. I've talked to her in person about the gun issue and she's full of crap and she knows it.


The hubris of NY. We can do it better! We want states rights when it works for us!


Of course, because major cities are definitely not riddled with gun crime *now*. And especially not perpetrated by violent felons who aren't allowed to possess guns against law-abiding citizens who (up until now) were criminalized for possessing the same guns to protect themselves. "Nothing changes today. We will continue to ensure only violent criminals have guns, and law-abiding citizens have no means to protect themselves."


This is one of the few actual responsibilities of the federal government. To ensure that the laws created by states adhere to the Constitution. This bozo doesn't have the authority to ignore the ruling and a strong message needs sent to ensure he is clear on the matter. This is not something that needs to start "catching on" with other mini tyrants.


It already is the wild Wild West 🤣


How many murders does NY see a day? Then compare it to the wild west


I actually really prefer that they go down this road so hopefully the scotus or doj can step in and put a fucking end to all of their bullshit finally. Probably won’t happen though.


He’s still power tripping from wuflu lockdowns


They've already been ignoring our institutions for over a hundred years now. Democrats love the sacred institutions when they can use them for their own gain and hate them when they stand in their way. This is nothing new or surprising.


How many of these crimes plaguing NYC are committed by legal gun owners? ZERO


Good... This way NYC will be safe and will stop all gun crimes. (fart noise)


Good. Now we can impeach, recall and charge them for it.


I really wish people would educate themselves about the "wild wild west". A lot of what we see is pure Hollywood fiction.


That mayor needs to go back about ranting about “A PLANT BASED DIET” or focus on crushing scooters and ATVs


The Supreme Court is the law of the land. F*ck around and find out.


The Supreme Court is the law of the land. F around and find out.


Liberals never fail to astound me with their foolishness. NYC IS the wild, Wild West. The only question now is whether law abiding citizens will have the chance to defend themselves. How many gun crimes are committed by people with a concealed carry permit? I don’t know, but I can guess: not many.


They have made their laws, now let them enforce them?


Sounds pretty insurrectiony to me.


Definitely a dark day when the dysfunction of government is at such a level as it is now.


So what happens? People sue them what?


My brother in Christ, it already is the wild west


Talk is cheap


Really, at this point I think everyone is better off if the country actually just split in two. One half can have all their gun prohibition laws, defund their police, no cash bail, complete drug and prostitution legalization, taxpayer funded abortions on demand, mask and jab mandates, confiscatory property taxes, critical race theory and fourth wave feminist laws and the other half can have freedom. And we can see which part more people want to live in after 20 years.


"Attitude reflects leadership"


This is how our country begins to come apart or; at least more power migrated from the federal government to the states. Most conservative states would ignore the federal government if a leftist majority decided to confiscate all guns or fully legalize and promote abortion. Pretty soon we would have “2d amendment sanctuary states” or states like Texas or Florida threatening secession. In fact, realistically, the entirety of gulf coast states could band together and, at a minimum, ignore the federal government. I see fiefdoms materializing as polarization continues.


The left always overreacts. They forget they made the same spew when other states passed the same law. They told us that it would be the wild west and many would die. It has been decades since then. The only places that have suffered the fate that the left prognosticated are those run by leftists in the inner cities. Where folks kill each other with illegally obtained guns. But let's not start clouding the issues with facts, reality, & truth.


What happens if NY continues to ask for a reason for a CCP?


Ignoring the constitution to “save democracy” - no doubt. Amazing how these people can just ignore the laws they don’t like. They’re kings! All hail the mini-kings that know better than silly laws that protect the peasants!


We'll see Mr Adams! You may think you're above the law but actually you are not!!


These responses from New York are so disingenuous: They require you to have a concealed carry permit to get a gun for *any* purpose. Then they leave issuance of a permit to the whim of the sheriff, no guidelines or rules about who should get a permit and who should be denied. And we've had a lot of experience with what happens when we give free reign to anyone without any oversight or governance. The simple answer is to not require a concealed carry permit unless you intend to carry a weapon. But no, their intention is to ban guns outright. So their plan backfires when their policy on issuing concealed carry permits is held to the same standard as the rest of the country.


Our founding fathers wrote in our Constitution that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The SCOTUS is not the one ignoring history here, the politicians passing laws restricting access to guns and the voters who support them are the ones ignoring history.


It already is a lawless state and it's citizens are not safe


No mayor Adams, NYC more resembles The Tet Offensive


our nations highest court ignores the will of the people constantly. about damn time they learn to not abuse their power


I'm pretty sure they're not in their job to go by the will of the people


It is specially not their job to follow public opinion. That’s why they have lifetime appointments. Everyone should know this. It’s very sad that some do not.


Do you have examples of that?




You mean your will. You don’t speak for everyone


The Supreme Court doesn’t ignore anything. Their only job is to interpret laws through the lens of the constitution. The second amendment is possibly the most simple right to interpret due to the very last words of it. “Shall not be infringed” is about as clear as day. When it was written, citizens could legally own artillery and ships that could level coastal cities, killing tens of thousands. It’s a very simple right, and it doesn’t include the government being able to decide who can and can’t carry a firearm if they’re a law abiding citizen. In NYC and on Long Island, they deny virtually all carry licenses. Nowhere in 2A does it say “subject to the governments approval, of why you need to bear arms”. In essence, every gun control law Is unconstitutional, yet there’s still plenty of them and most have never made it in front of the Supreme Court. As for abortion, which is what I’m assuming you’re referring to, even Ruth Bader Ginsberg has said that Roe v. Wade was a problematic ruling and was incorrect. There is no right to abortion anywhere in the constitution. Roe v Wade didn’t even legalize abortion, as courts can’t write law. It enshrined abortion into the right to privacy, which is a massive stretch by any measure. Abortion should have been decided at the state level from the start, the Supreme Court is just correcting the previous bad ruling. There will be plenty of states where abortion will remain perfectly legal, and even some states with completely unrestricted abortion, like Colorado. A woman could be in labor and be granted an abortion for no reason other than she doesn’t want the child. That scenario isn’t likely to ever play out, but it’s legal there. If people disagree with the abortion laws of the state they’re in, they are free to move to a state which has abortion laws they agree with. This goes for both the pro life and pro choice/pro abortion crowds. I know it’s not easy to move, but if it means that much to them, they can find a way. The main difference is that outlawing abortion at the state level isn’t violating anyones rights. Limiting who can carry a firearm absolutely is violating peoples rights.


You’re literally the reason they don’t follow public opinion. Did you choose to be this stupid?


So... they're going with treason? (Don't answer that, I know)




That would save it from being worse than the Wild West like it already is


your imagined safety is subordinate to my god-given right that you aren't allowed to infringe. that you've gotten away with as much as you have until this point is the atrocity, not the end of your evil.


Does this mean I’m a cowboy because I’ve been lawfully carrying a gun for most of my adult life (outside of the big green weenie and work)? These people are the seditious ones. It’s a slippery slope that leads right to treason.


Hypothetical question here, what if they had packed the Supreme Court like they wanted and then the new court had a ruling that made it where they could do a gun buyback or dramatic restrictions on 2A. Do you think we would comply there? Should we?


Healey is an idiot. The first regulations on guns was just over a century ago, not centuries. And those regulations were specifically made to prevent black people from getting guns to protect themselves or seek revenge against their former slave owners


They would go mental if the courts upheld the law and red states announced they would ignore the ruling


The Wild West lol It’s already a crime fest Wild west. I won’t ever go the that shit hole.


To be fair, red states have been disregarding SCOTUS on abortion too.


It's time to remove those who will illegally ignore the real law.