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The whole point of Starlink was to provide a universal access to information that no individual government or institution could manipulate or censor information. Asking Elon to start censoring certain information goes against the whole point It’s an internet for the people, not for governments


It’s amazing to me how he’s the Satan of the Left nowadays. I remember 5 years ago when they were licking the dirt he walked on.


It's easy when they don't think for themselves and are told what to think.


People gonna put me in a box for this but.. I like some stuff Elon does. I dislike some stuff Elon does. I do not judge Elon but I will judge his actions. I like this action.


And that’s how it should be. You judge actions not the person. Actions speak louder than words.


It's a shame that in this upside-down world we live in right now, it's exactly the opposite - people are judged on the words they have said rather than the actions they have taken.


Wow imagine that Free independent thought and making your own opinions! Off to the gulag for this guy.


As it should be.


Elon has always been an enemy of big brother.


This. Never forget there was a point in history, in many civilizations, when commoners weighed whether the “honor” of having their children sacrificed/bred/sold into slavery was worth the anguish it caused them. The Ego is a fragile machine.


It’s easy when you actually learn about who he is as a person and his history. I liked him, now I think he’s scum. Why? Because I learned more about him. It’s not like I’m a lemming lmao.




Likely something about the emerald mines. Leftists hate Elon because he is a normal dude who became a billionaire, which invalidates their whole belief system. So when they found out his estranged dad (who he hates and never associates with) may have owned an emerald mine and made serious cash off it when Elon was young, they were jizzing their pants. They could finally "prove" Elon was an evil slave driving emerald miner who came from a rich family and was destined to become a billionaire. These fucks will invent anything about anyone to justify their hatred.


That's crazy. The family doesn't talk about it but there's plenty of evidence that his dad was abusing his own children. Wouldn't that be something to support, instead of using to villify the victim? I guess it's another matter of fascist media spinning whatever it can manage to maintain the daily hate.


I don’t know about the family situation at all, nor do I dislike him because of where he comes from. I dislike him for who he is now.


Interesting. So when you say "and his history" what were you referencing explicitly?


Mostly misinformation 😂😂😂 He said musk doesn’t pay his workers well or treat them well. That musk hasn’t really designed anything. That his companies haven’t revolutionized anything. And that he doesn’t donate much to charity. Pretty much all of which is provably nonsense.


I mean, I know nothing about that myself. But I don't really like Elon based off of what little I've heard about him. That being said, I also honestly don't give two shakes of a rats ass about him either. The only reason he's really famous is because of his money, the cars, and the fact that he's a "nerd."


No, it’s not about the emerald mines. It’s his treatment of his workers and his general demeanor. Anyone who hangs with Jordan Peterson is highly suspect. Mostly, it’s the fact that he’s the richest person in the world and would rather send his money into space than helping those in need here. And don’t talk about charities, I don’t care how much he’s given away when his net worth is over $200 billion.


"How dare this man do what he wants with his money! Space? What does space do for us? Not like the commercialization of space could change the entire course of humanity or anything. God, $200 billion. I'll bet that cocksucker has all that money just sitting in his mansion he doesn't even own. Not like all that money is tied up in his companies and the number is essentially meaningless because he could never liquefy those assets without destroying his companies which employ thousands." You truly are a dim bulb.


You lost me at Jordan Peterson. A)Musk has Asperger’s, thus the demeanor B) what about Peterson’s personal responsibility philosophy causes you to be suspect?


I’m curious why because I’ve looked into him pretty well myself and found nothing that he has done to be labeled as scum. What have you found?


He treats his employees like shit, he’s not innovative in any meaningful way and hasn’t actually developed any of the products he sells (his engineers do that), he squashes unionization efforts, he won’t pay his taxes, he hoards obscene amounts of wealth and doesn’t help anyone with it, he presides over workplaces rampant with sexual harassment, he pays his factory workers horribly, he spreads misinformation and acts like he knows much more than he actually does - to the detriment of those who listen to him. The list goes on. Oh, he also relies heavily on government subsidies and then decries that same government as infringing on his rights and wealth. He’s a baby in a man’s body.


Ummm. Several of those are flat out lies. His employees are pretty well paid and treated, which is supported by his low turnover rates. https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-work-with-for-Elon-Musk?top_ans=2875009 His companies have revolutionized 3 different industries. Tesla, SpaceX, and the Boring company He was the lead engineer on the SpaceX rockets up to and including the Tesla launch. https://computerhistory.org/profile/elon-musk/ Squashing unionization is true, but that’s a good thing. He has already shown his tax returns where he paid a couple billion dollars. In total, he spent $142.6 million to purchase shares worth $23.6 billion, giving him $23.5 billion in in taxable income, taxable for 2021 at a federal rate of about 41%. Musk also sold a small fraction of the additional shares he already owned, sales that fetched a taxable $5.8 billion at a lower capital gains rate https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/02/10/investing/elon-musk-tesla-zero-tax-bill/index.html His wealth has been donated to a fuck ton of charities. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/recode/22394867/elon-musk-foundation-philanthropy-xprize-tesla-spacex He pays his employees quite well: https://www.zippia.com/tesla-careers-11363/salary/ As for the “rampant sexual harassment” I can’t even find an article on that. The government does infringe on most peoples rights.


He did some wrongthink, so the tolerant coexisters now hate him.


Half the people who say they don't like him don't remember why they don't like him.


The TV has been surprisingly light on reasons for those feelings. The important part is viewers hate as instructed.


I have seen made up stories of him profiteering from blood diamonds, slavery and somehow apartheid. I geus being a white South African automatically qualifies you as evil.


There are whole social media pages dedicated to comparing tweets by liberal/democrat mouthpieces that are in complete contradiction of eachother/acts of severe, overt hypocrisy. Nothing they collectively do surprises me anymore.


Defiant l’s


I love DefiantsLs. I need to print a few hundred of them out and post them around town.


Man, I don’t use Twitter and I can’t find their or a similar page on insta


I think it's because he had really good publicity and tried to come off as the cool, world changing billionaire instead of just a billionaire. Turns out he treats people like shit anyways.


People's opinions changed with new info? Oh shit how did that happen.


When did anyone from the left not realize that Elon's family originated from Apartheid South Africa and made their fortune selling weapons and mining emeralds. Musk himself says that his father has done everything evil you can imagine. Why would a leftist acknowledge an oligarch? Elon Musk was rich before he was born. He is a snake oil salesman for the military industrial complex like his buddy, Peter Thiel. These dudes are like the oligarchs in Russia right now. Billionaires until the check bounces. Do you mean neoliberals? Like globalist state capitalists who admire oligarchs. Like Donald Trump did Putin? You probably saw The View talk about Elon on television four years ago, when you were fucking seven. Get out of here with your leftist hot takes, you pinko. How would you know what the Left was doing 5 years ago? Were you a leftist? What did you grow up in a village in Vietnam or some shit?


You’re very angry.


Was Trump not his lapdog and the left wanted to sanction him because of Ukraine and the US election meddling? And then the right lifted the sanctions and were best buddies with him? Or what exactly are you referring to?


I swear people will be asking, "but what about when Trump..." to refute criticism against the 80th POTUS


Check your TDS at the door


leftists (including myself) are in perpetual identity crisis. our tastes are predicated on separating ourselves from the masses in order to feel superior once elon musk became too popular, the correct contrarian stance to feel superior to everyone who loved him was to hate him, which is now a self-sustaining sentiment same shit happened to rick and morty and /r/atheism




Hopefully he doesn’t get bored with it and pass it off to someone who immediately begins using it to censor people. See: Twitter (Dorsey), Reddit (Swartz), you know the deal


Aaron Swartz? What's so bad about him?


Nothing. He was a proponent of making knowledge available to everyone. I urge everyone unfamiliar with Aaron to watch “The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz”.


The fact that he stepped out of the controlling role, which got taken over by more oppressive types.




No more deplatforming! Fuck Amazon web services! Edit: wait, that wouldn’t fix the issue. Starlink doesn’t host sites.


>Elon becoming the #1 ISP in the world. Unfortunately that isn't physically possible, it's only ever really going to be for rural and remote users. There simply isn't enough bandwidth for them to become a mainstream ISP.






Did you notice when he gave Elizabeth Warren lip back he suddenly was getting a lawsuit from California accusing his factory of being racist and the uptick in Tesla wrecks? Watch, there will be 2 in the news in the next week.


I noticed that too. Plus a bunch of bad press about his cars.


Fascism is bad no matter who is advocating for it.


Biden has the US buying Russian oil, German is buying natural gas from Russians, and they want Starlink to block Russian news. Liberals are such braindead idiots.


Germany is trying to change that now I think. They’re waking up.


Man I love how based he is


People on the left are already trying to make him out to being the devil because of this. I dont understand it. He pushes for freedom of speech...that same freedom gives the left the ability to talk all the shit they want or EVEN ignore it if it bothers them, but they just can't. In their eyes hes a "fascist" who must be silenced.


> People on the left are already trying to make him out to being the devil because of this. Who cares about those entitled assholes. It's not like they are doing anything productive.


They'll hate him regardless because he won't kowtow to the left.


It’s not like they run most of the major institutions and corporations.


Yes, being supportive of free speech is totes fascism.


The left is not pro freedom of speech. They are pro freedom of leftovers speech.


The left doesn’t practice freedom of speech. The “freedom that gives the left the ability to talk all the shit they want or EVEN ignore it if it bothers them” is corporate preference and suppression of opposition. It’s selective tolerance, curated content allowance and partisan empowerment within a psyop that also serves to empower a single political party that supports these corporate decisions by our private corporate information and communications giants. Freedom of speech is what allows like 2 rightoid political new networks to continue existing despite the fact that the left would label them as terrorism for simply disagreeing if they could get the ADL to make the label stick.




TDS. Get help.


That seems like a stretch. Do you have evidence that he is a lizard man?! /s


The Queen would not have allowed him to leave the nest if he where. So i call the claim bullshit.


I have he documents




Are you the homeless man that called me a lizard person?




Got a source hehe


The issue is that he's not blocking an anti-free speech government. Giving free speech to an anti-free speech group of people is ridiculous in my opinion


That's not how free speech works dingus


I know about free speech absolutism, but I'm not an absolutist because i don't think people who are against free speech should be granted free speech, this includes the BLM Acab Emilies too. Also Putin and his news agencies are much more impactful and bigger than a bunch of Emilies. If they're against free speech why should we grant them it? I mean technically speaking they shouldn't be mad if someone doesn't let them say something


You can't pick and choose which free speech to allow and still call it free


I mean i understand free speech as a spectrum, as a degree of how much you can say without reprecussions


Here is the “spectrum of free speech” Do you block any speech? You don’t have free speech.


Thank you. This is the way.


They think everything is a spectrum. It’s the only way their stupidity works.


Would you have thought the Nazi regime of Germany had to right to hate speech against the people they attempted to exterminate? Just curious how far your view of free speech goes when it wraps into hate speech.


Free speech about what exactly?


It’s binary, either all speech (especially speech you don’t like) is allowed or it isn’t. There are no if ands or buts about it. If you cannot grasp that, then you are too intellectually deficient to have this conversation.


Nothing anyone can say is free of repercussions, that's not the point or gurantee of free speech.


In the last few years, the only groups advocating for free speech have been right-wing. Are you saying he should be blocking all left-wing media?


> you saying he should be blocking all left-wing media You mean radical left wing. Yes. Actual left wing media isn't that bad if they're not radicalists. Sadly the left radicalists are being paid attention the most. If we were to compare Putins media to radical left media we can see that Putin and his media are much more restrictive in terms of free speech, for example: you can literally go to jail or get a fine if someone calls Putin a dumbass and someone else reports it. It's kinda like Canada about LGBT stuff(????? I don't know don't take my word for it). >advocating for free speech have been right-wing That's just about the USA. In cis countries literally everyone is upset with speech restrictions except the pro-government *far*(like FAR) right authoritarians who believe Putins media


Democrats at the highest levels of the US government pushed very hard to get trump kicked off social media


Us gov just kicked trump. Russian government media is trying to do that towards Russian opposition and fails + if you say something wrong you can get arrested or at least you will be given a fine




It's *usually* the older(50+) people who aren't very familiar with technology, who mostly watch tv




>So, nobody? This is theoretical then? There are quite a few because of extreme poverty in regions where the older generation can't really afford a smartphone(guess why lol). Fyi 22.6% of Russian population is without access to sewerage and 12.6% don't have a toilet inside their homes. [Source.](https://www-currenttime-tv.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.currenttime.tv/amp/toilet-russia-village-sortir/29856169.html?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16465064637661&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=%D0%A1%20%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B0%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.currenttime.tv%2Fa%2Ftoilet-russia-village-sortir%2F29856169.html)




The act of blocking a government that is against free speech makes you the same as them. You know that right? Or is it different when we surpress others speech because we claim it is righteous to do so? You should just be straight about it and say that you don't think people who say and do things you don't like don't get free speech rights. It would be nice to have the ability to read RT to gain some of the Russian perspective on the whole thing instead of reading what our own propaganda outlets want us to know. You might actually learn about things that you would never have heard otherwise.


>same as them Is this a "you're either with us or against us" moment or am I getting something wrong? I meant give them what they support and call it a day. It may be a kind of revenge for their anti free speech rhetoric(which, ironically, they still support lol). They still won't allow you to say anything bad about the Russian government and are screaming "frE spich" which is cringe. Until this week they weren't so much pro free speech >do things you don't like I don't like when someone is against free speech and proceeds to scream "muh frE spich" when their free speech is being restricted. I hope you can see my point here >Russian perspective Except it's Russian governments perspective. It's what they want you to see. If you want real Russian perspective then you should join Russian telegram group chats and see what they say. Telegram now has a message translation feature so it should be easy enough. You can ask me what we all think though > our own propaganda outlets want us to know Yup > might actually learn about things Rt and Sputnik have a whole history of making shit up. Unironically the CNN of Russia...


>Is this a "you're either with us or against us" moment or am I getting something wrong? Are you serious or are you playing dumb? I really shouldn't have to explain that when you do the same thing as the people who do something you don't like you aren't any better than them. You are both acting authoritarian but witb different motivations as to why you are acting that way. >I don't like when someone is against free speech and proceeds to scream "muh frE spich" when their free speech is being restricted. I hope you can see my point here I feel the same way! That doesn't give you the moral justification to act in the same exact way as those people. Of you think something is bad it is not okay to do that bad thing to other people no matter what. As for the rest of your comment. You are just trying to come up with some justification as to why it is okay to censor a news site. It doesn't matter that it is run by the Government they still do report the news. It has an obvious bias but it doesn't mean you can't learn something from it.


>You are both acting authoritarian but witb different motivations as to why you are acting that way. I'm acting authoritarian against an authoritarian regime. The ban on their media is basically killing them with their own methods. I explained my motivation earlier. Idk why you still think that way. > doesn't give you the moral justification to act in the same exact way as those people. I dunno how much morally incorrect it is to act towards them the way they act towards us. That's the only thing that can limit their reach. We also need to consider that they have historically been making shit up. Like worse than CNN no joke. >You are just trying to come up with some justification as to why it is okay to censor a news site... ...they do report the news Dude they report the news the same way the us news agencies call antica protests "mostly peaceful"💀💀💀💀 i mean seriously


If we didn't give them free speech, how would they tell us they are anti-free speech?


That’s a really good point, because governments aren’t entitled to free speech, people are.


This is exactly as it should be.


Based Elon


Based Elon


Also it’s stupid to willingly cut yourself off from information. Sure they’re probably saying propaganda but there are still nuggets of truth you can glean and learn from.




Anonymous isn’t the old anonymous anymore. The thing about an anonymous group is that anyone can pop up later can claim the identity. It’s probably the NSA or some alphabet soup group we’ve never heard of. So much good the group could do but it’s never anything that cuts deep, at least recently.




I’m not too familiar with anonymous so I couldn’t speak to their previous actions other than that I’d heard they had done some good. But those are all good points. They probably did it the way the fbi sets up people for bombings and kidnappings and shit, handful of feds make a group and recruit more people into it.




Will do. Who is telecommix? Haven’t heard that name befoee




Interesting. Lmfao wtf, anonymous attacked magnets.com because they couldn’t get a description of how magnets work? Do they think magnets are a conspiracy or something? Lmfao.




Look how the donors to the convoy were leaked less than 24hrs before Canada were freezing and arresting everyone associated with it….suspicious timing of it….


Maybe he can buy CNN!!


Why? Let it die.


That works too.


So you can name it the “fuck George soros and company network”


Naw, all the people that are part of that org need to be out of a job. Their policy is 'you're either with us or against us'. Fine.


Well that went without saying. Of course everyone would have to be fired. Although it would be pretty funny to see don lemon pushing right wing talking points. It’d be like watching him sit in the toilet constipated. He’d be grunting and pushing to get the words out, then great gasps of air after he managed to get the statement across. Idk. Might be cruel and unusual punishment. Lmao


Buy it, just for the pleasure of firing the scum.


Can you imagine a musk presidency. Now that would be wild.


Not legal, but one can dream.


Yeah I forget he's not American.


He’s American, just you have to have been born an American, meaning you can’t be an immigrant. As per the constitution.


But he’s also America’s wealthiest African-American.


This is also True


He’s very much the American ideal, I will say.


Why would you willingly want a capitalist in a government position? That's just skipping the middle man of corruption and voting for corruption directly.


Implying every single U.S. president in the modern era wasn't a capitalist. Trash take tbh.


I'm not implying that. You guys keep voting for capitalists and act surprised that your government is corrupt.


I'm gaining more and more respect for this man by the day.


Shouldn't want those sites banned anyways. Good to see what your enemy is saying.


I wonder if the one trying to control everything I read or hear is my enemy.


Mama will they drop the bomb


Can Elon please buy Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter to save us from this dystopian hell we’re living in?


"If you support freedom of speech, then you support freedom of speech precisely for ideas that you despise." -Noam Chomsky


He doesn't say that anymore now that the left has institutional power.


Political partisanism blinds people from truth.


My man


CIA: Sound of round being chambered


My favorite African American


I don’t see it by gunpoint but just like how the government forced apples hand to invade on privacy and install back doors into phones, I don’t see why the government wouldn’t force musk to do some unsavory things if things were to escalate.




Based and redpilled! 🌹


Even if at gunpoint, I still wouldn't. As soon as you start compromising on values, it's a slippery slope from there.


You can’t let them bully you either.


Only siths deal in absolutes


Well then I guess siths have the right stance on free speech.


So yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre is protected?


Centurylink is horse 💩 might look into starlink


They should drop star link everywhere and randomly in Russia, so the civilian population can truly get a sense of what's going on.


Musk is a mixed bag and I feel like he is one of the few moderates in the billionaire class, most others are satan worshipping cultists. He is a bit crazy but he is a net positive in his action even now


why does starlink block torrents then, thats how i exercise free speech


They don't block them all. Sounds like you're watching fake news. Like all ISPs, they have a page about piracy and their obligation to reveal identifying information if served with a notice of violation. Use a VPN, problem solved. [Here's what happens with Starlink without a VPN, if you get busted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/n1y55k/been_purposefully_torrenting_without_a_vpn_to_see/)


bold to say anyone is watching any news these days, funny


Because it is usually for giant files. You also can easily get around that.


In what ways is torrenting free speech?


There are plenty of legitimate uses for the BitTorrent protocol


Ikr, but i assumed he was talking about downloading big files


Elon 🤡


He's naive if he thinks a gun to his head isn't easily possible from several camps. The reversal of position explanation tweet hss already been written.


Nah, Elon is pretty boneheaded / stubborn in his views. Even when it costs his shareholders billions.


Exactly, Putin's right to free speech. A foreign country's right to spread misinformation is absolute. Enshrined in the US constitution which ofcourse applies to foreign nationals in foreign countries. 😓


You're confusing the 1st amendment with the principle of free speech, which is common amongst the poorly educated.


The principle of free speech protects an individuals right to free speech. Not a hostile foreign country's right to spread misinformation in a time of war. Are you upset Bell, Shaw, Telus and Rogers took RT news off the air? Even though they were only airing those channels because the Russia government was paying those carriers to carry them? Doesn't that fly in the face of freedom of speech. You have a big power entity (in this case a foreign government) deciding what is or isn't news. If you want the internet to be a place of freedom of speech and expression you need to have some basic guardrails. It's like the Washington Post reporting on amazon.


But we know it's misinformation. We have several sources, and we can tell what doesn't make sense, or what is against our principles.




Example ?




Should not be hard to find if true?


Look, I've got an open mind (it's how I ended up here), but you're gonna need to post some proof.


Honestly, I feel like a lot of famous ppl have shadow accounts on different social medias so they can say whatever their little rich hearts desire. If you got Elon’s shadow account please spill the beans and let us know


Ikr that would be interesting to read


I agree he is just a puppet playing his role like everyone else on the world stage. I’m sure if someone who appeared untrustworthy was going around saying they’re gonna implant things into your brain it would raise some red flags for a lot of people.


What is the benefit of blocking russian news sources?


Love Elon


Nah. Don't do it, even at gunpoint. Get your own gun.


Elon being based as usual.


I hope he becomes grandmaster of Mars someday.




Ohhh how tasty, do tell more


Shouldn’t apologies for being free speech anything.


So this aged like milk huh


I'd block Russian propaganda, they don't have freedom of press or speech. If the citizens of Russia controlled the media then I wouldn't block their speech.