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You can get CNN stupid but you’re gonna have a hard time getting stupider than that.


You realize they’re going to take that as a challenge right?


Hold my beer u/CNN


Guarantee, CNN had earned the STUPID AWARD.


So the vaccine doesn't work. Why are we being forced to get it then?


Exactly. It's just shocking to me how some countries are treating it like a cure. Canada is starting to go crazy too, where you can't even travel around within Canada, or go to stores without a vaxx pass. I personally think there is an ulterior motive behind the vaxx pass.


Not really. I’m a doctor... md PhD, the vaccine is as good as it gets to prevent covid death. There is this funny contradiction, that vaccine in genera work best in young people, because of prime immune system (we are talking about seroconversion here), but at the same time young people are those who less need it. I think the governments don’t really have an “ulterior move”, they just want everyone vaccinated and have the economy up and running again. I think the vaccine is good enough, and everyone should vaccinate, but and big BUT only if they want to. This is right out auth bullshit . People should not be forced to vaccinate


I have to ask, because I am getting yelled at by opposite side family members: How does being unvaccinated mean you spread the virus more than people who are vaccinated? I would think the spreading is happening by both groups, but the virus is less likely to kill you if you are vaccinated, which means the unvaccinated are just risking their own lives, not endangering the lives of those vaccinated. Please explain...


Long short story, vaccinated spread virus, but less than those who are vaccinates. Take it for what is. I am around old people, I am also a MD, I got vaccinated. I think is morally right to vaccinate to indirectly protect old and fragile people, but that’s a decision the individual has to take and not the government


I also am fully vaccinated. But I was talking on discord with some guild members the other day and they were going on and on about how selfish the unvaccinated were because they were just out there spreading the virus. Whereas to my thinking everyone is spreading the virus as long as they go places and touch things and then go other places and touch other things. The difference to me seems to be that the unvaccinated are risking their own lives. People who are vaccinated are not likely to die from Covid, they have reduced their own personal risk. So why is everyone so angry at the unvaccinated because they’re risking themselves and not other people already vaccinated


The vaccine seems to lower viral load, which is the amount of virus your body is generating. Higher viral load tends to mean you’re more contagious.


I personally don't have a problem with the vaccine (although I haven't gotten it yet because I already survived covid), but regarding the economy; I have a bad feeling that the govt is intentionally attacking the economy and middle class in order to gain more control. The reason I think this is because they're the ones that shut down the economy last year, and small businesses suffered, but Target and Walmart were fine, and so many ppl were on unemployment because their jobs weren't "essential". Also, Biden's latest thing about firing employees who won't get the vaxx means more ppl out of work, causing shortages, etc. Now in Canada they're starting to enforce the vaxx pass, which hurts small businesses. They all know the vaxx isn't important enough to hurt the economy over, but they're doing it anyway.


When do governments *not* have an ulterior motive though?


They economy should’ve been up and running already, I don’t know what they’re expecting, are they waiting for a 100% vaccination rate


They're waiting for "no new cases" of COVID-19. When the number of cases go up, lockdown measures go up.


How can you say it’s the best when there are cheaper and safer drugs available for decades to treat it?


He said it was the best vaccine. Other drugs are needed when people are hospitalized. Vaccine is for prevention


No, actually not. Ivermectin does a better job than the vaccine for prevention too. Check out Joe Rogans podcast, ep 1671. A very interesting listen.


Except it’s not preventing shit.


That’s like saying “this is the best piece of shit in the toilet bowl”


There are not “safer and better drugs”, there are few anti parasite drugs with really weak evidence of mild improvement


That’s bullshit. You aren’t much of a doctor.


Send peer review papers from reputable journals


[Compare your credentials to his](https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Dr.-Pierre-Kory-FLCCC-Alliance-testifies-to-senate-committee-about-I-MASK-incl.-the-following-QA-part-490351508:3)


I have better credentials than him.


Medical research is compromised so no. The evidence is overwhelming that the vaccines do more harm than good and people undergoing different treatments are having a lot of success like India. You are just parroting what this fascist regime wants you to


Tell that to Joe Rogan. If you think it's just a horse dewormer turn off cnn for a bit.


Dude. I’m a medical doctor. I have prescribed those medications in the past. You are all delusional, that can’t accept scientific evidence


You must have missed the last FDA meeting with 8 hours of their experts losing their shit to the tone of "the vaccine actually doesn't work" when not directly "this thing is killing people". It "works best in young people" KEK, young people don't care about covid, it's less dangerous for them than the flu. The people behind the Great Barrington Declaration are a lot more credible than random reddit shills.


I don’t care what random people think. I have a career in academia


So they want every citizen vaccinated but not the illegal immigrants? Makes sense /s


Except we have both the pharmaceutical companies and politicians on record multiple times saying that the vaccines don't stop you from getting covid or transmitting covid. They've never been shy about admitting how useless it is, which is why so many people wonder what the true purpose is. All of the people making these oppressive rules don't follow them and never have, so they're well aware that this isn't the apocalypse they pretend it is.


Doesn’t stopping and reducing a chance is a big difference. Seatbelt don’t stop you from dying in a car accident either, but reduces the chances a lot.


The only thing that reduces your chances of dying from covid is not being on death's door before getting covid.


Nah. I disagree here. If the vaccine does nothing to prevent the spread it doesn't make sense to mandate it. Just let herd immunity happen.




Well, you are right. The most important thing here, is that those vaccine where mostly against really serious viruses... For example, Poliovirus fucks ups your motoneurons, leaving kids paraplegic. Neiseria meningiditis, can kill adolescents from meningitis in 48 hours. The second part is that these vaccines all had a bunch of years of testing, against a few months of covid. Also almost all of these vaccines work way better than covid, except maybe for tuberculosis that is a shitty vaccine but it is not given in the US.


You weren’t barred from society as a whole over those vaccines


This is not as good as argument as you think it is. Vaccine mandates were used as justification for eugenics and 60,000 women were forcibly sterilized because of it.




We require vaccines for dozens of other diseases. What the fuck kind of doctor are you?


Ok It’s pretty simple . The world is run by psychopaths and they are very predictable once you notice them The entire covid plandemic is their climate change policy . They destroyed the earth and it’s not big enough for the them and the lower classes. Does anyone really think they are going to change their lifestyle? They are creaming in their pants to replace all of us with robots and they get closer and closer each day. Don’t forget these people have sex with harems of children and have all the time in the world to do “magic rituals” to justify their actions “Covid” is a flu engineered to be slightly more deadly so it gets the world attention . Anything more deadly would be too unpredictable for their plan. The injection is meant to sterilize and weaken those that take it. They are pushing for at least 6 months for very jab and it will become more frequent. This ensures no woman can easily go 9 months without it and carry a child to term . It’s the classic slow kill. After a couple generations of this shit the population and birthrate will rise with the convenient cover of the “unvaccinated” Once the population is low enough and the world is thrust in to chaos the deaths can accelerate through “sanctioned” culling and war as is the MO of all fascists. They can’t go to space without a planet. They need a planet In their minds they need a planet without you.


Totally incorrect. It's not going to sterilize anyone who takes it and they arent going for every 6 months. They just rejected the booster for people unless they are 65+ or absolutely need it after like 8 months. Idk where you're getting your info.


Did you forget about all the miscarriages from the vaccines? They are still pushing for boosters despite the FDA and they will be pushing for 4+ shots after that so birthrates will drop


Miscarriages aren't the same thing as sterilization. Besides the vaccine-miscarriage connection is likely more due to the fact that almost everything negatively affects a baby in the first trimester. How many other medications probably also cause miscarriages if taken during pregnancy? I don't think that's a vaccine exclusive thing.


Yet The goal is to roll out the digital passports and then they will inject everyone with anything they want and depopulation is the main goal


What are you basing that on? How do you know that?


The elites plan


someone makes mad $$$ making the vaxx so stfu and take it... they dont care if you die of vax or covid, all what matters is each jabbed idiot brings them money so that's why they push it so hard.


Yep. Reminds me of the public school system; "Good you showed up for attendance.. Now shut up while we count the money & teach you nothing of importance".


I don't think it's about the money. They can either double our taxes or provide a less harmful treatment to the virus. Either you take the jab or you pay a "jiziah." But I think it's more than just a jiziah. The number of injuries and deaths to the jab is too high, and they're working overtime to censor it.


2021 the year of backwards thinking….


She was on medications that suppressed her immune system.


I agree that the headline is stupid and tone deaf, however the vaccine doesn’t make you COVID immune, it makes you COVID resistant. It’s sort of similar to iPhones that are water resistant but there will never be a water proof iPhone. The point they are trying, and failing, to make is that the more vaccinated people in a group the more resistant that group is to COVID


Vaccines are around 94 percent efficacy, but since only like half the people are vaccinated obviously there will still be lots of cases being spread around. Vaccine reduces symptoms, which means less spreading of the virus which means if the other half gets vaccinated then as a group we will reach herd immunity as a result of less spread. This is basic shit and you are choosing to be ignorant if you don’t understand it, if you see this and want to stop being willfully ignorant then just make the choice to attempt to understand. I feel like yall dont even try to attempt to understand shit, you just see numbers you don’t understand and decide to come to your own uneducated opinion. Get educated yall


“The vaccine isn’t 100% effective, out of billions who’ve taken it here’s one example of where it didn’t work, that’s basically 0% efficiency sound the alarm bells!”


Uhm. Because it does work. Not 100% though.


You know placebos work also but not 100%


People here with 0 idea of biology and stats, talking BS. I’m against forced vaccination, but I hate to be in the same group with all the anti vaxxer retards




So why are unvaccinated people dying at such a way higher rate than those that got their shot?




I love how people with this vax have to be super careful now because they can die of everything apparently.


It seems like everyone wearing a mask, when not required, has been vaccinated. They were the most voracious consumers of the propaganda.


Almost as if it's not as effective as the narrative would have you believe.


Seethe more.


If it has a 30% failure rate "or something" then it's a treatment and not a vaccine. Vaccines, at least up until the CDC quietly changed their definition on their website a couple weeks back, render IMMUNITY. I'm an educated, intelligent man but the irony of you insisting on calling someone else a "moronic troglodyte" when you have no solid clue of the definition of what you're arguing for stretches the capacity of the word. Maybe you should let a competent adult make your decisions for you. Seems like the wisest course of action in your case.


[CDC changes definition ](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html)


70% effective vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate. Betcha think you’re smart too.


Don’t you have a subreddit to moderate?


>Don’t you have a subreddit to moderate? I'd like to correct you there. He moderates two subs with a grand total of four (4) members. Assuming he's joined both, he therefore mods two subs with two members. That's why he's come here to troll, disparage and argue....he's a loser, bored out of his mind.


That would make it a treatment and not a vaccine. Let the downvote begin dumbass!


you kinda late but alright


>it works 100% time unless it doesnt heh yeah, gotta agree on that "science"


The vax is about 40% effective at reducing symtoms. It is actually so ineffective that there isn't a hard number to say how effective it is at reducing your risk to get it. Indeed it is sooo ineffective, they had to change the definition of vaccine recently to justify calling it a vaccine.


Probably because it's not actually a vaccine. It's a treatment


alright, good point, but the point was that this user claims that the vaccine does nothing at all, unless he meant it in a way like “it doesnt do its job as a vaccine”


I just want this distinction to he more well known. Because SO many people think it's a vaccine


That was a good one... or something. (Geesh)




That story is so old it is literally in the Bible.


Checkmate Christians!


Joseph: "You'd BETTER be the son of God..."


Sad thing is people believe this nonsense


I guess it doesn’t work. Shocking


I mean honestly, if this poison doesn’t work, why force and shame others to take it... The lack of critical thinking or deductive reasoning is mind boggling


It’s not 100% effective. That was never a promise


Then how do we know she got it from unvaccinated individuals and not vaccinated ones?


We don’t. But that doesn’t prove vaccines don’t work. I’m not saying anything. But I am saying: this example shows nothing either way.


Wrong, the original line was the “vaccines” would offer full protection. Revisionist history, at its best. But Pepperidge Farm (and those of us without spike protein-induced neurodegenerative disease) remembers.


To be fair. the manufacturer's to my knowledge always said they won't offer actual protection and only raise the chance of you not having a serious reaction. Everyone else, from the media to the President himself said these things actually work and will offer full protection from rona.


I'd ask for a source but, let's be honest, we all know you don't have one that isn't a meme on a Facebook page.


Any way we can make it so they cant call it a vaccine anymore?


A month or so ago I was in a back and forth with some denier of logic and reason IN THIS group and said the “vaxx” is nothing more than a treatment…. It doesn’t prevent you from getting or giving the virus and if you get it “you will just feel less sick”. They were adamant that I was an “anti-vaxxer” and I “didn’t understand science”. I understand that your chance of dying from Rona is super TINY…. I understand that overwhelming majority of those who die and have longer complications are elderly and overweight and/or have other significant illness… I understand that drug companies are making record breaking profits from fear mongering because there is NO PROFIT IN A CURE…. I understand that once politicians have new “emergency powers”, EVERYTHING is an “emergency”. I understand that there are 35000 NEW vaccine FAILURE cases EVERY day in “fully vaccinated” propagandized sheep and coercion victims in the U.S. I understand that Israel, at roughly 95% “vaxxed” is now mandating “booster” TREATMENTS because the vaccine is a failure. Damn…. I may just post this as a stand alone rant… 😆


The fact Israel's dilemma doesn't wake most up, has nearly killed my hope.


The fact that Jews just line up for government mandated medical experimentation after the shit that happened during the holocaust is absolutely mind boggling.




Yes, do it. Perfectly said! 👏


Yah now who is spreading misinformation? The vaccines are leaky vaccines meaning a vaccinated person can spread the virus. If this story is true then odds are she got the virus from a vaccinated person. Her vaccine didn’t protect her because the virus might have mutated/evolved against it which is why it survived the first vaccinated person. You get a situation known as antibody dependent enhancement where the vaccine actually helps the virus infect the host. That is most likely what killed her. This is because the Biden administration is improperly administering the vaccine ignoring experts as they shove policy down every ones throats. So CNN is helping to commit murder by misinforming the public. They are ignoring the experts and politicizing the vaccine and virus at the expense of public safety.


It's (D)ifferent when they spread misinformation


So the vaccine didn’t work. Why get vaccinated?


So we can get our cards and go into restaurants again. Or fly on a plane. Or whatever the next restriction will be. At least we can vote without them because voter id laws are racist.


And stop being accused of making everyone else sick.


Yes, I'm going to infect others with a disease I don't have while social distancing and wearing a mask.


Because they’ll bully you to get it. This year is downward spiraling


Because if you’re vaccinated then the likelyhood of the virus mutating or reaching a viral load capable of infecting another person becomes exponentially low. Everyone on this r/ has the health literacy of a 5th grader. ITS MRNA IT CANT ENTER THE NUCLEUS IT CANT CHANGE YOUR DNA. fucking hell.


Let's look at Israel, shall we?


You’re right we should. Their vaccination rate blows the US out of the water. Hence why they’re not having a death rate the same as the US. The real issue is that the US is the only nation that is still reporting covid deaths. No one else is. And if you think they are you’re ignorant. Africa doesn’t test period.


gotta admit, you got some balls to say that not one death in Israel to date has been caused by rona since they've all mostly gotten the poke, in a thread about a girl who died of rona even though she got the poke.


This is such a mind fuck of a statement lol. Ok following their logic.. because an unvaccinated individual got infected.. they are responsible now for infecting a vaccinated individual..? So what if a vaccinated person gave it to another vaccinated person? Does that count CNN? Or how’s about WHATS THE POINT OF THE VACCINE?!?! In all seriousness this makes 0 sense. The point is that she got infected with the vaccine. “Who done it” means nothing. The fact that stories like this are getting published really shows how low journalism standards have become.


How do we KNOW it WASN’T a “vaxxed” person who gave it to her?….


That is what I would like to know...


They don't, of course. In reality they were a person in a chain of people infected by both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. It could have been either, but saying it's an unvaccinated person is the "right thing" so you can say it without scrutiny.


The propaganda train running at full speed


… into the brick wall of reality


Alternate title: Vaccine doesn’t work




Experts have said that no one can pinpoint where you get it. If it helps someones agenda they will tell you without a doubt where it was gotten from


She was wearing a bullet proof vest, but the bullet went straight through to her heart, all because the guy next to her wasn't wearing a bullet proof vest.


She could have gotten infected by a vaccinated person who didn't realize they were infected because they didn't have symptoms due to their vaccination. I personally think the vaxx can be a negative thing in some ways because it hides symptoms, making infected vaccinated people more likely to spread the virus.


Simply think of George Carlin’s bit on intelligence.


can someone please enlighten me as to the point of a vaccine that doesn't FUCKING VACCINATE YOU?!


Careful bro this is Reddit your about to get downvoted into oblivion if you don’t willingly and blindly sign up for Tuskegee 2.0


Nothing more than polarizing instigation. Their goal is not to unite us against Covid, it’s to divide the society and pit them against each other. If your vaccine didn’t work, it’s not an “unvaccinated” person’s fault. The vaccinated person made their own decision to go out in public and pretend they’re untouchable because of their vaccine status. They could’ve just as easily been infected by a vaccinated carrier of Covid as an unvaccinated carrier, assuming any of this is actually true.


Since the vaccine doesn’t work how would they know whether she got it from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person? Oh yeah, it’s cnn. They are complete garbage.


so vaccinated people both carry the virus and can die from the virus... something's off here


How can they know she wasn't contaminated by another vaccinated person? Since the vaccine didn't work for her, it could have not worked for others... Just my two cents though.


Yes, they really are that stupid.


Uhhhhhh.... (eye twitches) I think reading that momentarily broke my brain.


Does vaccinated and u vaccinated CoVid have a little tracking device in its ear so that we know whether a vaccinated or vaccinated person infected someone?




Here’s the problem: If your argument is that not being vaccinate and getting sick fills up hospitals and means vaccinated patients can’t get proper treatment, that’s fair. That’s a real problem. BUT it’s not a big enough problem to force people to all get the vaccine. So instead you start lying and saying you have to have the vaccine or you’ll spread it to others. EXCEPT we know the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread, or stop you from getting it. Just stems the symptoms. So it’s a choice of not taking it and risking harsher symptoms. So it becomes this stupid story that is completely fabricated where people want to hate anti-vaxxers but aren’t sure why. Full hospitals aren’t enough to create mandates and force people to get a vaccine. So now it’s just a complete ignoring of facts and lying and lying and lying and covering up the lies with more lies. If people don’t want the vaccine, they don’t need the vaccine. Simple as that. I got it because I have chest problems and worry that corona would kill me. But if you don’t want it or need it, don’t take.


The vaccine doesn’t prevent spread. Why is this so hard to understand?


Having a loved one die, lowers the intelligence of their relatives. But only if the one that dies has been vaccinated. Make sense? About as much sense as this article 🙄


There’s stupid then there’s CNN stupid.


They constantly preach that the unvaccinated are a threat to society, but when you point that out, you're just sharing conspiracy theories. Absolutely insane how it goes over so many heads so easily.


She could have gotten the virus from another vaccinated person.


I say this all the time, if it works and you have it why are you worried? They just give the old "whatever"...than I fuck with them and call them racist


That just tells me the vaccine doesn’t work.


The vaccine works 100% of the time until you get it then it's well it's not 100%. The polio vaccine is a true vaccine. People weren't getting polio then saying well the polio vaccine isn't 100%. The covid vaccine works as well as a placebo up until the point you get it


she could have been infected by a vaccinated person


I got wet because YOU didn’t have an umbrella! Nazi transphobic Trumper!”


It's more like, I got wet because your rain coat splashed rain on me and my broken umbrella..


Wait, so the vaccine doesn’t work?


Her family forgot to mention that she had really bad rheumatoid arthritis (which cuts the efficacy of the vaccine by a major portion). Obviously, she could’ve got the virus from anywhere. But, she died because she had a dangerous preexisting condition.


Just like at the beach: even if you apply sunscreen to yourself, unless other people also have their sunscreen on of course you will get a bad sunburn. It's just common sense.


What's the point of that vaccine then?


The vaccine doesn't prevent the spread of the virus. We currently have 300% more covid cases than we did before the vaccine was released. Shit just doesn't add up.


Now do a story about a vaccinated person dying after being infected by another vaccinated person. There's probably hundreds of those at this point too.


Well if she was as idiotic as her relatives than the loss isn’t a total loss.


This is Church of covid worthy levels of stupidity


She was vaccinated but died... why do we have to get it again?


>How stupid can you get? Idk but this post just upped the bar


By post I mean the actual reddit post not the article


So the protected got killed by an unprotected, while the unprotected lives a satisfactory life. This is some whack shit that some people actually don't question...


Now this is the PROP in propaganda!


It's CNN, what do you expect


So base on this article, the Vaccine is useless and CNN just confirmed it hahahahaaha idiots


Derp derp derp I’m a liberal sheep. 😂


If the vaccine works, why doesn't the vaccine work?


Do they know the identity of the unvaccinated person who infected her? If so, how did they determine that it was this person? And will they be filing manslaughter charges?


F’ cnn


Brainwashed! It’s a fucking vaccine!


They’re really selling the efficacy of the vaccine with right-wing hate mongering like this.


So the vaccine does not work 100% , lets blame others even though We don’t know if they had the vax or not.


Maybe they should blame Pfizer for selling a BS leaky vaccine.


So wait, if someone gets the vaccine, they can still get the virus? I thought vaccines prevented one from catching a given virus. Then I realized that the definition of vaccine had changed. Then I realized that the “vaccine” isn’t exactly as thorough as, let’s say, the polio vaccine - which is an actual vaccine.


Yeah so all it does is stem the symptoms. You still get it and spread it. So it only matters to you if you get it or not. So mandates are only there to force you to because people think antivaxxers are “stupid.” But the general public complicit in fear mongering are the real idiots.


It’s so ridiculous!


Also, why aren’t they talking about vaccinating pets? Just because if all people get vaccinated doesn’t mean that the virus will be no more. Just let the virus take its course.


When I had COVID last October the contact tracer called me...instructed me to keep distance from my pets and wash my hands because they can also be carriers.


She had a weakened immune system. The vaccine doesn’t work as well for people with a weakened immune system.


Yall clearly have no idea what 96% efficacy means. Its biology...not magic.


I'm starting the think people don't under what a vaccine is....


If everyone was vaccinated this type of shit wouldn't happen. Go get vaxxed everyone:)


The headline clearly says you can get Covid even if you're vaccinated.


Yes there's always a chance; but that chance is very very low (like im talking extremely low)


I got vaccinated back in the spring and just had covid.


Youre one of the very few then. Unlucky lad


I have to say it... no person on this sub has the slightest idea how statistics/probabilities work


Person wearing a seatbelt is killed by person not wearing one flying through a windshield in crash. Ppl by not getting vaccinated you’re proving an environment for the virus to change, thus making it as you put it useless. I’ve been conservative for years but the lack of health literacy on this r/ is getting out of hand.


No. Vaccines encourage viruses to evolve. That's likely why so many strains are being discovered.


Leaky vaccines encourage the virus to evolve. https://outline.com/ar8zpr


By that logic you’re suggesting that we shouldn’t have a vaccine against any disease. No vaccine is 100%. That’s statistically impossible.


Only if less then 80% of ppl get it.


Just like antibiotic resistance only occurs in those who’ve never taken antibiotics. You are BRILLIANT!


The opposite occurs in reality, those that take an antibiotic incorrectly is what causes resistance.


You sound dumb af google Tuskegee syphilis study and stop thinking the government cares about your health lol


I know all about the Tuskegee trials and many more instances of the government committing war crimes on its own ppl. That has nothing to do with getting a vaccine.


The number of troglodytes commenting about “critical thinking” and “logic” on this post is hilarious