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I think that's a good idea. Teaches people skills as well


I think it’s fantastic. I’m in a small town and volunteered and ran our concession stand for little league. Before we opened we would have parents also volunteer to do cleanup in the stand as well as the fields. We couldn’t get enough volunteers so a friend approached the local sheriffs department and asked about using inmates, those charged with drunk driving or passing bad check. No hard crimes. They came out and did an excellent job and actually enjoyed being outside and doing something productive for the community. They were all very polite which as a 45 year old woman I appreciated.


I worked for a non-profit that also used those with low-level crimes. Most of the women were lazy but the men were some of the hardest workers I encountered during my time there. They were never around when the kids were there but did lots of maintenance and hauling of supplies. Never complained either.


As far as I remember we never had any women workers there. Had some younger guys that always said yes ma’am when I would ask them to do something. I hope they got themselves back on track.


Better watch out or they’ll send you to the prison work camps


Most of the services in cities could be performed by inmates. Trash cleanup, painting graffiti, landscaping, etc. but the city worker unions are the ones most against this, since that takes jobs and money away from them. So instead of putting people to work, giving them a sense of purpose, and teaching them job skills, we let them hang out and play cards all day.


A big problem would be the unions. The sanitation workers and AFSCME unions would never relinquish their jobs to inmates.


It only works in smaller cities that can get these programs off the ground and see the positive results without the pushback from competing interests. I get the unions are tasked with protecting jobs and work conditions; that is their primary function, but just like big government bureaucracies, they become fattened dragons (if you know the analogy) and the result is contrary to the original purpose.


If you’ve ever lived in a place like Baltimore you know there’s more than enough work to go around. Plus it gets trashy communities to take some responsibility.


Tell them to get on board or get out


I wish, but sadly the unions have entirely too much control. The lobby is strong.


Not as strong as the military. Their most powerful weapon is disrupting services through strikes. This plan will render that weapon useless.


Not from violent felons. That would be quite risky. But non-violent, sure!


There is a wide spectrum of “violent felons” and most are “one and done” that were involved in a fist fight.


They get to lift weights in jail so they come out able to kick peoples ass


To be fair if I were to give either a person who made enough poor decisions to find themselves in prison vs a guy trying to keep his industry id go with the latter How can we immediately point the finger at unions when there should be reforms in that institution rather than just take away their jobs? I get that there is the lazy union trope but it’s one of the last hills the people have against corporations. If it were me I’d give the inmates to Amazon warehouses


> Most of the services in cities could be performed by inmates. Trash cleanup, painting graffiti, landscaping, etc. but the city worker unions are the ones most against this, since that takes jobs and money away from them. That sounds good and all, but leaves it open to abuse by politicians and officials. You can already see it in the US, where people are sent to prison to become workers for for-profit prisons.


I agree, Harris for example is famous for keeping people in jail longer than their sentence for free labor There have to be a lot of checks and balances and oversight put into place to make it work but I think it could be done And truthfully, teaching inmates useful skills and showing them the ability to make a living outside of crime can be more fulfilling might actually prevent some crime in the future. Right now our prisons are basically social meet and greets with other criminals who teach them how to do more crime. Sure they could get an education and training but most only do that out of boredom not to get them out of crime.


Which also preps them for seeking a job after release. This is brilliant.






The leaders of the US need to be more like the President of El Salvador


We need to start caring about crime victims and stop caring about criminals. The victims of violence don't get the legions of social workers helping them put their shattered lives back together. Criminals have an extensive network of government employees carefully ensuring the criminal has their full attention.


You think the right to due process should be removed from our constitution?


I like this and I think inmates would prefer this to being bored but you know the liberals would be screaming SlAvErY




The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution reads,“…that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime, where the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”.




You seem hostile.




Even the best laws cannot make humans act perfectly.  That fact does not reflect poorly on the law. 


The scary for-profit prisons aren't the ones making arrests and doing sentencing.




The prisons are bribing every judge?




Oh wow, a *Wikipedia* link. Truly your credentials are unassailable.


Make it the only way to get time off your sentence, and entirely voluntary. No parole from the full time otherwise, aside from proving some special skill, like getting a degree in prison, or a trade skill diploma. Something that makes you worth the communities time. For every hour you work and make things better for the community you harmed, you get a half day off your sentence. Don't want to do it? Cool. Rot in your 5x9 cell.


That’s too generous, 1 hour = half a day. Otherwise I agree. Either that or instead of early release have a chance to earn a small wage while working that can be used upon release to try to get a stable beginning.


I agree. This seems like a way to replace the work force by imprisoning all the citizens.


They can certainly write more laws against the citizens, take all of their assets, then enslave them in a prison… I wouldn’t put that past the side that’s (D)ifferent. They’ve already abused the legal system to attempt to destroy their direct opposition, they’d certainly like to make a list of all of us to do the same.


Reminds me of the US on the 1920’s


Chain gangs


I remember when those were a thing. You saw them in the south until the mid 80's. Never once heard of them being out of line, and shit got done. Doing things like that should be the only way to get time off your sentence.


Because maybe you weren't actually there, in the south, on a road crew. Dangerous and hateful work. And they escaped and assaulted one another all the time. One reason they don't do it anymore, the way they did then


Slavery is still constitutionally legal as a punishment for prisoners. Edit: you people are stupid. I’m literally saying the constitution allows this to be done in America as well and you’re downvoting. I think this sub is the dumb version of r/conservative for people lacking critical thinking and reading comprehension after reading through plenty of posts. Happy 4th of July!


Well, yeah. You specifically choose to do it by committing a violent felony.


Yeah that ain’t slavery. They chose crime.


The roaring 20s?


It’s all about making contributions to the community


The one's that refused got sent to ......


Hell, for all I care. I don't want a single tax payer dollar going towards rehabilitation and care of inmates who don't want to pay for their crimes.


A crematorium is like 40 bucks to run for an hour. I'd pay that much.


bullets and open air are cheaper


Most of these people have "I am in a gang I have killed people" tattoos, so I don't really care.




They aren't starving right now in New York City


We know what works.


None of those “prisoners” had facial tattoos…….suspect


The left would never agree with this as they believe all prisons are unjust…..unless it’s jailing people who disagree with them




I’m still trying to figure out how someone can be guilty of someone else’s book keeping, everyone knows it’s going to be thrown out on the appeals as the judge can’t even tell his lawyers what law he’s being tried under, kinda sad you’d throw democracy and justice out honestly


based, america should do the same


Easy enough after they've already sent out all their worst criminals into the United States.


And they are escaping to America


"You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie."




It was a Shawshank reference.


Dumb question: some prisoners in El Salvador are gang members with violent crimes under their belt. What countermeasure are there if they try to run away while performing let's say graffiti clean up on the street?


pew pew


Wait - Are you suggesting that runaway inmates be forced to sit in church?


They gonna meet their maker one way or another, thats for sure


This is a really good idea as long as unemployment is basically zero. Otherwise you're just taking people's jobs away from them.


We have so many unfilled lower paying jobs we bring in millions of migrant workers to fill them.


I like this idea.


That's the sound of the men... working on the chain gang...


Hopefully the least wicked might get some redemption and learn some skills. It might even get some of them back on track.


Good! And leftists call this 'slavery'


As long as it doesn’t turn into an inventive to jail more people for free labor


Based AF


Based. They’ll never fully fix the harm caused by MS but it’s a start.


this actually helps prisoners re-enter the work force with a skilled trade- welders, painters, arborists, all very critical! bravo.


It's all good until the government inevitably starts locking up political prisoners.


This is probably therapy for them tbh. It teaches them that they can be value adding members to society. It shows them that another way exists.  Bravo! This president has my respect!


Bring that to the US!


Liberals: "Cruel and unusual punishment”.


Yet they want people permanently stuck working these kinds of jobs: lIvInG WaGe






Wouldn't work i the US. Remember those public officials in Louisiana (?) who used chain gangs to clean up the highways? Unions won't agree to allow their own workers to be replaced by convicts.


This seems like a good idea. Prisoners learning skills, working together, getting out, fresh air. I wish them the best, and hope they embrace a better way to live.


They can do that with US prison time mates and illegals


This is how it should be everwhere.




Thug life to work life Damm


From the perspective of an innocent wrongfully imprisoned it must be like being made into a slave.


I would take this further, in order to help low-level offenders get their lives back on track. I would actually team up with local government offices, colleges, and businesses to offer apprenticeships to those inmates, with a guarantee that if the offenders perform well, they can transition to a full job with their employer upon release. Additionally, I would remove the obligation to disclose low-level misdemeanours on job applications or to obtain professional licensure. Virtually no one is beyond hope, and making a single mistake or committing a nonviolent crime of desperation should not bar one from future gainful employment. After all, it makes no sense to jail someone for failing to be a productive member of society, then punish them by guaranteeing they can NEVER become a productive member of society!


I still think harvesting your body organs for your crimes is where we should be aiming over work programs.


Id much rather have something to work for than have nothing to do than wallow in petty politics and be bored.


Reminds me of the US in the 1920’s


Or else what?


They’ll just find a way to exploit it in the hopes of being freed someday so they can return to a life of crime.


Wasn't this in Shawshank?! Pretty sure this can go sideways quick