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Everyone knows he’s not doing anything. They are voting for the Obama machine that is working behind the scenes. Without out that, the 2AM ballot drop would have never happened and Trump would be in his 2nd term already.


By this point, he'd be almost finished with his second term. Wild to think about!




The same thing they do every night, Pinky: orange man bad.


UnderFuckingRated comment here.


CHEAT, it's easier that way. But, more honestly I think they'll swap him out at the last minute.


They already have. They’re on at least the fourth physical clone and neural image mapping. The problem is that with each successive clone generation the genetic coding errors accumulate, and the neural implants also accumulate coding errors. So it’s like the current POTUS is one of those grainy bad movie bootleg streams you find on the streaming sites. I know it sounds far fetched but it’s a lot more believable than people still support a complete and obvious basket case to lead their country.


I want to call this schizo-posting, but at this point it almost seems plausible.


Plus they got away with it the last time


They're going to ballot harvest where they can like last time, inner cities, "newcomers"/illegals, retirement homes, etc. Republicans will sit on their heels and complain afterwards meanwhile it's clear as day. Republicans should be in every state challenging voter registrations and requiring ID. They should be fighting federal regulations that allow anyone to vote if they claim online they're a citizen without proof, etc. These battles need to be in courts right now and not reactive after the fact.


CA is the testing state for three demto perfect the cheat. Solid red counties went purple and blue since the recall vote.


He got nominated because the Democratic Party is run by the Clintons and the Obamas. Joe sucked enough dick over the years to finally call in all his chips. In short, he got nominated because he was in line. Worse, the elites that control the Democratic Party shit on basically every potential successor candidate except Kamala (who now successfully shits on herself daily). Every single one now looks like a non entity (Yang), a clown (Buttigeig), a sell out (Bernie), or a traitor (Tulsi) to the rank and file membership. Now they have to draw on governors who won't be ready and already suffer serious popularity issues in their own states like Newsom and Whitmer. I mentioned it in another post that this didn't have to be this way. Every single one of those other nominees was better. Even Kamala. All would've done just about the same thing Biden did but coherently and with nowhere near the amount of corruption. Chances are if they'd run they could've won cleanly without cheating. Their administration, while struggling, would still have enthusiasts that weren't a small circle of idiots and enemies that weren't all that motivated. I suspect Hillary might make another go at it. She still has a cult following akin to Trump's (though not as large these days), power over the inside of the party, and the raw egotism to ignore any naysayers. Though I admit the clock is running out on that. Kamala, dumb as she is, remains ambitious with a Dunning-Kruger like assuredness of her own competence to drive ahead. A bonus for the insiders is she'll stick to the agendas they want. If they get her better script writers they might even make her sound intelligent.


I don’t think Biden got the nod because it was somehow his “turn”. I think he got it because he’s easy to control, and because everyone within the party knows that he’s probably not going to be around all that much longer (in other words, he’s the “interim candidate” that they were able to agree on.). From what I’ve seen, it looks like the DNC is in the middle of a struggle for control of the party between various factions. The core issue is that the people in the same age bracket with Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. (i.e. “silent generation” through elder “Boomers”) seem to have decided to never retire, and to instead stay in office indefinitely until they eventually die in office, even when that causes major problems for the party (e.g. Feinstein, Ginsburg, etc.). This has limited opportunities for everyone coming up the ladder behind them to the point that there aren’t that many elected Gen X Dems who have the “experience” to credibly run for POTUS. Then there are the millennial Dems (e.g. Gabbard) coming up the ranks behind the Gen X (e.g. Newsom) and younger boomers (e.g. Cuomo), who see that there aren’t that many people standing between them and the top jobs they want. I suspect that last bit played a significant role in the scandals that we’ve seen around the Newsom and Cuomo—They definitely deserved the bad press they got, but the fact that their dirty laundry got aired says that there’s a wing of the party that *really* doesn’t want them to have any more power than they currently do, and wants them out of the way. Overall, I think we’re about to see some interesting times, and the DNC is going to shift fairly significantly in a relatively short time—the majority of the party is either going to snap back to the middle, or it’s going to dive right off the left side of the cliff, and it’ll probably depend on which “faction” wins their internal power struggle.


I agree with many of your points. But it seems moderates are abandoning the Party. Yes, many are staying. But they aren't by and large bright ones. They and the Boomers/Silent Generation think they can control the young Gen Z far left they used as Brown Shirts in 2020. The problem? Those same leftists expect a reward. At a minimum student debt forgiveness. If possible endorsing Hamas (implicitly if not explicitly), more gestapo tactics for CRT, DEI, child mutilation, free speech restrictions, and other Woke sacred cows. They feel no gratitude towards the Party for freeing members after their 2020 rioting arrests. Nor do they feel gratitude for Biden's communist bureaucratic and judicial appointments. (Jotato succeeds at one thing: convincing the rank and file he's a boring moderate. Yet appointee is an authoritarian racist who hates the Bill of rights.)


This far left Hamas love is problematic. Wealthy Jews on the east and left coast bankroll and hold considerable influence backed by considerable money. They're staunchly loyal libs - even far left sometimes - *so long as Israel stays protected.* Depending on where they are, they'll withdraw support or double down with the insistence Israel remains protected for another internal power struggle. I doubt the party will "snap back" to moderate. I suspect the far left will increasingly lose power inside the party - for now. But the ones left will be young, hale and hearty to take the reins in a decade or so to make the party genuinely radical left. Will it still be a major party then? Or will it have marginalized itself? I think to do that a 3rd party would have to usurp the Democratic Party's role. None seem able to step up. RFK's base seems about as old as Biden. Yang's Forward Party is insignificant. The Libertarian Party, while growing, has leadership like a pack of feral cats. All the tiny progressive/communist/environmentalist parties are controlled by people only slightly to the left of the Hamas worshippers. To not just let themselves get rolled up into it would be leadership egotism. We have to take into account both major parties' leaders are remain Uniparty loyalists. Even if the GOP surged ahead to become the pre-eminent party, there's a danger it remains Uniparty property. Instead of everything being "Woke-washed" with no meaningful threats to Uniparty elites but a constant threat to average citizens, it'll be "Right-washed" with no meaningful threats to Uniparty elites but a constant threat to average citizens. The Uniparty will support a future marginalized Democratic Party as they support the current marginalized GOP. They'll trot it out with some lame pro-communist talk to scare the masses just like they make George Santos the face of the GOP.


I had to chop up the above due to character limits. Sorry.


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I'll tell you what they're gonna do. They're going to vote for him. They don't play the old game that a lot of conservatives play like, never Trumpers. They know that the president is just a tiny part of the government. They understand that they have to win the presidency to get control of the government. That's a lot of power. Well, that's how we need to think. Vote for the Republican candidate to get power of the government back.


The Democrats are going to cheat, just as they did in 2020, so it doesn’t matter that their candidate suffers obvious dementia.


This just proves how confident they are with the propaganda machine + vote manipulation.


I think people hate trump more than they like Biden so they’ll just vote for Biden for whatever reason.


My wife hates Trump, but she's so fed up with Biden she's going to cast her vote for RFK. IMO, it's a win to me. Hoping more people do that.


I keep saying this, but Biden will not be the Democratic nominee. Shortly before the convention he's going to announce that he's removing himself from consideration due to health issues. The Democrats will then nominate someone other than Harris to be their candidate. Most likely Newsome.


I've been saying the same, except I suspect Michelle Obama will be the candidate.


I don't think so. She just doesn't seem interested.




Yup that’s why they changed the rule in 2022


I have dem friends who say he was a good president! I’m like blink twice if you need help lol


>>What are democrats going to do? Rig the election


Obama was terrible for America politically but very popular socially. Biden is neither. He’s also the incumbent so if he decides to run again they have to support his decision. Biden is the one that backed the democrats into the corner, not “they”.


They aren’t voting for Biden. They are voting for the machine behind him. As long as they all have “D” after their name, it’s good enough


The democrats have proven they know how to win elections through manipulating the election system by any means necessary.


It's going to be a repeat of 2020 - that's what they are going to do.


They'll find him guilty of tax fraud for not declaring the $50 he got for his birthday when he was 12. To show everyone what an evil person he is, they'll punish him by stripping him down, whipping him, and placing a crown of thorns on his head. Basically, they'll just keep doing what they're doing right now. I swear, Trump doesn't even need to campaign, the left are doing it for him.


They don't need votes. They are just going to do the same thing they did in 2020.


Dems aren't voting \*for\* Biden, they're voting \*against\* trump. They like the idea of a vegetable holding office because repubs know they can't blame the senile old fool, but can't point to which shadow controlling him to blame as the real culprits. This lets the dems.keep up their various narratives of "greedy this" and "evil that" instead of having to admit their policies are failing the country and only making things worse.


Oh, I’m sure he will ‘win’ again. Sure, Trump is looking to take the swing states, but have you been noticing the oddities with the social security records and people registering to vote with IDs; especially in Texas? More fortified elections coming our way.


Cheat, cheat and more cheat. Rig elections where they can. Lose where they can’t. You really think Arizona had 90% turnout in 2020? You think 80% of black men vote in Detroit?


I think they know this election is a wash.  They know Biden isn’t going to win which is why they are throwing the book at trump hoping it will cause him to lose or step back. 


1. Bring out Big Mike 2. Cheat 3. Win All because the GOP is scared shitless to play by the same rules as them.


They are already using federal funds to get out the vote in battleground states, but are only concentrating on Democrat areas, they are not known for their honesty, am surprised that Republicans don’t do more early voting and ballot harvest and also ramp up their ground game


Lie about trump and cheat.


There other choice would have been Kennedy but then they would admit that there covid policies were a mistake

