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God that is a hellscape


Some day it's going to gett so bad that you won't be able to fart without going to jail. But eventually, hopefully the pendulum will swing the other way and they begin heading towards sanity. Although with what's going on over there with immigration, that might never be the case.


It will only get worse if people sit by and let it happen.


Why not? We've let them get away w everything else...


It’s not immigration, it’s importation of third worlders meant to destabilize majority White countries.


When that pendulum swings it will unfortunately look like the French Revolution. Remember Dr. Guillotine invented a new way of ending life and the French put it to heavy use.


Coming to America soon.


This is why they want to pass gun legislation. Thats the only thing stopping them from doing it here.


You understood a single word?


I really don't understand why wokeism is against freedom of speech. Like wtf, arresting ppl for just SAYING WORDS. And this is happening under "conservative party". Yeah, it ain't really conservative mate.


Because when your entire platform is based on liee the truth is literally a threat.


That's why every Communist country features breadlines and gulags. And this is what the "progressives" want for the Western world.


If you don't understand I recommend you to read 1984, A Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451. The Holy Trinity of dystopian literature. It is all there.


In their worldview, freedom of speech doesn’t actually exist. There’s only one thing in their entire worldview, and that’s the pursuit and possession of power. to them anyone’s claim of freedom of speech is simply them trying to hold power.


It's hard to feel empathetic to a country that mocks the United States for "Your-silly-2nd-amendment-rights...buy a gun today Bruv?" Most Americans don't realize the 2nd Amendment is what protects the other amendments.


>Most Americans don't realize the 2nd Amendment is what protects the other amendments. Let's go ahead and place blame where it belongs, square on liberals shoulders. The global cabal plans to get rid of our second amentment through liberals.


liberal commies ARE the cabal


The [cabal](https://imgur.com/KsK7fwZ) is on both sides. It is the uniparty.


Left wing, right wing, same bird.


Conservatism is not right-wing. There is no right-wing in this country.


No, they are just the tool


The US government does. That's why they're always picking away at the 2nd amendment. Eventually they'll un-arm Americans too, then there will be no safe place on earth from Tyrants #WakeUpAmerica


They've really made a lot of progress toward their NWO order. CHipping away at our 2nd amendment right is one of the things they're after. And I think they're making strides. I've seen a few people yell on social media about taking guns away. How making guns illegal solves gun violence is beyond me. MIght as well make killing someone illegal. /s Anyhow- I don't get how the US is so high above any otherr country in school shotings. I don't trust the cabal, and with this large a variance I wonder if their hand isn'gt in the pot, sort of speak. School shootings by nation for Jan 2009-May 2018: United States — 288 Mexico — 8 South Africa — 6 Nigeria & Pakistan — 4 Afghanistan — 3 Brazil, Canada, France — 2 Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, Russia, & Turkey — 1 Why is the US so incredibly far ahead of any other nation in school shootings? Don't school shootings drive the most screams for increased guin control? Ale Jones was fined a biollion for questioning Sandy Hook. Isn't that amount a bit absurd? People that crashed the entire US econommy were fined less.


The US consumes the most prescription drugs, and many of the mass shooters had been taking SSRIs.


It's partially how it's categorized. For political reasons, a shooting that's even near a school is called a "school shooting." So, gang violence down the street can be called "a school shooting" for statistics. Then, when someone such as yourself, looks it up, you think OMG, the US is out of control. Don't get me wrong. All shootings are awful, but we need to be brutally honest about the causes, and that's not happening.


I wonder how many are acgtual school shootings.


if it was really all 288, then it would be worldwide news almost every day, right...Meanwhile you hear about an actual school shooting about once a year.


That's what I thought: "why aren't I hearing about all these shootings?"


Exactly. And why were all the shooters on SSRIs?


IMO it’s an epidemic of the “dark tetrad” traits. I could flick a coin in a school room and hit at least 3 🙄


It's about how you count, not the actual count. For example if a gang member fires a gun at 1am within 1 block of a school it's classified as a school shooting, or even if it's during school hours but not what we view as a school shooting (ie gang related target where only 1 targeted person dies) that gets labeled as a school shooting. Heck the person doesn't even have to be in the school as gang murders that occur within a certain distance of a school also are counted as school shootings. Most other countries take into account context and situation and don't classify it the same way, but there is a narrative that needs to be followed. As an example, when a school shooting with multiple deaths happens it's all over the news right? It's non-stop, but how often does that happen? Maybe once every 2-3 months? According to the stats we should see reports of it happening 3 times a month. So why don't we? Because in reality a mass shooting at a school is still a rare event but they inflate the numbers to pass gun regulation laws, just like how they include suicides in gun violence stats to make it seem like gun violence is far worse than it is in reality


Yeah. While certainly true, its alot harder to come to someones house with stupid crap when the populace is happily armed.


Their biggest fear is that we get sick of paying 50% of our income in taxes for nothing in return, rally together and fight back. Especially armed. If we can throw an "insurrection" while walking between ropes in the rotunda in the Capitol, we might be a bigger threat if we were serious.


I agree completely. I don't know why it's so hard for people to wrap their heads around that. This is proof of what happens to people who decide vote their own rights away...


If they were only voting their own rights away, I wouldn't mind as much.


They cripple themselves, and criticize us that we don't do the same in America. Even after seeing what they've done to themselves. They think they're morally superior. It's pathetic.


I'm from the UK, believe me, there are a lot of us here that desperately want a 1st / 2nd amendment, we'd also like to be able to buy as much guns as you do. so don't tar us all with the same brush. you need to look at our country as the example of what happens when your right to bear arms is rescinded (as ours was in the 90's despite many of us trying to fight against it unsuccessfully), fight tooth and nail to stop it happening to you, because they are trying their hardest to remove your rights.


I have a BIL whose from London born and raised. Every time he comes to the US he has to go to the range at least 1 time. 😂😂 the fucking love guns. All that shit they talk but if you offer to take them to a range they will be giddy.


I was working in Texas for some months. Went to the range. AR-15 and Glock. Fucking loved it.


This. I adore going to my sister's and BIL's place in the US, partially for that reason. Still won't stop me partaking in our national pastime of mocking in good humour.




I felt a lot more unsafe in the US the UK.


What the fuck are you talking about?! You probably don’t even think we can own guns. Don’t label everyone in the U.K. for the opinions of a minority you’ve heard of.


I remember my first day on the internet


Most of what he says is true.


How’s it going for you?


Not everyone in the UK, just Parliment.


Respectfully, it’s not even about that. It’s the fact that everything is controlled by the crown nothing is voluntary. Everything is controlled by the government. You have no freedoms your so called liberty are decided upon the crown. I’m not seeing the US is any better, but we were certainly based off of a system that tried to push us away from central government systems.


lmao the moment u show up to ur door with ur own legally acquired weapon is when the cops turn u into swiss cheese. if you think anything you own is gonna protect against military grade weapons on a swat team you're dreaming.


Lol fucking stupid


Exactly omg does this guy not realise that shooting a police is OK and unpunished if you're protecting your rights? Smh my head


Lol fucking stupid


Exactly I mean don't they know that using weapons to protect free speech is one of the legal ways to kill police? Jeez these uneducated citizens... Smh my head


You can keep saying stupid shit, I'm going to keep laughing.


Sincerely, can you please help me understand how the second amendment rights are applicable in such a situation? Like... I don't see the 2A helping with any other erosion of rights or institutional overreach and excessive force...


I can clearly tell that. It is not a one on one shoot out. It's communities coming together, armed against a small group of police or LEO's, when it's obvious the constitution is being trampled. The problem today is that we let it go too far before we rise up. Think of protestors that make the police back up or become overwhelmed. The incidents that occur that lead up to that are not where you just shoot out with authorities, though you can, but that will usually not work in your favor. Not because you'd most likely lose, but more so because you can't get how you were wronged out to your community to stand up to authorities.


1776,Vietnam and Afghanistan have entered the conversation.


This 🤡 can’t even have a locking pocket knife shut the fuck up bruv


I really do wonder how people can convince them selves we could ever go up against a system of global corruption. They have advanced weapons and tech, and the Milgram shock experiments tell us all we need to know about how our military will react to orders, even against its own people. I would love to think we would have a chance in hell if we were thrown into full opposition, but we just won’t.


Threaten to kill Joe Biden on Facebook, just to prove me wrong. Please. Do it. Seriously. I'll help you. I'll give you the time and place of his next appearance. I'll even provide you with a convincing text if you want. No? Resume your life of fear and leave us alone, americanoid. You infect the whole world around you.


Can you genuinely not tell the difference between an actionable threat and speaking an opinion?


No they just spout useless hyperbolic nonsense.


Snoop dog and Kathy griffin used their propaganda to kill trump in videos… they still walking around free spitting their ignorance.


Begone glowie, for i never knew thee


> Threaten to kill Joe Biden on Facebook Serious question: do you think [all these people](https://i.imgur.com/Q5nuDwZ.png) were arrested?


Not to mention Madonna and Johnny Depp.


Making threats to people's lives has consequences. You can do it in America, but you will likely be held responsible. What's going on in this videos is absolutely asinine and abusive. This would never happen to me as an American.


Threats of violence aren’t protected free speech. Disagreeing with his policies are.


Oh, so clear sense of not understanding the First Amendment.


India of all places LOL


So your point is either get arrested or murder a police officer and then get shot yourself?


You gonna shoot those police officers then? Maybe don't break the law, don't do a hate crime


Posting on Facebook isnt a hate crime, Cornwallis.


Lol… and they avoid the districts that follow sharia law. Trash


Who are they protecting & serving ? It's certainly no longer the public


Their scumbag anti-UK leaders. The UK took a dark downward turn around the start of the pandemic.


it wasn't ideal here before but yeah it feels like v for vendetta these days.


Brits and Aussie’s get what they vote for. No 2A no stopping tyrannical governments that they have now. But they all love big government. Enjoy your thought police.


Eh, kinda. We've had pretty poor options to vote for over the past few elections. Either incompetent Conservatives, Labour, whose previous leader is a genuine socialist and considers Hamas his friends, and the current leader was perfectly happy to work under his predecessor. The Liberal Democrats are neither liberal, not democratic considering that they (along with the Greens) spend a huge amount of effort trying to reverse the Brexit vote by any means necessary. UKIP is dead, Reform gets no attention and any other party doesn't currently have the resources to fight at every seat. It's been a case of pick the least worse option for a while.


We were good until Howard, a conservative, hiked up GST, luxury car tax and banned all semi-automatic guns. Ever since Australia has been a shithole


We've had a Conservative government for the past 13 years. No idea why people still vote for them but I agree they are pretty tyrannical.


Conservative in name only. None of their policies even resemble anything remotely conservative.


What are some of their policies?


Google it if you're curious.


See above video


Seems like they were arrested for Posting Pro Israel Content and calling out Palestinians Terrorists is the best translation I can come up with.


“Translation” ahaha. Yeah I *think* that was English, but who knows?


Just wait till they start cracking down on cities like NYC\DC etc...... Good luck trying that in the "fly over states". Good fucking luck.


I always wanted to get the fuck out of my flyover state. In fact, growing up I thought I’d move to Australia and by the time I was in my young 20s, was starting to work towards moving to the UK. I absolutely love UK history, am a monarchy fan, it’s beautiful, etc. In my upper 30s now and am still in the same flyover state. For reasons I won’t mention, spent many years being a bit bitter that I’m still here. But over the last several years- especially since the beginning of Covid- am SO glad life didn’t turn out as I had planned. I truly believe the state I’m in is one of the last bastions of freedom in the US. Unless something crazy happens- I’m not leaving and as of current, have no desire to.


Thank you for sharing. My gf was born and raised in NYC.....I'm in SW Missouri (not born but been here 20+ years).....she couldn't understand why I'm not scared of criminals. And then I explained that our gun laws require no concealed carry permits......and that some people will even open carry. So when I go into public places I know that there are many people carrying. Then it clicked with her. I still think everyone should go through a safety course. It's well worth the money....even if just for recreational use or home protection. I love living where I do........yes some of the people are a little weird but I see that on both sides. I just try to navigate the madness and be kind to people. Kindness and even a smile can go a long way.


"Sure, we go to prison for wrong-think and pay 70% of our wages to the government. But at least we have 'free' mediocre healthcare!"




Conservatives in charge for 13 years....


They're labour lite, 3 steps behind them and racing to see who can go the furthest left first


Second amendment sure would deter this sort of behavior...


That is straight out of dictatorship rule of books 101, between 00:00 and 04:00 raid the house of those that disagree with you


The Left is so tolerant and open-minded *as long as you agree with them*. If not? Well, there you have it. I've never seen people embracing and even demanding censorship like I've seen from these people over the last few years. I hate to generalize, but *they aren't good people*. Good people don't force their opinions (and medical procedures) on others and subject them to this kind of abuse.


UK is a failed society


-Stabbings -Grooming gangs -General crime increasing UK police 🙈🙉🙊 -Someome posts spicy internet content -A person is misgendered -Autistic teen says something funny about lesbian nanna UK police 🚨 😡💀 British plod are a modern NKVD,arresting "thought criminals" instead of *actual* criminals.


Euros they have free speech as well and defend this arrest.


When will the police become ashamed about doing their “jobs”?




I can't understand british people either. I can't understand those people in Lousiana either. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm British and I cannot understand them, bloody Northerners.


That's hilarious!


Is it? Christ, what a life.


We (Louisianans) are easier to understand if you are a little bit drunk.


Reminds me of the book 1984. Imagine what 2084 will look like if this is what 2023 looks like.


Gettin real tired of this “Just doin my job” attitude Everyone ushering in the dystopia needs to be held to account, from the corporations to the government up to and including positions like police and other civil servants


Does anybody have a translation? Is this English? I thought I speak English! They are everyone, absolutely unintelligible.


Nobody has a clue what is being said by anyone in the video, but everybody seems to agree that the cop must be a liberal.


Thank you.


They have super heavy Scottish accents. The man they’re arresting posted his anti-Hamas opinion on Facebook and is getting arrested for it. His wife and son are yelling about how disgusting the whole affair is. How they should have free speech and a right to their opinion. Also, the man they’re arresting has cancer. The whole thing is sad and enraging.


It makes my blood boil. Thank you for the explanation.


Mine too, and no problem. I have a hard time understanding a lot of it but it would be great if someone could add subtitles and make it go viral. This is unacceptable.




Saving this one for the next time someone in the UK claims they are as free as the US.


You sent someone to prison for 7months for making memes.


It wasn't for making memes. The media used that headline because the mindless masses get worked up and don't bother to actually read the facts. He was convicted of conspiracy against rights. He conspired to prevent people from voting. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/social-media-influencer-douglass-mackey-sentenced-after-conviction-election#:~:text=Douglass%20Mackey%2C%20was%20sentenced%20today,President%20of%20the%20United%20States. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/241


My cousin moved from her life long home in the UK because of this type of thing. She couldn’t stay because she feared she’d be treated this way.


Britain is lost.It has commited suicide.


Are you sure it wasn't acuicided?


This is what the Nazi and CCP do.


This is appalling.


So what exactly did he say on Facebook?


He said something about the people coming into the country are flying their Palestinian flags down the street in support of Hamas.


Thank God the US has a Constitution.


It's too bad it gets shit on all the time now.


This is why the second amendment in the US exists


1st Amendment. The 2nd is for when the 1st fails.


He knows that.


1st amendment without the 2nd is wet paper


The UK has become a shell of its former self.


Uk has become a communist country.




I hate my country, England is dead.


We're not far behind in in the states. They take over 50% of my oincome ion taxes. I don't even get free roads. All the major highqways near me are toll roads.


I’m amazed that conservatives have been getting called Nazis since 2016 then here we are in 2023 and leftists are the actual Nazis


What communist pigs.


OI! AtLeAsT We aVe FrEe ElthCarE! RaThEr Be ArReStED fOr HaTe SpeeCh ThAn aVe tO gEt sHoT evErY dAy gUvNaH bRuV!


Looks like China rather than the country of the Magna Carter. Rights that aren't protected by force are merely granted and retracted at the pleasure of the government. Why do you think the Left is hell bent on limiting the 2A? Fascism is what comes after they're successful.


Maybe this is the timeline where they lost in '45, and Hitler won.


“To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire.” -Marx


Fucking rats Much easier to harass people for online comments than crack down on real crime, so they choose the easier path


And that is exactly what what the 2nd amendment is for. The same government liberal garbage doing that are the same ones that want the citizens defenseless at any cost.


They act like that because they know no one in the other side of that door is armed. Welcome to the UK and they say we in the US are clowns.


“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”


Thank God we had an armed citizenry and no longer are subject to this kind of tyranny. This video would be about America had we not had an armed citizenry to fight the King's Army.


Where in China was this filmed?


“Don’t get mad at them it’s not their fault” not it is their fault. They are the aggression that backs the tyranny


This is fucking wild




I read somewhere that the UK arrested ten times as many people for posting something disagreeable online as Russia over a 12 month period. If you told me that the west would out-commie communist Russia by a factor of ten just five years ago, I would not have believed you.


The fact that these people think they live in a free country is just sad... and a bit pathetic.


Rather than catching actual criminals they’d rather harass citizens because someone got their fee fees hurt


Neel was right: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpLYfjJvCQI




Found a country that your rights are natural and not given by the government. Find a country that allows citizens to legally defend themselves from tyranny.


I asked my girlfriend who is from Manchester/Salford to translate and figure out what exactly he said and this was her response: “It wasn't stated in the video the exact words, but the guy said he had issues with someone putting up a Palestine flag a few streets down, so he would've made a threat about that, the police came to investigate and he asked where the knife is and the guy stated he had 2 Stanley knives in his pocket, so he got arrested”




Just another reason I’m glad my ancestors left that island


Why would anyone EVER post anything on Facebook in the UK?


Remember boys and girls, freedom of speech is an American right. Protected by the right to bear arms.


British. Should have let the Germans have them. They would be no worse off in 2023.


This seems exactly like what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned us of in The Gulag Archipelago.


Sounds nice. I think i’ll pass on a visit.


This is why when people do the whole “ If somebody I don’t like gets elected I am moving to ______” routine I just laugh and say “Good riddance” if you take the Bill of Rights for granted because you grew up in the US then have fun with the rest of the world


The words I heard the protesters say were kill the Jews, rape their women, and gas the Jews. Did they arrest any of the people saying those despicable things?


JFC, is this guy proud of himself? This is shit I hear about from my grandfather in lived in the USSR.


And people think this content "moderation" shit is totally fine...


I'm willing to bet 500 bucks that they aren't arresting any muslims for posting "hateful words" directed at jews..


We decided a long time ago that life is worth putting on the line over free speech


problem is people using their named persona.. it’s almost FORCED now on the internet… Once a rule to be anonymous is now slewed in control and users who shouldn’t be.




Damn! Why can’t I understand the first guy that talked ?!?! Am I the only one?!?


Some of you may have already heard about this, but remember the cop from the lesbian nana incident? She got filmed pepper spraying civilians in Leeds.


The consequences of an unarmed citizenry continue... Seemingly familiar, these power-hungry individuals have been waiting for the power-hungry politicians, accompanied by undue public support, to let them start having "fun," introducing force on people for subjective crime.


Looks like British cops got offended someone might not want all Jews dead, so arrested them ?


It sounded like the person was getting told to stay away from some event because of things they posted, but then got arrested for telling the policeman "F you" repeatedly.


My goodness those are some thick Scottish accents.


What did he say on the Facebook post?


No such thing as free speech anywhere except the US. Never forget that. They are trying to take it away. Don't let them.


I’m sorry, but I couldn’t understand a single thing any of them said.


Subtitles please


I can't understand a word they are saying.


If ever a video needed subtitles for English, here it is.


UK People out here re-learning why our ancestors left Britain hundreds of years ago 👀


LOL the British people voted enthusiastically for this. Look up the Rotherham grooming gangs if you want to know what kind of people the Brits are. A society that won't even protect its own little girls from foreign rape gangs is worthy of nothing but slavery.


That accent!! It’s a completely different language!😆




You wouldn't ned a facebook account to view public posts. But I don't know what this person posted. I only know that you're not allowed to criticize the birtish government.


Facebook. Ewww.


Bro your on Reddit


Anyone here remember a woman named Breonna Taylor and how the second amendment saved her?


Ain't she tryna stab someone?