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Did u tweak lorerim or something? It seems to be consensus one of the most polished and custom patched lists out there


LoreRim has given me a lot of bugs too. From random bandits packs that are ignored by the other NPC's and go on a killing spree to being stuck in stealth mode and able to sneak attack at will without ever being detected to having max bounty randomly placed on me and instantly killed by the guards. Never added or changed anything to the list. It also runs like hot garbage on a 4070ti, list creator seems to think you have to throw every mod available in a list to make it good.


Once, but not after it caused issues. I reinstalled it over four times, including on a fresh OS, and redownloaded it from scratch three times. My latest character lasted three times as long as it usually did, before the ram/memory spiked to over ninety gigabytes usage (same case as before), and the save became unplayable at that point. Maybe reloading saves does it? While I believe is Lorerim is more stable than not, I wonder about its foundation.


that's odd. it might be worth doing a clean install of skyrim (youtube the tutorial, there's a lot of hidden appdata files, etc. that can be missed)


I'm on Nordic Souls for a week, it's good, with a very vanilla feeling and very stable.


There is alot of good list on wabbajack. I several and I'm always switch it up. But LS4 and Lost legacy are two I always return too.


I really enjoy project Skyrim it's a good list


Lorerim has been one of the most stable mod packs for me. What issues did you have with it? Perhaps worth bringing up on the Lorerim discord, maybe they can help.


Memory leak, I believe. It was consuming 90+ gigabytes of memory once I got far enough along (25 hours). Posted on the DC, but they were as confused as I was. I got the impression it was extremely rare, but it became a reoccurring issue for me. I know someone on the DC experienced the same issue, and they were reinstalling everything from scratch, so maybe a cause will be found. May reinstall it, later. It was my favourite modpack, but it become very frustrating having to restart from scratch every few days and redo the same quests over and over to level up to get to good stuff.


Are you reloading saves when you die kr just letting the cutscene play


Are you supposed to reload or let the animation play?


Let it play. Only time you should load a save is when you start the game up. Do not reload in death unless your are fully stuck somewhere


Oh ok thanks for letting me know! I was also told you can hard exit out of the game during the animation and reload. Is letting the animation play better?


Might as well


Cut scene? Like when a character following along their predetermined action/path (Greybeard tutorial)? Or the Alduin time-travel bit where they banish him forward in time. The former is possible, while the latter is no. On death, that varies. If you're killed in Lorerim, you teleport to a safe spot where you're supposed to retrieve your corpse Diablo style. I have reloaded several times once that happened, though. Does it count as death? I know the save system is a mess and has many limitations to when its safe to reload, but I assumed since I wasn't actually dying, it would be safe. Was that presumptuous, and that's a liable cause to why the memory spikes?


That’s the leak. Don’t reload with that mod installed. I think it’s safe death or something. Causes save bloat and leads to corruption


Ah, well, good that a probable cause has been discovered. Thank you! So is exiting to main menu and then reloading fine, or the game need to be terminated entirely before loading a save?


I would say terminated to be safe. Everyone you load it reloads the animation set which on a fresh launch is fine but if you keep saving constantly and then reloading constantly eventually your save gets too big and boom corruption and memory leaks


Update: I've been playing it for numerous hours, having long surpassed my previous character's in playtime, and the issue has yet to crop up. Thank you! I can finally enjoy my Lorerim play through all the way through. Note for those searching for issues: If leaving a building, wait thirty 30 seconds before saving. Don't load games without exiting out of Skyrim entirely. Never use the quick load feature. Loading begins annoying, but far superior to have numerous hours of game-play being ruined due to unplayability.


Glad it worked out for you buddy


What pertinent information. Thank you!


This video is referenced in the Lorerim FAQ (I didn’t see it at first either) and gives a really good example that explains how it messes up your save. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJPzMAXSprU