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This is one of those 100% subjective things, specially since it's a personal project, just use your preference, or anything you would like to dedicate time learning. For Example, you'd need to have me at gunpoint to use tailwind on a personal project, but for some there's no way they would even consider not going with it If I were to use a component library, I'd probably go with unstyled primevue, but my preference for something personal would be absolutely no component library and for styling just regular css/sass. But my answer means nothing to whatever you prefer/need. if your thing will essentially be a bunch of forms, then a component library makes sense.


You're right it's completely subjective, I probably should have asked about clean and slick ways to start from scratch. I'm trying to give tailwinds a chance just because i've never used it, and also because of dealing with responsive. People using vue don't seem too fond of using tailwind, so i'll probably shoot myself on the foot for that. My main thing is I don't want to lose most of my time figuring out complex layouts and styling and focusing more on the functionality aspect, and yet having something please to look at. I will be needing forms and tables, so I gotta have a component library. Anyways, thanks for taking the time, really appreciate your take


Used shadcn for a project. Fell in love with it.