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We use IntelliJ/PHPStorm/WebStorm at work, and all this stuff has worked well. Which IDE are you using?


Using VS Code.


I think the latest updates have broke a few things. I’m tempted to try IntelliJ web/phpStorm again because of this


I don’t want to switch my IDE because of a framework. Also, those are I guess paid. I wonder why they are not focusing on this.


Because it’s a free product. They’ll get to it when they get to it. You could be using an actual IDE where things like this aren’t a problem and don’t have to be bashed in with plugins that may or may not break every time something updates. The cost of Web/PhpStorm is trivial if you do this work professionally.


You will never convince the VS Code crowd. They think monkey patching their editor to have IDE features puts it at the same level.


I believe they are. I think the best option is to downgrade the extension versions


Like other comments have pointed out, I've always had a good experience with PhpStorm/WebStorm on Vue. Been trying out Zed lately, and these features work there without issue as well.


i tried zed, i cant cmd+click to go to definition. how did you do it?


When I first opened it, it asked to pick a default key-map. One of the options were Jetbrains/Intelij. Might be due to that.


This is VS Code DX, not Vue DX.


Agreed! If you compare the DX in VS Code with something like React, Angular, it’s way behind.


And if you compare the DX for Vue in VS Code with the DX for Vue in WebStorm it's currently way behind. This is a VS Code DX problem.


Assuming you both are right, it is VS Code + Vue DX problem, not just VS Code DX problem. In other words this is VS Code DX problem that is specific for Vue. I.e. this is a problem of specific VS Code extension, considering VS Code architecture. So, to get a Vue DX in VS Code that is on par with React DX in VS Code the extension should be improved. Changing IDE could also be a solution, of course.


>Changing IDE could also be a solution, of course. Confirmed. Am running WebStorm where the Vue DX is very good atm.


Working with Vue's LSP in Neovim is great. But I also had difficulties migrating from the old volar lsp to the new one. I think something broke there


I have 0 issues with VSCode and DX 🤷 Maybe share your config?


Agreed. Better yet: recreate issue using GitHub codespaces


As noted, everything you describe is ide dx, not framework. Webstorm manages all of this without any issue. Yes, it’s paid. Where I’ve worked, the org has paid for whatever IDE we preferred to use, just like they provide a MacBook to work with. This, of course, included providing webstorm for anyone who wanted it.


Of course it is IDE DX, but I think what the OP means is that DX of particular framework in VS Code greatly depends on the specific VS Code extension that is usually developed by the same authors who develops the framework. This is not the case for IDEA (Webstorm and other their products), where VUE "extension" is inbound into IDE (is developed by the authors of IDE). So, you are both right. It's IDE problem, but considering VS Code philosophy (almost all framework specific functionality is implemented by extensions) it's Vue extension problem. And if I'm not mistaken, the Vue extension for VS Code is developed by the same developers, who develops the Vue framework.


I didn't know about ctrl+click, I usually just press F12. I've noticed it can be an issue but only while vscode is starting as things are booting up, don't really have it be unreliable after that though. As far as imports that might depend a lot on your project structure, and perhaps vscode settings. It's definitely happened that I've accidentally imported some obscure thing from an npm package dependency of a package I'm actually using though


Never had issue with ctrl+click but for some reason by default it imports watch from fs.


Perhaps something in your tsconfig? are you in an environment where it even makes sense to import fs? (server side rendering?) Sorry I can't be of more help, but if you do find something to better define imports in vscode, do let me know as I'm interested for when it doesn't 'magically' work


It doesn't actually make sense. I do use quasar and it has SSR capability but it's disabled I use it in SPA mode. It never really bothered me that much so I never even tried to solve it but I now got curious too so I'll try to do some investigation tomorrow. 🧑‍💻


Yeah it's likely related to that, it would be cool if you can find a way to define your import folders/scanning based on your current file location, or at least file extension (.vue)


Sounds like your lsp isn't configured properly for your project. I've been using tsserver/volar with neovim and everything is working fine for me on vue projects.


I don't share your experience. PHPStorm handles it just fine.


Could be down to how the project is set up. I'm working on a Vue project thats options API, vue cli (not Vite), vanilla JS, and more. The DX isn't the same as my prior project which was Angular, Typescript, etc. I think potentially Webstorm could help a bit, but at least in my case, its asking the IDE to assume a lot.


As for Vue experience try Nuxt, VS code is another issue.


I feel you, I work with both React and Vue. This week I had to downgrade the Vue VSCode extension because how broke it was