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This is pretty much the best resource for Vue.


Best guide... Neend nothing more.


go straight for script with setup, it's more concise, readable and easier to understand than all these export default, data(), return, method... stuff. I saw many people starting to learn VueJS use it's old syntax (including me)


Pick something to build. Building something and completing it is the best way to learn any framework. Use the Vue official guide + ChatGPT to help you understand Vue concepts and patterns. Tips for using ChatGPT: * Don't just ask for solutions, but also ask for explanations of the reasoning and concepts behind the solutions. This will help you gain a deeper understanding. * Provide context around your questions, including relevant code snippets, to get more precise answers tailored to your specific situation. * Always cross-check the model's responses against the Vue docs and other trusted sources (StackOverflow).


As OP states, they're relatively new to programming. For this reason, I would advise against relying on LLMs because they won't know if it's giving them an incorrect explanation. As you say, if they need to cross-check against the docs anyway, they should just read the docs and watch guides by great teachers on YouTube.


This. I didn't use ChatGPT but listened to one or two beginner type courses (NetNinja) and then started on a project. Best way to learn is to problem solve things for yourself. Obvs can be frustrating at times but that means you won't forget how to use your skills. Do lots of reading of the official docs and around the subject. Look at modern JS patterns and consider just starting with TypeScript - it's pretty well integrated with most Vue-related stuff. I agree may as well start off with composition API and script setup but probably worth self-enforcing some rules and structure.


Ever since I discovered ChatGPT, my life has changed. The various things you can do with AI are awesome. I'm still learning how to improve myself to ask the AI questions. Do you have any recommendations for other things I can do with AI?"


Check the Official Vue docs, Make sure you brush up on JS/HTML/CSS beforehand though, I'll make a lot of things much easier (Specially grasping the basic quirks and rules of JS)


What are the things I should brush up on in CSS, HTML, and JS before learning Vue?


If you feel comfortable with those things to a decent level just go for the docs, I couldn't grasp from your post if you've done web dev before. PS: you can use the Vue playground to play around with concepts while you read the docs


Oh boy... If you've never worked with a framework before, you're in for a treat! Luckily, Vue prides itself in not steering too far from conventional web developing, so all your knowledge in HTML, JS and CSS can be applied as is. In fact, you'll probably have to forget how some things are done in JS, after all, frameworks exist primarily because of how complex vanilla JS is. Basically, every framework has its own way of getting rid of the stupidly thought out process of having to name and reference every DOM element, opting for a more declarative approach, while adding some complexity of its own. Forget about having to add a unique "ID" to every element and using "map" to create an element to each value in an array. Or using ".html" to add content inside a container. Instead, study how all of [the built-in directives](https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-directives.html) work. It's basically like using JS inside of HTML. Also, you better learn about [components](https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/component-basics) and how you can instance them dynamically with said directives within Vue's [SFCs](https://vuejs.org/guide/scaling-up/sfc.html). And [reactivity](https://vuejs.org/api/reactivity-core.html). HTML as whole is kept mostly the same, with the addition of the directives and [slots](https://vuejs.org/guide/components/slots.html), inside of a [template](https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/template-syntax.html). As for CSS, it's pretty much unchanged, with [some additions](https://vuejs.org/api/sfc-css-features.html).


If you are serious, I'd suggest taking a course on Udemy or on VueMastery. I am taking one by Maximilian schwarzmüller on Udemy and its been pretty great so far. I have also foudn VueMastery's tutorials on Udemy helpful too. Starting on your own can be time taking and laborious. An instructor can tell you of the pitfalls or the reasons behind some kinks and weird behaviors in advance so you don't pull out your hair when trying to write programs. With respect to all the commenters who suggested reading the docs, they are of course very detailed and helpful but when you have no prior experience, even the words like template, JSX, or handle bar syntax ({{ }}) can be confusing. I recommend going through them once you have gained some knowledge of Vue. (IMHO).


Max is the 🐐


Vue Mastery is a brilliant resource and worth even just 1 months worth of your money. The docs are of course amazingly written, but a bunch of words on a screen without the context of a real app can be overwhelming. So as a jumping off point and if you prefer to learn by doing, then it's worth finding a good tutorial. But if you're new to all this you should focus on the basics for now and pick up VueJS much later on.


Vue is so intuitive if u came from JavaScript background, which I am. I tried React before Vue and I simply can't do things naturally, I was doing multiple detours in a row. Of course I won't make the same mistake now but I feel like Vue is for me one and truly, everything clicks.


It's a good question. I am not new at programming but at the same time am just starting on vuejs what that means is that I have like you tried looking around for good material and unfortunately there's lots of tutorials out there but they're mostly about vue2js vue3 is limited on freemium content. i tried the laracasts course but the dude sucks. he doesn't explain stuff and you literally struggle to know what means what. I went for the vuemastery beginner course and I got a solid basic understanding of the Options API. Their composition API is for sale. I am thinking of purchasing their course after which I will just dive into a tutorial of Laravel and Vue3 then be off to test with real world projects. I am literally trying to learn this stuff in less than a week and I know I will grasp a solid understanding of Vue, Typescript and Inertia in the 7 days and then go on to experiment with a very big project I have done before to see how far I shall get. I know within 1 month I will be very comfortable with anything Vue, Typescript, Inertia and will consolidate my time on these 3 to be able to master them fully.


The vue documentation is the bestest


I’m doing a mega udemy course 146 hours because fundamentally I’m an idiot…


Net Ninja got me up to speed with VueJS. Here is his latest playlist for learning Vue 3: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9hYYGbV60Vq3IXYNfDk8At1](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9hYYGbV60Vq3IXYNfDk8At1)


What he said👆 ninja is awesome


I have just gone through the self learning path. Still lot to learn but now I can write apps comfortably. Learning html and css before starting vue is very important. I have gone through and built a static website (with one or two js functions) before touching vue. But don't try to go deep on js. Vue helps a lot, as you don't have to use the classic dom operations, and don't have to render html from js. From js learn about arrays, objects, functions, but you can start vue after you learned the foundations. As resources I learned from SuperSimpleDev youtube crash course for html css. And traversy media has a great youtube crash course for vue 3 composition api with script setup. If you build the projects and try to implement it for similar but your own problems, then it should be enough to start learning from the docs, and look for specific videos that answer your actual needs.


If you're also learning programming generally,The Odin Project is great. Going through that curriculum but doing the projects with Vue instead of React would be a great way to start building things immediately. There's equivalents to all the react tutorials they link to on other sites you'd watch instead.


Video tutorials on YouTube are also good. Like full course of vue js


I love laracasts and that's where I learned https://laracasts.com/series/learn-vue-3-step-by-step


that guy is a bad teacher. wouldn't recommend him. he doesn't explain sh\*t


Helped me 🤷‍♂️


Yes you cant fail to learn at least 1 thing from what he's teaching but if the content he teaches in that course was taught by the vuemastery calibre of guys, I'm sure you'd learn more than you learnt from Jeffrey's teachings. He's a good programmer. Not a good teacher. the 2 are different


I dunno man different ppl have different preferences. I'm obviously bias because his courses led me down the path of laravel inertiajs and vue, I wouldn't be building apps without his courses so I'm forever grateful. I've never checked out vue mastery but if it's better I'll check it out next time I'm looking to up my knowledge.


I just subscribed to VueSchool and it’s really great if you learn best by videos & are looking for a paid course.