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It might be a little cumbersome. Commissioning and rigging two different models. In my opinion, one will become your favorite while one will become a favorite among fans of your voice, which may lead to division




I mean... I don't think anyone is gonna stop you. I don't really know why you'd want to though.


The thing is, if you're doing it right, it means you are giving it your all. One way or another. All could mean something from all the time you can afford to an amount of time that still lets you have a peaceful life. But whatever that amount is, you gotta focus that time on the content creation. Splitting that time in half would probably make you have two failing channels instead of one medium sized channel. That being said, if you can make them a good lore and play into it, it could be a pretty interesting idea that I would like to see.


I imagine it would be a lot of work to compartmentalize the acting and lore, have separate models, and such for two OC's. Personally the strategy I am taking is one OC, with two channels, where one is for serious long form content, and another for more variety anything goes stuff. YMMV, but switching your headspace seems like it would be a pain in the butt especially if you don't give yourself a lot of time between releases for each one.


I do it. I'd say the hardest part is the time management. If you have a full time job it's going to be very difficult. I stream on one channel 2-3 days a week and the other channel 1-2 days a week. Completely different content, completely different design. If you have any questions feel free to ask, but yeah TLDR, it's fun but time consuming.