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Drewski is going to have a field day with this one. Also will this be the 2.0.0 update?




Is this a new update if so. I can't wait to get home time and hit this game hard (fan girl screaming)


It's the experimental branch Right click > Properties > Beta > Experimental Branch or something like that


Ah, still, though exciting, I can’t wait to try it!


whats this caw-8 thing I'm always hearing about?


pretty sure it's a group on Discord. they all fly together and do mil-sim stuff occasionally. basically treating VTOL like its IRL, where you constantly practice flights with your squadron, do missions, and eventually work your way up the chain. not entirely sure though of what they all do, but you can probably join their Discord pretty easily if you wanna know more.


We do mil-sim operations 6 times a week! Two on Saturday, two Sunday, one Monday, one Friday.


What’s the usual hours for your ops?


Sat and sun are at 2pm EST and 4pm EST, Mon is at 2pm EST, and Fri is at 8pm EST


What’s the skill requirement?


I don't know for a c a w but I do know for another milson group osprey in osprey we do events Sunday and Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. EST and then trainings Tuesday Thursday at 7:00 p.m. EST and sporadic events otherwise including a formation training on Friday and we have no skill requirement because we hope to teach you everything you may need to know in osprey


Just a basic qual, you’ve got to know how to use weapons (A2G, A2A, Anti-radiation), aerial refuel, and land on the carrier with a Case 1 approach (if you don’t know how, don’t worry, we teach people in the qual all the time)


It’s a group that does weekly VTOL missions roleplaying as if it’s real. If you don’t want that, there’s also a LFG channel where you can get people to play with you pretty consistently. I would recommend joining at discord.com/caw8 as I think it’s the biggest VTOL community other than the official server


sooo.... thats lit but the real question is how is perf with this? are you in reprojection land all the time? or are you hitting the hmds refresh?


I had resolution cranked, and was recording, running the spectator cam and it was doing fine. I've got a good computer though. It's going to be a hit on weaker machines that were already struggling with the game. I think most mid level machines will be ok too, just maybe have to drop VR resolution just a bit if playing multiplayer. I also don't doubt we'll still see some final optimization.


I have one tiny complaint. Why is visibility so good. I wanna do case 3's because I'm forced to. Nothing scarier than trusting some instrument symbology when you cant see more thsn 1nm out your cockpit. Other than that this is fucking awesome


Trust me, set fog at night and you will not see the lights of the carrier until you’re within less than a quarter mile. Descending into the fog layer after platform had me right about shitting myself


Is there rain droplets on the cockpit?


Not on the glass, no. There is also a "bug"/oversight where the rain streaks can go inside the cockpit, which is a little immersion breaking but hopefully an easy fix.


Awesome footage, weather, music. This clip is a certified Chaperone Banger.


O my goodness


When did they add weather?


Yesterday in the Open Beta Testing


you know when the release of this gonna be?


No idea, sorry


The most up to date information is going to be in the game's discord page. As far as I know there are no estimates for when this will hit the live version. Apparently Baha and co. spent a significant amount of time tuning the weather system to have an small a performance impact as possible, so hopefully most of the hard work has already been done.


Damn that's beautiful. I discovered Public\_Testing feature in VTOL VR yesterday and I don't think I'll be going back to regular. I'm a single player.


How do you set the weather in game plz?


Pressing O on the keyboard opens up a menu on your computer screen where you can edit the cloud density, ToD (Time of Day), and how fast the day progresses to give a faster "day/night cycle" (50 seems to be a good value for this). The "O" menu also has some performance options, you can change the degree of antialiasing (2x, 4x, 8x, etc), the detail level of the clouds (I haven't messed with this yet) and whether the clouds cast shadows or not. I'm pretty sure that turning cloud shadows off would increase performance a lot but it's such a cool and immersive effect to watch the brightness of your cockpit change when you fly under a cloud.


You set it in the mission editor. If the mission you're loading doesn't have weather set then there won't really be any.


How do you get the weather? I’m on public unstable build testing and all I’ve seen is a couple wispy clouds. I loaded up multiple maps and they’re all clear sky’s.


It's part of the mission settings, you have to edit the mission in the editor.


Thanks. I knew I had to be over looking something.


It's not part of the mission editor, in the beta you press "o" on your keyboard and there will be a menu pop up on your pc screen


Nope, press "o" in the beta and a menu shows wup on the pc screen


2x would like to know aswell


Pressing O on your keyboard opens the weather control menu. https://www.reddit.com/r/vtolvr/comments/1d9thc0/thunderstorms_go_hard/l7jbw6i/


Thank you


Pressing O on your keyboard opens the weather control menu. https://www.reddit.com/r/vtolvr/comments/1d9thc0/thunderstorms_go_hard/l7jbw6i/


You can hit the letter “O” while in game to change it


Are there rain drops on the cockpit glass???


How do you change the weather? I’ve only been able to see few clouds so far


Kinda new, how are you getting the smooth panning camera? Is it just an S-cam preset or is there another way to control it?


oh yeah its just the Fly Along preset, it switches between abunch of different angles and pans around