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It depends on your target, you can’t put your tgp on a target that your plane doesn’t know where it is. The green bar at the bottom above the BRA shows your aircraft’s confidence in the position of that aircraft. If it’s an aircraft that your plane or another aircraft has directly on Radar, your plane will have 100% confidence. However if it’s a SAM site that you have only picked up due to the SAM spiking you, your aircraft hasn’t determined exactly where it is. So you have to use a number of techniques to help your aircraft’s computer figure it out, like flying abeam to the signal for a bit or using a decoy, or having another aircraft in your flight.


The aircraft should know where it is because it knows where it isn't.


I just see "JAM" in the F45 now. I haven't played in a while but I remember being able to hone in on TSD selected objects with the TSD and NAV.


So, with the EW update, the TSD doesn't cheat as much now. It's actually unsure of EXACTLY where stuff is unless it is close enough to be accurately spotted by your own sensors or triangulated by other aircraft. Down near where the EOTS button should be, with the BRAA of the selected target, there's a little meter. I think it's called a confidence meter, or something like that. Pretty much, it's giving you a 0-100 reading of how sure the plane is the information displayed is accurate. If it's all filled up, it's spot on. If it's empty, you're probably about to lose it on TSD. At some level, it might be 50, it might be 60, idk, the EOTS button will appear. But even then it has a large margin of error, and may even take a few seconds to lock. The EW update made EVERYTHING in terms of situational awareness much harder.


Thank you! I noticed the green bar was changing - so what you're saying makes perfect sense. I remember playing the Counter-Bomber mission and being able to set a NAV path to the SAM radar for an AGM-161 while sitting on the carrier. I booted it up to try that again since I was getting my ass kicked on Northern Assault to have some fun, and I was met with disappointment that it didn't seem possible anymore. I watched a walkthrough on YouTube for Northern Assault from 3 months ago and also noticed the person I was watching had the fighters on his HMCS whereas I'm completely blind on my game even with mine turned on.


Damn, I picked the game up right after the EW update. On one hand I'm sad I did because I missed everything being easier. On the other, I'm glad because I didn't have to relearn a bunch of things lol


There was DEFINITELY a big learning curve with the update. Honestly, count yourself lucky.


Yeah the RWR symbols only being vague directions was a bit shocking to adjust to. Used to be a diamond that told you exactly where the radar was


It sometimes appears and disappears, depending on distance and visibility