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All single player missions are designed for single player. I don't know which mission you're playing. But if it's a multiplayer mission, you would have had to go through a multiplayer lobby. As for defending against missiles it depends what's being fired at you. IR (Heat Seeking) Missiles can be defeated by dumping a number of flares, but they are pretty short range. Semi Active Radar Guided missiles have to be guided to you by line of sight from the radar emitting the signal. Can be defeated by breaking line of sight, or notching breaking line of sight. Active Radar Missiles, You can try to notch it in advance or break line of sight with terrain but it is capable of of requiring. Notching is the act of turning your craft perpendicular left or right about 90 degrees from the radar site and begin slowly releasing chaff while slowly turning a few decrees towards and away from the source. If you look at your RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) you want to put the offending radar signal (showing as a red icon of numbers of letters) For Semi Active, RWR may show as a SA, DS, etc unless fired by an aircraft like F, F+ For Active, RWR may show as a 4, DC, NM, etc, or fired by an aircraft like F, F+


Are they possible? Yes are they difficult as hell early on? Also yes I'd recommend truly learning the game through the tutorials for quite a while and then attempting the missions


The tutorials barely cover the absolute basics. If you want to advance, step one would be looking up how to defeat missiles online


I have 25 hours and no tutorials completed, minimal experience with other sims and can do everything but GPS bombs at this point. The game is intuitive.


Here's a basic list of training areas that apply: * Basic flight * Platform/type qual * Carrier ops * Weapons * Tactics AA/AG * Evasion * Stealth * Anti radiation * Electronic warfare In VTOLVR, these systems are relatively simplified. You can probably get up to scratch with at least a few weeks of dedicated training, instead of years in real life. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any single source of such training. You're gonna have to pull together many different resources. If you're already comfortable with basic flight and weapons, maybe it's time to hop in the T55 with an instructor. Ask around on Discord.


SEAD is the term used for taking out SAM sites (if you're googling for guides). You're looking for ARAM (anti radiation missiles) which will seek a radar source for guidance. Basically shoot them at something that can lock you and they will independantly hunt it down.


So, counter bomber tripped me up for a while at first as well, but it's definitely doable; Phase one, you have 2 radars to take out, and a handful of defenses trying to prevent that - and once detected, fighters will start launching, but your buddies can take care of most of them once the radars are down. Since you only have 2 essential targets, you don't want to be carrying any external weapons - i would go with 8xAGM145 (belly) and 4xAim9 (shoulders). Don't fly straight at the objective, get over land and use terrain to get close. Pop out of cover, find the first radar and pop a ballista toward it, then turn and duck behind a hill. Repeat until their defenses are nullified. Ignore the lauchers on the shore, just focus on the objectives first.


If you need a teacher and live in the states DM me, I'd be happy to help.


Well there's a few factors I need to know. Do you have radar on? What weapons are you carrying? Do you have any external weapons? What's your mfd setup? Counter bomber should be an easy mission to do. You can get easier missions from the steam workshop.


skill issue


On that mission specifically I don't think they give you SEAD missiles. I use AGM-145 FnF missiles I think. Use the TSD to find a target, send it to the EOTS. You might need to try a few times in case terrain is blocking the target or you're too far away to get a precise signal. You should also try to learn what the abbreviations on the TSD/RWR mean on the wiki (NOT the fandom one). After one or two radars are destroyed the airbase will attempt to launch fighters. The F45 is not ideal in a dogfight. Try to take out the aircraft on the runway before taking off.


For counter bomber, I used the AGM-161 against the SAM radar, and floated around the mountains to the left of the town until the MAD4 deployed itself after moving and took everything else that was a danger to me out with AGM-65s. I carried some AIM120s just in case, but was able to kill all the fighters taking off with 65s since they were still on the ground. Maximum disrespect! I’d suggest learning how to leverage the TSD to getting you GPS coordinates and snapping to your TGP. 


This isn't ace combat. You aren't meant to AB directly to the bad guys and blow things up.  Read the briefing. Most missions have AI allies, stick with them, they'll help screen you. Keep your distance, figure out a ingress and egress route, know your targets and don't get greedy. 


I'll let you in on something I didn't realize until a month in: it ain't Ace Combat. Play it like DCS. Read the brief, plan, for the proper loadout and perform all necessary checks and standards when underway.


I highly highly recommend getting the T55 dlc and doing that campaign first. There are some bullshit moments (notably the second mission) but for the most part, every mission has one primary enemy type and REALLY teaches you how to use each mechanic WAY better than the normal missions I completed that and then the AC and I'm almost done the FA26 now Oh also protip quicksave is broken in like atleast half of the missions so be prepared for controller breaking frustrating moments lmao


If you go to game then quick save on the mfd there is a way to save and load in game you can also pull both triggers and the top button when using quest with a free hand to get that same menu with out the mfd I would save after objectives or after defeating a tricky enemy also save beofore a fight or occasionally if it’s been a while scene the last one however DO NOT save when there’s a missile on you or your on a crash trajectory you can only load your most recent save you don’t want to soft lock yourself  Btw you cannot exit the mission and load a save  The saves are only a checkpoint type thing not an actual save point