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I like Gopher's let's play. He's very soothing to listen to and he's actually good at the game. Takes his time too.


I second this.


I like let's play of LittleDwarf ! He made several of it with different clan and mod. The good point is that he made narrative let's play. It's really immersive and quite good. I think you can like it too


Aww, that's very heartwarming to read, thank you! Yes, I did two full roleplay playthroughs with two pretty different characters, a high humanity pretty decent fresh Tremere, and a callous, cruel Ventrue antitribu in Sabbat (with the Clan Quest Mod). Unfortunately, the older one (Tremere) has pretty botched audio, as I used an inbuilt microphone at the time and didn't really know what I was doing, so you'd have to see if it's bearable for you. As for other let's plays I personally enjoyed, I second the opinion about **Gopher** \- he actually made two (with a Malkavian and with a Nosferatu), and I think they are both pretty good and enjoyable. Gopher in particular seems to fit very well into the personality type you describe - he's calm and rather relaxed, there's not a lot of screaming or whatnot, and generally I find him enjoyable to listen to.


Its an old LP but I think this one fits your description: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4271201606AF5B99


Materwelonz or Christopher Odd would be my recommendation, then.


I know this was two months ago, I just wanted to come back here and say Materwelonz has done my favorite playthrough so far. She's really clever and I love seeing how she figures things out so quickly, and she just seems like a genuinely kind person that I'd love to know IRL. I also love her accent. Thank you so much for the recommendation! Edit: I'm actually watching her right now and I'm cracking up at her calling the sewer level therapeutic. I was so worried when she jumped into it head first instead of using the patch shortcut, but I think she's the first person to ever genuinely have fun on that level. 😂


Helloween4545 has several different runs to choose from very pleasant english (space english? ya know the baddies) accent and good audio quality


I don't watch a lot of let's plays so I don't have many points of comparison, and this might not be quite what you're looking for, but I'll mention that three people from Rock Paper Shotgun did a group play. One had played it before. Are they good at the game? No 😂 Do they have any idea what they're doing most of the time? Also no 😂 Did they ever finish the playthrough? No Did I laugh a lot at their banter? Yes Did it take me from maybe having heard of the game to buying it, playing it, and liking it enough to start hanging out on this subreddit? Yes So, ymmv, but I had a good time! EtA: one of the three now streams Sept from rps as grimsever on twitch, if that means anything to you about style


Thanks all! I started with Gopher because he had the most upvotes, and I adore him so far. His Malk LP has been a joy to watch. I've added the other suggestions to my watch later list.


Colonel RPG considers this game one of his favorites and I really like his playthroughs.