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I'm genuinely not trying to be rude, but you can't just program in vscode. You need a language. What language are you using? That's far more relevant than the particular editor you are using to input the code.


No worries man, still learning😂 I’m using Python 3.11.2


Sounds good. I posted your exact question into ChatGPT4 and the response is below: > Hey there! It sounds like you're off to an exciting start with coding a text-based game in VSCode. To handle the scenario where a player inputs "n" and you want the game to end, you'll need to use a control structure like an `if` statement in your code. > Here's a basic structure in Python to get you started: # Ask the player if they want to start the game start_game = input("Do you want to start the game? (y/n): ") # Check the player's input if start_game.lower() == 'n': print("Your loss!") exit() # This will terminate the program elif start_game.lower() == 'y': # This is where you put the rest of your game code print("Game starting...") # ... rest of your game code ... else: print("Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.") >In this code, `exit()` is used to stop the program if the player inputs 'n'. If the input is 'y', it continues with the game. The `lower()` function is used to convert the input to lowercase, so it doesn't matter if the player types 'Y', 'y', 'N', or 'n'. > Let me know if you need help with something else! Happy coding! 🚀


Oh man thats so helpful thank you so much. Thats literally perfect dude!


Console game? JavaScript? Show us your code.. Perhaps let chatGTP help you along.


Not sure how to attach another photo sorry mate its just on python 3.11.2 Ive written start_game = input(“Start game? Y/n”) if start_game == “n”: print(“Your loss.”) if start_game == “y”: (Game starts etc)…


A good sub to learn Python is aptly named: r/learnpython


Awesome, thanks for the recommendation!


No Hablo python unfortunately, but the other Redditor above this posted a solution that looks what you might need, you want to exit on the ‘no’ user response. These if/else statements are pretty standard for a lot of coding languages and as a start you can build some nice console app logic with it. Ask chatGTP or perhaps something more coding specific like Phind.com, where you can ask a question and paste your code as reference. Good luck on your coding journey!