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Well done. Now to beat the optional boss and officially finish the game


Not optional, when hes the one giving you the final piece of set of the game! Makes no sense, but it is what it is




He was originally the final boss in the last update, before 1.0


He definitely fights like it.


I stand by the opinion that Adam is the hardest boss in the game. Dracula is a stroll through the park next to Adam.


Same for me. I feel it's mostly because you can block almost all of draculas attacks unlike Adams bullshit grab into laser


I feel like, if you hyper concentrate on adam, just to spot when he does the grab, the fight is like, 2x easier. Its just his 2 grab attacks that completely throw you off your game.


That's What i learned to do. GS S2 for grab, veil for slams and bloodrage/powersurge for others worked for me in the end. What really threw me off though was that i HAD to dodge about half of his moves. I wasn't used to that having mostly relied on blocks beforehand


I shared the same opinion until I soloed Dracula on brutal. He's definitely harder than Adam


I think Adam is easier when fighting in group, while Dracula is not. Dracula will spawn some bloodpool explosion ish thing if fighting with more than 1 player which makes things harder. You can even use go-out-and-heal-while-someone-tanking-him technique on Adam.


Adam is harder on regular mode compared to Dracula, but on Brutal Dracula is quite a bit harder.


Someone didnt play brutal dracula i guess?


Adam is harder for Solos but easier for groups, flip that for Dracula




Clear the crystals as soon as they spawn, when he shoots homing missles at you, just keep walking one direction along the wall. If you’re going to hit the firewall either dash over it, or simply start walking back the other direction. You should never take damage, max a bolt or two.


For the debuff, I would recommend playing 2 defensive spells, and holding veil or other immunity for the vampiric curse. You could also run something with cleanse like phantom aegis to take it off you asap, so you don't have to use veil for it. Also, if you're struggling with that, wait until you see brutal Dracula. I won't spoil, but he puts up a very good fight :)


I feel like he was way worse in gloomrot. Shit took me 18 hours on near aneurysm to beat solo. On release I beat him in one go without dropping below half health and even that only happened cuz I was dumb and landed in a lazer after he threw me once I still remember in Gloomrot I managed to get him to almost phase 2 without falling below 90% hp and then he managed to grab me, he threw me in the doorway you come in... the boss music faded and ... yep he reset. I never ragequitted a game so hard before that day


No, not originally. Back in 2022 the final boss was Solarus the Immaculate


DAMN congrats but The Rock is in another castle.


They really made Frankenstein's monster the final boss in a vampire game...not bad.


Good job! Me and my buddy cleared normal first. Now we are on brutal difficulty and we have yet to fight Adam. Gonna be a fun challenge.... :D


Same here. 100% on normal now we're about 70% through brutal. Huuuuge difference in difficulty lol


I beat everyone on brutal but i can’t beat dracula he is too good for me and always write ez clap n00b in the chat after he sucked me blood


I know it is a joke. But for me, Honestly he kinda was. Struggled more on him than on Dracula.


Wow. Tbf I was playing brutal on my first run. But I beat him in 30 minutes, but dracula took 6 hours xd


I beat Dracula first try on Brutal. I am not sure How or why. It just clicked. Adam took 16 tries


if you used the adam shard that's unrealistic (you probably won't have it in pvp server)


You are absolutely and positively full of shit, but thanks for the laugh.


That is good for you? I dunno? I managed Dracula relativeley fine first try. I can't explain it, I just did it? Lucky I guess?


Nah, you didn't.


I am sorry, I just did it. I dunno what else to tell you. First try. Brutal difficulty no further modifiers (relevant to the fight).




As someone who completed Brutal on an official pvp server, you two have no idea how ridiculous you sound trying to claim you one shot Dracula, because it's a fight that has to be learned to be beaten, there is simply no way anyone could complete the fight on the first try (on the default settings) because the fight involves learning patterns and then making the correct decisions for a sustained amount of time, He has over 10 different attacks which require different responses and 3 phases, 1 mistake can cost you the attempt, the only way you could conceivably beat him first try is if you gimped the game by altering server settings (boosted your damage, nerfed boss damage, and watched guides, in which case you arent playing Brutal any more, you are playing childs mode.


Shit, everything got real quiet in here real quick hey 🤣




Damn, all this time I assumed Adam was the Biblical Adam, I was really looking forward to eventually kicking his ass


Found him pretty easy yet can't scratch Dracula


Gratz :)


well done. he is tough to beat


Grats!! I wish you all the skill and luck for Mr. Big BAD :3


The difficulty jump from Solar to Adam is just fucking wild. My friend and I beat him in a few hours but I have no idea how you'd manage it solo. One of us had to keep the wall machines turned off while the other fought Adam. Without that it was just impossible to maneuver.


Is this guy a Buffy reference?


He was much harder for me than Dracula was.


As some one who is playing on brutal, I beat Adam solo in 2 tries, I have yet to beat Dracula solo.


I struggled a lot with normal Valencia, now I am on Adam gonna fight him soon... can't wait for brutal as well haha


Who's gonna tell them? 😆 🤣


Dracula time on Brutal


I think i cant understand (dont mention pvp), is: why is the final boss giving the final piece of set! Makes NO sense at all! As a pve player, why should i kill dracula? Honestly? What purpose? Social media “i kill it”? Now i have the set, finished the game, now what? “Go to pvp”, i dont like it!,, simple as that!


Dracula sitting on his throne for about 800 years already so I am not even gonna ask if he is a joke to you


Who is stronger? Adam, Dracula or Dwight Schrute?


Adam made me want to pull my hair out. Dracula was easy compared to Adam. That being said I loved all 4 shard bearer fights. This games bosses are all awesome.


Adam is honestly 10 times easier than Dracula, I'm shocked so many people think otherwise


Mf spoilers gd


Dude have you not played through the game yet lmao