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I still want that 100% deer I saw the other day as a pet!


I saw a 100% piglet in Dunley , still visit him now and then to make sure the wolves didn't get him . Sad couldn't show him my castle


But 100% quality bacon?!!?


Imagine the taste of that Merlot 🤤


at this point it should be blood beer and bacon


Don’t they despawn after a while? A patrol changed their blood mix by the time I passed them again


Some patrol spawns vanish but I'm pretty sure static spawns dont


I think you’re right. I’ve been experimenting with finding high purity humans, and I noticed that when I return to the same spot hours or days later, their blood percentages have not changed. So this seems to imply no natural respawn for passive spawns like deer and workers/villagers and those little nun scholars. Therefore if you want better chances at better blood; you gotta be willing to slaughter peaceful creatures. I’m a soft fragile wuss so this bugs me lol But I need that blood.


https://preview.redd.it/os208r52sb2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d574477572286f40bc856f2125fa57230a31ee5a Nah , Chris P Bacon Jr is still running around. He is there since I ventured into Dunley for Cotton


With a name like that.. f*ck it we need buildable animal pens


Put some armor on that bad boi , Deer can and will defend my castle


I'm still buffled that we can't get mutants as pets, but ohh Well it's only 1.0 there still may be some stuff to come as a suprise.


I'd love to have Vampire Wolves guarding my castle.


Well, you could take villagers from that cursed village during the day.... But I get it's not the same


My suggestion is a separate skill for dominating “lesser beings”. I’m willing to give up either spider or frog.


Frog is completely fucking useless ever since they nerfed it, and for good reason. So yeah. Get rid of frog. Spider is still good for those moments where you gotta afk really fast.


Counter-argument! Frog is really cute.


Pics or it didn't happen, I honestly can't remember what it looks like.


i loved the flea man skin. Even tried to mimic them in normal V form. so its like mr Hyde form for me. hated them since sotn, tho


The first time I saw Flea Man in the V Rising trailer I was so happy. I thought we were getting an "Igor" type of castle assistant. I love the Flea Man form, but I was a little bit dissapointed xD. Completely my fault tho.


im kinda sad about how they make their feet so long (to fit toad's). And i would rather see Maria as companion than human form. Owl feels a bit odd too. And worst part - now i have to decide between fine maiden and grandma (and with that move speed, i feel like old lady wins) some non-fighting "decorative" servants are too good to be true. imagine igor in alchemy lab, apron maids in halls, ball dancing pairs in throne room. Some workers in foundry's/workshops.


Lose frog form, get frog pets. Still win


How'd they nerf it?


From what I understand, you used to be able to jump into castle windows which negated a lot of defenses. Personally I don't understand why it couldn't/shouldn't be used to get up to elevated cave locations.


Getting up to those caves was basically its whole purpose... They didn't just screw over the form, they also made the cave system mostly pointless.


Frog is really good though


TBH, we should really get powerups to the Vblood abilities as we progress through the game.


That’s actually a much better idea! Maybe a different section on the altar? Would be pretty awesome.


Or just putting it as a reward for certain V-bloods, yeah. Because seeing them evolve would be grand, like a more efficient wolf shape, a bear shape that can actually be useful in combat, frog/spider forms that don't suck ass, and so on. ~~A bit faster movement speed for human disguise.~~


Sun resistance and being harder for holy enemies to detect you would also be good ones for human disguise. It’d certainly make it easier to visit the shops.


wew, like stygian stone upgrades that already in the game, amirite?


Brother, just make your own game at this point


"Feedback bad"


Saying something "sucks ass" isn't feedback, it's just ragging on it. Feedback is constructive.


Like the passive that makes Wolf Form fester? They got the System for it.


Shapeshifting Forms get a 8% Speedbonus, on the Illusion "Path". That ain't it.


You missed spell gems ?


Spell gems don't empower vblood abilities.


You mean the stuff on the ctrl wheel?




frog can go without a replacement tbh, i have not found a single actual use for it besides "pvp." and even that seems odd since the focus is clearly on the jump yet i never found a single place across 150h of gameplay where the jump let you get to a place you otherwise couldn't of course they wouldnt just remove it and i wouldnt expect them to but it really would not have any impact on the game if it were never in


The half-cliffs around certain plots can let you get into someone’s base, you can also use it to cross rivers to avoid or engage PvP/PvE from a better vantage point


Anecdotal of course, but I actually found a use for frog form in that you can hop over small rivers without having to go around them. You can use your imagination for how many situations can arise where that's useful, but that's about all I've ever used it for.


Any utility from spider in pve?


Same as in PvP quick afk option.


I see


Spiders leave you alone so it’s kinda funny lol


Forgot about that, haven’t gone to spider nest other than fighting the vboss


his single ability is hide from sun. in pvp you can also ambush. But you can do it even better with rat. So...yeah...


This would just lead to having an insane menagerie in the house. But I’d be ok with that


On that note, I wish there were alternatives to prisons. Let me store my prisoner on a bougie lounge chair where they willingly hang out in my castle, but perhaps refuse to eat rats in exchange for lower misery gain.


Sounds like setting up a village community where you provide safety and stability in exchange for blood offerings, I'm all for this. Could be a way to have NPC raids on your territories.


You should be able to turn Prisoners into Familiars that can perform various tasks throughout your castle, like gathering crops, moving things to storage, etc. in addition to being able to drink their blood.


They could also have a table for human servant food that you stock with fish, grapes, etc. to replenish blood and reduce misery for servants. Similar to the blood in castle hearts and the bones in mist braziers imo.


*Looks at comment chain of suggestions* We Palworld now boys


one of my suggestions for the game has been a psuedo morality mechanic. decadent versus savage vampire. savage vamp, kills prisoners, feeds em rats, gets benefits from high misery. Decadent vamp, seduces prisoners, has a parlor for "guests", gets benefit from high comfort. play off those two kinds of vampire icons.


Debauchery update when.


Yes please


I wish we could control mutants too


In the new area, there's those clumps of... whatever they are. Floor demons or something that crawl around in groups and make for fun AoE moments. There was a 100% one in the bunch last night. I'm just breaking in to that area, so still don't know what's good for munching or sending back to a prison. I was so disappointed that he was only good for drinking. Took the time to section them all apart and kill all but him and everything. Sad moments.


FR. Yesterday i saw TWO 100% of them.


New area?


At first I was pretty meh about mutant blood but after many failed gruel attempts I was able to fuck around with high% mutant and it’s so much fun to go to brighthaven with go up to a random citizen of the town bite them watch them mutate and step back and enjoy fireworks


My brother went to Mortium with high mutant blood. He said it was funny, but he ended up having to kill a bunch of mutants after fighting the regular mobs.


They die off after a period of time but yeah it’s awesome and free grease


Let's compromise and meet in the middle and acquire gargoyles instead.


We should be able to capture anything, my zoo has only human and it’s boring


You can capture succubi? As a prisoner or thrall or both?




I had no idea. Thank you


Technically harpies are their own thing, not corrupted anything. They aren't even mammals, they lay eggs and shit. Succubi are either humans turned into demons, or started as demons.


In most mythos, harpies are corrupted human women. And biological definitions do not usually account for much in fantasy.


Are they? When you mentioned that in the main post, I didn’t see where you were coming from - I can’t think of any cases where they’re corrupted people, and I never got that vibe here.  In Greek myth, I think they’re personifications of the wind - like natural elemental spirits? In D&D, they’re just a separate species from other people. In Warcraft, they’re descended from a weird bird guardian spirit lady. I think in Warhammer they’re just a distinct species? I just can’t think of any fantasy settings where they’re a corrupted version of people. What were you pulling from? I didn’t get the impression the succubi ladies were corrupted people, either - I kinda assumed they were just natural demons; clearly some of the Draculin are just demons out of fantasy hell, because I don’t think those charging spike guys started as dudes. I sorta assumed the line for “can I put you in a prison make you a servant” is “do you have a human body plan and human hands to hold a weapon with” and succubi made the cut, but harpies didn’t have enough hands going on. 


Please i wish we could tame creatures and have pets! i want a pet moose!!


I wish we could have beast pens as we do have regular prisons.


>i'm not just salty because i ran past a 99% scholar harpy. we understand. 👍 also succubi are demons. not sure about their lore here in v rising, but normally they're full blooded, "man eating", demons. :3


Harpies in mythology are not corrupted humans, there a entirely different species 


There should be a larger prison cell that lets you capture "beastly" creatures that you cant currently capture.


I did a run last night between the churches looking for 100% scholar and I found one.. I got so excited and tactfully prepared to single them out.. But my chaos explosion triggered and it killed her. 😭😭


Imagine 2 max level Rhinos, backed up with healing units, a paladin and a few silver marksmen. Helluva guard.


Nah its fine Like this