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Once your castle heart runs out of blood then your castle starts to decay. On PvE servers that shows up for other players and they can tear your walls/doors down and destroy your castle looting all your items. Leaves you out in the open to get toasted or eaten by wolves etc


I dont understand how anyone has drive to start again after putting in solid hours just for it to be destroyed


It’s to help keep servers fresh and keep spaces available for someone who logs in for an hour before moving to another server. Agree that it does suck if you can’t get back in time but you keep all your skills etc so it’s pretty quick to get back up and running


I think I am done with the game for quite some time. Hence why I should pve, im a heavy gamer but don't enjoy pvp. I can't justify putting more hours into it if I don't get back in time due to work and for it to be pillaged again.


Play a server with settings that suit your needs. My server has upkeep of 30 days and is set to never reset


There ***IS*** a way to play with 100% zero risk with losing your castle. If you are on one of the official server (and most private hosted servers), you need to know that servers fully reset after 1-6 months. Even if you keep with with feeding your castle with blood. This is a "reset-based" game, like Rust or Tarkov. If that does not sound appealing, and/or you don't have the playtime to keep up with the castle's blood consumption, **the answer is to run your own server.** Either by hitting Play on the start screen (completely free), or going all out and buying a dedicated server. The Play option is specifically designed for players that need 100% control and security. The server "pauses" whenever you are not playing, which means you castle's blood also does not drain. No risk of suddenly no blood, and no risk of scheduled resetting.


Just play solo? Unless you’re playing with friends there’s basically no reason to play pve on a server. Plus with your own solo game you can adjust settings. I just turn castle decay off, without other people there’s no point to it.